This is Chapter 17 of the book titled The Destiny of Israel and the Twilight of Christianity: In Quest of the Meaning and Significance of the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures, by John Saggio.










Table of Contents

          The Throne, Revelation 4:2-11

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The Ministry of Peter in Lydda and Joppa

At the end of Saul’s first visit to Jerusalem, the disciples learn of the plan of the Hellenistic Jews in Jerusalem to assassinate Saul. In order to avoid further unrest, members of the Messianic Community in Jerusalem lead Saul safely out of the vicinity of Jerusalem to the coastal city of Caesarea. Saul is then left to proceed north through Syria and Cilicia to his home in Tarsus. During this journey, he evangelizes throughout the province of Judea, intentionally avoiding those cities in which existed an ecclesia of Jesus the Messiah (Acts 26:20; Gal. 1:22). His purpose, in accord with the welfare of the Jerusalem saints, is to avoid stirring up any further trouble in the land of Israel.

Away from Jerusalem, Saul is no longer a threat to the welfare of the New Israel of Yahweh centered in Jerusalem. He is able to evangelize Judea, preaching the Gospel of the Circumcision, for at this time he has not yet been commissioned with the Gospel of the Uncircumcision. He only knows that Jesus the Messiah has chosen him to proclaim His Gospel to Israel and the nations, and he would suffer on behalf of the name of Jesus the Messiah. He is still ignorant of what is to be his unique Apostleship to the nations and his unique Gospel addressed to the gentiles, the Gospel of the Uncircumcision.

His departure from Jerusalem and arrival in Tarsus result in the termination of persecution and unrest stirred up by Saul against the Messianic nation of Yahweh in the land of Israel. The Israel of Yahweh throughout Judea, Galilee, and Samaria experiences peace and edification. She continues to draw to herself a multitude of liberated captives as she continues the process of conquering the powers and authorities of Apostate Israel “in the fear of the Lord and the consolation of the holy spirit” (Acts 9:31b CV). Saul’s arrival in Tarsus is followed chronologically by Peter’s arrival in Lydda of Judea. Peter, passing through all Judea, visits the Saints dwelling in Lydda. There, he heals a man named Aeneas who had been paralyzed eight years. Luke then writes,

And all the ones dwelling at Lydda and Sharon who perceived the healed Aeneas turned back to the Lord [Jesus, see v. 17]. (Acts 9:35 my translation)

Lydda and Sharon form the coastal plain between Joppa and Caesarea. As Saul had left Caesarea and the province of Judea, Peter had made his way to this same area. The healing of Aeneas results in the turning back to Jesus of all those perceiving this miraculous healing. These Jews turning back to Jesus are those who earlier had followed Jesus, believing He would save Israel from her enemies. However, after hearing either some of His teachings which had been hard to swallow (see John 6:41-66, especially verses 60-66) or having become disillusioned after his crucifixion, they had left, no longer walking with Him.

When Peter arrives at Lydda, he visits the saints, those who had recently responded to the Gospel of the Messiah concerning His death, resurrection, and ascension. Those unbelieving Jews dwelling in Lydda and the plain of Sharon who had perceived the healing of Aeneas included those earlier followers of Jesus who, though turning away from Jesus, had maintained contact with the Saints in Lydda. The healing power of the Apostle Peter, the Apostle of the Circumcision, convinces them of the truth of the Gospel of the Circumcision. Again, the New Israel of Yahweh continues to conquer the powers and authorities of Apostate Israel, liberating another multitude of captive Jews.

Following the successful liberation of many Jews dwelling in Lydda and the plain of Sharon, Peter is called to Joppa by certain disciples concerned over the death of a righteous saint named Tabitha. This woman had been caring for the poor and needy, fulfilling the righteousness of the law. Luke writes,

This woman was full of good acts and alms which she did. (Acts 9:36b CV)

When Peter arrives, all the widows in the community stand before him lamenting and exhibiting the tunics and garments which Tabitha had made for them. Once again, walking in the midst of His righteous people, Yahweh acts with compassion, wiping away the tears of those poor but faithful disciples of Jesus His Anointed Son (see Rev. 7:17; 21:4). Fulfilling Yahweh’s promise to bless the righteous, Peter’s prayer for the restoration of her life is granted. Tabitha is roused, opening her eyes and standing alongside Peter. Summoning the Saints, Peter presents her alive.

As a result of this powerful deed becoming known along the whole coast of Joppa, many Jews “believed on the Lord [Jesus] (Acts 9:42b CV). Here, once more in her history, the Elohim of Israel had demonstrated His presence among them. The resurrection of Tabitha, for those believing into Jesus the Messiah, is perceived as a sign from Yahweh. The spirit of Yahweh truly has been poured out upon Yahweh’s people. The last days of the Mosaic Eon have arrived. The promised restoration of Israel is imminent. The New Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh, the nation bringing forth the fruit of righteousness and to whom the New Davidic Kingdom has been given (Matt. 21:43), continues to increase in numbers, conquering and liberating many captives previously under the bondage of the authorities and powers of Apostate Israel, the nation forfeiting the New Davidic Kingdom.

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The Significance of the Commissioning of Peter to Cornelius

The Vision Given to Peter

Remaining a considerable number of days in Joppa (Acts 9:43), Peter is strategically stationed by the spirit for his next assignment. Meanwhile, in Caesarea, Cornelius, a devout man fearing Yahweh, the Elohim of Israel, together with his entire house, receives a vision from Yahweh. This uncircumcised gentile, giving many alms on behalf of the circumcised people of Yahweh and praying to Yahweh continually, in a vision is told by a celestial messenger from Yahweh that his prayers and alms have “ascended for a memorial in front of God [Yahweh] (Acts 10:4b CV).

An uncircumcised fearer of Yahweh (a gentile respectfully devoted to Yahweh the Elohim of Israel) is ineligible to become a citizen of the holy nation of Yahweh. Such citizenship required circumcision. Cornelius, thus, must have been praying for acceptance with Yahweh. The time had become ripe for such acceptance with Yahweh apart from circumcision. Cornelius is told to send messengers to Joppa requesting that Peter journey to Caesarea in order to visit Cornelius’s household. He immediately dispatches to Joppa two of his domestic servants and a devout soldier in his personal service who are to request the visitation of Peter.

As these messengers are nearing the city of Joppa, Peter, in prayer on the housetop, also receives a vision while in a state of ecstasy. A large sheet containing a variety of animals constituted unclean under the Mosaic Law is lowered from the heaven to earth. Peter is commanded to sacrifice and eat. Perceiving this as a test of his faithfulness, he defiantly replies he has never eaten anything contaminating and unclean. In response, he is commanded,

What God [Yahweh] cleanses, do not you count contaminating! (Acts 10:15 CV)

Twice more is repeated this command. After which, the sheet is taken back up to heaven. Bewildered, Peter contemplates upon the meaning of this vision. Engrossed in this enigma, the spirit instructs him to go with the three men about to inquire for him, doubting nothing. The spirit speaking as the agent of Yahweh and Jesus assures him, “I have commissioned them” (Acts 10:20b CV). The three men, arriving and being received by Peter, deliver the following message:

Cornelius, a centurion, a man just and God-fearing [respectively honoring Yahweh the Elohim of Israel], besides being attested by the whole nation of the Jews, is apprized by a holy messenger to send after you to come into his house, and to hear declarations from you. (Acts 10:22 CV)

This request on behalf of an uncircumcised gentile would have been totally unexpected and unacceptable prior to Peter’s vision. The Gospel of the Messiah had been proclaimed only to Israel. It had not been intended for the gentiles, the uncircumcised. When Jesus had commissioned His Apostles to disciple all nations (Matt. 28:19), they understood Him to mean disciple all the Jews residing among all the nations of the Roman Empire. This is the intended meaning of Peter’s words to the Jerusalem Jews:

To you first [Jews in Jerusalem and throughout the holy land], God [Yahweh], raising His [invigorating] Boy, commissions Him to bless you by turning away each of you from your wickedness. (Acts 3:26 CV)

The Gospel is to be proclaimed first to the Jews in Jerusalem and throughout Judea, Samaria, and the holy land. Then it would proceed to the Jews outside the land. The gentiles would be blessed only after the salvation of the holy nation, and even then, would be blessed as gentiles, not as members of the Holy Nation. Therefore, the Gospel of the Messiah is addressed to Jews only. Thus, when Jesus had commanded His Apostles to “Go into all the world; herald the evangel to the entire creation” (Mark 16:15 CV), He was understood to mean the world-order of Jews dwelling throughout the provinces of the Roman Empire. They were to proclaim the Gospel to the entire creation, that is, Yahweh’s holy creation, the nation Israel created at Mount Sinai. This nation had been dispersed throughout the Roman Empire.

The proclamation of the Gospel to the gentiles, as the spirit is now directing Peter, had been concealed within the Secret of the Gospel of the Messiah. The Apostles and disciples, therefore, have been faithful in proclaiming the Gospel only to the Jews. But when, now, the spirit directs Peter to go to the household of Cornelius (consisting of uncircumcised gentiles) so they can “hear declarations from you,” (Acts 10:22b CV), something new is being revealed, something shockingly unexpected. Peter begins to make the connection between his vision of unclean animals and the command to declare the message of the Gospel to uncircumcised gentiles.

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The Evangelization of Cornelius and His Household

However, Peter remains bewildered. He obeys the spirit as one commencing a journey into a foreign, unexplored land. Anxiously, though without doubting, he enters the household of Cornelius, together with some of the brethren from Joppa. Cornelius, expecting them on the basis of his faith in the vision given to him by Yahweh, had gathered together his relatives and intimate friends. Here is a man who loves Yahweh the Elohim of Israel. He loves the word of Yahweh, yearning for the salvation promised in the Law and the Prophets. All these God-fearing gentiles eagerly await the arrival of a holy man of Israel, expecting a special blessing. Upon this arrival, Peter is greeted as if he were a celestial messenger from Yahweh. Peter is highly honored, but immediately raises Cornelius up from kneeling before his feet. Only Yahweh is to be worshiped. Peter is only a man, like Cornelius himself.

Peter is overwhelmed by the intensity of the expectation of these uncircumcised gentiles. Once again, he finds himself in a situation in which he must depend upon the spirit to speak the appropriate words (see Matt. 10:19-20). First, however, he reminds these gentiles of what they already know by firsthand experience. It is out of place, according to the traditions of the fathers, for a Jew to join company with or approach for special fellowship a person belonging to a tribe outside the twelve tribes of Israel.

This tradition began as a result of the Babylonian captivity. Its purpose was to prevent Jews from making contaminating contact with the false gods of the nations. It was meant to secure the special, holy identity of Israel in order to avoid the failure to maintain this holiness, this covenantal separation, which failure the nation had experienced under the leadership of its kings who had ruled according to the policies set by the kings of the nations rather than the policies set forth in the Mosaic Law.

This gathered group of gentiles understands Judaism enough to know very well that something very unusual is taking place. For a Jew to place himself in the position of Peter meant ritual defilement, necessitating the Mosaic instructions for proper cleansing. Of course, the Mosaic Law is not responsible for this traditional interpretation of gentile defilement. The Mosaic Law did not forbid such contact with gentiles. Gentile defilement of an Israelite takes place when an Israelite participates in an abominable, abhorrent practice forbidden by the Mosaic Law. Social contact or visitation in itself does not defile. Jewish custom since the exile had exaggerated the Mosaic Law, although with good intention.

The gentiles gathered before Peter would not qualify as defiling according to the Mosaic Law. However, from the perspective of the Gospel of the Messiah as understood at that time, those gentiles would be excluded. Thus, they would be prohibited from having the Gospel proclaimed to them. For any Jew to proclaim to a gentile that which is strictly addressed only to Jews would be to prostitute the Gospel and defile the proclaimer. Such a proclamation necessitated authorization from Yahweh Himself.

This, Peter now grasps having understood Yahweh’s message of authorization revealed in the vision sent to him while in a spiritual state of ecstasy:

You gentiles are versed enough in Judaic custom to know how illicitly out of place it is for a man who is a Jew to join or approach a person from another tribe other than the twelve tribes of Israel. I now know, because Yahweh has shown it to me, not to consider any man contaminating or unclean. (Acts 10:28 my translation)

Peter now understands that Yahweh is sending him to an uncircumcised man, and he is not to consider this man as contaminating or unclean regardless of Judaic custom. Again, Peter, in his heart, is required to declare, “One must yield to God [Yahweh] rather than to men” (Acts 5:29 CV). But Peter remains unaware of Yahweh’s purpose. He concludes,

Wherefore, without gainsaying [without raising objections], also, being sent after, I came. I am inquiring to ascertain, then, on what account you send after me. (Acts 10:29 CV)

Peter desires to know the reason these gentiles have summoned him. He cannot conceive, even after the vision, the possibility of proclaiming to them the Gospel belonging to the Jews. He has obeyed the command, the voice of Yahweh. However, he is clueless as to Yahweh’s purpose. It is only after Cornelius’ testimony concerning his own Yahweh-given vision that Peter begins to grasp the enormous significance of Yahweh’s present activity. Even, then, however, he is unable to explain Yahweh’s totally unexpected turn of events.

Having reported to Peter the content of his vision, Cornelius concludes,

Forthwith, then I send to you. Besides you do ideally in coming along. Now, then, we are all present in God's [Yahweh’s] sight to hear all that you have been bidden by the Lord. (Acts 10:33 CV)

Hearing this conclusion, Peter realizes these gentiles are expecting to hear from him what his Lord, Jesus the Messiah, has commissioned him to speak concerning the yearning of their hearts. These Yahweh-fearing uncircumcised-in-flesh, yet circumcised-in-heart gentiles perceive themselves as on their knees in the sight of the One and Only Living Elohim of Israel. They anxiously and greedily await a word of blessing from Yahweh, the only true and real Elohim of all humanity.

Peter, opening his mouth, is given by the spirit the only appropriate words possible at this point in time, the only message, the only Gospel, existing at this time for the spiritual Israel of Yahweh, the Gospel of the Messiah, soon to be qualified by a new subtitle, the Gospel of the Circumcision, because of its secret about to be revealed to and through the Apostle to the nations, Saul/Paul of Tarsus. The Gospel of the Messiah would soon be revealed to concentrically incorporate within itself the complementary Gospels of the Circumcision and the Uncircumcision. However, at the present opening of Peter’s mouth, the spirit bids him to proclaim the only Gospel available, the Gospel belonging only to the Jews, the Gospel previously addressed only to the Jews.

Peter initially acknowledges the new truth he has recently been in the process of grasping:

Of a truth I am grasping that God [Yahweh] is not partial, but in every nation he who is fearing [respectfully reverencing] Him and acting righteously is acceptable to Him. (Acts 10:34-35 CV)

By this acknowledgement, Peter understands that Yahweh is accounting as acceptable every person in every nation (no longer limiting acceptability to Israel only) who respects, fully reverences Him, and acts righteously, that is, practices the royal laws of the Sinatic Covenant (love Yahweh your Elohim with all your heart, soul, and mind, and love your neighbor as yourself, Deut. 6:5; Ex. 20:3-6, 17; James 2:8; Matt. 22:37-40). For Peter and his circumcised fellow-saints, this means the upsetting of their traditional eschatological schemata: the qualifying gentiles would be blessed as gentiles, receiving such blessing out of the over-abundant blessings of spiritual Israel. To Peter and his fellow-saints (Jews), the only change in this eschatological schemata is that the gentiles would be blessed before the final restoration of Israel.

From this perspective, the gentiles would remain outside the holy nation; the faithful gentile would not become a citizen of the Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh. Thus, the only change in their eschatological schemata would be a matter of time, not place or function. This deficient perceptive-bubble would very shortly burst before the shockingly amazed eyes of Peter and his circumcised fellow-saints.

Concluding his initial acknowledgement, Peter proclaims to these gentiles the message the spirit of Jesus the Messiah places in his mouth, the Gospel addressed to Israel. He declares,

Of the word He dispatches to the sons of Israel, bringing the evangel of peace through Jesus Christ (He is Lord of all), you are aware, . . . (Acts 10:36-37a)

These Yahweh-reverencing gentiles are very familiar with the ministries of John the Baptist and Jesus before His death and resurrection. They are aware that Jesus of Nazareth had been anointed by Yahweh with holy spirit and power. They know of his healings and miracles liberating many Jews who had come under the tyranny of The Adversary, Satan (who had come to have authority over Apostate Israel) and the Jewish authorities and powers serving Satan’s purposes. Jesus had healed both those Jews suffering under the physical and mental tyrannies of The Adversary, as well as the social and religious (covenantal) tyrannies of The Adversary’s representatives governing the affairs of Apostate Israel.

Peter then proclaims the testimony of the Apostolic witness to all that Jesus had done in the country of the Jews and in Jerusalem. He reiterates what he had proclaimed to the Jews in Jerusalem. The apostate rulers and teachers had assassinated Jesus, delivering Him up to Roman crucifixion. But Yahweh had roused Him from the dead, after which Jesus had revealed Himself, not to the entire people, but to His eleven Apostles who became His witnesses to the nation.

Peter, concluding, declares,

And He charges us to herald to the people [Israel, Jews] and to certify that this One is He Who is specified by God [Yahweh] to be Judge of the living and the dead. To this One are all the prophets testifying: Everyone who is believing in Him is to obtain the pardon of sins through His name. (Acts 10:42-43 CV)

Here, Peter proclaims the only Gospel which had been committed to him, the Gospel of Jesus the Messiah sent only to the Jews, addressed only to circumcised Israelites. But, now, to his bewilderment, he is commanded to address it to these divinely gathered uncircumcised gentiles.

This Gospel of Yahweh proclaims Jesus of Nazareth as Yahweh’s appointed Judge of the living and the dead. In its proper context, however, the living and the dead refer metaphorically to those Israelites (circumcised Jews) covenantally alive (righteous) and those Israelites covenantally dead (unrighteous). To these Israelites, the prophets, testifying concerning Jesus the Messiah, promise the pardon of sins (committed under the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant) to every one of them believing into the name of Jesus the Messiah.

Thus, these uncircumcised gentiles should not have qualified for this blessing. But Peter has learned that what Yahweh accounts clean, Yahweh’s people must not account unclean or contaminating. These uncircumcised gentiles are now to be accepted as clean (according to the terms of the New Davidic Covenant), qualifying them to obtain the pardon of sins.

However, these gentiles had not been under the Law of Moses. Their sins, now pardoned, refer to their sins committed as members of the nations which had been given up by Yahweh to the error of their disqualified mind. In blindness and ignorance, they had lived in the darkness of their distorted mind, apart from the light of the truth of Yahweh, offending Yahweh by their corrupt thinking and corrupt behavior.

But these Yahweh-reverencing uncircumcised gentiles, now in the presence of Peter and his faithful Messianic circumcised brethren, had been drawn to the light of Yahweh manifested in the statutes and judgments given to Israel. As a result, they had already turned from the distorted mindset of the history of the nations, conforming their thinking and behavior to the righteousness of Yahweh’s Law. Yahweh is now acknowledging these uncircumcised gentiles as acceptable to Him under the new terms, stipulations, requirements, of the New Davidic Covenant. This truth, Peter and the circumcised Saints with him could not explain. All they could do is obediently acknowledge this act of Yahweh. However, what was about to occur would be far more shocking and enigmatically perplexing.

That Yahweh was now pardoning the sins of the nations was one thing. Though surprising in relation to the timing, it had been expected within the framework of Israel’s eschatological schemata. But that the uncircumcised gentiles would be made the equals of circumcised Israel under the New Davidic Covenant was totally unexpected. While Peter is still speaking the declarations of the Gospel of Jesus the Messiah,

the holy spirit fell upon all the uncircumcised Yahweh-reverencing gentiles hearing the word. And amazed were the faithful ones out of the Circumcision, those who had accompanied Peter, seeing that upon the nations also the gift of the holy spirit had been poured out. For they were hearing them speaking in a variety of languages and magnifying Yahweh. (Acts 10:44b-46 my translation)

Beholding the pouring out of the spirit upon these uncircumcised gentiles and hearing them speaking in a variety of languages, Peter and the faithful circumcised saints with him are astounded. They are completely perplexed. This revelation had been totally unexpected. It is an enigma destroying the foundation of their deficient eschatological schemata. These uncircumcised gentiles have now been incorporated into the Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh by the very spirit of Yahweh and Jesus the Messiah.

The grounds for such incorporation would be explained only when the Secret of the Gospel of the Messiah would be revealed, making known to the New Spiritual Israel of Yahweh (the Ecclesia of Jesus the Messiah) the Gospel of the Uncircumcision. This revelation would soon be given to Saul, the newly appointed Apostle to the nations. Though Saul had already been called to this special Apostleship, he had not yet been sent to the nations. He had not yet entered into his administration of this Apostleship. He would first have to be equipped with the special knowledge necessary to successfully perform the task associated with the administering of his Apostleship. For Saul’s Apostleship is to affect both the people of Israel and the peoples of the nations. The revealed knowledge associated with Saul/Paul’s Apostleship is to inform, to educate, the entire Ecclesia of the completely sufficient eschatological schemata of Jesus the Messiah

However, at the time of the pouring out of the spirit upon Cornelius and those gathered in his household, Peter and the circumcised saints with him do not have access to the knowledge soon to be revealed through Saul/Paul the Apostle to the Saints and to the nations. Therefore, responding to the pouring out of the spirit upon these gentiles, Peter suggests,

There can not be anyone to forbid water, so that these are not to be baptized, who obtained the holy spirit even as we. (Acts 10:47 CV)

Peter comes to the only conclusion possible under the present circumstances. These uncircumcised gentiles had heard the Gospel of the Messiah addressed only to Israel. Against the proper limitation of this Gospel and against all expectation, these uncircumcised gentiles had obtained the holy spirit even as Peter and the circumcised saints with him had received the holy spirit. Who among these circumcised saints could forbid these gentiles from being baptized with water?! The obvious conclusion of faithfulness is that no one could forbid the administering of this cleansing ritual belonging exclusively to the Israel of Yahweh. However, it should be noted that Peter is never allowed by the spirit to proclaim to these gentiles, Repent and be baptized. To his Jewish audiences repentance and baptism with water precedes the pouring out of the spirit. Baptism with water is a necessary part of the proclamation of the Gospel of Messiah Jesus to Israel. It is not so to the gentiles.

After the revelation of the Gospel of the Uncircumcision, however, it would be understood that the requirement of baptism with water would not apply to the uncircumcision. However, the baptism with water is required of the Gospel of the Messiah addressed to Israel. This Gospel was soon to be distinguished from the Gospel of the Uncircumcision by the new, additional title of the Gospel of the Circumcision.

Both these Gospels, therefore, are complementing truths within the Gospel of Jesus the Messiah (the Gospel of Christ), which Gospel is concentrically set within the circumference of the Gospel of the Kingdom, which in turn is concentrically set within the circumference of the Gospel of God (Yahweh). Thus, the Gospel of Yahweh encloses within its sphere all other Gospels revealed and proclaimed within the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures, thereby completing Yahweh’s all-sufficient eschatological schemata.

At the very center of this Gospel of Yahweh, hidden within the concentric circle representing the Gospel of the Messiah is the Gospel of the Secret of the Messiah, out from which emanates the authoritative power of Yahweh sufficiently energizing the intended effectiveness of all the emanating Gospels. The Gospel of the Secret of the Messiah makes known Yahweh’s ultimate achievement: The All-Inclusive perfection of His image reflected in every member of the Adamic human race (past, present, future). Thus, this Gospel relates to our own present age (though its proclamation is no longer authorized since it had already accomplished its purpose by 70 a.d.) during which the nations have been reconciled to Yahweh Elohim by the previous faithful ministries of Jesus the Christ, the Spiritual Head of the New Jesuic Humanity currently in progress.

When Saul/Paul commences his Apostolic Administration of the Secret among the nations (including Israel), he will proclaim the Gospel of the Uncircumcision to the Gentiles and the Gospel of the Circumcision to the Jews. The Gospel of the Uncircumcision will not require baptism with water:

For Christ does not commission me to be baptizing, but to be bringing the evangel [of the Uncircumcision committed to him] . . . (1 Corinthians 1:17a CV)

Peter and the Eleven could not say this about the Gospel of the Circumcision associated with their Apostleship. They have been commissioned to baptize:

Going, then, disciple all the nations [wherein dwell the Jews], baptizing them [believing Jews] . . . (Matthew 28:19a CV)

Go into all the world [the Sinatic/Mosaic world-order, the household of Israel dwelling within the territories of the Roman Empire]; herald the evangel to the entire creation [the Sinatic creation of Israel]. He who believes [among the Jews] and is baptized shall be saved [from the condemnation about to come down on Apostate Israel], yet he who disbelieves shall be condemned [to suffer the Second Death]. (Mark 16:15b-16 CV)

Baptism with water, however, would not be mandated by Saul/Paul’s Gospel of the Uncircumcision. His Gospel would be addressed to uncircumcised gentiles. Circumcised Israelites believing into Jesus the Messiah are required to be baptized with water in order to wash away their sins associated with the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant, cleansing them for service as a kingdom of priests to the nations, the uncircumcised. The Circumcised Saints have superseded the Sinatic Priesthood, becoming a nation of priests after the order of Melchizedek. They are to instruct the faithful uncircumcised brethren in the word of Yahweh and Jesus the Messiah associated with the Mosaic Covenant and the New Davidic Covenant. They are also given the responsibility of evangelizing both the circumcised and the uncircumcised of all those dwelling within the boundaries of the Roman Empire as this empire is associated with the time of Israel’s exile, the time of the domination of the gentiles (the nations) over Israel in accordance with Yahweh’s condemnation of both the Northern Kingdom of Israel (exiled under the authority of the Assyrian Empire) and the Southern Kingdom of Judah (exiled under the authority of the Babylonian Empire).

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The Response of the Saints in Jerusalem

Having baptized with water Cornelius and all gathered in his household upon whom the holy spirit had fallen, Peter is requested by these liberated uncircumcised Gentiles believing into Jesus the Messiah to remain with them for a time. This he does in accord with his responsibility as Yahweh’s priest to instruct the members of the Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh, the New Davidic Nation of Yahweh’s glory. However, when the Apostles and the brethren in Jerusalem receive the report of the salvation of the uncircumcised Gentiles, they are hesitant to accept this shockingly enigmatic event. Upon Peter’s return to Jerusalem, he is required to justify his behavior:

You entered to men having uncircumcision, and you ate with them! (Acts 11:3 CV)

The uncircumcised gentiles had been universally perceived by the entire Ecclesia, the entire Messianic Nation of Israel, as excluded from the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus the Messiah. They had been, up to this time, considered unclean and, thus, contaminating to the holy nation. Necessity mandates Peter’s chronological and detailed reiteration of all that occurred in association with Cornelius and those gathered in his household. Peter then concludes,

Now as I began to speak, the holy spirit fell upon them, even as on us also in the beginning. And I remembered the declaration of the Lord [Jesus], as He said that John [the Baptist], indeed, baptized with water, yet you shall be baptized with holy spirit. If, then, Yahweh gave them the gift equal to the one He gave to us when believing upon the Lord Jesus the Messiah, who was I to be able to forbid Yahweh? (Acts 11:15‑17 my translation)

Peter, like his fellow-circumcised faithful ones, had been immersed in the traditions of the fathers (adopted since the Babylonian exile). These traditions had led Jews (zealous to maintain their holy distinction from the ungodly nations worshiping and serving alien gods in the darkness of their ignorance) to account the uncircumcised gentiles as unclean, contaminating. The intention was noble, but the concluding judgment had not been required by the Mosaic Law. The tradition had been developed as a protective measure against returning to the worship and service of the alien gods of the nations which had resulted in Yahweh’s execution of the curse written down by Moses in the Torah:

It will come to be if you do not hearken to the voice of Yahweh your Elohim to observe and to do all His instructions and His statutes . . . Yahweh shall conduct you and your king, whom you shall set up over you, to a nation whom you have not known, neither you nor your fathers, and you will serve there other elohim [gods] of wood and stone. (Deuteronomy 28:15a, 36 CV)

Thus came the curse of the Babylonian exile, which exile, in fact, was in the process of coming to an end with the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus the Messiah, the salvation of Israel. Peter’s proclamation of this Gospel to Cornelius and all those gathered in his household in faithful response to the guidance of the spirit amounts to the final use of the keys of the Kingdom (see Matt. 16:19-20). The last key had now been used to open the door of the New Davidic Kingdom to the uncircumcised believing members of the nations.

Enigmatically perplexing, however, is the disturbing fact that with the pouring out of the spirit upon these uncircumcised Gentiles, these Gentiles are now authorized by Yahweh and Jesus the Messiah not only to enter into the domain of the New Davidic Kingdom, but also to enter into the New Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh (the Ecclesia of Jesus the Messiah) as joint-citizens with the circumcised faithful ones. This had been totally unexpected. It had been concealed from the New Nation, being hidden cryptically in the Hebrew Scriptures, in the Gospel of Yahweh, in the Gospel of the Kingdom, and in the Gospel of Jesus the Messiah.

At the entrance of Cornelius and those gathered with him in his household, Peter and the circumcised Messianic Nation had not yet received the revelation of this secret. It had remained concealed as to its explanation. The Messianic Nation, remaining enigmatically perplexed and uninformed, could only acknowledge in faith the new reality divinely confirmed by the evangelistic activity of the spirit:

Now, on hearing these things, they remained quiet and glorified Yahweh saying, “Then also to the nations [uncircumcised Gentiles] Yahweh gave this repentance into [Israel’s promised covenantal] life.” (Acts 11:18 my translation)

The uncircumcised Gentiles had now become full-fledged covenantal citizens in the New Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh, the new conquering spiritual nation sanctified to Yahweh and Jesus the Messiah by the New Davidic Covenant (Eph. 2:19-22). Perplexed, the question remained: What is the meaning, the significance, of this unforeseen event?

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Saul and the Question Concerning Cornelius

Soon after the entrance of Cornelius (and all those gathered in his household) into the Born-From-Above Israel, Saul returns from Arabia, by way of Damascus, making his way to Jerusalem in order “to relate my story to Cephas [Peter] (Gal. 1:18 CV). Saul’s story answers the question concerning Cornelius. Saul’s Gospel, the Gospel of the Uncircumcision, reveals what has been hidden in the Law and the Prophets concerning Yahweh’s promise to reunite the Southern Kingdom of Judah with the Northern Kingdom of Israel.

Hosea had declared that Yahweh had accounted Israel, the Northern Kingdom, Lo-Ammi, not His people. This pronouncement over Israel amounted to counting them among the gentiles. Thus, those circumcised members of the Northern Kingdom scattered among the nations by the Assyrian Empire had been given up by Yahweh. They had been cut off from the Mosaic Covenant, having forfeited their covenantal relationship to Yahweh. Their Elohim had abandoned them to the fate of the nations. Yahweh had not gone with the Northern captives as He had with the Southern captives. The captives among the Northern Kingdom would never return as a corporate body, a national community, to their allotments in the Land of Promise.

However, Yahweh had promised to reunite the stick of Israel with the stick of Judah (Ezk. 37:15‑28). He would rebuild the fallen tabernacle, house, of David (Amos 9:11). The tribes that Rehoboham had lost would be restored to David’s promised son, the Messiah. By accepting Cornelius, an uncircumcised gentile, Yahweh had now announced the cleansing of the defiled Israelites of the Northern Kingdom scattered among the nations. As Yahweh had accounted them Lo-Ammi, He had now accounted them, once again, Ammi, His people. He had now commissioned Saul/Paul to regather these scattered sheep among the nations, leading them back into the fold of the New Israel. In this way, Yahweh is fulfilling His promise to reunite the Northern and Southern Kingdoms under One King, Jesus the Messiah, the Son of David (see Ezk. 37:22-24). Only in this way could Israel be completely restored, fulfilling her destiny.

At the same time, Yahweh was about to fulfill His promise to bless all the families of the nations through Abraham’s seed. The Gospel of the Uncircumcision committed to Saul/Paul is the good news of Yahweh concerning Jesus the Messiah as the Seed, the Son, of Abraham. As the Seed/Son of Abraham, Jesus the Messiah is the salvation of the nations, the uncircumcised children of faithful Abram prior to his entering into the covenant of circumcision with Yahweh. Therefore, the Gospel of the Uncircumcision traces the faithfulness of Yahweh back to uncircumcised Abram who is to be a blessing to the uncircumcised nations which had been given up to the darkness of their disapproved/disqualified mind and depraved behavior.

These people (families) had sought to make a name for themselves at Babel prior to their being dispersed and becoming distinct national entities. The construction of the Tower (astrological dome of worship) of Babel had been an attempt to defy the will of the Only Living Elohim, Yahweh Elohim. The name these people sought to make for themselves, Yahweh had promised to make for Abram/Abraham. This was now being fulfilled in the name of Jesus the Messiah.

As Abram had been faithful to Yahweh while being uncircumcised, so now, Yahweh was accounting as children of Abraham all the uncircumcised Gentiles who would be believing into Jesus the Messiah as a result of faithfully responding to the Gospel of the Uncircumcision and who would be walking faithfully in accord with the New Abrahamic/Davidic Covenant to the end of the Mosaic Eon, even as Abram had walked faithfully in accord with the covenant Yahweh had made with him. Thus, Yahweh is incorporating into His holy nation all those uncircumcised Gentiles faithfully responding to the Gospel of Jesus the Messiah as expressed in the Gospel of the Uncircumcision and continually reverencing Yahweh, walking in faith as Abraham their father had walked in faith in both uncircumcision and circumcision. As a result, in Christ there is no national distinction between circumcised members (citizens) and uncircumcised members (citizens). All are equally citizens in the Israel of Yahweh. All are equally members in the covenantally corporate Body of the Messiah.

However, the circumcised members or citizens have the additional burden of functioning as a nation, a kingdom, of royal priests instructing and guiding the new uncircumcised Gentiles entering the ranks of the New Davidic Kingdom and Nation. Although all the faithful ones (both circumcised and uncircumcised) in Christ are not under the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant but under the authority of the New Davidic/Abrahamic Covenant, those of the circumcision carry a greater burden of responsibility. The covenant of circumcision made with Abraham preceded the Sinatic Covenant. Consequently, although the New Nation is no longer under the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant, the covenant of circumcision made with Abraham remains operative. This means there still remains a distinct elective advantage and obligation for the circumcised citizen of the New Israel of Yahweh. This elective distinction, resulting from Yahweh’s covenant of circumcision made with Abraham, would continue to the end of the Mosaic Eon at which time all the promises made to Abraham would have been fulfilled. The circumcised Messianic Community would, therefore, be metaphorically referred to as the Bride of the Lamb.

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Evangelization of the Greeks in Antioch

Saul/Paul, returning to Jerusalem after his experience in Arabia, having informed Peter, the Apostles, and James of his Apostleship and Gospel, is commanded by Jesus in a vision to leave Jerusalem immediately. His ministry is not needed in Jerusalem. He would soon be sent outside the land of Israel to the uncircumcised nations of the Roman Empire. Therefore, he leaves for Tarsus.

Shortly after Saul/Paul’s departure, the Jerusalem saints learn of the evangelization of the Greeks in Antioch. Some of those having been scattered (as a result of the persecution instigated by Saul after the stoning of Stephen) had proclaimed the Gospel of Jesus the Messiah to the Greeks at Antioch. This had occurred before Peter had been sent to Cornelius. This, again, confirms the fact that it is the spirit of Yahweh and Jesus the Messiah which is guiding the affairs of the New Nation.

The circumcised saints are not initiating the events resulting in the expansion of the New Davidic Kingdom. Their minds and hearts are being enlightened and illuminated by the revelational activities of the spirit. Jesus the Messiah, the New Davidic Warrior-King, is leading and commanding His spiritual warriors in the liberation of the elect children of Abraham among both the circumcised and uncircumcised. Luke writes,

Now some of them [circumcised saints dispersed due to the persecution begun after Stephen’s stoning] . . . coming into Antioch, spoke to the Greeks also [in addition to Jews], evangelizing [proclaiming] to them the Lord Jesus. And the hand of the Lord [Jesus] was with them. (Acts 11:20-21a CV modified, according to the best Greek manuscripts)

This evangelization of the Greeks had not yet been authorized by the Apostles of the Messianic Community in Jerusalem, the capital and central seat of power of the Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh. Authorization had come directly from the hand of the Lord. Such evangelization had been unexpected, as already seen in relation to Cornelius. If it had been left up to the circumcised saints, the uncircumcised would not have been evangelized with the Gospel sent to the Jews only.

The explanation for this unexpected turn of events had been provided by Jesus the Messiah through the revelation given to Saul/Paul in Arabia. The explanation came after the fact. Stated once again, Peter had been sent to Cornelius to bind (authorize) in the terrestrial realm that which had already been bound (authorized) in the Celestial Realm (see Matt. 16:19 CV, NASB, Grk. texts). The growth and development of the New Davidic Kingdom is being directed and controlled by Yahweh and His Anointed Davidic Warrior-King.

Decisions being made by human authorities are being guided and influenced by the activity of the spirit. Such decisions result in the faithful response to what had been written in the Hebrew Scriptures but only recently revealed as to the concealed intended meaning. Through Saul/Paul had come an understanding of Ezekiel, chapter 37, and Hosea 1:9-10, as well as insight into the meaning of Amos 9:11‑15 and 2 Samuel, chapter 7. The meaning of these passages is being revealed by the spirit and accounts for the new insights drawn from such passages by the Apostles and disciples of Jesus the Messiah. The Hebrew Scriptures are being opened to the newly Born-From-Above people of Yahweh. Understanding and wisdom are increasing. Thus, the Apostles and disciples continue to write, adding to the Hebrew Scriptures the crowning chapters of the Greek Scriptures. During this period, the Apostle John begins to write, or supervise the writing of, the Gospel of John. Soon, he would receive the visions culminating in the writing of the Book of Revelation.

As a result of the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus the Messiah,

a vast number of the Greeks who believed [into Jesus] turned back to the Lord [Yahweh Elohim]. (Acts 11:21b my translation)

These Greeks, being uncircumcised, had been immersed in the dark traditions of the wayward nations. Believing the good news concerning the accomplishment of Jesus the Messiah on behalf of their salvation from the darkness of their national ways, these Greeks turn back to the One Living and True Elohim, Yahweh the Elohim of Israel.

Consequently, after finally receiving the report concerning these Greeks in Antioch, the Messianic Assembly in Jerusalem commissions Barnabas to visit Antioch and evaluate the authenticity of the report. At this point, the shock concerning the entrance of the uncircumcised is beginning to subside. The report of Saul/Paul concerning the revelation given him by the glorified and ascended Jesus Christ (Jesus the Messiah) had now begun to reeducate the Messianic Community in Jerusalem.

Barnabas, arriving in Antioch, assesses the situation. Perceiving the grace of Yahweh in the activity of this Messianic Community, he rejoices with them in Yahweh’s graciousness, entreating them “to be remaining in the Lord” (Acts 11:23b CV) with resolute hearts. Remaining in Christ means walking continually in faith in accord with the Law of Yahweh as expounded by the New Davidic Covenant. This now included covenantal fellowship with the uncircumcised faithful ones who were no longer to be considered unclean or contaminating.

This gracious fellowship between the circumcised and the uncircumcised faithful ones in Antioch is most likely what Barnabas had observed, causing him to rejoice in accord with his reputation (like the patriarch Joseph) as a son of consolation. As Barnabas had mediated the fellowship between Saul and the Saints at Jerusalem, he had immediately recognized this gracious spirit operating among the Saints in Antioch. The grace of Yahweh revealed to Peter in his relation to Cornelius had already penetrated the Messianic Assembly in Antioch. The triumphant victory of the New Davidic Warrior-King is now perceived in the marvelous covenantal transformation of Messianic Israel herself. The Gentiles had begun to be blessed, not by Israel, but together with Israel. The uncircumcised believers had been made partakers of Israel’s Abrahamic promises, partakers of her nationhood. The uncircumcised faithful ones had now been authorized to become full-fledged citizens of the New Davidic Israel of Yahweh.

Thus, the Northern Kingdom of Israel is in the process of being reunited with the Southern Kingdom of Judah. Salvation is truly of the Jews, for the Jews represent the Southern Kingdom of Judah under the rule of the sons of David, the Davidic kings, through whom the covenant made with David would be fulfilled. The One King under Whom the Northern and Southern Kingdoms would be reunited would be the promised Son of David with Whom Yahweh would make a covenant in fulfillment of His promise to David in 2 Samuel, chapter 7.

Jesus alludes to this promise and covenant when He declares to His disciples,

And I am covenanting a covenant with you, according as My Father covenanted a kingdom to Me, . . . (Luke 22:29 CV)

Thus, Jesus the Messiah, the Anointed One of Yahweh, is the promised King under Whom the divided Kingdom of David would be reunited. This had been a secret concealed in the Hebrew Scriptures but now revealed to the Saints of the New Messianic Israel of Yahweh through the revelation given to Saul/Paul, recently commissioned as Apostle to the Nations, the Uncircumcised.

Such a fulfillment of prophecy had been completely unexpected. Such a fulfillment of prophecy would also be a stumbling block for both Jews in general and Jews entering into the New Messianic Israel of Yahweh. Many believing Jews would cause much conflict within the Messianic Nation, eventually being unveiled as apostate servants of The Adversary, as disguised Cainites whose masks had concealed their counterfeit hearts. In the end, these apostates would turn away from Jesus the Messiah, returning to the unauthorized and unapproved thieves, usurpers claiming authority and power over Apostate Israel (see 1 John 2:18-20; 2 Thess. 2; Rom. 13:11-14; Matt. 13:39-42; Heb. 6:4-8; 1 Tim. 4:1). As a result of the proclamation of the Gospel of the Messiah to the Greeks in Antioch, the hand of the Lord is once again manifested among His people. Many Greeks, uncircumcised Gentiles, believed the Gospel concerning Jesus the Messiah. The Messianic Assembly in Antioch increased in numbers, both circumcised and uncircumcised members sharing with one another in accord with each member’s needs, demonstrating the unity of fellowship in the Messiah resulting from the grace of Yahweh poured out upon this assembly. As the spirit, the essence, of the Law of Yahweh is practiced among the circumcised and uncircumcised members of this graced community, “a considerable throng was added to the Lord” (Acts 11:24b CV).

The victories of the New Davidic Warrior-King continue to add up, spreading throughout the land of Israel (Judea, Samaria, Galilee, Perea, Idumaea, Decapolis, Syria). Soon, it would spread into Cilicia, Galatia, and Asia gathering the uncircumcised lost sheep of the Northern Kingdom of Israel and the circumcised scattered sheep of the Southern Kingdom of Judah into the new spiritual fold of the Messianic Israel of Yahweh, the New Davidic Kingdom under the restored dynastic reign of Jesus the Messiah.

Barnabas, having observed the gracious integration of the circumcised and uncircumcised faithful ones in the Antioch assembly, immediately recalls to mind the relatively recent visit of Saul/Paul to Jerusalem and Saul/Paul’s significant report concerning what Jesus the Messiah had revealed to him in Arabia. Saul/Paul’s apostleship to the uncircumcised and his special administrative Gospel of the Uncircumcision precisely fit the unique situation created by the spirit at Antioch. Thus, Barnabas journeys to Tarsus in quest of Saul/Paul. Finding him, he reports the events occurring at Antioch. Saul/Paul’s expertise is now needed in Antioch. No one is more qualified to meet the needs of this dynamic transformation of the New Messianic Nation than Saul/Paul.

Barnabas, the great reconciler, the patriarch Joseph of the New Israel of Yahweh, whisks Saul/Paul to Antioch, obediently responding to the leading of the spirit. Thereupon, Barnabas and Saul/Paul engage themselves for one whole year in the teaching and instruction of the faithful members of the Messianic Assembly at Antioch. Luke describes these members as “a considerable throng” (Acts 11:24b CV). He also reports that “in Antioch first, the disciples are styled ‘Christians’” (Acts 11:25 CV), ones following Jesus the Christ, ones following the Messiah Jesus, thus, Messianics. This title is probably given by Jews in the local synagogue who are uncommitted to Jesus as the Christ, the Messiah. It distinguishes the disciples as a new sect of Jews within Judaism. This designation indicates, therefore, a simmering conflict within the national family of first-century Judaism: Apostate Israel in contrast to the Israel of Yahweh, the Israel of Jesus the Messiah.

During this year of Sauline/Pauline instruction, a group of prophets from Jerusalem comes to Antioch. One of them named Agabus prophecies through the spirit concerning the imminent coming of a great famine “upon all the household [the inhabitants] of Judea (Acts 11:28b my translation). This prophecy is in fulfillment of Jesus’ words in Matt. 24:7-8. It indicates the beginning of the pangs which warn Israel of the nearness of the consummation, the telos, the end of the Mosaic Eon with its culminating destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple. Luke notes that this famine had occurred under the rule of the emperor Claudius (a.d. 41-54).

Upon hearing of this coming famine in all of Judea, the disciples in Antioch determine to prepare for this famine by setting aside, prior to the famine, the necessities of life which would be needed by the Saints in Jerusalem and throughout Judea. This they did, sending these necessities, during the famine, to the elders in the Messianic assemblies located throughout the land of Judea. These urgent supplies had been sent under the administrating hands of Barnabas and Saul/Paul in fulfillment of the word of Yahweh recorded in Deuteronomy 15:4, 11:

only that there should be no needy among you, for Yahweh shall bless, yea bless you in the land that Yahweh your Elohim is giving to you as an allotment to tenant it. . . . Since the needy shall not leave off from being within the land, therefore I am instructing you, saying: You shall open, yea open your hand to your brother, to your humble and to your needy in your land. (CV)

Yahweh had begun to chastise Apostate Israel, warning these apostate Jews of the coming judgment upon those rejecting the Gospel of Jesus the Messiah. He would, however, provide for the righteous among His people. Those blessed would share their abundance with those less fortunate because of the famine sent upon Apostate Israel in the land of Judea. The Israel of Yahweh is fulfilling the requirements of the law, thus manifesting the glory of Yahweh irradiating the face of Jesus her Messiah, her Lord, and conquering Warrior-King.

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The Revelation Given to John

With the entrance of the uncircumcised faithful ones into the Ecclesia of Jesus the Messiah (the Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh) and the significant revelation committed to Saul/Paul while in Arabia, the Lord Jesus (with the authorization of Yahweh) reveals to the Apostle John a series of visions prophetically revealing what is shortly to occur in relation to His slaves, His spiritual-warriors of the New Davidic Covenant. This prophecy is to prepare His warrior-slaves for the coming persecution arising during the spiritual warfare with Apostate Israel. It is intended to encourage His disciples to remain faithful to the end, for triumphant victory is already assured. The New Davidic Kingdom is already in the process of successfully conquering the enemy, Apostate Israel.

The spiritual warfare about to occur will result in much persecution, affliction, and even death. But the New Nation and Kingdom under the courageous and undefeated leadership of Jesus the Messiah, the New Davidic Warrior-King, the Commander-In-Chief appointed by Yahweh Himself, has already been guaranteed complete victory. All those faithful to the end are guaranteed their share in the Celestial Allotment to be rewarded at the end of the Mosaic Eon, the final triumphant victory of the New Davidic Nation and Kingdom.

This revelation (series of visions) is given to Jesus the Messiah by Yahweh. It authorizes Jesus “to show His slaves what must occur swiftly” (Rev. 1:1 CV). Jesus communicates this revelation, this prophecy, this series of visions, to His slave John through the mediation of a celestial messenger. John is to show this revelation to his fellow-slaves in a written record.

The revelation consists of symbolic images signifying coded truth. This truth would be decoded, explained, by the spiritually endowed teachers given to the Ecclesia of Jesus the Messiah (the Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh) by the spirit. This revelation is given to John in the late 30s of the first century. Its message reveals events which were to occur swiftly, culminating in 70 a.d. with the destruction of Jerusalem (the Great Whore, Babylon the Great, Rev. 17:5) and the Temple.

Thus, John writes,

Happy [Blessed, Honorable] is he who is reading and those who are hearing the word of the [this] prophecy, and who are keeping [obeying] that which is written in it, for the era [season] is near. (Revelation 1:3 CV)

The era, the season, the appropriate time, for the fulfillment of this prophecy is NEAR. Those who hear and obey the message of this prophecy are blessed. They are considered honorable ones. For they will be faithful to the end of the Mosaic Eon and will be entering into the Celestial Allotment promised to those conquering together with Jesus the Messiah.

The written record of this prophecy, this series of symbolic visions, would be read in all the Messianic assemblies by a spiritually endowed teacher able to read and decode, explain, the significance of the symbols to disciples of Jesus the Messiah enlightened by the spirit in order to spiritually understand the symbolic meaning of the visions revealed. The one reading and decoding and those hearing with spiritual understanding are to take heed to the signified portents (forewarnings) and the exhortational visions, because the prophetical events would come within the experiences of their own generation and affect their own personal covenantal destiny at the soon-to-end Mosaic Eon. For the era, the season of the events prophesied, is NEAR, consummating in the termination of the Mosaic Eon and the rewarding of the Celestial Allotment.

That the sayings of this prophecy are near for the hearers, the addressees, is confirmed by the testimony recorded at the conclusion of this prophetic revelation:

You should not be sealing the sayings of the prophecy of this scroll, for the era is near. (Revelation 22:10 CV)

John is not to seal the sayings of this prophecy, for the era of the end is near. This command is contrasted with the command given to Daniel,

Now you Daniel, stop up the words and seal the scroll till the era of the end . . . (Daniel 12:4a CV)

Daniel is commanded to seal his scroll because the era of the end is not near. It would not arrive until a period extending over 500 years.

John’s scroll must not be sealed for it applies to those presently being addressed. The main events described in John’s revelation would occur between the years 64-70 a.d., though certain visions refer the reader and hearers back to the pouring out of the spirit in 30 a.d. and events following this, preparing for the consummation of the eons (the coming together of various ends, 1 Cor. 10:11 CV) begun in 64 a.d., resulting in the knot tying together these loose ends: the consummation reached in 70 a.d. Some of these earlier events had already been experienced by the disciples, while others were about to be experienced some time between the years 41-44 a.d. with the persecution initiated by King Herod Agrippa I.

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A Prophecy, Not a Letter

The Book of Revelation is a prophecy, not a letter. The prophecy begins with verse 4:

John, to the seven ecclesias [assemblies] which are in [the province of] Asia: . . . (CV)

John is not commissioned to write a letter, but to record a prophecy. The seven assemblies in Asia which he addresses are symbolic assemblies, as everything written in this prophecy is symbolic. They are placed in Asia in order to symbolically represent the distinction between Apostate Israel and the Israel of Yahweh, in accord with the prophecy of Isaiah:

The Lord [Yahweh] hath made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations [Cornelius and the Greeks in Antioch]; and all the ends of the earth [the Roman Empire] shall see the salvation of our [Israel’s] God [Elohim]. Depart ye, depart ye, go ye out from thence, touch no unclean thing [apostate Jews]; go ye out of the midst of her [Apostate Israel]; be ye clean, that bear the vessels of the Lord [the nation of priests after the order of Melchizedek]. For ye shall not go out with haste, nor go by flight: for the Lord [Yahweh] will go before you; and the God [Elohim] of Israel will be your reward [rearguard, NASB]. (Isaiah 52:10-12 KJV)

The Apostle Paul would confirm this distinction when writing to the disciples in Corinth. In the following passage, Paul strings together a number of passages from the prophets, including Isaiah 52:11:

Do not become diversely yoked with apostate Jews. For what partnership have righteousness [faithful ones] and lawlessness [apostate Jews]? . . . For you [the faithful ones in Christ] are the living God’s [Yahweh’s] Temple, according as Yahweh said, that I will be making My home and will be walking among them [see Rev. 1:12-13] and I will be their God [Elohim], and they shall be My people. Wherefore, Come out of their [apostate Jews] midst and be severed, Yahweh is saying. And touch not an unclean thing [an apostate Jew], and I will admit you, and I will be a Father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to Me, says Yahweh the Almighty One. (2 Corinthians 6:14-18 my translation)

This is figurative language. The Israel of Yahweh does not geographically sever herself from Apostate Israel. She separates (sanctifies) herself from the unclean Apostate Israel, consisting of unclean apostate Jews, by maintaining her faithfulness to Jesus the Messiah and His Gospel. By symbolically placing the seven (number of spiritual completion) assemblies geographically in Asia (geographically forming a complete circle), John is able to designate in code the entire unified and complete Assembly (Ecclesia) of Jesus the Messiah, the spiritual Israel of Yahweh, the New Davidic Kingdom of priests, the spiritual warrior-soldiers of the New Davidic Warrior-King. By symbolically placing the unified and complete Assembly of Jesus the Messiah in Asia, John is able to signify her holiness (separation) unto Yahweh. Here is the holy, virgin Bride of the Lamb in her holy (separated), virginal relation to Yahweh and Jesus the Messiah-Groom.

In this symbolic address to the slaves of Jesus the Messiah, John begins to show them (in accord with verse 1) the things which must occur swiftly according to the authority coming from Yahweh: “from Him Who is and Who was and Who is coming, and from the seven spirits which are before His throne [Yahweh’s complete knowledge of the things, the events, occurring swiftly], and from Jesus Christ, the Faithful Witness [of Yahweh], the Firstborn of the dead, and the Suzerain of the kings of the earth” (Rev. 1:4b-5a CV). Thus, this prophecy is authored and authorized by Yahweh the Elohim of Israel; the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and David; the Elohim Who is faithful to His promises to these forefathers; the Elohim Whose Shekinah glory had been among His people but which had been withdrawn. This Elohim is swiftly coming to execute the final curse of the Sinatic Covenant upon Apostate Israel and to reward the promised Celestial Allotment to His holy, faithful nation, His faithful Kingdom of Priests. This authority had now been given to Jesus the Messiah, the Anointed and Faithful witness of the Faithfulness of Yahweh to His people; Jesus the Messiah, the obedient Son of Yahweh; He

Who is loving us and releases us [the faithful members of the Israel of Yahweh] from our sins in the interest of His blood and made us a kingdom of priests to His God [Elohim] and Father, to Him [Jesus, on behalf of His God and Father, Yahweh Elohim] be the glory and the might [dominion, revealed in this prophecy] into the eons of the eons! Amen! (Revelation 1:5b-6 my translation)

John then encouragingly exclaims that this same Jesus, the Authorized and Anointed Agent of Yahweh,

is coming with clouds, and every eye shall be seeing Him (even the ones who pierced Him). And will mourn, on His account, all the tribes of the earth. (Revelation 1:7 my translation)

The “seeing” here is primarily figurative. The coming of Jesus the Messiah will be seen primarily by the eyes of faith belonging to the faithful slaves of Jesus the Messiah. These faithful slaves, hearing and obeying the visions of this prophecy, will intelligently perceive and understand the spiritual significance of the events encoded in these prophetic visions. In these events, properly understood, the faithful will be perceiving the coming of Jesus the Messiah to judge apostate Jews and reward faithful Israelites.

However, the faithful will, in the end, literally see Jesus the Messiah coming with the clouds to lead them into their Celestial Allotment. The apostate Jews, the ones who crucified Jesus the Nazarene, will figuratively see Him in the destructive judgment of the coming events. These apostate Jews, however, will not mourn on His account. Only His faithful slaves will have the necessary knowledge making it possible for them to share in the mourning for His loss (see Matt. 23:37; Lk. 23:26-31). The apostate Jews throughout the Roman Empire, however, will mourn their own loss because of their rejection of Jesus the Messiah as Yahweh’s promised Davidic King.

At the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple, Apostate Israel will perceive the darkened storm clouds of the mighty powerful right arm of the New Davidic Warrior-King coming in the terrible doom of national judgment (see Jer. 4:13-14; Ezk. 34:12-13). Thus, all the tribes of the Jews in the land of Palestine and throughout the Roman Empire experiencing and/or hearing the report of the defiling catastrophe of the Temple and Jerusalem by their own people in the land, together with the other nations also dwelling in the land and opposing the Romans, will mourn the loss of temple, city, land, and fellow-Jews, both those killed and those scattered. With the loss of the Temple goes the loss of their whole system of worship.

Yahweh’s coming in judgment is thus carried out by Jesus the Messiah. Yahweh is “the Alpha and the Omega,” the beginning and the end of all written in the Law and the Prophets (Rev. 1:8). Jesus the Messiah is “the First and the Last,” the fulfilling agent of all written in the Law and the Prophets (Rev. 1:17). He has appeared in the last days of the Mosaic Eon. He is a covenantal member of the last generation of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant. John writes during these last days as “your brother and joint participant in the affliction and endurance in Jesus Christ” (Rev. 1:9a CV). He is a sharer in the sufferings of Jesus the Messiah, the persecution and affliction coming upon those committed to the Gospel of Jesus the Messiah, the righteousness of the New Davidic Kingdom.

John testifies that he came to be in the island of Patmos for the sake of the word of Yahweh and the testimony of Jesus the Messiah (Rev. 1:9). He is placed in Patmos to receive his visions. He is not to be understood as being literally on the island of Patmos. He came to be in spirit on the island of Patmos for the purpose of viewing the visions taking place during the Lord’s Day, the day of Yahweh’s coming in judgment, a judgment already in progress in the visions (Rev. 1:10). Patmos is geographically located in the center of the Roman Empire, a perfect location for viewing all that is to come in the revealed visions. In spirit (visional rapture, or ecstasy), John hears a voice coming from behind him. This voice is as loud as a trumpet. The voice commands him to write in the provided scroll all that he is observing and send the scroll to the seven assemblies observed in his visions. This is taking place in a spiritual ecstasy, not in John’s literal reality.

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The Symbolic Vision of One Like a Son of Man

When John turns around in the direction from which the voice comes, he perceives seven golden lampstands forming a circle, in the midst of which he perceives one like a son of man. The voice as loud as a trumpet had signaled the approach of a solemn epiphany of a royally divine presence. John has been called by this Eminent Being to be His scribe. This Being symbolically represents Jesus the Messiah in His royal majesty as Priest and King. His head and hair are brilliantly white, signifying His purity and faithfulness. His eyes are like a flame of fire, signifying His qualification to judge righteously, discerning truth and falsehood, righteousness and unrighteousness, faithfulness and unfaithfulness. Thus, His eyes pierce through appearances to the state of the heart and the mind.

His feet are as white bronze fired in a furnace in contrast to the feet of iron and clay upon which the Roman Empire stands (Dan. 2:40-43). Thus, His kingdom is strong, stable, endurable, unlike the kingdoms of the world-order of Adam. His Davidic Kingdom would have no end, for He is also heir to the throne of Adam and heir to the throne of Yahweh Elohim, Whose kingdom was about to come in all its exalted glory (see 1 Cor. 15:22-28). His voice is as the sound of many waters, indicating its authority and its all-encompassing influence as it is heard throughout the Roman Empire by the proclamation of His Gospel by His servants.

In His right hand, the hand of rule and powerful authority, are seven stars, explained as representing the seven messengers of the seven assemblies (Rev. 1:20). Seven being the number of completion, the seven messengers and the seven assemblies symbolically represent the complete and all-sufficient rule/reign of Jesus the Messiah over His complete and unified Ecclesia which He is in the process of building. The seven messengers and the seven assemblies (ecclesias) represent the Davidic Kingdom over which Jesus the Messiah reigns and through which He is conquering His enemies and liberating all those sheep (faithful disciples) the Father, Yahweh Elohim, has given Him (Jn. 6:37-40).

Thus, there are not literally seven messengers or seven assemblies. The seven assemblies represent the Ecclesia of Jesus the Messiah, and the seven messages (letters) written to the seven assemblies in Revelation, chapters 2 and 3, are exhortational instructions consisting of praises, warnings, and promises applicable to all His assemblies located throughout the Roman Empire, but especially applicable to all His assemblies in Judea, Samaria, Galilee, Syria, Decapolis, Peraea, and Idumaea located in the land of Palestine. These territories are soon to be directly under the siege of the Roman army and under the rebellious revolt of Apostate Israel against Yahweh and Rome. The rebellious revolt of Apostate Israel is primarily against Yahweh, represented by Jesus the Messiah and His Ecclesia, His Apostles and disciples. Therefore, the threat to the Ecclesia of Jesus the Messiah (consisting of His Apostles and disciples) comes from Apostate Israel, not from Rome.

Apostate Israel is at war covenantally and spiritually with the Israel of Yahweh, while being at war politically and militarily with Rome. Both warfares represent rebellious revolt against Yahweh. Apostate Israel erroneously, though not ignorantly, pits Moses against Jesus of Nazareth, pits the Mosaic Covenant against the New Davidic Covenant. She does all this in the name of Yahweh her Elohim, an idolatrous creation of her own distorted and disqualified mind and heart, an idolatrous distortion of the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David, and, finally, of Jesus the Messiah, the Son of David, the Son of Adam, the Son of Yahweh.

Consequently, as a result of this idolatry, out of the mouth of Jesus the Messiah comes a symbolic “sharp two-edged blade” (Rev. 1:16a CV). This two-edged sword of the word of the Gospel metaphorically slays to covenantal death the distorted, rebellious hearts and minds of apostate Israelites (the children and sons of Cain). Simultaneously, this two-edged sword pierces the hardened hearts and/or deceived minds of blind and ignorant Israelites (children and sons of Abel), wounding these hardened hearts and deceived minds while at the same time melting their hearts and enlightening their minds to the truth of the Gospel, thereby effecting repentance unto covenantal life. Thus, the countenance of Jesus the Messiah appears, in the metaphorical heaven spread across the Roman Empire (the habitation of the entire households of Israel and Judah), as the sun in the zenith of its power (Rev. 1:16b CV), another symbolic representation of simultaneous judgment and salvation, death and life, sorrow and joy: judgment, death, and sorrow for Apostate Israel; salvation, life, and joy for the Israel of Yahweh, the Ecclesia of Jesus the Messiah.

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Write Then, What You Perceived

John, falling at the feet of the “One like a son of man” (Rev. 1:13 CV), being totally incapacitated by the majesty of this Being, is endued with strength by the touch of the Being’s right hand. He is then encouraged not to fear, being assured,

I am the First and the Last, and the Living One: and I became dead, and lo! living am I for the eons of the eons. (Amen!) And I have the keys of the death and of the unseen [Hades]. (Revelation 1:17c-18 CV)

John now realizes he is observing, in a state of spiritual ecstasy, Jesus the Messiah.

His Lord declares He is the First and the Last. He is the One Who at the beginning of His ministry proclaimed the Gospel of the Kingdom. Thus, at first He had proclaimed the Gospel and at last He had obediently died a crucifixion death. Being aroused from among the dead, He is the Living One Who now lives “for the eons of the eons.” Time no longer reigns over Him. He now lives through all the procession of Time, death no longer being an obstacle, a terminator. He has conquered both biological death (the death common to all humans) and covenantal death (the death of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant, the Second Death associated only with national and covenantal Apostate Israel).

In the mind and purpose of Yahweh, Jesus is the First Man, the model Adam had been designed after, and the Last Man, the goal toward which Adam and the Adamic race is designed to attain. Thus, He is Yahweh’s First intended Man and now, at Last, Yahweh’s achieved man due to Whom all men will attain to His Likeness and Image, the originally intended paragonal prototype predetermined by Yahweh.

Jesus the Messiah is also Yahweh’s First and Last word. He fulfills all Yahweh’s promises recorded in the Law and the Prophets. The Hebrew Scriptures record Yahweh’s First prophetic Word; the Greek Scriptures record Yahweh’s Last prophetic Word.

Jesus the Messiah, as the First and the Last, and the Living One, has the keys of the death and of the unseen (Rev. 1:18b). Possessing such keys, He has the power and authority to unlock and open the dungeon door of the Second Death (covenantal death, the definite article [the death] indicating a specific type of death) as well as the dungeon door of the unseen (Hades, the dwelling place of the dead in Greek mythology; Sheol, the dwelling place of the dead in the Hebrew Scriptures, synonymous with the grave, the abode of the dead body; thus, biological death). Jesus, therefore, is the only one having the power and authority from Yahweh to release those prisoners held captive in the dungeon of covenantal death (the Second Death, the national, covenantal death of Apostate Israel) and those prisoners held captive in the dungeon of biological death, the death common to all humans.

Consequently, John is commanded by Jesus the Messiah, the Living One possessing the keys of the death and of the unseen, to

Write then, what you perceived, and what they are, and what is about to be occurring after these things: the secret of the seven stars which you perceived in My right hand, and the seven golden lampstands. The seven stars are messengers of the seven ecclesias, and the seven lampstands are seven ecclesias. (Revelation 1:19‑20 CV)

What John had already perceived refers to this first vision described and recorded in verses 9-18. At the beginning of this vision, John is commanded to write in the scroll given to him (“write into the scroll,” not into “a” scroll, v. 11) that which he presently was observing. This indicates John was to begin writing (in the scroll given to him in the vision) those things he was presently observing in the vision.

Later, when all the visions had run their course, John was to record them on a real scroll which would become part of the holy Greek Scriptures already being written and added to the Hebrew Scriptures. This scroll would then be made available to all saints presently located throughout Judea, Samaria, Galilee, Syria, Decapolis, Peraea, Idumaea, and soon to be located throughout the Roman Empire. This completed revelation, recorded on a real scroll written after the ecstatic visionary experience had been concluded and made available to all the saints, is the Book of Revelation now under investigation.

John had been commanded in verse 11 to send the scroll, upon which he was presently writing the things he was presently observing, to the seven assemblies of the vision, not to any specific seven assemblies which existed outside the vision. The sending of these seven letters to the assemblies existing outside the vision he later fulfills in the real scroll beginning with verse 4, which begins the revealed prophecy proper, directly following the introduction to the work as a whole.

In the vision of his ecstatic experience, he finds himself on the island of Patmos, having a perfect view of the seven symbolic visionary assemblies forming a geographical circle in Asia. In the vision, these seven assemblies are seen as seven lampstands, each reflecting the light of the Gospel of Jesus the Messiah, illuminating the whole habitation/household of the Roman Empire, alluding to Matthew 5:14-16,

You are the light of the world-order [the household of Israel located throughout the Roman Empire]. A city [the New Jerusalem, the Jerusalem above] located upon a mountain can not be hid. Neither are they burning a lamp and placing it under a receptacle for grain, but on a lampstand, and it is shining to all those in the house. (Matthew 5:14-15 CV modified)

When Jesus the Messiah commands John to write what John has just perceived, John is commanded to continue writing what he had begun writing in verse 11, since, having fallen as if dead at the feet of Jesus the Messiah, he had discontinued his writing. John is now to complete his account of the things he was presently observing, adding to it what these things signified. For these things could not be understood apart from revelation. And John was being given such revelation, even as Saul of Tarsus had just recently been given such revelation.

This first vision given to John concerned that which was already present. He was now to write on the scroll in the vision what these symbolic things he was observing actually represented. The seven lampstands represent seven assemblies. The seven stars represent messengers of the seven assemblies (Rev. 1:20b). Messengers communicate messages. What Yahweh is revealing to His people, He is already revealing through messengers like Peter, Saul, John, and Philip. These messages reveal the secrets of the Gospel. The seven stars represent the complete circle of saints to whom Yahweh would be revealing the secret of the Gospel, messages enlightening the citizens of the Israel of Yahweh as to His continuing revelations concerning the administrations of the Gospel of the Circumcision and the Gospel of the Uncircumcision: “the secret of the Christ, which, in other generations, is not made known to the sons of the men [the elect faithful ones beginning with Abel and ending with John the Baptist] as it was now revealed to His holy apostles and prophets” (Eph. 3:4b-5 CV modified); “the administration of the secret, which has been concealed from the eons in God [Yahweh] . . .” (Eph. 3:9 CV); “a realization of the secret of the God and Father, of Christ, in Whom all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are concealed” (Col. 2:2b-3 CV). Peter was such a messenger when he was given his vision and sent to Cornelius. Saul was such a messenger when he was sent to Arabia and given the Gospel of the Uncircumcision. Philip was such a messenger when he was sent to the Ethiopian eunuch. John himself is now such a messenger.

In the first vision given John, Jesus the Messiah (the Priest-King) is observed standing in the midst of the seven lampstands (Rev. 1:12-13). This represents a reality already in progress among the assemblies in Palestine. These assemblies represent the New Davidic Kingdom of warrior-priests under the controlling rule of Jesus the Messiah, the New Davidic Warrior-King (Commander-In-Chief of His faithful spiritual warrior-priests), the Chief Priest according to the Melchizedekian Priesthood. This kingdom is a kingdom of light beaming the light of the Gospel of Jesus the Messiah throughout the household of the Roman Empire, which empire Yahweh had authorized as a household habitation for His people, as Daniel had testified to King Nebuchadnezzar,

you shall know that the Supreme is in authority in the kingdom of mortals, and that to whom He is willing He is giving it. . . . jurisdiction is of the heavens. (Daniel 4:25b, 26b CV modified)

As Yahweh had given the kingdom of mortals to Rome, so also He is in the process of taking it from Rome and giving it to His Only-Begotten Son, Jesus the Messiah. The Israel of Yahweh is once again being made head of the kingdom of the nations, and this time she would not fail to complete her mission:

So Yahweh will make you to be the head and not the tail, and you will surely be above [metaphorically in the heavens above the nations], and you shall not be below [metaphorically on the earth together with the nations], in case you should hearken to the instructions of Yahweh your Elohim . . . (Deuteronomy 28:13 CV)

Finally, John is commanded to write “what is about to be occurring after these things” (Rev. 1:19), that is, after the things already observed and revealed in the present vision of verses 9-18. The things about to be occurring will be revealed in the visions which follow, beginning with the messages to the seven assemblies, representing the Israel of Yahweh as a whole in her spiritual warfare against Apostate Israel. The forthcoming visions will focus primarily on the Jewish revolt against Rome (the years 66-70 a.d.) yet to come. The Book of Revelation was written and made available to Yahweh’s people sometime around the year 39 or 40 a.d. Thus, the main thrust of this prophecy is still about 26 years into the future, though the prophecy does also provide revelation concerning the intervening years.

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The Messages to the Seven Assemblies

The messages written to the seven symbolic assemblies apply to all the assemblies of Jesus the Messiah, to all His disciples making up His Ecclesia, His One unified Assembly still in the process of growth. These messages concern the practical affect of events occurring during the last days of the Mosaic Eon. The messages come from Jesus the Messiah Himself Who is concerned about the welfare of His people. The messages point out various strengths and weaknesses among His people in their endeavor to faithfully carry on the spiritual warfare of the New Davidic Kingdom the Israel of Yahweh.

Their warfare is against Apostate Israel (covenantally rebellious Jews). Their mission is to liberate all Yahweh’s people held captive by Apostate Israel and the foreign nations still walking in darkness. Jesus the Messiah exhortationally warns His people against possible unfaithfulness and actual behavior in need of repentance. He then reminds the faithful ones, the ones conquering, of the present advantages enabling them to faithfully fulfill the mission of Yahweh and the imminent rewards awaiting them at the arrival of His Parousia, if they remain faithful to the end.

These exhortational warnings pertain to present, as well as imminently future, threats to their covenantal welfare. The main focus is on imminently future problematic thought and behavior. All His disciples are to take heed to these prophetic warnings and encouraging promises of crucial provisions enabling the faithful to conquer and to triumph to the end in their spiritual and covenantal warfare.

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The Message Written to Ephesus, Revelation 2:1-7

To the faithful spiritual warriors represented by this Ephesian assembly, Jesus the Messiah addresses His praise for their heroic deeds and strenuous, enduring toil on behalf of the Gospel and against the enemy’s opposition, especially their intolerance of evil men, those individuals who tend to condone sinful behavior in the name of Yahweh’s graciousness. He also commends them for unmasking counterfeit apostles seeking to infiltrate the new Born-From-Above nation in order to sabotage her mission. This commendation is prophetic of a problem to become prevalent in their near future, due to the Judaic antagonism to the recent entrance of the uncircumcised into the new nation. Such identification of counterfeit apostles is vital to the successful campaigns of the Messianic warriors against the opposing forces of Apostate Israel.

However, Jesus the Messiah chastises these saints for not performing their faithful works with the intense spiritual fervor of first love. Their enthusiasm in the spirit of first love has been lost. This would become a problem with the passing of years. Many would become impatient as the years passed by minus the approach and arrival of the Parousia. Faithful conquests called for the patient endurance of all the work necessary to liberate all of Yahweh’s people held captive throughout the household habitation of the Roman Empire. This meant the passing of time. It meant patience to endure the campaign of spiritual warfare equivalent to the 40-year wilderness endurance of Joshua and Caleb.

The war is on. Only Yahweh would determine its length in time. The responsibility of the faithful ones is to endure the hardships to the end determined by Yahweh. Here is the glory and the joy of the saints in the service of their Elohim and Savior.

Jesus the Messiah, therefore, exhorts them to “repent, and do the former acts” (Rev. 2:5 CV). The members of this assembly are to repent concerning their impatience with the length of their service, repent of their debilitating expectation of an early Parousia. They are to return to the performing of their works on behalf of their Lord in the spirit and enthusiasm of their first love, for love is the motivating factor in the faithful service of the conquering servant of Jesus the Messiah.

If, however, repentance is not forthcoming, Jesus their Lord would remove their lampstand out of its place. Service apart from the spirit of love is unacceptable. Such service would be rejected, and removal from the Born-From-Above Nation would result. He who conquers to the end must conquer in the love exemplified by Jesus the Messiah Himself. Those leaving their first love would become susceptible to the message of the counterfeit apostles, returning to their previous confidence in the Mosaic Covenant and their part in Apostate Israel.

That this message is meant for the entire Ecclesia of Jesus the Messiah is evidenced by the following exhortational command:

Who has an ear, let him hear what the spirit is saying to the ecclesias. (Revelation 2:7a CV)

The message sent to each assembly is directed to all assemblies, all communities of saints, wherever they are located throughout the household habitation of the Roman Empire. These seven messages are primarily prophetic. They are warnings intended to guide all those under the reign of Jesus the Messiah in the faithful Way of the New Davidic Covenant.

As the saints in Ephesus are properly hating the works of the Nicolaitans (a group of Jews zealously committed to conquering in the misappropriated name of Moses and on behalf of Apostate Israel still clinging to the Mosaic Covenant for covenantal life and eschatological hope), so also Jesus the Messiah guarantees,

To the one who is conquering [nikonti, same root form as the word Nikolaiton, Nikolaitans, of whom the Ephesian saints and Jesus are said to be hating because of their works, 2:6b], to him will I be granting to be eating of the log [tree] of life which is in the center of the paradise of God. (Revelation 2:7b CV)

The Nicolaitans refer to Jews opposing Jesus the Messiah, His Gospel, His New Covenant, His New Davidic Kingdom, His New Born-From-Above Nation, and His New People, His Ecclesia, the Israel of Yahweh. These Jews, extremely zealous of the traditions of their fathers, are on the march in their intent to conquer the invading New Nation which is under the reign of Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus praises the Ephesian saints for hating the works of these apostate Jews, but has also warned them of the loss of their first love, which, if not regained (restored), could very well result in the loss of their hatred of the works of the Nicolaitans, causing them to hate the works of Jesus the Messiah Himself and to love the works of the Nicolaitans.

To those of His saints who are conquering in His name, Jesus declares He will be granting each one the authority to be eating of the tree (literally, log) of life located in the center of the paradise of God. Though the future tense is used, this grant, this gift, is presently being provided by Jesus to all those saints currently meeting the required condition of conquering, walking faithfully in His Way, living in accord with the expectations of the New Davidic Covenant, the Law of Jesus the Messiah (see Gal. 6:2). Thus, the future tense being used in this text is the gnomic future, which refers to a performance which whenever met will result in the promised reward. Therefore, as long as each saint is faithfully conquering in the name of Jesus the Messiah, he or she will be authorized to be eating of the tree of life.

This tree or log of life metaphorically refers to the cross Jesus had been nailed to. This cross, this crucifixion death, represents the new covenantal life provided by the New Davidic Covenant. This tree of life is said to be located in the center of the paradise of God. This tree of life, according to Revelation 22:2, 14, 19, is located in the New Jerusalem which symbolically represents the Bride of the Lamb (21:9‑10).

This tree of life represents the covenantal life of the Ecclesia of Jesus the Messiah. All the saints (the circumcised faithful ones) and Gentile believers in the Gospel (uncircumcised faithful ones) continually have access to this spiritual life as long as they walk faithfully. This covenantal tree of life continually provides the spiritual nourishment necessary for the disciples, the spiritual warriors of Jesus the Messiah, to carry out their spiritual service in the warfare against Apostate Israel. All in Christ are figuratively eating of the fruit of this tree. This New Davidic Covenantal Life is found within the New Jerusalem, the Bride of the Lamb (two analogies describing the Ecclesia of Jesus the Messiah, the New Davidic Israel of Yahweh).

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John’s Related Vision in Chapter 21: A New Heaven and a New Earth. John, in chapter 21, is given a vision of “a new heaven and a new earth, for the former heaven and the former earth passed away, and the sea is no more” (Rev. 21:1 CV modified). The former heaven and former earth symbolically represent the heaven and the earth of the world-order of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant. According to that world-order, Israel was to be located metaphorically in heaven, having covenantal headship over the nations (located metaphorically on the earth) under the headship of Israel. In the new heaven and the new earth perceived by John, the Ecclesia of Jesus the Messiah is now located metaphorically in heaven, having covenantal headship over the nations (located metaphorically on the earth), the headship of the New Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh.

This new world-order is the result of the New Abrahamic/Davidic Covenant. It supersedes the world-order of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant and is a present reality for John and his readers, as confirmed later by Paul:

So that, if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: the primitive things [of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant] passed by. Lo! there has come new things [of the New Davidic Covenant]! (2 Corinthians 5:17 CV modified)

Now that the uncircumcised Gentiles have entered the Ecclesia, the metaphorical sea, separating the circumcised from the uncircumcised within the covenantal nation, no longer exists. Thus, the vision of John in Revelation 21:1-22:5 is not future to John and his readers, but present.

In 21:2 John perceives “the holy city, new Jerusalem, descending out of the heaven [of this vision] from God, made ready as a bride adorned for her husband” (CV modified). This new Jerusalem descending out of the heaven of this vision represents the Born-From-Above nation of Israel as the spirit of Yahweh and Jesus the Messiah is poured out upon her at the Pentecost of Acts, chapter 2. She is the new creation of the New Davidic Covenant. She is placed metaphorically in the heaven of this new covenant, this new world-order, in place of the old Israel under the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant.

The old Israel reflecting the light of the old Mosaic Covenant upon the nations has been removed from her place in the heaven. She no longer is reflecting that light from her exalted position over the nations. She is now relegated to reflecting this light in her humble metaphorical position upon the earth among the nations.

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John’s Related Vision in Chapter 12: A Woman Clothed With the Sun. This is the significance of John’s vision in chapter 12:

And a great sign was seen in the heaven [of this vision]: a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon underneath her feet, and on her head a wreath [crown] of twelve stars. And being pregnant, she is crying, travailing and tormented to be bringing forth. (Revelation 12:1-2 CV)

The woman seen in this vision represents Sinatic Israel crowned at Sinai as Yahweh’s covenantal wife, metaphoric Queen of Heaven. She is clothed with the sun of Yahweh’s Word, the Ten Words of her glory (Exodus, chapter 20). The moon beneath her feet represents the full moon shedding its reflected light in the dark night sky over the wayward nations given up by Yahweh to their own disapproved/disqualified mind which had been manifested at the construction of the Tower of Babel.

The woman, Israel, standing upon this full moon, is reflecting the light of Yahweh’s Word into the dark night of the ancient world. This is her ideal function. The twelve stars in her crown represent the twelve elect tribes of Israel. The woman is pregnant. She is undergoing the travail of birth. She is about to deliver “a son, a male” (Rev. 12:5 CV).

John then perceives another sign in this visionary heaven:

a great fiery-red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and on its heads seven diadems. And its tail is dragging a third of the stars of the heaven [of this vision], and casts them into the earth [of this vision]. (Revelation 12:3-4a CV)

This dragon represents Apostate Israel ruled over by The Adversary. Its tail is dragging a third of the stars in the crown of the woman and casting them into the earth below, the abode of the wayward nations dwelling within the darkness of the ancient world. These four stars cast down among the nations represent the geographical territory allotted by Joshua to the tribes of Judah, Simeon, Benjamin and Dan. The geographical territory allotted to these four tribes represents the territory of the Southern Kingdom of Judah after her return from Babylonian captivity. Thus, these four stars cast down to earth among the nations represent the current territory of Apostate Israel, the Southern Kingdom of Judah, in John’s present time. Their casting down metaphorically to earth signifies their rejection by Yahweh and their collaboration with the uncircumcised nations, placing them under the rule of The Adversary.

At the time of John’s writing Revelation, Apostate Israel is collaborating with the Roman Empire to maintain her political, economical, social, and religious existence among the nations. As much as she stresses her Jewish marks of distinction from the nations, she nevertheless goes out of her way to collaborate with the powerful Roman Empire upon which she had become dependent for national survival. That collaboration is soon to turn into outright rebellious revolt, outright arrogant opposition. Such national, Cainish arrogance is to add fuel to the already existing persecution of the Ecclesia, the Israel of Yahweh, by Apostate Israel. The prophetic visions of Revelation are provided by Yahweh in order to encourage the Ecclesia, by means of forewarning and promised victory, to remain faithful to the end.

In the second sign seen in the vision of Revelation, chapter 12, the dragon, Apostate Israel, stands before the woman, Sinatic Israel, waiting to devour her male son about to be born. Here is prophetic triple-entendre. The vision alludes back to the birth of Jesus and the attempt by Herod the Great (representing Apostate Israel under the authority of The Adversary, Satan) to destroy the new-born male son who is perceived by Herod to be a threat to his throne and kingdom. Jesus is delivered from this threat by Yahweh His Father. The vision also represents the resurrection of Jesus the Messiah out of the womb of death and His ascension to the throne of Yahweh His Father. However, the vision primarily represents and refers to the birth of the Born-From-Above Nation, the new Israel of Yahweh generated out of the metaphorical womb of Sinatic Israel on the Day of Pentecost, during which the spirit was poured out upon the Apostles and disciples of Jesus the Resurrected and Ascended Davidic Christ, Messiah, Anointed One.

This new nation, this male-son, since the entrance of the uncircumcised, is revealed to be a new creation (2 Cor. 5:17), superseding the national male-son, the natural man created at Sinai (see Deut. 5:23-24 CV). This new nation is a new man (Eph. 2:15) consisting of circumcised faithful sons of Abraham and uncircumcised faithful sons of Abraham. Covenantally, and metaphorically, Yahweh, at the birth of this new nation out of the womb of Sinatic Israel, at the pouring out of His spirit upon this new man on the Day of Pentecost, snatched (exalted) this new national man (male-son) to His throne in the metaphorical heaven above the nations. For this new nation, this new man, this new male-son is in Christ, and together with Jesus the Messiah is Yahweh’s New Male-Son, New Holy Nation, New Holy Creation, New Holy Man, covenantally exalted to the place of headship over all nations in accord with the New Abrahamic/Davidic Covenant superseding the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant.

Thus, Apostate Israel (represented by the dragon and the four stars in the crown of the woman [Sinatic Israel], which stars had been cast into the earth) fails to destroy the Messiah of Yahweh (Jesus in His obedience unto death and His Ecclesia Who, in Him, shares in His Death, Resurrection, and Ascension). On the contrary, the persecution and opposition coming from Apostate Israel (the dragon and the four stars cast into the earth, the land of Israel, Judea) result, not in the destruction of the Messiah, but in the exaltation of the Messiah over all the nations, especially over Apostate Israel.

John, then, perceives in his vision recorded in chapter 12,

And she [Sinatic Israel] brought forth a son, a male, who is about to be shepherding all the nations [now about to be coming into the Ecclesia, the New Nation, the New Creation, the New Man, as a result of the entrance of Cornelius] with an iron club [the club of the Law of Christ wielded in order to guide the uncircumcised faithful sons of Abraham in the Way of Yahweh and His Messiah]. And her child is snatched away to God and to His throne. (Revelation 12:5 CV)

The Ecclesia of Jesus the Messiah (the Born-From-Above New Nation of Yahweh, now perceived by the saints to have been exalted to the throne of Yahweh in the covenantal/metaphorical heaven above the nations; now perceived by the saints [circumcised faithful sons of Abraham] to have been created a New National Man consisting of both circumcised and uncircumcised faithful sons of Abraham) had become the light of the world-order of Yahweh, the light of the mortal kingdom of men (the Yahweh-authorized Roman Empire wielding the scepter of power over the nations). This New Holy Man, this New Holy Nation, had been exalted by Yahweh into the covenantal heavens, replacing, superseding, Sinatic Israel (the Woman of this vision) who had been deposed (due to her hardened heart caused by her deceived mind) to the lower non-covenantal realm of the earth, until the time when Yahweh would melt her hardened heart and open her blind eyes.

That time is now imminent as the light of a new day could now, with the eyes of faith, be seen peaking over the horizon. The new Sun of Yahweh’s love is rising, bringing to an end the long night of darkness of the wayward nations. Sinatic Israel had reflected the light of the Sinatic Covenant through the course of the phases of the moon as it had proceeded through this long, dark night. But now the New Israel of Yahweh, the Born-From-Above Holy Nation, is radiating the light of the Gospel of Jesus the Messiah (as she beholds that light in the face of Jesus the Messiah) as the new Sun rising into the heaven of a new day. The moon of Sinatic Israel has given way to the Sun of New Davidic Israel.

The stormy, dark clouds over disobedient, arrogant, unbelieving Apostate Israel are making it difficult to see the light of the Gospel toiling agonistically to penetrate through these thick, dark clouds of covenantal opposition. But the light of the Gospel is triumphing. Many throughout the land of Israel are perceiving the light, gathering under its warm rays and receiving its spiritual benefits, becoming covenantally healthy. The clouds over the heavens of the nations have just recently been blown away by the wind of the spirit blowing over Cornelius and the Greeks in Antioch. The deceiving clouds of Satan The Adversary which had been hovering over the nations have been removed.

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John’s Related Vision in Chapter 20: The Submerged Chaos. In this vision, Satan is depicted as being bound in chains, limiting his deceiving activity to the land of Israel, the land of the Jews, the land of Apostate Israel, symbolically referred to as “the submerged chaos”:

And I perceived a messenger descending out of the heaven [of this vision], having the key of the submerged chaos and a large chain in his hand. And he lays hold of the dragon, the ancient serpent, who is the Adversary and Satan, and binds him a thousand years. And he casts him into the submerged chaos and locks it, and seals it over him (lest he should still be deceiving the nations) until the thousand years should be finished [might be made complete]. After these things he must be loosed a little time. (Revelation 20:1-3 CV)

“The submerged chaos” (also translated abyss, pit, or bottomless pit) is associated with demons and the depths of a lake. It is first used in the Greek Scriptures in Luke 8:31. Demons speaking to Jesus plead with Him not to cast them into “the submerged chaos.” Leaving the possessed man, they are permitted to enter into a herd of pigs. The herd then stampedes over a precipice into the lake below.

Thus, “the submerged chaos” is associated with the depths of a lake. Symbolically, it becomes associated with “the lake of fire”:

And the wild beast is arrested, and with it the false prophet . . . Living, the two were cast into the lake of fire burning with sulphur. (Revelation 19:20 CV)

In Revelation 20:10, The Adversary also is cast into “the lake of fire” after being loosed for a short season in order to deceive the nations for the last time. “The lake of fire,” therefore, symbolically represents apostate Jerusalem, the Jerusalem below in contrast with the Jerusalem above. It represents the last stronghold stand of Apostate Israel against Yahweh and the Roman Empire. Its image as a lake of fire represents the destructive atrocities of its lawlessness during the years of the war against Rome (66-70 A.D.)

Thus, “the lake of fire” (the Jerusalem below) is located in the heart of “the submerged chaos, which represents the entire land of Palestine in its revolt against Rome. The wild beast is the Kingdom of Judea (Apostate Israel) in league with the kings of the nations around them (Idumaea, Samaria, Peraea, Galilee, Syria), also in revolt against Rome. This unholy mixture is an abomination in the eyes of Yahweh.

Thus, in chapter 17, the woman sitting on a scarlet wild beast represents Apostate Jerusalem “clothed with purple and scarlet, and gilded with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand, brimming with abominations and the uncleannesses of the prostitution of her and the earth [the land of Palestine] (Rev. 17:4 CV). She is clothed symbolically with her unclean priestly garments and paraphernalia associated with the apostate temple worship. She is called Babylon the Great the mother of the prostitutes and the abominations of the earth” (Rev. 17:5 CV). She and the wild beast (Apostate Israel) represent the stiff-necked, rebellious, arrogant Cainite Israel. She and the wild beast are trapped in “the submerged chaos,” the land of Palestine under siege by the Roman army.

At the time of the writing of Revelation (39-40 a.d.), Satan The Adversary had been confined to the land of Israel. His deceiving operations are limited to Apostate Israel and her national allies. As long as he remains chained in “the submerged chaos” (the land of Palestine), he cannot deceive the nations to whom the Gospel of Jesus the Messiah, the Gospel of the Uncircumcision, is about to be sent through the missionary ministry of Barnabas and Saul recorded in Acts, chapters 13-14. Satan would be confined to the land of Palestine until his work in Israel had completely prepared Apostate Israel for the eschatological destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple by the Roman army.

This is the symbolic significance of the binding of The Adversary for 1,000 years, during which time (the symbolic 1,000 years, about 33-64 a.d.) the faithful, conquering disciples of Jesus the Messiah, in opposition to the reign of The Adversary, live and reign with the Messiah (see Rev. 20:4b). As Satan begins his reign over Apostate Israel while confined to ruling over only the land of Palestine (about 30 a.d.), he is given (in 64 a.d., the beginning of the Jewish revolt against Rome) “the key of the well of the submerged chaos” (Rev. 9:1b CV). This key signifies the authority given to Satan by Yahweh to wreak havoc in his Apostate Kingdom. Madness will prevail. The disapproved and abominable mind will unleash chaos throughout the land,

And he [Satan] opens the well of the submerged chaos, and fumes ascended out of the well as the smoke of a large furnace, and the sun and the air are darkened by the fumes of the well. (Revelation 9:2 CV)

The sun and the air being darkened represent a kingdom completely immersed in a depraved environment of corrupt thinking and behaving. Absurd thought and behavior are accepted as reasonable and wise. Fools are caught up in their own folly. Yahweh gives Apostate Israel over to her depraved mind and heart to produce her own chaotic destruction.

Poisonous locusts (representing depravity of mind and heart) come out of these rancid fumes. These locusts have license to sting scorpion-like only “the” men (9:4b, Greek text has the article the before the noun men) of the land not having the seal of Yahweh on their foreheads. These men are those who have rejected the Gospel of the Christ. Thus, they are primarily unfaithful Jews committed to the cause of Apostate Israel and her apostate, corrupt, depraved system of worship and service. They are the circumcised unfaithful children of Abraham clinging to the nullified Mosaic Covenant for covenantal life and eschatological promise. The poison administered in the sting of these locusts is therefore the poison of the false gospel of a distorted Moses, the false gospel of the traditions and commandments of apostate Jewish rulers, teachers, and shepherds who oppose Jesus the Messiah. They proclaim a counterfeit gospel of the circumcision, worshiping and serving the god of their own Cainish imagination.

These locusts, however, have no power to inflict their tormenting sickness upon the grass of the land, anything green, or any tree (Rev. 9:4). These three exceptions represent the people of Yahweh: the Jewish Messianics, unbelieving Jews whose hearts are circumcised, and Yahweh-fearing Gentiles.

The tormenting sickness is to be endured for a period of five months, symbolically representing the five major festivals of Israel (Passover, Unleavened Bread, Pentecost, Atonement, and Tabernacles) which will be polluted abominably beginning in 66 a.d. and ending in 70 a.d. Entrapped in their very own defensive strategy, these men suffering this tormenting sickness within the assumed safety of the walls of Jerusalem and the Temple will seek death (the death common to all men) but will be unable to find it. So it came to be within these sacred walls during the Jewish revolt against Rome.

The king reigning over these locusts is Satan, The Adversary himself, who had been confined by chains to operate his destruction only within the land of the Jews. This messenger of “the submerged chaos” has a name in both Hebrew and Greek:

His Hebrew name is Abaddon [destroyer], and in Greek he has the name Apollyon [the waster]. (Revelation 9:11b CV)

He is the spiritual force inspiring the covenantal madness of the authorities and powers seeking to control and direct the revolutionary affairs of Apostate Israel.

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John’s Related Vision in Chapter 19: The Warrior King and His Armies—To the One Who is Conquering. Each of the messages written to the assemblies ends with a declaration to the one who is conquering. This is a reference to all the faithful spiritual warriors following their Commander-In-Chief, their Warrior-King, Jesus the Messiah, into the spiritual warfare against the spiritual forces of Apostate Israel. This warfare had begun on the day of Pentecost recorded in Acts, chapter 2. Revelation, chapter 19:11-16, describes these conquering ones as they first go into battle following Jesus the Messiah their Davidic Warrior-King:

And I perceived the heaven [of this vision] open, and lo! a white horse. And He Who is sitting on it is called “Faithful and True,” and in righteousness is He judging and battling . . . And the armies in the heaven [of this vision], dressed in cambric, white and clean, followed Him on white horses. (Revelation 19:11, 14 CV modified)

The heaven of this vision symbolically represents action taking place in Jerusalem and the holy land carried out by Yahweh’s spiritual Commander-In-Chief and His spiritual warrior people of the New Davidic Covenant. They, as the Born-From-Above Israel under the terms of the New Davidic Covenant, are depicted in the heaven since they are metaphorically reigning over and spiritually battling against Apostate Israel and her gentile allies. This New Covenant is administering covenantal life to those faithfully believing into Jesus the Messiah according to the Gospel of Christ, while delivering up those presumptuously and arrogantly rejecting and opposing Jesus the Messiah and His New Davidic Kingdom to the covenantal death of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant, described in Revelation 20:14 as “the second death—the lake of fire” (CV).

Thus, “the lake of fire” refers to Jerusalem and Apostate Israel (the woman sitting on the scarlet wild beast, Rev. 17:3) under the verdict of Yahweh’s Second Death. This lake of fire is presently burning (metaphorically, covenantally) in the holy land inhabited by John and his readers. The proclamation of the Gospel offers deliverance from this covenantal fire of death which is continually increasing in fiery magnitude. The Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant is in the process of burning up in accordance with the curse of death placed upon it by Yahweh after the crafting and worshiping of the golden calf at the foot of Mount Sinai, the footstool of Yahweh, Israel’s King.

In this heavenly vision, Jesus the Messiah is depicted as the New Davidic Warrior-King coming forth from Yahweh’s presence on behalf of the righteousness of Yahweh. He is the Faithful and True Servant of Yahweh (King in Yeshurun, Deut. 33:5 CV). He comes judging and battling against the rebellious and stiff-necked Cainite Apostate Israel flagrantly opposing the righteousness of Yahweh manifested in the Mosaic Law and in Jesus the Messiah Himself. He comes conquering the enemies of Yahweh and liberating the people of Yahweh held captive by Yahweh’s enemies.

His eyes are figuratively described as “a flame of fire” (Rev. 19:12 CV), discriminately discerning and separating the tares from the grain. The flame of His righteous judgment has set Apostate Jerusalem and Israel on fire, turning the Prostitute and the Wild Beast (Revelation, chapter 17) into a lake of fire, while purifying His saints, His people, His faithful warriors through the fire of His judgment upon Apostate Israel. His warriors are scorched clean by enduring the fire of the persecution coming from the Lake of Fire. But this fire can not harm those battling faithfully against the enemies of Yahweh,

The one who is conquering [with Me] may under no circumstances be injured [harmed] by the second death [the lake of fire]. (Revelation 2:11b CV)

In this vision of Revelation 19:11-16, John, continuing to behold the Faithful and True Conquering Warrior mounted on the white horse of righteous vindication, writes,

and on His head are many diadems [crowns], having names written of which no one except Himself is aware, and He is clothed in a cloak dipped in blood, and His name is called “The Word of God.” (Revelation 19:12b‑13 CV)

Jesus the Messiah is a King wearing many crowns, upon which are engraved many names indicating His greatness, His enormous authority and power given Him by Yahweh His Father and His God. Only He, among terrestrial and celestial beings, is aware of these names and their significance, especially in relation to the future coming eons. He is clothed in a royal cloak dipped or dyed in the blood of His crucifixion death and sufferings. Thus, He comes conquering in the authority and power received through His obedience “unto death, even the death of the cross” (Phil. 2:8b CV).

His warriors, His servants, His disciples, His faithful followers share in His crucifixion death and sufferings:

These [clothed in white robes] are those coming out of the great affliction. And they rinse [wash] their robes, and they whiten them in the blood of the Lambkin. (Revelation 7:14b CV)

Happy [Honorable] are those who are [presently] rinsing [washing] their robes [in the blood of the Lamb], that it will be their license to the log [tree] of the life [of the New Davidic Covenant], and they may be entering the portals into the city [the New Jerusalem, the Jerusalem above, the mother of us all, see Gal. 4:26]. (Revelation 22:14 CV modified)

With Christ have I been crucified, . . . (Galatians 2:20 CV)

. . . according as the sufferings of Christ are superabounding in us, . . . (2 Corinthians 1:5 CV)

For I am reckoning [accounting] that the sufferings of the current era do not deserve the glory about to be revealed for us. (Romans 8:18 CV)

to know Him [Messiah Jesus], . . . and the fellowship of His sufferings, conforming to His death [crucifixion death], . . . (Philippians 3:10 CV)

The armies in the heaven of this vision, following Jesus the Messiah (the New Davidic Warrior-King) on white horses, consist of His faithful disciples placing their faith and confidence in His crucifixion death, resurrection, and ascension. They rinse their robes of faithfulness in His blood, thereby making, dyeing, their robes white. This is presently occurring as a result of their continual faithfulness to His commands directing their service in the current warfare against Apostate Israel.

Again, using the gnomic future, John writes of Jesus the Messiah,

Lo! I am coming swiftly, and My wage is with Me, to pay each one as his work is. . . . Happy [Honorable] are those who are [presently] rinsing their robes, that it will be [whenever they are rinsing their robes in His blood, gnomic future] their license to the log [tree] of the life [of the New Davidic Covenant], . . . (Revelation 22:12-14a CV modified)

At the consummating arrival of His Parousia, Jesus would be rewarding all His servants, who had been faithful to the end, their final wage determined by their work produced during the era of the great affliction endured on behalf of the righteousness of the New Davidic Kingdom. In the meantime, all His faithful spiritual warriors are encouraged to continually be washing their robes in His blood, as required by faithful service under the terms of the New Davidic Covenant. The exhortation to faithfulness is the purpose of the Book of Revelation as a whole in relation to those reading and hearing this divinely provided prophetic revelation, this prophecy given to Jesus by Yahweh to reveal to Jesus’ faithful followers (those already having suffered on behalf of Jesus the Messiah, yet about to be suffering much greater affliction because of His name).

John’s heavenly vision continues:

And out of His mouth a sharp blade [sword] is issuing, that with it He should be smiting the nations. And He will be shepherding them with an iron club. And He is treading the wine trough of the fury of the indignation of God, the Almighty. (Revelation 19:15 CV)

The sword issuing out of the mouth of Messiah Jesus the Warrior-King symbolically represents the Word of the Gospel of the Uncircumcision (just recently revealed to His saints through the Apostle Saul/Paul) by which He is to spiritually smite the nations, that is, bring those believing this Gospel under the liberating dominion of the New Davidic Kingdom whose constitution is the New Davidic Covenant. These faithful uncircumcised ones from among the nations are then to be shepherded, guided, instructed, in the Law of The Messiah in order that they might worship and serve Yahweh and Jesus His Anointed One in accordance with that which is right in the eyes of Yahweh, thus manifesting Yahweh’s glory. Jesus as the Word of God proclaims the Gospel of the Circumcision to the circumcised Jews, thus delivering those believing this Gospel from the curse of the Law into the promises of the Law and the Prophets. As the Word of God to the uncircumcised gentiles, Jesus the Messiah proclaims the Gospel of the Uncircumcision, thus delivering them from the darkness of the disapproved mind and behavior of the nations previously given up by Yahweh (after Babel, Gen. 11:1-9) to their disobedient ways. The uncircumcised believing Gentiles, having been immersed in the corrupt ways of the nations, need to be guided with an iron club, a strong hand, strict discipline aligning them with the way of Yahweh and Jesus His Anointed King.

Jesus Himself declares,

And to the one who is conquering and keeping My acts until the consummation [the circumcised Messianics], to him will I be giving authority over the nations; and he shall be shepherding them with an iron club [the strict discipline of the righteousness of Yahweh], as vessels of pottery are being crushed, as I also have obtained from My Father. And I will be giving him the morning star. (Revelation 2:26-28 CV)

Jesus the Messiah has been given authority to proclaim His salvation to the uncircumcised gentiles and discipline them in the truth of The Way, the truth of the New Davidic Covenant. Consequently, He has authorized His circumcised faithful brethren (the saints) to proclaim His Gospel, as it pertains to the uncircumcised gentiles (the Gospel of the Uncircumcision), to the gentiles and to discipline (guide, direct, instruct) them (those believing) in the truth of the Way, the truth of the New Davidic Covenant.

The corrupt ways of these believing Gentiles will be crushed and replaced with the righteous ways of Yahweh’s Law. The corrupt and decadent thoughts and behavior of their uncircumcised minds and hearts will be crushed and discarded, being replaced by the Law of Yahweh written on their hearts by the spirit, thus transforming their minds. This new condition of the faithful uncircumcised disciples of Jesus the Messiah is alluded to by Paul when he writes concerning these faithful uncircumcised disciples:

For whenever they of the nations [uncircumcised believers] that have no law [of their own from Yahweh], by nature [in physical uncircumcision] may be doing that which the law [of Yahweh and His Anointed Son, Jesus the Messiah] demands, these, having no law [of their own from Yahweh], are a law to themselves, who are displaying the action of the law written in their hearts, . . . (Romans 2:14-15a CV)

Thus, the saints (the circumcised faithful ones) are authorized and commissioned to shepherd (guide, direct, instruct, discipline), as the priests of the new nation, the uncircumcised faithful ones entering the New Nation Born-From-Above. To these faithful circumcised priests of Jesus the Messiah, Jesus Himself gives “the morning star,” the light of His rising royal presence, the light of the New Davidic King, Kingdom, Nation, and Covenant, signaling the end of the long night of darkness of the ancient world and the beginning of the long day of the light of the Kingdom of God.

As the sharp sword issuing out of Jesus the Messiah’s mouth slays covenantally His enemies and saves covenantally those believing the Word of the Gospel, the hooves of His conquering royal steed (together with the hooves of the royal steeds of His followers) tread the wine trough of the furious indignation of Yahweh, resulting in the final literal conflagration of Jerusalem, the Temple, and Apostate Israel, figuratively referred to as the Lake of Fire, the Second Death. This treading, of course, is a symbol representing the literal destruction of Jerusalem, the Temple, and Apostate Israel caused by the triumphant, conquering Davidic-Warrior-King and His spiritual warriors, but actually accomplished, carried out, by the Roman army in 70 a.d.

The uncircumcised Gentiles having already entered into the New Nation (represented by Cornelius and the Greeks in Antioch) had already been, prior to their entrance, Yahweh-Reverencing, since they had already been associated with the synagogues of the Jews. Thus, they had already been guided and instructed in the Way of Yahweh recorded in the Hebrew Scriptures. Soon, however, there would begin to enter the New Nation uncircumcised Gentiles unassociated with the Jewish synagogues, thus, never having been guided and instructed by the Law of Moses. John’s vision focuses on these uncircumcised Gentiles. For these Gentiles need to have their corrupt ways crushed. These Gentiles need to be disciplined with a rod of iron. This was not necessary in relation to Cornelius and the Greeks in Antioch.

The reference to “The one who is conquering” (Rev. 2:11), therefore, refers to the saints (the circumcised priests of Jesus the Messiah, the King-Priest of the Born-From-Above Nation). These saints, continually serving faithfully their King-Priest, consist of all those circumcised followers of Jesus the Messiah located throughout the holy land at the time of John’s writing this prophecy. Figuratively, this is represented by the seven symbolic assemblies symbolically located in Asia. Thus, Asia represents symbolically the entire habitation of the household of the Israel of Yahweh (those located in the holy land and those located throughout the territories of the Roman Empire) and the spiritual, covenantal separation of the Born-From-Above Holy Nation of Yahweh and His Anointed King from the apostate, unholy nation of Yahweh’s enemies.

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The Message Written to Smyrna, Revelation 2:8-11

Jesus writes to the assembly at Smyrna as “the First and the Last, Who became dead, and lives” (Rev. 2:8 CV). He is aware and appreciates the works, the affliction, and the poverty of these saints on His behalf. Yet, He reminds them that they are covenantally rich, in spite of such affliction and poverty. He is also aware of the blasphemy of some in their synagogue. These blasphemous Jews claim they are Jews faithful to Yahweh and the Mosaic Law. Jesus the First and the Last, He Who First proclaimed the spirit of the Mosaic Law and kept this law and at Last became the goal of this law through His death, and having been raised out of death to New Covenantal Life, pronounces these Jews liars, categorizing them as “a synagogue of Satan” (2:9b CV), clinging to the old Mosaic Covenant for covenantal life and righteous standing before the presence of Yahweh. They are Jews either having uncircumcised hearts or hardened hearts due to ignorance and unbelief.

The faithful followers of Jesus the Messiah continue to actively participate in the synagogues located throughout the holy land. Within their synagogues are unbelieving Jews, unconvinced of the truth of the Gospel of Jesus the Messiah. They claim they are the legitimate Jews, contrasting themselves with those renegade Jews claiming Jesus as Messiah. Jesus encourages His followers, “Fear nothing that you are about to be suffering” (Rev. 2:10a CV). His followers are about to be afflicted with more suffering at the hands of those Jews blasphemously claiming to be faithful and authentic Jews in contrast to these scandalous Messianics who testify that Jesus is the Messiah written of in the Law and the Prophets.

Jesus continues His warning and encouragement:

Lo! the Adversary is about to be casting some of you into jail that you may be tried, and you will be having affliction ten days. Become faithful until death, and I shall be giving you the wreath [crown] of the life [of the New Davidic Covenant]. (Revelation 2:10b CV)

Shortly after this revelation is given to John, the Apostle James is assassinated by Herod the king (Acts 12:1-2). Perceiving this as pleasing to the Jews (those boasting that they are faithful and authentic Jews zealously defending the integrity of the Mosaic Law), Herod proceeds to apprehend and jail the Apostle Peter. A celestial messenger from Jesus the Messiah miraculously releases Peter. Both James and Peter, continually acting faithfully, already wear the crown of covenantal life.

The use of the gnomic future guarantees possession of this crown as long as one remains faithful to Jesus the Messiah. James had worn this crown to his death. For his faithfulness even unto death, James is to receive “the wreath [crown] of righteousness” (2 Tim. 4:8 CV), “the unfading wreath [crown] of glory” (1 Pe. 5:4 CV) awarded at the consummation of the Parousia/Arrival of Jesus the Messiah.

In His letter written to the assembly at Philadelphia, Jesus the Messiah exhorts, “Hold what you have, that no one may be taking your wreath [crown] (Rev. 3:11 CV). He is referring here to the crown of covenantal life which all faithful followers of Jesus the Messiah have a right to wear as long as they continually act faithfully. Turn away from Jesus, continually act unfaithfully, and your crown will be taken from you. Thus, let no man lead you away from acting faithfully, lest, in doing so, that man causes you to lose your crown. James, the brother of Jesus the Messiah, using the gnomic future, refers to the present possession of this covenantal life:

Happy [Honorable] is the man who is enduring trial, for, becoming qualified [by continually acting faithfully], he will be [continually] obtaining the wreath [crown] of the life [of the New Davidic Covenant], which He [Yahweh and Jesus the Messiah] promises [guarantees] to those [continually] loving Him. (James 1:12 CV)

Jesus warns His disciples that they “will be having affliction ten days” (Rev. 2:10b CV). Ten days symbolically represents being fully tested in the furnace of affliction on behalf of the righteousness of the New Davidic Kingdom. Jesus here encourages His disciples to continually remain faithful throughout the era of affliction. They are to become faithful even to death, if necessary. They will have to endure trial to the limit. They will have the right to adorn the crown of covenantal life as long as they remain faithful through the coming affliction on account of His name. They must remain faithful to the end. This could be by death or endurance of the affliction to His Parousia/Arrival.

The number ten also alludes to the Ten Commandments (Exodus, chapter 20), the ten plagues in Egypt (Exodus, chapters 5-13), and the affliction endured by Jacob at the hands of Laban:

Yet your father [Rachel and Leah’s] has cheated me and changed my wages ten times; however, God did not allow him to hurt me. (Genesis 31:7 NASB)

Ten is the number signifying complete trial or testing. Jacob speaks these words to his wives (daughters of Laban) after he discovers the change in Laban’s attitude toward him,

Jacob saw the attitude of Laban, and behold, it was not friendly toward him as formerly. (Genesis 31:2 NASB)

Yahweh then instructs Jacob to go out from Laban and return to the land of his fathers. Yahweh had not allowed Laban’s hostile attitude toward Jacob to hurt Jacob, even though Laban had cheated (afflicted) Jacob ten times, that is, Laban’s affliction of Jacob had reached its fullness, its completeness. Jacob had faithfully endured this affliction and was about to enter the land of his reward at the instruction of Yahweh his Elohim.

As Yahweh had not allowed Laban’s hostile attitude toward Jacob to hurt Jacob, so Jesus promises His disciples (those who faithfully wear to the end the crown of covenantal life given to them at their reception of the Gospel) that

The one who is conquering may under no circumstances be injured by the second death. (Revelation 2:11b CV)

The Second Death symbolically refers to the persecution coming from Apostate Israel, apostate Jews. This rebellious, evil, stiff-necked, Cainish nation clinging to the Mosaic Covenant for covenantal life and blessings is hostile to the Messianic Israelites clinging to the New Davidic Covenant for covenantal life and blessings. This hostility is to become magnified as a result of the entrance of uncircumcised Gentiles into the Messianic ranks.

Thus, this apostate nation is referred to figuratively as the submerged chaos (the abyss). The submerged chaos represents Apostate Israel in the land of Palestine. She is presently undergoing the death, the termination, the telos, of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant, symbolically represented by the lake of fire:

This is the second death—the lake of fire. And if anyone was not found written in the scroll of life [the life of the New Davidic Covenant], he was cast into the lake of fire. (Revelation 20:14b-15 CV)

the lake burning with fire and sulphur, which is the second death. (Revelation 21:8b CV)

This lake of fire represents the indignation of Yahweh being poured out upon Apostate Israel, the rebellious children of Cain.

This imagery alludes to the judgment of Yahweh against Israel as a result of her worshiping the golden calf. Moses had intervened on behalf of the nation. Yahweh had accepted his intervention, putting off the rebellious, stiff-necked nation’s national death to a distant day. That day had now arrived. Yahweh’s final visitation for judgment and salvation had arrived in final fulfillment of Exodus 32:34b:

And now, go [Moses], guide the people to the place [the Promised Land] of which I spoke to you. Behold, My messenger shall go before you, and in the day of My visitation, then I will visit on them their sin. (CV)

This final day, era, season, of Yahweh’s visitation began with the ministries of John the Baptist and Jesus. Just prior to His crucifixion death, Jesus announced to Apostate Israel, represented by Apostate Jerusalem, the Jerusalem below,

your enemies will be casting up a rampart about you, . . . and they will not be leaving a stone on a stone in you, because you knew not the era of your visitation. (Luke 19:43-44 CV)

Yahweh’s final visitation of Israel is a day, a season, an era, of judgment against Apostate Israel and salvation for the Born-From-Above Israel. The faithful disciples of Jesus the Messiah have been afflicted and will endure the coming magnified affliction at the hands of Apostate Israel, apostate Jews. Dwelling in the land of Palestine, these faithful disciples will figuratively be dwelling in the midst of the submerged chaos, thus exposed to the figurative flames of the lake of fire. But they will not be injured or harmed by these afflicting, persecuting flames of the zealous wrath emanating from the apostate nation under the indignation (wrath) of Yahweh’s judgment upon her.

The faithful disciples of Jesus will be protected from the affects of Yahweh’s indignation against Apostate Israel (the Second Death, the death of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant), and, though they endure the affliction and persecution resulting from the zealous hatred of those Jews clinging to the Mosaic Covenant, they will be delivered through and from this affliction and persecution into the promised Celestial Allotment. This protection alludes to Yahweh’s protection of Shadrach. Meshach, and Abednego when they are cast into a flaming furnace due to their refusal to worship the golden image set up by King Nebuchadnezzar (Dan. 3:13-30). The furnace is turned up seven times its normal temperature. They are cast into this exceedingly hot flaming furnace, unharmed, unaffected by the flames, while those casting them into this furnace are devoured merely by being exposed to the extreme heat of the furnace.

In the vision of Revelation 19:11-18, the faithful disciples of Jesus the Messiah are depicted as faithful spiritual warriors dressed in white and riding upon white horses as they follow Jesus the Davidic Warrior-King into battle against the enemy, Apostate Israel. Thus, they are depicted as reigning with Jesus the Messiah and participating with their King in His battle against His enemies among Apostate Israelites. This reality began at the Pentecost of Acts, chapter 2.

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The Wild Beast and the False Prophet of the Vision of Revelation 19:19-21. In the vision of Revelation 19:19-21, John perceives the enemies of the “King of kings and Lord of lords” (19:16). He perceives

the wild beast and the kings of the earth [the land of Palestine] and their armies, gathered to do battle with Him Who is sitting on the horse and with His army. (Revelation 19:19 CV)

The wild beast represents Apostate Israel (the nation of Judea). The kings of the land represent those leaders of the nations in the land of Palestine joining Judea in her revolt against Rome. Their armies represent all those in the land actively committed to this revolt. All these become the enemies of Jesus the Messiah and His disciples because the revolt against Rome represents Apostate Israel’s revolt against Yahweh and His Anointed King. The real battle taking place is a covenantal battle: The distorted Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant opposes the New Abrahamic/Davidic Covenant. The battle is a spiritual battle, a civil war between Apostate Israel and the Born-From-Above Israel, between the kingdom of Saul and the Kingdom of Jesus the Anointed King of Yahweh’s choice, the elect, faithful Son of David.

In this vision, the wild beast (Apostate Israel) and its prophet (its spokesman, its spiritual advisor and agent, Apostate Israel’s rabbinic representatives) are arrested and cast alive into the lake of fire (Rev. 19:20‑21). Symbolically, this means Apostate Israel and her spiritual advisors committed to the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant are delivered up to the final indignation of the fiery covenantal judgment of Yahweh. According to this vision, this false prophet

does the signs in its [the beast’s] sight, by which he deceives those getting [receiving] the emblem of the wild beast, and those worshiping its image. (Revelation 19:20b CV)

The signs by which Apostate Israel’s spiritual advisors deceive apostate Jews refer to their pseudo-interpretations of the Law of Moses, their own traditions and commandments which distort the Word of Yahweh, resulting in a depraved and disqualified mind Cainishly in opposition to Yahweh and His Anointed King. The emblem of Apostate Israel received by those Jews deceived by the pseudo-teachings of the pseudo-shepherds refers to the Mosaic Covenant. Those receiving, clinging to the Mosaic Covenant for covenantal life and blessings (especially blessing in the coming age when the Kingdom would be restored to Israel, exalting her over the nations) figuratively receive the emblem, the flag, the banner, under which Apostate Israel goes to war against Jesus the Messiah and the Israel of Yahweh, that is, the emblem, the flag, the banner, representing the glory of the Mosaic Covenant.

This apostate nation wages spiritual warfare under the glorious banner of the future hope promised by the Mosaic Covenant. Those Jews committing themselves to this emblem, this cause, this hope, are figuratively worshiping the image of the wild beast, the image of Apostate Israel. This image is the image of Moses which this Cainite nation, this last evil generation of the Mosaic Eon, has set up. The worship of the image of the wild beast reflects the same type of idolatry manifested in the first evil generation’s setting up of the golden calf, which had been crafted with their own hands and worshiped when, after 40 days and 40 nights, Moses had not returned from the heights of Mount Sinai.

As the golden calf had been an idolatrous replacement for the faithful Moses remaining before the presence of Yahweh in the heights of Mount Sinai, so also the figurative image of Moses exalted in the spirit of Apostate Israel is an idolatrous replacement for the faithful Moses remaining before the presence of Yahweh atop Mount Sinai. Apostate Israel had misappropriated Moses and had misinterpreted the law given to Moses by Yahweh for the welfare of Yahweh’s nation. As Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego had refused to worship the literal image set up by Nebuchadnezzar, so also the faithful disciples of Jesus the Messiah refuse to worship the figurative image set up by Apostate Israel.

Note, however, that this false prophet deceives. The children of Cain in Apostate Israel are not deceived. Only the seed of the Woman Eve are deceived. Thus, those deceived into receiving the emblem of Apostate Israel (the Mosaic Covenant distorted by the lie, “You surely shall not die!” [Gen. 3:4 NASB] says the serpent to Eve, who being deceived by this lie eats the forbidden fruit) are those like Saul of Tarsus whose heart is circumcised, though hardened through unbelief resulting from an ignorant mind blinded by the false traditions of his fathers, that is, the misappropriation and misinterpretation of Moses. They are deceived by the lying signs of the spokesmen and advisors of Apostate Israel. They are blind and ignorant; they are the children of the Woman Eve; they are not in rebellion against Yahweh, though they have been deceived into thinking and acting in opposition to Yahweh.

This vision concludes:

And the rest [of those belonging to Apostate Israel, the undeceived Jews] were killed with the blade which is coming out of the mouth of Him Who is sitting on the horse. And all the birds are satisfied with their flesh. (Revelation 19:21 CV)

Thus, this vision, like the vision of 19:17-18, takes the reader to the end of the eon and the conclusion of the judgment against Apostate Israel. The undeceived Jews, sons of Cain, unlike the deceived, are not blind and ignorant. They arrogantly, presumptuously, oppose Yahweh and His Anointed King. They prefer Moses to Jesus the Messiah. They prefer the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant to the New Abrahamic/Davidic Covenant. They are destroyed covenantally according to the testimony of the Gospel of Christ, the word of Yahweh coming forth out of the mouth of Jesus the Messiah, the Davidic Warrior-King. All the birds being satisfied with their flesh symbolically represent the devouring of these antichrists, these apostate Jews, by the fiery judgment of the lake of fire, the Second Death, the ultimate and final covenantal destruction of Apostate Israel manifested or revealed in the literal destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple in 70 a.d. by the Roman army.

Those deceived by the signs of the prophet of the wild beast are not destroyed in the lake of fire. They do not experience the affect of the Second Death, the death, the termination, the telos, of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant. The deceived Jews whose hearts are circumcised will have their eyes opened at the Parousia/Approach of the glory of Jesus the Messiah. They will then recognize the deception of the lie and joyfully acknowledge the truth of the Gospel of the Christ, turning back to Yahweh and Jesus His Anointed Son and King. Thus, all Israel, the Israel of Yahweh, will be saved (Rom. 11:26).

The wild beast and its prophet are cast alive into the lake of fire at the very onset of the spiritual warfare, that is, at the pouring out of the spirit of Yahweh generating the New Born-From-Above Israel. Thus, the national birth of the Born-From-Above Israel recorded in Acts, chapter 2, initiates the spiritual civil war between the two nations and two kingdoms. At this time, Apostate Israel and her spiritual advisors, waging spiritual warfare under the flag, the banner, of Moses and the Mosaic Covenant, are confined to the land of Palestine which is now under the final indignation of Yahweh. Yahweh’s final visitation initiates the figurative flames of His ultimate judgment against Apostate Israel: the termination, the telos, of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant, the Second Death, the national covenantal death of Apostate Israel.

Thus, the figurative coming of Jesus the Messiah as the Davidic Warrior-King riding upon this white stallion (Rev. 19:11-16) signifying His role as the Triumphant Conquering One, the King of kings and Lord of lords, represents the beginning of His reign. He reigns and battles together with His New Davidic Covenantal Warriors. He and His disciples reigning with Him wage spiritual warfare wielding the sword of the Word of Yahweh, the Gospel of Jesus the Messiah. The proclamation of this Gospel destroys the apostate sons of Cain while at the same time saving, healing, the faithful children of Abel, the faithful children of Abraham, and liberating the deceived children of the Woman Eve.

Thus, metaphorically speaking, the whole land of Palestine and Apostate Israel are immersed in the lake of fire of Yahweh’s ultimate condemnation of the evil, rebellious, stiff-necked Apostate Israel. The lake of fire and the submerged chaos symbolically describe the land of Palestine and Apostate Israel under the siege of Jesus the Messiah, the Davidic-Warrior-King, together with His army of spiritual warriors reigning and battling at His side.

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The Dragon and the Submerged Chaos of the Visions of Revelation 20:1-3, 7-10. The vision of Revelation 20:1-3 elaborates on the vision of 19:19-21. John perceives a messenger descending out of the heaven of this vision. He has the key of the submerged chaos (the land of Palestine immersed in the condemnation of Yahweh) and a large chain in his hand. He seizes the dragon dwelling in the heaven of this vision and binds him with the chain in his hand. He then casts him into the submerged chaos, confining him there together with the beast (Apostate Israel) and the false prophet (Apostate Israel’s spiritual advisors) who are already there.

The dragon is said to be “the ancient serpent, who is the Adversary and Satan” (Rev. 20:2 CV). The Adversary, Satan, had been given authority over the nations when they had abandoned the One, True, Living Elohim. He had also been given authority over Apostate Israel as a result of her continual abandonment of Yahweh her Elohim. His authority is now confined to the land of Palestine and Apostate Israel (the submerged chaos). He is confined to this land and this nation for the duration of the spiritual civil war.

This confinement is figuratively depicted by the number one thousand (1,000). The one thousand (1,000) years of Revelation 20:2 symbolically represents the most significant period in Israel’s covenantal history. It represents approximately the years 30-70 a.d. (a period of 40 years). One thousand is ten to the third power (103). It thus represents the ultimate period of trial and judgment for Apostate Israel. It is associated in the Hebrew Scriptures with war (Num. 31:4-5); with the final judgment of the faithful and unfaithful in Israel (Deut. 7:9-10); with the duration of the Mosaic Covenant (1 Chr. 16:15-18; Ps. 105:8‑10).

The Adversary is confined to the land of Palestine and Apostate Israel in order to refrain him from his deceiving activities among the nations (Rev. 20:3). The nations would now hear the Gospel of the Messiah free from the deceptive activities of The Adversary to whom Yahweh in the past had given them over. Satan, The Adversary appointed by Yahweh, thus, is not to interfere with the preaching of the Gospel to the nations until the final preparations for the destruction of Apostate Israel are put in place, “until the thousand years should achieve their goal [designed by Yahweh] (20:3b my amplified translation), after which he must be freed for a short time.

He is loosed for a short time in order to deceive the nations for the last time. His last activity of deception will close the door of the Gospel to the nations, thus, bringing to completion the number of Gentiles entering the ranks of the Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh, the Ecclesia of Jesus the Messiah. The Adversary’s last deceptive activity would result in a final persecution of the disciples of Jesus the Messiah by the nations. This persecution would be of a short duration, ending in the triumphant victory, the conquest of the New Davidic Nation and Kingdom over her gentile enemies.

The Adversary, being “loosed out of his jail” (Rev. 20:7 CV), is commissioned by Yahweh to go out from Apostate Israel and the land of Palestine and deceive the nations within the boundaries of the Roman Empire one last time. Obeying his orders, The Adversary, Satan, deceives these nations, mobilizing them for battle against “the citadel of the saints and the beloved city” (20:9 CV). The number of gentiles thus mobilized is said to be “as the sand of the sea” (20:8b CV). This simile indicates the full extent of this battle, this persecution. The persecution will occur throughout the territories of the Roman Empire within which the assemblies of Jesus the Messiah dwell. This figurative battle, therefore, refers to the gentile persecution of the servants of Jesus the Messiah which is to take place throughout the Roman Empire from 64-70 a.d. when the Messianic assemblies become distinguished from Judaism by the Roman Empire during the years of the Jewish war against Rome.

This persecution is a trial initiated by Yahweh to primarily test the genuineness of the faith of the many uncircumcised followers of Jesus the Messiah, thus separating the goats from the sheep, chaff from the grain among the Gentile followers of Jesus the Messiah. The trial, having achieved its purpose, ends with the figurative destruction of The Adversary’s mobilized army surrounding the citadel of the saints and the beloved city (the New Jerusalem, the Bride of the Lamb, the Ecclesia):

And fire descended from God out of the heaven [of this vision] and devoured them. (Revelation 20:9b CV modified)

Yahweh ends this persecution with the triumphant victory of the Ecclesia of Jesus the Messiah, the Born-From-Above Israel, the Bride of the Lamb: her triumphant ascension with her husband, her Lord, her King, Jesus the Messiah, into the promised Celestial Allotment. The fire from heaven devouring the persecutors of the faithful Bride of the Lamb is a symbolic reference to the failure of the persecutors to destroy the faithful servants of Jesus the Messiah.

The Adversary, Satan, who deceives these nations, is cast once again into the lake of fire, symbolically representing the termination, the telos, of his commissioned function as the official, authorized Adversary appointed by Yahweh. The nations no longer are to be deceived (the meaning of the devouring fire from Yahweh) by Satan. The nations are no longer to be estranged from Yahweh. They are no longer to be placed at a non-covenantal distance from Him, for Apostate Israel is no longer covenantally drawn near to Yahweh. The Sinatic Covenant which had exalted Israel over the nations has now been terminated. The covenanted nation has undergone national covenantal death—the Second Death, symbolizing the termination, the telos, of the nation’s covenantal relationship to Yahweh, literally manifested in the fiery destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple, the covenantal conflagration of the Mosaic system of worship and service.

The Lake of Fire is equated with the Second Death. It symbolizes the termination, the telos, of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant and the elect function of Apostate Israel. This is why The Adversary is described as being cast into the Lake of Fire where the beast (apostate Israel) and the false prophet (spiritual advisors of Apostate Israel) already reside. The authorized functions of all three are terminated in 70 a.d. with the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple.

The vision described in 20:7-10 concludes,

And they [The Adversary, the wild beast, and the false prophet] shall be tormented day and night for the eons of the eons. (Revelation 20:10b CV)

Again, this is not to be taken literally. It is a symbolic means of conveying the ultimate ongoing historical significance of the termination of the function of Satan as Yahweh’s appointed Adversary, of Apostate Israel as Yahweh’s holy, elect nation, and of the false prophet as Yahweh’s commissioned spokesman under the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant. Yahweh, once again, is the Elohim of the nations, with no difference between circumcised Israel and the uncircumcised nations. All nations have been drawn close to Yahweh as a result of the terrestrial ministry of Jesus the Messiah (culminating in His crucifixion death, His burial, His resurrection, and His ascension) and His Royal Administration of the New Davidic Covenant (culminating in the reconciliation of the nations to Yahweh and the salvation of the race from biological death).

The citadel (or camp) of the saints (v. 9) symbolically represents the circumcised disciples of Jesus the Messiah, metaphorically functioning as the New Covenantal Temple (a kingdom of priests, 1:6) in the beloved city, the New Jerusalem above, within which the uncircumcised disciples of Jesus the Messiah have entered and continue to reside. Thus, the entire Born-From-Above Israel, consisting of both the circumcised and uncircumcised disciples, comes under the persecution of the nations who now no longer recognize these Messianics as being adherents of Judaism. Thus, these Messianic disciples of Jesus are no longer protected under the rights extended to the Jews by the Roman Empire. The Messianic sect of Judaism is no longer acknowledged by Rome as a sect of Judaism.

The Jews themselves recognize this distinction as they prepare for war against Rome. An ultimatum is given to all Jews: either join and support the revolt or be considered an enemy of Israel. The Messianic assemblies in the land of Palestine and those outside of Palestine can neither support nor join this rebellious, stiff-necked, obstinate, arrogant opposition to Yahweh. Such a rebellion against Rome indicates a rejection of Yahweh’s Anointed King, Jesus the Messiah, for

there is no salvation in any other one, for neither is there any other name, given under heaven among men, in which we [Israelites, Jews] must be saved. (Acts 4:12 CV)

Thus, as a result of the Jewish threat to Roman peace and order, the Messianic assemblies are perceived by Rome as agitators aggravating Jewish political and social relations with Rome. When Nero, in 64 a.d., designates the Messianics as the group setting Rome aflame, he initiates among the nations of the Roman Empire this distinction between the Messianics and the Jews. This, then, encourages the Jews of the diaspora, as well as the gentiles, to confirm this distinction, thus, justifying persecution of the Messianics in accord with the prophetic vision of Revelation 20:7-9.

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The Great White Throne of the Vision of Revelation 20:11-15. The vision of 20:11-15 elaborates on the vision of 20:7-10 and refers the reader back to the vision of 20:4-6. In this last vision of chapter 20, John perceives “a great white throne” (v. 11). The throne is white, indicating the purity and righteousness of the judgments proceeding from the throne. The greatness of the throne associates it with Yahweh Himself. The earth and the heaven are described as fleeing from before the face of Him Who sits upon the throne: Yahweh the Elohim of the New Davidic Covenant, the New Davidic Kingdom and Nation. At the time of the judgment about to be rendered from this throne (the end of the Mosaic Eon, the final Parousia/Arrival of Jesus the Messiah), there is no place found for the fleeing metaphorical earth and heaven of the Mosaic Eon.

Thus, the reader understands that the world-order, the system (organization), of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant is being left behind in favor of the New Heavens and the New Earth referred to by Peter in 2 Peter 3:13. During the demise of the Sinatic/Mosaic Eon taking place between the years 30-70 a.d. (the last days of the operation of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant, the descending of the metaphorical Moon of the long night of the ancient world), the Sun heralding the coming of a new day had begun to rise on the horizon of a new heaven and a new earth. This Sun represents Jesus the Messiah and the New Davidic Covenant rising out of the ashes of His crucifixion death and burial. Hence, as the night of the old Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant (the heaven and earth of the world-order created at Sinai) descended toward the western horizon, the new day of the New Davidic Covenant (the heaven and earth of the world-order created at the Pentecost of Acts, chapter 2) ascended on the eastern horizon.

The judgment of the great white throne comes as the moon of the old Davidic Kingdom descends below the western horizon, taking with it the old Sinatic heaven and earth, while the Sun of the New Davidic Kingdom rises to its zenith in the New Heaven and Earth of the New Davidic Covenant. The judgment of the great white throne provides a transition from the Heaven and Earth of the New Davidic Covenant to the New Heavens (plural) and Earth of the New Creation (see 2 Pe. 3:13).

This New Creation refers to the spiritual consummation of Christ and His Bride after the marriage festivities when the two become One. The whole of the Book of Revelation is devoted to the theme of the Bride’s preparation. The Groom and the Bride must rule/reign until their covenantal enemies are defeated. Thereupon, “the wedding of the Lamb” (Rev. 19:7) takes place. At the consummating of the marriage, the two become One, thus, completing the New Creation, the New Man of Ephesians 2:15 and 2 Corinthians 5:17, the Body of 1 Corinthians 10:17; 12:12-13, 27; Ephesians 1:22-23; Colossians 1:24. After the consummation of the marriage, Jesus the Messiah and His Body, His Complement, His Wife, ascend into the Celestial Allotment prepared for them (Jn. 14:1-3) in order to rule over the New Heavens and the New Earth, in order to spiritually generate the New Jesuic Humanity, the human race under the Headship of Jesus Christ, the Only-Begotten Son of Yahweh.

John’s vision continues. Before this great white throne stand the aristocratic and the common dead. These dead ones are not literally dead. They are those who became dead in Christ by believing the Gospel but who had failed to remain faithful to the end. These dead refer back to “The rest of the dead” of 20:5. In the vision of 20:4-6, John perceives “thrones, and they are seated on them, and judgment was granted to them” (v. 4a). The “they” of this passage refers back to verses 19-21 of chapter 19 and verses 1‑3 of chapter 20. There John had perceived the wild beast and the false prophet. They had both been cast alive into the Lake of Fire. This lake symbolically represents Jerusalem and the Temple figuratively located in the submerged chaos representing the land of Palestine under the indignation of Yahweh associated with the curse of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant.

John also had perceived The Adversary, Satan, chained and cast into the submerged chaos (Rev. 20:1-3). Satan is confined to deceiving only members of Apostate Israel and members of her covenantal advisors (the wild beast and the false prophet). These three are seated on thrones and granted the authority to judge, to rule according to their disapproved/disqualified judgment. This authority is granted to them by Yahweh, Who, thus, gives them (the wild beast and the false prophet) up to their rebellious, stiff-necked, defiled, covenantally decadent ways inspired by Yahweh’s appointed Adversary to whom the wild beast and the false prophet bow the knee in worship and service. These are thus given authority to persecute the saints.

The saints are referred to as “the souls of those executed [beheaded] because of the testimony of Jesus and because of the word of God” (Rev. 20:4b CV). This is not referring to a literal beheading. It refers figuratively to religious, social, and political ostracism from Jewish covenantal rights and privileges and from Jewish privileges granted by Rome. These saints had refused to worship the wild beast (commit themselves to the judgments of Apostate Israel) or its image (a distorted and misappropriated Moses). They also had refused to receive on their forehead or on their hand (figuratively, see 13:16) the Cainite emblem representing the distorted, abhorrent image of Moses. Thus, they had refused, to the very end, to think and act according to the flesh (according to the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant), choosing rather to think and act according to the spirit (according to the New Davidic Covenant).

These saints faithful to the end had been “entombed together with Him [Jesus] through baptism into [His] death” (Rom. 6:4 CV). Thus, they had become dead to sin but alive to God. They had been the faithful ones continually accounting themselves dead to the Law of Sin and Death of Adam and the law of sin and death of Apostate Israel “yet living to God [Yahweh] in Christ Jesus” their Lord (Rom. 6:11b CV). These faithful covenantal warriors of Jesus the Messiah are the ones who live and reign with Him to the victorious end of the spiritual/covenantal warfare (His final, triumphant Parousia/Arrival resulting in the end, the telos, of the Mosaic Eon).

The rest of the dead in Christ who had not been faithful to the end “do not live until the thousand years should be finished” (Rev. 20:5 CV) when they are to stand before the great white throne. These are not physically dead. They are the covenantally dead in Christ (having been previously covenantally alive), those who had failed to share in the likeness of His resurrection life. They had failed to walk in newness of life to the end. They had turned back to the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant for covenantal life, for covenantal relationship with Yahweh:

We, then, were entombed together with Him through baptism into [His] death, . . . thus we also should be walking in newness of life. For if we have become planted together in the likeness of His death, nevertheless we shall be of the resurrection also, . . . Thus you also, be reckoning [accounting] yourselves to be dead, indeed, to [the law of] Sin, yet living to God [Yahweh] in Christ Jesus, our Lord. (Romans 6:4-5, 11 CV)

The gnomic future, “shall be of the [His] resurrection,” becomes a present reality for all those continually meeting the necessary condition, “be reckoning [accounting] yourselves to be dead, indeed, to [the law of] Sin [working in the members of one’s body]” (Rom. 7:23), as well as the law of sin associated with the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant. The dead standing before the great white throne are those who had responded in faith to the voice of the Son of Yahweh, yet who had committed the foul things (Grk = phaulon, Jn. 5:29; plural, phaula, works according to the flesh). Thus, their resurrection to life becomes a resurrection of judging (see John 5:27-29).

The resurrection to the life of the New Davidic Covenant is called “the former resurrection” (Rev. 20:5b CV). This former resurrection is the metaphorical covenantal resurrection of Romans, chapter 6 and Philippians 3:4-21. Those who turn back to the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant after having participated in the New Davidic Covenant “are enemies of the cross of Christ, whose consummation is destruction, whose god is their bowels, and whose glory is in their shame, who to the terrestrial are disposed” (Phil. 3:18b-19 CV). They are those who had abandoned “the fellowship of His sufferings” and the “conforming to His death” (Phil. 3:10 CV), thus, not attaining to the out-resurrection (ek-anastasin, the out-up-standing, Greek text, Phil. 3:11) out from among the dead. This resurrection (out-resurrection) resulted in bodily resurrection out of physical death and/or bodily transformation qualifying one for entrance into the Celestial Allotment. The dead standing before the great white throne had, somewhere along the eschatological journey, failed to meet the following condition,

Not that I already obtained, or am already perfected. Yet I am pursuing, if I may be grasping also that for which I was grasped also by Christ Jesus. Brethren, not as yet am I reckoning [accounting] myself to have grasped, yet one thing—forgetting, indeed, those things which are behind [the terrestrial], yet stretching out to those in front [the celestial]—toward the goal am I pursuing for the prize of God's calling above [the Celestial Allotment] in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3:12-14 CV)

For those faithfully participating in the former resurrection to the end, those pursuing the prize of Yahweh’s Celestial Calling to the end, those walking in newness of life to the end, those sharing in the sufferings of Jesus the Messiah to the end, those conforming to His crucifixion death to the end, the Second Death has no jurisdiction (Rev. 20:6 CV). The Second Death cannot harm them (Rev. 2:11 CV). They escape the terminating judgment of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant, entering into the Celestial Allotment of the New Davidic Covenant. These are the faithful warriors who reign with Jesus the Messiah, the New Davidic Warrior-King, during His Davidic warfare against Apostate Israel (30-70 a.d.). They are the conquering ones, the ones conquering together with Yahweh’s Anointed Conquering One, the One riding on a white horse judging and battling, the One called “Faithful and True” (Rev. 19:11 CV), Jesus the Messiah, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham, the Son of Yahweh. These conquering Ones attain to the out-resurrection, the ek-anastasin, the out-up-standing of Philippians 3:11.

These faithful warriors participating in the former resurrection are “priests of God [Yahweh] and of Christ” (Rev. 20:6 CV). As such, they function as warrior-priests mediating, proclaiming, administrating the New Davidic Covenant. They reign with Jesus the Messiah as a kingdom of priests (the New Davidic Kingdom, Rev. 1:6) for the duration of the spiritual/covenantal civil war (30-70 a.d.).

The unfaithful warriors, the metaphorically dead standing before the great white throne, those participating in a resurrection of judgment as a result of covenantally foul deeds (not necessarily morally foul deeds) and cast into the Lake of Fire, the Second Death, signifying the metaphorical death of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant (not necessarily physical death), their names having been blotted out, erased (Rev. 3:5), are “not found written in the scroll of life” (Rev. 20:15 CV). Therefore, having forfeited the Celestial Allotment, they are cast into the Lake of Fire, metaphorically/covenantally injured, harmed of the Second Death, thereby coming under the covenantally punitive jurisdiction of the Second Death, the termination, the telos, of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant. Thus, they are covenantally judged together with Apostate Israel. Their holy, covenantal, privileged relationship with Yahweh is abolished, nullified, terminated. They are cast back among the unholy, non-covenantal, unprivileged nations.

Yahweh, however, graciously, compassionately, mercifully, reconciles all nations to Himself in the historical arrival of His Kingdom. This Kingdom of God (Yahweh) is inaugurated when Jesus the Messiah, together with His Complement, His Ecclesia, His Body, His spiritual Wife, enters into the promised Celestial Allotment, at which time, obediently bowing before the Majesty of Yahweh His Father, He submits His conquered Davidic Kingdom into the hands of His Father (1 Cor. 15:24-28), thus returning the kingdoms of the terrestrial realm (consisting of all nations) to the direct rule of Yahweh Elohim.

The mediating rule of the Celestial Sons of Elohim under the administration of The Adversary, Satan, is now terminated. The role and function of the gods and The Adversary had achieved their purpose. A New Eon had begun. A New Heavens and New Earth had been created over which Yahweh reigns jointly with His Only-Begotten Son Who administrates the Kingdom of Yahweh as Yahweh’s officially Anointed Advocator of humanity. No more would humanity be plagued by an adversary. No more would an adversary prosecute a case against Jesuic Humanity before the throne of Yahweh Elohim. Humanity would be subjected only to the intervention of an advocator, The Advocator, The only legitimate Son of Man and The Only-Begotten Son of God.

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The Message Written to Pergamum, Revelation 2:12-17

Jesus, writing to the assembly at Pergamum, describes Himself as the One “Who has the sharp two-edged blade [sword] (2:12b CV). This two-edged sword represents His Word. One sharp edge is for His enemies whom He spiritually/covenantally slays with the Word of His Gospel. The other sharp edge is for His own people, His own servants whom He chastises and warns when their behavior or condition requires correction (see Rev. 19:15, 1 Pe. 4:15-19).

The assembly at Pergamum is said to dwell where the throne of Satan is located (2:13). This throne is located in Jerusalem, the heart and mind of Apostate Israel (the wild beast). The Adversary, Satan, has been assigned to operate in the land of Palestine (the submerged chaos), ruling over Apostate Israel, the seed of the Serpent, the covenantal seed of Cain. He is to inspire the rebellious heart of Apostate Israel, preparing this nation, this kingdom, this people, for her own covenantal destruction by inspiring, encouraging, her stiff-necked, rebellious heart and disqualified, defiled mind to revolt against Rome and to persecute the Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh, those Jews who follow the Way of Jesus the Messiah (the slain and resurrected Lamb of Yahweh, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, see Rev. 5:5-6).

The circumcised faithful servants of Jesus the Messiah (the saints) dwelling in Jerusalem “are holding My name, and do [did] not disown My faith [faithfulness] in the days in which Antipas, My faithful witness was killed among you, where Satan is dwelling” (2:13b CV). The circumcised disciples of Jesus the Messiah, the ones dwelling in Jerusalem and occupying this central, strategic covenantal ground in the name of Jesus the Messiah (the New Davidic Warrior-King), are holding fast His Name against the enemy (Apostate Israel) in this spiritual/covenantal civil war. These are those conquering ones who have successfully invaded the central camp of the enemy. They continue to hold the ground conquered in the name of Jesus their Warrior-King.

This they have accomplished in spite of the persecution endured during the days of the martyrdom of Stephen, the first faithful spiritual-warrior of Jesus the Messiah to become faithful unto death. As Stephen had held fast, conquering in the name of Jesus the Messiah, so his Jerusalem fellow-warriors had held fast to their conquering faith, faithfully continuing to occupy the spiritual/covenantal ground already conquered. The name “Antipas” (meaning, before all, thus, the first) symbolically alludes to the assassination of Stephen recorded in Acts, chapter 7.

In spite of this courageous faithfulness, Jesus has “a few things against you, that you have there those holding the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to cast a snare before the sons of Israel, to be eating idol sacrifices, and to commit prostitution” (Rev. 2:14 CV). Balaam had been a foreign prophet of Yahweh. Balak attempted to hire him to curse Israel. Yahweh had forbidden Balaam to curse Israel. So, in order to both obey Yahweh and receive the bribery fee of Balak, he instructed Balak as to how he could defeat Israel by simply casting a cultic snare before the people, causing them to sin against their God. Balak was to tempt the Israelites to eat sacrifices to his own gods. The Israelites were to be enticed into committing cultic sexual intercourse with the women of his own people in the name of peaceful alliance.

Jesus warns His disciples dwelling in Jerusalem, the stronghold of Apostate Israel, the enemy, concerning those counterfeit disciples among them who, like Balaam, though confessing to hold fast to Jesus’ faithfulness, in actuality are holding fast to teaching which is aimed at causing the disciples to commit covenantal prostitution. These present Balaamites are deceptively suggesting that the disciples compromise the teaching associated with the New Davidic Covenant by mixing it with the teaching of the Mosaic Covenant as distorted by the traditions of the fathers. In this way, it is suggested, the disciples of Jesus the Messiah could accomplish a peaceful relationship with those Jews holding to the Mosaic Covenant for covenantal life and blessing, hence, compromising with Apostate Israel.

This is unacceptable to Jesus the Messiah. These pseudo-disciples, these present Balaamites, seek only the covenantal prostitution of the assembly of faithful ones. They seek to conquer the conquerors and are, thus, one with those teaching the doctrine of the Nicolaitans (Rev. 2:15). The Nicolaitans refer to those Jews whose hearts are uncircumcised. They are sons of the Serpent, sons of Cain. They seek to conquer in the misappropriated name of Moses. They seek the restoration of the Davidic Kingdom through the Mosaic Covenant. They seek to conquer the Roman Empire by means of the righteousness of the Mosaic Law, rather than the righteousness of Christ founded upon His faithfulness (see Rom. 10:4 CV). They call upon Yahweh to defeat their enemies (including the Messianics) in the name of Abraham, Moses, and David, rather than in the name of Jesus the Messiah. Their confidence is in their own righteousness associated with the zealousness for the traditions of the fathers. Their trust is in the Elohim of the Mosaic Law, rather than in the Elohim of the Law of Jesus the Messiah, the Elohim of the New Davidic Covenant consecrated with the blood of the Lamb of Yahweh.

These present Jewish Balaamites and Nicolaitans are wolves in sheep’s clothing. They are counterfeit disciples, counterfeit shepherds among the sheep, seeking to lead the unsuspecting sheep back to the flock and fold of pseudo-Moses (Apostate Israel). These are those who later would visit the assembly at Antioch, described as coming from James and proclaiming a gospel of another kind, a mixed gospel, a prostituted gospel contaminating the Gospel of Christ, causing Peter, Barnabas, and the rest of the circumcised (Jewish) disciples to separate themselves from the uncircumcised (Gentile) disciples (Gal. 2:11-13). This the Jewish disciples did, according to Paul, “fearing those out of the circumcision” (Gal. 2:12b CV).

These circumcised counterfeit disciples came from James and the assembly in Jerusalem, but they had not been authorized by James or the faithful assembly to proclaim such a pseudo-gospel. These wolves in sheep’s clothing had been prominent Jewish rabbis, possessing imposing influence upon common Jews due to their social and religious prestigious reputations. This is the implication of Paul’s testimony when he wrote, concerning “false brethren who were smuggled in, who came in by the way to spy out our freedom which we [faithful Jews] have in Christ Jesus, that they [counterfeit Jewish disciples teaching the doctrines of Balaam and the Nicolaitans] shall be enslaving us . . .” (Gal. 2:4 CV):

Now from those reputed to be somewhat [according to Jewish social and religious standards]—what kind they once were [in Apostate Israel’s social and religious eyes according to the traditions of the fathers] is of no consequence to me (God is not taking up the human aspect [one’s reputation according to the standards of Apostate Israel]—for to me those of repute [according to the standards of Apostate Israel] submitted nothing. (Galatians 2:6 CV)

Paul’s reference to “those reputed to be somewhat” is not directed at James, John, Peter, and the rest of the Apostles. There is no division of opinion and belief among the divinely appointed shepherds of the Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh, the Ecclesia of Jesus the Messiah. Peter had been withstood by Paul because he (Peter) knew better. He himself (Peter) had been sent by the risen Jesus to Cornelius, an uncircumcised gentile. He had witnessed the pouring out of Yahweh’s spirit upon Cornelius and those of his household. He had also eaten with gentiles as a result of a divine vision and had been doing so in Antioch before the arrival of the Jewish rabbis of considerable repute among the people of Apostate Israel.

Peter is chastised by Paul in order to bring him back into harmony with the Gospel of Christ, to which Peter is committed. He had fallen victim to the respect of persons of repute to which he had been accustomed to for most of his life. Peter had not been educated in the prestigious learning institutions of his nation. He was a common fisherman. Understandably, then, upon the arrival of such men representing the educational nobility of his people, his fearful reaction of cultural respect for these great men of national repute can be understood.

However, understanding does not excuse condoning such covenantal contamination. Peter is justly confronted and corrected by Paul. That Peter yielded to such correction is supported by the fact that there is no need to make reference to his response. Paul is here defending the Gospel of Christ to which James, Peter, John, and the rest of the Apostles are completely committed. There is no room for debate among the divinely appointed leaders of the sheep belonging to the flock and fold of Jesus the Messiah. All are in agreement as to the teaching of the Gospel of Christ, the instruction pertaining to the New Davidic Covenant, for all are instructed by the spirit of Yahweh and Jesus His Anointed King.

All are obediently submissive to the guidance of the spirit of Jesus the Messiah. The only exceptions to this rule are the counterfeit disciples, the spiritual agents of The Adversary, Satan, those committed to the teaching of Balaam and the Nicolaitans, those worshiping and serving the wild beast (Apostate Israel), those, thus, receiving upon their forehead or right hand the mark of the wild beast, the image of the misappropriated and distorted Moses (see Rev. 13:14-17). These worship and serve the god of the decaying and decrepit Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant, the god of the misappropriated and distorted image of Moses, The Adversary, Satan, to whom they have been given over.

The members of the Assembly at Pergamum are, therefore, exhorted by Jesus to repent of their liberalism allowing those holding the teaching of Balaam and the Nicolaitans to continue among them. These teachers and teachings are to be refuted and condemned. They cannot be condoned. They must be wholeheartedly and unanimously rejected and exposed for who and what they really are. Those holding such pseudo and contaminating teaching are to be exposed and expelled. If not,

I am coming to you swiftly and shall be battling with them with the blade of My mouth. (Revelation 2:16b CV)

Jesus is shortly and swiftly coming to covenantally destroy these pseudo-disciples with the word of His judgment against Apostate Israel. Those refusing to repent of their error, those compromising with these decadent doctrines and fellowshipping with these pseudo-disciples, these servants of the god of the decaying and decrepit Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant and the misappropriated and distorted image of Moses, will be covenantally destroyed along with them. Thus, their names will be erased (blotted out) from the scroll of life, the life of the New Davidic Covenant.

Such disciples of Jesus the Messiah fail to act faithfully to the end. Their resurrection in Christ is a resurrection to judgment, for they commit the foul thing. They fail to produce the good thing. In this case, they are committing covenantal prostitution by mingling, fellowshipping, compromising with the covenantal enemy, thereby polluting themselves and the people of Yahweh.

The Ecclesia of Jesus the Messiah will be cleansed of such covenantal defilement. This cleansing is about to be initiated (1 Pe. 4:17) and will reach its conclusion at the Parousia/Approach of Jesus the Messiah, at which time His saints, His Holy Ones, will be manifested in His regal glory in order to be presented to Him as a Bride without spot (Eph. 5:27; 2 Pe. 3:14).

To the conquering one, the one continually faithful to the end, Jesus gives the hidden manna, the spiritual nourishment provided by the teaching, the instruction, the stipulations of the Gospel of Christ, the New Davidic Covenant, the Law of Christ. This divine spiritual provision is hidden from those outside Jesus the Messiah. What is hidden from the unfaithful, apostate Jews is manifestly revealed to those in Christ. It is revealed in the Word of Yahweh having been written in the Hebrew Scriptures and presently being written in the Greek Scriptures, as well as in the oral proclamation and teaching of the Gospel of Christ. It is made available day by day for spiritual consumption by those disciples of Jesus the Messiah continuing faithfully day in and day out.

This covenantal nourishment edifies each member of the Body of The Christ for faithful worship and service of the One True and Living Elohim. Its goal is spiritual maturity qualifying the conquering one for entrance into the Celestial Allotment. It is metaphorically found in the New Jerusalem descending out of heaven consisting of the Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh (Rev. 21:2). Within the New Jerusalem is located the river of covenantal life along whose banks are planted the Tree of Life producing twelve fruits spiritually nourishing the faithful disciples (spiritual-warriors) of Jesus the Messiah, the New Davidic Warrior-King (Rev. 22:1-2).

As Israel led by Moses had been provided with manna in the wilderness on her journey to the Promised Land, so also the New Israel of Yahweh led by Jesus the Messiah is to have access to the fruit of the Tree of Life during her wilderness covenantal warfare with Apostate Israel. Unlike the failure of Israel under Moses’ leadership, the New Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh under the leadership of the Royal Commander-In-Chief, Jesus the Anointed Davidic Warrior-King, is to conquer faithfully from the beginning of her appointed covenantal combat mission to its triumphant end, telos, goal.

Consequently, the New Israel of Yahweh, conquering the temptation presented by The Adversary, Satan, refuses to partake of the fruit of Apostate Israel sacrificially offered to the god of the decadent and decrepit Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant. She will eat only from the Tree of Life associated with the New Davidic Covenant and the One True and Living Elohim. She will drink only the water flowing from the river of life issuing out of the throne of Yahweh and the Lamb, rather than let even a drop of the contaminated, poisoned water flowing from the river of death issuing from the throne of Satan (representing Apostate Israel, the Jerusalem below, the Solomonic Temple, and the corrupted, distorted, decrepit Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant) touch her pure covenantal tongue never having tasted any food or drink defiled by the Mosaic Law as contaminated by the traditions and commandments of the fathers.

As Moses and Phinehas had immediately executed those Israelites committing covenantal prostitution with the daughters of Moab in accord with the seduction devised by Balaam (Numbers 25), so Jesus assures His Ecclesia as a whole (especially His Assembly dwelling in the Jerusalem below, the throne of Satan) that He will execute judgment just as quickly. His judgment will be against the present Balaamites (representing Apostate Israel and the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant) and those committing covenantal prostitution by condoning these defilers of Yahweh’s New Davidic Covenant and allowing them a place in their midst.

Jesus also gives to the one conquering “a white pebble [stone] and on the pebble [stone] a new name written, of which no one is aware except the one who is obtaining it” (Rev. 2:17 CV). The white, precious stone may allude to the diamond. In any case, it represents a precious and valuable gem. Upon this precious, sparkling gem is inscribed a new name. The gift of a new name is associated with some great honor and blessing. This particular new name alludes to Isaiah 65:15, “Yet He [Yahweh] shall call His servants by another name” (CV). The new name is the Christ:

For even as the body is one and has many members, yet all the members of the one body, being many, are one body, thus also is THE CHRIST. (1 Corinthians 12:12 CV my emphasis)

All the conquering ones are anointed ones. They are identified with the name of Jesus, the Christ, the Anointed One of Yahweh. Only those in Christ are aware of this identification with His name. For only they can share in His sufferings. It is a covenantal honor bestowed upon them by Jesus as authorized by Yahweh.

This new name is associated with His Kingship (Rev. 19:16). For they have been called to be “a kingdom of priests to His God [Elohim] and Father, . . .” (Rev. 1:6 CV). Awareness of this new name comes by faith in the Gospel of Christ and continual faithfulness to its teachings, sharing continually and joyfully in the sufferings of Jesus the Messiah.

This new name inscribed upon this precious, white (indicating covenantal purity), sparkling gem is the possession of each conquering one, identifying each one as a legitimate member of the Body, the Ecclesia, of Jesus the Messiah. As long as one remains a conquering one, he retains possession of this precious gem identifying him as one who shares in the exalted honor and glory of Jesus the Messiah.

Those disciples of Jesus choosing continual covenantal intercourse with apostate Jews, rather than repenting of this defiling covenantal relationship, will be cut off from partaking of the fruit of the Tree of New Covenantal Life, the hidden manna providing spiritual nourishment to those identified with the new name. The precious gem inscribed with the new name will be confiscated. No longer will they be able to identify themselves as legitimate members of the Body, the Ecclesia, of Jesus the Messiah. They will be given over to The Adversary and Apostate Israel for covenantal destruction in the Lake of Fire, the Second Death, symbolically pointing to the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple in 70 a.d., signifying the termination, the telos, of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant and the Mosaic Eon.

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The Message Written to Thyatira, Revelation 2:18-29

The first three letters have alluded to Israel’s period in the wilderness, using, metaphorically, images taken from this period. The remaining four letters allude to Israel and Judah in the land during the period of the divided kingdom. During this period of civil division and warfare, Israel (the ten northern tribes of the Northern Kingdom) is the first to introduce national idolatry. The letter written to Thyatira, therefore, refers metaphorically to the worship of Baal introduced under the reign of Ahab and Jezebel, his foreign queen. Its figurative illustration is taken from the apostasy of Israel under Ahab and Jezebel.

Elijah, describing this apostasy, accuses Israel with the question, “How long will you go limping with two different opinions?” (1 Kings 18:21a RSV). Israel had been mixing, combining, holding together, the teaching of Baal and the teaching of Yahweh. Her cultic, moral, social, economic, and political practices issued from a divided mind and heart. She had been attempting to worship and serve both Baal and Yahweh simultaneously. Figuratively, she is thus described as walking with a limp, favoring alternately the leg of Baal or the leg of Yahweh. She is, thus, covenantally crippled. Elijah commands, “If the Lord [Yahweh] is God [Elohim], follow Him; but if Baal, then follow him” (1 Kings 18:21b RSV). He demands that Israel either worship and serve Yahweh or worship and serve Baal (the same message of Jesus recorded in Matthew 6:24).

Jesus, writing to the assembly at Thyatira, introduces Himself as “the Son of God [Yahweh] (Rev. 2:18 CV). He is writing as more than a prophet. He is writing with the exalted authority of Yahweh’s Son. The assembly at Thyatira is to be severely warned against walking covenantally with the limp of Israel under the reign of Ahab and Jezebel. If Elijah had destroyed the prophets of Baal, Jesus the Messiah, the Son of Yahweh, would inflict an even greater judgment upon the prophetess Jezebel and those among His New Davidic Covenant assemblies who commit covenantal prostitution with her.

Jesus the Son of Yahweh describes Himself as He “Who has His eyes as a flame of fire, and His feet like white bronze” (Rev. 2:18b CV). His penetrating vision, issuing from His wisdom and knowledge, sees through appearances to the very mind and heart of those among His assemblies who are false prophets, false shepherds, apostate intruders disguising themselves as ministers of light. Thus, His eyes search out every evil deed and His burning white bronze feet will trample (in severe judgment) upon the ministers of darkness parading as ministers of light and upon those who choose to follow them, those mixing light with darkness, truth with falsehood, good with evil, grace with license.

These covenantal limpers choose to serve two masters simultaneously. In doing so, they worship and serve The Adversary, Satan. Like their master, they shall be terminated in the Lake of Fire, the Second Death, forfeiting their part in the imminently impending Celestial Allotment.

The perceptive vision of the eyes of Jesus, however, is also aware of the heart and mind of the faithful ones. He praises these single-minded disciples for their healthy, upright, balanced covenantal walk. Their works, love, faith, service, and endurance are exemplary. Their latest works are even greater than their earlier works. They have spiritually grown stronger, drawing nourishment from the depths, the profound truths, of the Gospel of Christ (the fruit of the Tree of Life).

However, in spite of this glowing report, Jesus announces,

But I have much against you, seeing that you pardon that woman of yours, Jezebel, who says that she is a prophetess, and is teaching and deceiving My slaves so as to commit prostitution and to be eating idol sacrifices. (Revelation 2:20 CV)

Operating in the midst of these praiseworthy, single-minded disciples, covenantally walking upright and balanced, is the prophetess Jezebel, disguised as a prophet of Yahweh. Jezebel symbolically represents a group of false prophets claiming to represent the true teachings of the New Davidic Covenant of Jesus the Messiah. These ministers of darkness cloaked with the mantle of Jesus the Messiah, thereby giving themselves the appearance of a minister, a prophet, a teacher of the light of the Gospel of Christ, attempt to deceptively teach the righteous servants of Jesus the Messiah to commit covenantal prostitution.

Such prostitution comes about by mixing truth with error, good with evil, grace with license. Paul, later referring to these Jezebels, writes,

What, then, shall we declare? That we may be persisting in sin [the Law of Sin operating in the members of the physical body] in order that the grace [of the Gospel of Christ] should be increasing? May it not be coming to that! We, who died to this sin [operating in the members of our physical body], how shall we still be living in it? (Romans 6:1-2 CV modified)

There were those in the assemblies of Jesus the Messiah who falsely and deceptively taught that being under the grace of the New Davidic Covenant liberated the disciples from debilitating restrictions of law of any kind. They taught the disciples that the mark of liberation could only be manifested in the freedom to commit sin. By sinning, the liberated disciple proved that he/she had risen above law. Like Elohim, the disciples of Jesus the Messiah had become elohim (gods), determining for themselves what acts and thoughts were good or evil.

Good and evil acts and thoughts, thus, were relative, determined by oneself according to one’s circumstances. Committing sin, therefore, was contributing to the liberating grace of Yahweh, proving one’s superior status. This teaching is the lie taught by the serpent in Eden: “you will be like God [Elohim], knowing good and evil” (Gen. 3:5b RSV). In this letter written to the assembly at Thyatira, Jesus designates this false teaching as “the deep things of Satan” (Rev. 2:24 CV), the profundities of the deceptive, seductive teachings of The Adversary, Satan, mediated by his undercover agents hypocritically acting as messengers, prophets, apostles of light.

These counterfeit prophets proclaim lawlessness as the badge, the sign, the proof, of true discipleship. The freedom of the Gospel of the Christ, the New Davidic Covenant, transcends all systems of morality. Therefore, all disciples of Jesus the Messiah are neither bound to the moral and cultic principles of the Mosaic Law nor to any other legal system of rules and regulations. To be bound to such a restrictive system is to be a slave to the inferior prison house of the physical body and the terrestrial realm of enslaved humanity.

These false prophets teach that resurrection with Jesus the Messiah liberates one from the lusts of the flesh by declaring all desires of the flesh acceptable, honorable. Thus, the flesh, the physical body, no longer rules/reigns over, enslaves, imprisons the liberated and exalted disciple. In this way, sin no longer can reign, for nothing in itself is sin. The liberated man becomes a liberated god, determining for himself what is right and what is wrong. All that he determines as good is good. All that he determines as evil is evil. He reigns over himself as a god, an elohim. Sin, thus, has been removed from its throne of authority, its power having been nullified. This is the triumphant victory of the resurrection of Jesus the Messiah as proclaimed by the false prophetess Jezebel. Paul warns of this seductive Jezebel,

for I betrothed you to Christ to present you as a pure bride to her one husband. But I am afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your thoughts will be led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ. For if some one [Jezebel] comes and preaches another Jesus than the one we preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received, or if you accept a different gospel from the one you accepted, you submit to it readily enough. I think [Greek = account] that I am not in the least inferior to [pertaining to the interest of] these [pseudo] superlative apostles. (2 Corinthians 11:2b-5 RSV)

These Jezebelite prophets, claiming to be pseudo-superlative apostles of Jesus the Messiah, preach another Jesus, another spirit, another gospel. Paul, being acquainted with the Book of Revelation and the exhortation of Jesus to the assemblies, obediently exposes and challenges the false teaching of his contemporary Jezebel.

The name Jezebel signifies “unchasteness.” As the Jezebel of ancient Israel introduced and supported the worship of Baal among the ten tribes of the Northern Kingdom (1 Kings 16:29–19:18), so the contemporary prophets/apostles of Jezebel introduce and defend a contemporary licentious system of doctrines (for Baalism had been a licentious religion of cultic abominations) calculated (by Satan The Adversary) to defile the disciples of Jesus the Messiah by leading them to commit covenantal prostitution by following idolatrous practices (eating idol sacrifices, Rev. 2:20) authoritatively required by a pseudo-Jesus, a pseudo-spirit, and a pseudo-gospel.

Paul continues his exposure of these agents of Satan, The Adversary,

As the truth of Christ is in me, this boast of mine shall not be silenced in the regions of Achaia. And why? Because I do not love you? God [Yahweh] knows I do! And what I do I will continue to do, in order to undermine the claim of those who would like to claim that in their boasted mission they work on the same terms as we do. For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen [fraudulent workers], disguising themselves [literal Greek = the ones reschematizing themselves] as [into] apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself [literal Greek = is reschematizing himself] as [into] an angel [messenger] of light. So it is not strange if his servants also disguise themselves [literal Greek = reschematizing themselves] as servants of righteousness. Their end [telos, consummation] will correspond to their deeds. (2 Corinthians 11:10-15 RSV)

These Jezebelites, undercover agents of Satan, reschematize themselves by claiming to represent Jesus in the power of His spirit by the proclamation of His gospel. They falsify, transform, their inner programmatic schemata (as teachers of licentiousness, agents of darkness, agents of covenantal idolatry) to resemble Jesus, the spirit, and the gospel while reschematizing, transforming, their outward appearance to resemble a messenger, an agent of light, an apostle of Jesus the Messiah.

In fact, however, they represent their own concocted Jesus (an antichrist) inspired by the operation of Satan (an anti-spirit, 2 Thess. 2:9), and they proclaim the gospel of Jezebel (another gospel, an anti-gospel, an idolatrous gospel, a gospel whose appearance is that of light [“you shall be like Elohim”] but whose affect is darkness, death).

The true, authentic Gospel of Christ gloriously irradiates the true, authentic Apostles of Christ as covenantal light illuminating the darkness of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenantal World-Order (system) while simultaneously producing covenantal life. The false, inauthentic, reschematized gospel (of the apostles of Satan appearing as covenantal light) deceptively administers a lethal poison resulting in the darkness of covenantal death. Paul has faithfully reminded the disciples of Jesus not to pardon, permit, or condone the presence and the teaching of the woman Jezebel dwelling in their midst (the false prophets/apostles of pseudo-grace, pseudo-liberation [freedom] justifying and glorifying an apostate licentious mind and heart encouraging corrupt, defiling, lawless behavior shaming both servant and Master, both man and Yahweh).

Though Jesus announces that He will give this Jezebel time to repent, He already knows she is not willing to repent of her prostitution. She is a child of Cain, and, like Cain, arrogantly chooses to oppose the Way of Yahweh. These false gnostic prophets/apostles cling diligently, defiantly, to the lie of the serpent, believing with their mind and heart the lie to be the truth. They are not deceived or seduced by Satan, The Adversary. They believe their special knowledge comes from a divine source, and they have been divinely initiated into this superior knowledge.

As Jezebel had been cast out of a window, falling to her death, her body being devoured by wild street dogs (2 Kings 9:30-37), so Jesus will cast His contemporary Jezebel into a couch or bed of prostitutional death, a bed of covenantal anguish and judgment. For these gnostic Jews had departed from both the law of the Mosaic Covenant and the law of the New Davidic Covenant. They had committed covenantal prostitution against Yahweh by despising His law mediated by Moses, and they had committed covenantal prostitution against Jesus the Messiah by reschematizing (transforming) His Person, His Spirit, and His Gospel into something completely foreign to the Law and the Prophets (the Hebrew Scriptures) and the Gospel of Christ (the Greek Scriptures).

Those disciples continuing to condone the presence and teaching of the false prophets/apostles espousing lawlessness in the name of Jesus the Messiah and those disciples continuing to consider or, worse, practice such lawlessness will be given over to “great affliction” (Rev. 2:22 CV). This judgment would be immediate. Such lawlessness would not be allowed to continue in the assemblies for very long. Such lawlessness would be dealt with in haste.

This is exemplified in the assembly at Corinth. When Paul learns that a disciple had been having sexual intercourse with his father’s wife, he writes,

And you [the assembly of disciples] are puffed up [become arrogant], and mourn not rather, that the one who commits this act may be taken away from your midst. For I, indeed, being absent in body, yet present in spirit, have already, as if present, thus judged the one effecting this, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ (you being gathered, and my spirit, together with the power of our Lord Jesus), to give up such a one to Satan for the extermination of the flesh, [in order] that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus. (1 Corinthians 5:2-5 CV)

This disciple, then, was given up to Satan for the destruction of the flesh. He would be given up to his sin and expelled from the fellowship of the assembly, the Born-From-Above Community, in order that he might be brought to repentance and not have his name erased from the Lamb’s scroll of covenantal life, thereby avoiding the judgment of the Lake of Fire, the Second Death.

By administrating such an immediate judgment, Jesus declares that “all the ecclesias [assemblies] shall know that I am He Who is searching the kidneys [minds] and hearts. And I will be giving to each of you in accord with your acts [works, deeds]” (Rev. 2:23 CV). Jesus would be continually judging His disciples in accord with their faithful or unfaithful works. This discipline would remain operational policy throughout the course of the spiritual civil warfare against Apostate Israel. The spiritual warriors of the New Davidic Warrior-King would be held accountable daily for their covenantal conduct in carrying out (executing faithfully) the orders of their Commander-In-Chief.

To the one conquering, to the one obediently keeping, executing, the works of the New Davidic Covenant until the consummation, the telos, the end, of the covenantal warfare, the end of the Mosaic Eon, Jesus is giving authority to share with Him the shepherding of those uncircumcised Gentiles (members of the nations) responding in faith to His Gospel. He and they (the circumcised faithful ones, the saints) soon would be shepherding these uncircumcised-in-flesh Gentiles with an iron club of covenantal discipline, for many would be coming out of a heritage of cultic and social immorality originating from the time of the Tower of Babel. Their immoral heritage would be crushed, liberating them from the immorality practiced by the nations walking in darkness into the moral conduct practiced by the faithful Israelites walking in the light of Yahweh’s Law enhanced and magnified by the Law of Christ.

To the conquering ones shepherding these uncircumcised-in-flesh sheep presently entering the New Jerusalem (that metaphorical/covenantal city having descended out of heaven) and presently circumcising their hearts in faithful commitment to the Gospel of Christ, Jesus also gives “the morning star” (Rev. 2:28), the glorious light of the Gospel of Christ illuminating the sky of the new heaven and the pathway of the new earth created by the New Davidic Covenant. Along this brilliantly lighted pathway, the newly circumcised-in-heart Gentile sheep would be led, directed, disciplined, protected, by Jesus the Chief Shepherd and His associate shepherds, into the safety of Yahweh’s new fold, the New Jerusalem, the city of Yahweh and His Anointed Son.

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The Message Written to Sardis, Revelation 3:1-6

Again, this letter alludes to ancient Israel in the land. The Northern Kingdom has abandoned worship in Jerusalem and in the Solomonic Temple. The nation has left the works of the Mosaic Law and is close to being judged by Yahweh. Thus, the reader is referred to the period when the Northern Kingdom is sent prophets calling for repentance. The nation is warned of imminent judgment if repentance is not forthcoming.

Jesus addresses the assembly at Sardis as He “Who has the seven spirits of God [Yahweh] and the seven stars” (Rev. 3:1 CV). Jesus has been given the full authority and power of Yahweh’s spirit as demonstrated at Pentecost when He first poured out the spirit upon those disciples faithfully following Him. Thus, Jesus has full authority, power, and control over His Ecclesia, represented here by the seven stars. His exhortation sent to the assembly at Sardis must be received with fear and trembling. The stakes are high. His word is true and His judgment sure.

Jesus writes that He is aware of their works. They have a reputation of being alive in association with the New Davidic Covenant. They claim to march under the banner of the Gospel and under the authoritative name of Jesus the Messiah. This is true, but they have become dead in relation to their works as James, the Lord’s brother, is later to write,

Now are you wanting to know, O empty man, that faith apart from works is dead? . . . by works a man is being justified, and not by faith only. . . . For even as the body apart from spirit is dead, thus also faith apart from works is dead. (James 2:20, 24, 26 CV)

They had begun the spiritual warfare bravely. Their covenantal works against the enemy had been effective. But they had grown weary of spiritual battle with its accompanying hardships and persecutions. They had expected an earlier Parousia of their Lord and King. Thus, they had abandoned the works of faithfulness. They had departed from the worship and service associated with the New Jerusalem and the New Davidic Covenant. They had neglected their covenantal military duty and were about to abandon the covenantal battlefield.

Jesus warns them to “Become watchful” (Rev. 3:2 CV). Return to duty! Strengthen your resolve! Commit yourselves once again to the remaining works yet necessary to achieve complete covenantal victory,

establish [strengthen] the things [the works] remaining which are about to be dying; for I have not found that your works have been completed [perfected] in the sight of My God [Elohim]. (Revelation 3:2b my translation)

These saints have become impatient. Their will to endure the persecution on behalf of the righteousness of the Gospel has waned. It is about to die completely, thus returning them to the camp of the enemy, Apostate Israel. They cannot serve two masters. They cannot withdraw to a position on the fence. They must either march into battle as spiritual warriors in the army of the New Davidic Kingdom or join the ranks of the Old Saulite Kingdom. They must either be citizens of the Born-From-Above New Nation or citizens of the decrepit and dying old nation.

These saints have stopped walking in the faithfulness of Abraham. They have forgotten the way exemplified by Abraham their covenantal father. They must now be called to remember the example of Abraham:

Abraham, our father, was he not justified by works when offering up his son Isaac on the altar? You are observing that faith worked together with his works, and by works was faith perfected [completed]. (James 2:21-22 CV)

Their faith, apart from obedient works, is dead. Jesus has called His disciples to spiritual/covenantal warfare. Jesus has called His disciples to “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling” (Phil. 2:12 KJV). He has called them to share in His sufferings at the hands of Apostate Israel,

for to you it is graciously granted, for Christ's sake, not only to be believing on Him, but to be suffering for His sake also, having the same struggle such as you are perceiving in me, . . . (Philippians 1:29-30a CV)

These saints must, therefore, continue the military struggle against the enemies of Yahweh and Jesus the Messiah. They must return to the works of faithfulness, completing them by continuing them to the end of the Mosaic Eon, which, though being imminent, had yet to run its course which would not exceed the duration of the present generation. Unlike the Northern Kingdom of Israel which had refused to heed the warnings of the prophets, these present sleeping saints must take heed to the warning of the Son of Yahweh Himself, the Anointed Davidic Warrior-King, the Commander-In-Chief over all the assemblies, over all the warriors participating faithfully in the struggles and hardships endured under the banner of the New Davidic Kingdom and Covenant. Jesus, then, commands these saints to

Remember, then, how you have obtained [the enabling power of the spirit] and heard [the trumpet call to spiritual battle]. Obey [this equipping call] and repent. (Revelation 3:3a my translation)

They had obtained the empowering of the spirit in order to faithfully discharge their covenantal duties as citizens of the Born-From-Above Nation and spiritual/covenantal warriors in the spiritual/covenantal army of the New Davidic Kingdom. They had begun faithfully, but are now in default. They are called upon to repent, thereby reinvigorating their dying resolve in order to obey their heavenly calling. These absent-without-leave warrior-disciples are to return to their posts, taking their watch.

Rouse! O drowsy one, and rise from among the dead, and Christ shall dawn upon you! (Ephesians 5:14 CV)

They are to watchfully engage the enemy, faithfully executing their orders until the consummation of the civil war, as Paul admonishes,

awaken from sleep; for now salvation is nearer to us than when we believed. (Romans 13:11 NASB)

If they continue to sleep (abandon their post), Jesus will arrive against them in judgment as a thief in the night (Matt. 24:42-44). They will then have their part in the Lake of Fire, the Second Death, being treated as apostates.

However, Jesus indicates that among these covenantal sleepers who have polluted their white garments of faithfulness, there are “a few names in Sardis which do not pollute their garments, and they shall walk with Me in white, for they are worthy” (Rev. 3:4 CV). These worthy ones continue faithfully, proclaiming the Gospel, walking according to the spirit, and enduring the persecution and affliction on behalf of the righteousness of the Gospel and the New Davidic Kingdom and Covenant. These are those who manifest the glory of Jesus the Messiah by completing, perfecting, their faith in the performance, the production of the honorable works of the New Davidic Covenant.

Prophetically, the gnomic future is again used to indicate that as long as the condition of faithfulness is met, the one whose garment remains white continues to walk worthily together with Jesus in His warfare against Apostate Israel. Those repenting of their lack of covenantal works, confessing their sins, wash their polluted garments in the blood of the Lamb, restoring their whiteness, signifying their return to faithful works of covenantal obedience (see Rev. 22:14; 7:14).

The one conquering continues clothed in white. He remains obediently pure. Under no circumstances will his name be erased from the scroll of life. Jesus will continually be advocating his name in the presence of His Father, Yahweh, and in the presence of His messengers, as Paul later declares in his second letter to Timothy,

Faithful is the saying: “For if we died together, we shall be living together also; if we are enduring, we shall be reigning together also; if we are disowning, He [Jesus] also will be disowning us; if we are disbelieving [acting unfaithfully], He is remaining faithful—He cannot disown Himself.” (2 Timothy 2:11-13 CV)

The faithful disciple metaphorically shares in Christ’s death in order to share in His resurrection life. Sharing in His resurrection life means enduring, sharing in His sufferings which signifies one’s reigning with Him in His New Davidic Kingdom. If one denies (disowns) Jesus the Messiah, Jesus will deny (disown) the one denying Him. If one acts unfaithfully, Jesus will warn, discipline, chastise, hoping to redirect the erring disciple into the path of faithfulness through repentance. Thus, He remains faithful to His own.

However, His faithfulness also necessitates judgment against those who disown Him, returning them to the ranks of the apostate ones. Paul describes these disowning ones as follows:

They are avowing [advocating] an acquaintance with God [Yahweh], yet by their acts [works] are denying it, being abominable and stubborn, and disqualified for every good act [work]. (Titus 1:16 CV)

Those who deny their Lord are denied by their Lord. Their works reveal whom they, in fact, serve. He who is authentically acquainted with Yahweh produces works pleasing to Yahweh, thus revealing the character of Yahweh. To claim acquaintance with Yahweh while not producing the appropriate works is to be an apostate. To avow Jesus as Messiah with the mouth but to deny Him in deeds is to be antichrist, warranting destruction in the Lake of Fire, the Second Death.

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The Message Written to Philadelphia, Revelation 3:7-13

The letter written to the saints at Philadelphia refers the reader to the period of the kings of the Southern Kingdom of Judah. It alludes to three kings in their relation to the Temple. These kings had been pleasing to Yahweh. Jotham attempted to do that which is right in the eyes of Yahweh, but had neglected to enter the Temple (2 Chr. 27:2). Ahaz shut the doors of the Temple (2 Chr. 28:24). But Hezekiah opened the doors of the Temple (2 Chr. 29:3). Thus, all three kings had possessed the key of David, signifying Davidic rule over the nation and authority over the door of the Temple. Jotham left the door of the Temple open, but neglected to participate in Temple worship. Ahaz used the key of David to shut and lock the door of the Temple. Hezekiah’s reform, however, used the key of David to open the door of the Temple, thus resuming worship and service in the Temple by the Aaronic and Levitical priests.

Jesus addresses the saints at Philadelphia as “the True, the Holy One, Who has the key of David” (Rev. 3:7a CV). He is the True Word of Yahweh, the True Way, the True Son, the True King, the One completely, perfectly, set apart for Yahweh’s service. He is the True and Holy Son of David to Whom Yahweh has given the key of David, giving Him ultimate authority over the New Davidic Kingdom and the New Temple.

With this key, Jesus is the One “Who is opening and no one shall be locking, and locking and no one shall be opening” (Rev. 3:7b CV), a direct quotation taken from Isaiah 22:22, where Yahweh gives the key of David to Eliakim. Jesus has complete authority to open or lock the door of the Temple-Kingdom, thus controlling who enters and who does not enter. He also has authority to expel one who has been allowed entrance but has not remained faithful. These unfaithful ones are expelled, the door being locked behind them.

The key of David opening the door of entrance into the New Jerusalem and participation in the worship and service of the New Temple not made with hands is given into the hands of Jesus the Messiah, never to be given to another. This exalted and glorified Jesus is the One addressing the saints at Philadelphia. His testimony is to be heard in awe and His praise to be worth more than the purest gold. And Jesus has much praise for the saints represented by this assembly.

Jesus writes to the saints dwelling at Philadelphia:

I am aware of your acts [works]. Lo! Before you have I granted an open door, which no one is able to lock, for you have a little power, and you keep My word and you do not disown My name. (Revelation 3:8 CV)

The courageous deeds of these spiritual warriors make them an elite company in the warfare against Apostate Israel and the liberation of Yahweh’s people. Jesus honors their valiant effort in His service. So honorable does He consider their gallant military accomplishments on behalf of the Gospel and the New Davidic Kingdom, that He grants them an open door to exit and enter the New Jerusalem at will. They have faithfully liberated many, leading them into the covenantal safety of the New Jerusalem (the New Davidic Kingdom, the Born-From-Above Nation of Yahweh) to worship and serve Yahweh and His Anointed Son in the New Temple not made with hands (the Ecclesia of Jesus the Messiah).

This elite company of circumcised commandos is described as having a little power. This little power is relative to the great power of the Twelve Apostles dwelling in the assembly occupying Jerusalem. These elite spiritual warriors are examples of those disciples who had courageously carried the Gospel into the enemy territories of Samaria, Galilee, and Syria as a result of the persecution arising after the assassination of Stephen. These disciples were the first to proclaim liberation to the Greeks (uncircumcised God-fearers) at Antioch in Syria.

Antioch would soon become a center of mission to the gentiles. Barnabas and Saul (a little power relative to the great covenantal and national power represented by the Twelve Apostles and James, the brother of Jesus, acting as regent over the New Davidic Kingdom) would soon be commissioned by the spirit to evangelize the nations. They would be sent out as apostles by the Antioch Assembly, which, from this time forward, is to be uniquely associated with the gentile mission.

These commando saints loyally obey the word of their Lord and Commander-In-Chief. They do not depart from His instructions, His orders, either to the right or to the left (see Josh. 1:7; 1 Chronicles, chapter 12). They do not disown His name, faithfully advocating His name before both circumcised and uncircumcised men. They courageously jeopardize their lives, enduring much persecution (especially from the Jews) and hardships in their evangelistic invasion into Asia Minor, Greece, and Italy.

Their enemies will come from “the synagogue of Satan” (Rev. 3:9 CV). These enemies will deny the legitimacy of those Jews proclaiming Jesus as Messiah, claiming they themselves represent authentic Jews. Yahweh declares them to be liars, for they represent apostate Jews, denying Yahweh’s voice and His messengers.

These pseudo Jews claiming to worship and serve Yahweh, in fact, worship and serve The Adversary, Satan. These Jews claiming to be children of Abraham are in fact children of Cain. They cling to the Mosaic Covenant while denying the testimony of Moses concerning Jesus and the New Covenant He has established. Their circumcised flesh contradicts their uncircumcised heart. Their zealousness for the traditions of their fathers contradicts their hatred of the Law and the Prophets as fulfilled by Jesus and His Ecclesia. Claiming to walk in the light of Yahweh’s word, they stumble in the dark over the WORD of Yahweh made flesh.

Referring to these Jews, members of the synagogue of Satan, Paul exclaims,

the ones having killed the Lord Jesus as well as the prophets and drove us out and are not pleasing to God [Yahweh] and are contrary [hostile] to all men, forbidding us to speak to the nations in order that they [individual gentiles] might be saved, resulting in the continual filling up of their [apostate Jews of the synagogue of Satan] sins. But upon them came the consummating indignation [of Yahweh]. (1 Thessalonians 2:15-16 my translation)

This last, evil, crooked generation of Apostate Israel is bringing her sins to completion. She is filling up her cup of iniquity, warranting the final indignation of Yahweh presently coming down upon her to her terminating destruction, even as the nations in Canaan had filled up their iniquities at the time of Israel’s invading entrance under Joshua, thus enduring their own terminating indignation from Yahweh, Whose patient endurance of their wicked ways had come to its justified end (see Gen. 15:16).

These brave warrior-saints associated with the Antioch mission to the nations gather around Jesus the Son of David, the New Davidic Warrior-King, as He makes His regal claim to the ten tribes of the Northern Kingdom of Israel. As David’s mighty men of valor had gathered around him at Hebron when He was crowned king over all Israel (see 1 Chronicles, chapters 11 and 12), so the mighty men of valor chosen by the spirit gather around Jesus the New Davidic King as Yahweh, His Father, places upon His head the crown signifying His rule over the ten tribes of the Northern Kingdom. The kingdom which had been declared Lo-Ammi, not My people (gentiles, the uncircumcised), the kingdom which had departed from David has once again returned to David, having become united with the Southern Kingdom of Judah (Jews, the circumcised).

This is the significance of the vision given to Peter in Acts, chapter 10, the momentous significance of the entrance into the New Davidic Kingdom of Cornelius, those in his household, and the Greeks in Antioch, that is, the entrance of the nations, the gentiles, the uncircumcised. This is the initiation of the fulfillment of Amos 9:11-12:

In that day will I raise up the fallen booth [Tabernacle, House] of David, And I will dike [wall up] with stones its breaches, And its demolished places will I raise, And I will build it as in the days of the eon [the Davidic Eon, age, period], That they [the Northern Kingdom having become Lo-Ammi, not My people, uncircumcised, members of the nations] may tenant the remnant of Edom, And all the nations over whom My name is called, (averring is Ieue [Yahweh], the Doer of this). (CV)

It is also the fulfillment of Hosea 1:10b-11:

And it comes to be in the place in which it was being said to them, Not My people are you, There shall it be said to them, Sons of the living El. And the sons of Judah and the sons of Israel shall be convened together. And they shall place one head over them, And they shall go up from the land, For great is the day of Jezreel. (CV)

Paul later substantiates the mission to the nations as the fulfillment of this prophecy of Hosea when he writes, in Romans 9:23-25 CV,

that He [Yahweh] should also be making known the riches of His glory on the vessels of mercy, which He makes ready before for glory—us, whom He calls also, not only out of the Jews, but out of the nations also. As He is saying in Hosea also: . . .

Thereupon, he quotes from Hosea 1:10-11.

In honor of His own mighty men of valor, Jesus assures His courageous, loyal warrior-saints that those of the synagogue of Satan (opposing apostate Jews)

will be arriving and worshiping, before your feet, and they may know that I love you. (Revelation 3:9b CV)

Metaphorically, this assurance pronounces, thus guaranteeing, the defeat of the cause of the pseudo-Jews, the enemies of Jesus Himself. These enemies who had instigated the persecutions driving the mighty men of Gospel-valor out of one city into another would be defeated by the very persecutions these enemies themselves had instigated. Thus, metaphorically, they would bow before the triumphant and glorious cause of the Gospel of Christ proclaimed to both circumcised and uncircumcised. Apostate Israel would be crushed. She would endure the covenantal humiliation of kneeling before the open door of the Gospel of the New Davidic Kingdom which no man, no nation, no kingdom could shut.

In reciprocation for keeping the word of His endurance (enduring the suffering of the cross of Christ faithfully to the end, Rev. 3:10a CV), Jesus assures His warrior-saints that He would be keeping them

out of the hour of trial which is about to be coming upon the entire inhabited household of Israel to try the ones [apostate Jews] dwelling upon the earth [the territories within the Roman Empire]. (Revelation 3:10b my translation)

These valiant warriors of the Gospel are guaranteed preservation through this period of trial upon apostate Jews dwelling throughout the territories of the Roman Empire. They will not escape persecution during this period of trial. But neither will they come under the trial Yahweh prepares for Apostate Israel. This trial is directed against apostate Jews dwelling throughout the territories of the Roman Empire (the whole inhabited household of Israel as an elect people). Thus, the members of the Ecclesia of Jesus the Messiah will continue to endure persecution for the sake of the Gospel and the name of Jesus throughout the period of the trial, but they will not be the targeted ones of Yahweh.

This hour of trial symbolically refers to the Day of the Lord (the day of Yahweh’s ultimate visit for judgment). It is described as an hour in order to indicate its momentous eonian significance. It therefore refers to the period of the Jewish revolt against Rome, initiated in 64 a.d. but begun in earnest in 66 a.d., ending with the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple in 70 a.d.

The Gospel of Matthew refers to this period as the “great affliction” (Matt. 24:21 CV); Paul, in his letter to the disciples dwelling in Rome, describes this period as the time Yahweh “will be crushing Satan under your feet swiftly” (Rom. 16:20 CV). The writer of Hebrews refers to this period when he exhorts his readers not to forsake (or renounce, abandon) their assembling together and to encourage one another “as you are observing the day drawing near” (Heb. 10:25 CV).

James refers to the last years of this period when he exhorts his readers to “be patient; establish your hearts, for the presence of the Lord is near” (James 5:8 CV). Peter refers to this period when he writes, “Now the consummation of all [that which is written in the Law and the Prophets] is near” (1 Pe. 4:7a CV). John refers to this period as “the last hour” (1 Jn. 2:18a CV) at which time the disciples “heard that the antichrist is coming, now also there have come to be many antichrists, whence we know that it is the last hour. Out of us they come, but they were not of us, . . .” (1 Jn. 2:18b-19a CV).

Jesus then encourages these valiant warriors:

I am coming swiftly! Hold what you have, that no one may be taking your wreath [crown]. (Revelation 3:11 CV)

They are to continue valiantly fighting the spiritual/covenantal battle in the cause of liberty to the end of the Mosaic Eon, to the terminating judgment against this final evil, crooked, apostate generation. The Parousia of their Commander-In-Chief is imminent. His final arrival in judgment will occur swiftly.

His loyal mighty men of valor are to remain intensely watchful in order that no deceiving or seducing enemy agent might subvert their faith and faithfulness. They are to continue reigning in covenantal life in order that their names might not be erased from the scroll of life. This means waging the battle loyally, honorably, and valiantly to its gloriously triumphant consummation. Having done so, each will maintain possession of his crown of life, but each, in addition, will gain the crown of righteousness,

I have contended the ideal contest. I have finished my career [course]. I have kept the faith. Furthermore, there is reserved for me the wreath [crown] of righteousness, which the Lord, the just Judge, will be paying to me in that day; yet not to me only, but also to all who love His advent. (2 Timothy 4:7-8 CV)

Thus, the one conquering is the one reigning together with Jesus the New Davidic Warrior-King during the forty-year (30 A.D.–70 A.D.) invasion against Apostate Israel throughout the inhabited household of her people scattered throughout the territories of the Roman Empire. This conquering one, so long as he remains faithful, is accounted, by Jesus his Lord and King, a pillar in the Temple of Yahweh (Rev. 3:12a). This Temple is a metaphor depicting the Ecclesia of Jesus the Messiah. It is located metaphorically in the New Jerusalem which also is a metaphor for the Born-From-Above Nation, the Israel of Yahweh. This is the New Jerusalem described in metaphorical pictures in Revelation, chapters 21 and 22.

The conquering one will always remain a citizen of this holy city, participating as a member of the Temple not made with hands, the Temple manifesting the Shekinah Glory of Yahweh. He will be identified as a chosen, holy vessel of Yahweh, having Yahweh’s name written figuratively upon him:

I will be writing upon him the name of My God, and the name of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem, the one which descends out of the heaven [of the vision of chapter 21] from My God, and My new name. (Revelation 3:12b my translation)

Thus, the conquering one is identified with Yahweh, the New Jerusalem, the New Temple, and Jesus the Anointed One. The New Jerusalem and the New Temple are significant metaphors depicting the distinguishing aspects of the New People of Yahweh: the Ecclesia of Jesus the Messiah, the Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh, the Saints, the circumcised and uncircumcised disciples, the faithful ones.

The letter ends, as usual, with a commanding call to all the assemblies:

Who has an ear, let him hear what the spirit is saying to the ecclesias [assemblies]. (Revelation 3:13 CV)

All the figurative letters contain messages vital to the faithfulness of all the disciples, all the servants, all the faithful followers of Jesus the Christ, the Anointed One, the Messiah, the New Davidic Warrior-King. These messages are directed, at the time of the writing of the Book of Revelation, to those disciples of Jesus dwelling in the numerous assemblies located in Palestine. Soon, however, there would be numerous assemblies dwelling within many of the cities of the Roman Empire. These messages would also pertain to them.

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The Message Written to Laodicea, Revelation 3:14-22

This last letter refers the reader back to Judah (the Southern Kingdom) just prior to her expulsion from the land under the Babylonian conquest. Unlike Israel (the Northern Kingdom) who had departed from worship in Jerusalem and the Temple, Judah had continued to worship Yahweh in Jerusalem and the Temple. Again, unlike Israel, when Judah had been expelled from the land, Yahweh had not declared her Lo-Ammi, not My people. He had not abandoned her, but went with her into her expulsion among the nations. This Southern Kingdom of Judah had survived her expulsion, many returning from Babylon to rebuild Jerusalem and the Temple in the holy land. Many more, however, had continued to dwell among the nations, becoming designated as the Jewish diaspora. These circumcised Jews in and outside the land are referred to in the Greek Scriptures as the whole inhabited household of Israel dwelling within the territories of the Roman Empire.

The saints in Laodicea are compared with the Southern Kingdom of Judah just prior to her expulsion from the land. The Southern Kingdom of Judah had been worshiping Yahweh in Jerusalem and the Temple, but void of any zealousness. She had perceived herself as rich and blessed, but was covenantally poor and cursed. She had been confident of her safety and her future, since she was protected by her covenant relationship to Yahweh.

As long as Jerusalem and the Temple continued to function as the city of David and the House of Yahweh, Judah had been confident of her safety and security against the evil intents of the nations around her. Thus, she had become lukewarm, neither hot nor cold. She had become complacent in her naive and misconstrued confidence in her covenant relationship to Yahweh. She had come to ignore her deeper covenantal obligations, choosing to place her confidence in her cultic practices in Jerusalem and the Temple. Of this Yahweh declares,

Bring your worthless offerings no longer. Incense is an abomination to Me. New moon and sabbath, the calling of assemblies—I cannot endure iniquity and the solemn assembly. I hate your new moon festivals and your appointed feasts. They have become a burden to Me. . . . Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; Remove the evil of your deeds from My sight. Cease to do evil, Learn to do good; Seek justice, Reprove the ruthless; Defend the orphan, Plead for the widow. Come now, and let us reason together, . . . (Isaiah 1:13‑14a, 16-18a NASB)

Judah had honored Yahweh with her lips, had drawn near to Him with her words, but her heart (passionate, zealous love of Yahweh and His law) had become far removed from Yahweh. Her reverence for Yahweh had consisted of mere tradition learned by rote (Isa. 29:13 NASB). So, likewise, is the condition of the saints dwelling at Laodicea.

Jesus addresses this passionless assembly as “the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Epitome [Greek, arkee, chief, beginning] of Yahweh’s creation” (Rev. 3:14b my translation). He is the “Amen” since He is the One perfectly advocating the will of Yahweh, His Father. He is Yahweh’s enthusiastic “Amen!” Let it be so! He precisely echoes the Will, the Word, the Purpose of Yahweh.

As such, He is the Faithful and True Witness to all that Yahweh intends for humanity. He is Yahweh’s Faithful and True Witness to all Yahweh’s promises contained in the Law and the Prophets. He is the Epitome of Yahweh’s creation, that is, the part which represents typically the whole. He is the crowning achievement of Yahweh’s purpose and design for mankind. He is the zenith, the summit of Yahweh’s intentional purpose for mankind. He is the Chief Representative of Yahweh’s predetermined design for Man. He is the Beginning of Yahweh’s Second Line of Humanity, the New Line achieving His ultimate design and purpose intended when first He created the man Adam.

Thus, Jesus is the enthusiastic, passionate, zealously active Amen, Advocate, of Yahweh’s will. He exemplifies that which these saints at Laodicea should be, but have failed to become. They are nauseatingly lounging comfortably in the metaphoric bed of Christ’s tomb. They have neglected to share in the resurrection of Jesus the Messiah. They have not risen out of the bed of covenantal life in order to walk in newness of life. They have chosen not to stand themselves up for active participation in spiritual/covenantal warfare. Jesus, therefore announces,

I am aware of your acts [works], that neither cool [cold] are you nor zealous [hot]! Would that you were cool or zealous! Thus, seeing that you are indifferent, and are neither zealous nor cool, I am about to spew you out of My mouth. (Revelation 3:15-16 CV)

These spiritual soldiers have not reported for duty! They have enlisted themselves in the covenantal army of the New Davidic Kingdom by their reception of the Gospel of Christ. Signing their signature at the bottom of the covenantal contract, their names had been entered into the New Davidic Warrior-King’s scroll of life (the Lamb’s scroll of life, the Lion’s list of warriors). Content with the honor and prestige of belonging to this glorious army and cause, they have remained lounging in their tents, comfortably enjoying the luxury of their new-life calling.

Jesus warns them that He is about to spew them out of His mouth. The distastefulness of their lukewarmness when descending into the stomach causes acute nausea. They are neither cold (apostate, opposing, passionate children of Cain) nor hot (faithful, advocating, zealous children of Abel). Jesus and Yahweh respect passionate opposition and zealous advocation when both arise out of a commitment to one’s integrity. But indifference, lukewarmness, lacks integrity and honor. It breeds a contemptible shamelessness.

A passionate enemy opposing in his integrity is not contemptible. Such an enemy, when being defeated and enlightened by truth, will honorably concede his error, acknowledging the shamefulness of his opposition and repenting of his misconceived opposition. However, one who is unemotionally indifferent is not easily affected by truth, since he does not passionately love truth. His indifference shields him from authentic shame, while numbing him to the invasion of truth.

Cain’s opposition to Yahweh is respectable. He opposes Yahweh in his commitment to his own sense of integrity. He passionately opposes Yahweh in the name of that which he conceives to be truth. He is an honorable and worthy opponent of Yahweh since he zealously believes in his cause, his own understanding of righteousness and justice. He stands up in his armor wielding his weapons ready to valiantly engage in battle. He is not indifferent. He is not shameless. He understands shame, considering it an enemy. He engages Yahweh in combat in the cause of his honor. He has misconceived truth, but nevertheless respects and honors truth.

Consequently, his very engagement with Yahweh in combat will be the means by which he will be defeated by truth. This will result in his acknowledgment of his shamefulness and his repentant, zealous commitment to the truth appropriately conceived. Such a zealously committed enemy will quickly become a zealously committed advocate.

The indifferent saints at Laodicea are nauseating because they are not engaged in battle. They declare of themselves,

Rich am I! . . . Rich have I become, and of nothing have I need! (Revelation 3:17a CV)

They consider themselves rich in that they possess the new life of the New Davidic Covenant guaranteeing them participation in the coming Celestial Allotment. They have no further need of anything. Their present and future is secure. They are at peace with the world, and, thus, at peace with the enemy. They are citizens of the New Jerusalem of peace and safety. They participate in the worship and service of the New Temple not made with hands. They dwell safely and securely within the walls of the city of their God. They need nothing more. They have all they need. There is no need for combat. The victory has already been won. The enemy is not a threat. Jesus rebukes them,

you are not aware that you are wretched and forlorn [pitiful] and poor and blind and naked. (Revelation 3:17b CV)

They are unaware of their true condition. They are pitiful because they perceive themselves as rich but are in reality poor. They confess Him with their lips but deny Him in their hearts. They have not put on the white robe of righteousness, the royal robe of priestly service, the military attire of spiritual combat signifying their reigning together with Jesus the Anointed Warrior-King. Disrobed, they go about their business blind to their covenantal nakedness. Blind to their nakedness, they are unaware of their covenantal shame. Devoid of zealousness for the truth of the Gospel, they parade their naked shame before the world-order to the dishonor of Yahweh, Jesus, their covenantal brethren, and themselves. Jesus advises them to

buy of Me gold refined by the fire, [in order] that you should be rich, and white garments, [in order] that you may be clothed and the shame of your nakedness may not be made manifest, and eye-salve to anoint your eyes, [in order] that you may be observing. (Revelation 3:18 CV)

The gold refined by fire alludes to Psalms 19:7-10 where it refers to Yahweh’s Law, testimony, precepts, commandments, judgments and statutes. Possession of these makes one covenantally rich. The white garments refer to the righteousness of the saints (see Rev. 19:8) bought with the costly price of faithful works, gallant and courageous deeds in covenantal battle against the enemy. Valor in battle is costly,

Therefore take up the panoply of God [Yahweh, in order] that you may be enabled to withstand in the wicked day [the present evil eon, Gal. 1:4], and having effected all, to stand. Stand, then, girded about your loins with truth, with the cuirass of righteousness put on, and your feet sandaled with the readiness of the evangel of peace; with all taking up the large shield of faith, by which you will be able to extinguish all the fiery arrows of the wicked one. And receive the helmet of salvation [deliverance from the curse of the law and the harm of the Second Death] and the sword of the spirit, which is a declaration of God [Yahweh]. (Ephesians 6:13-17 CV)

The indifferent, unzealous saints at Laodicea need to stand up and march forth into covenantal battle against the enemies of Yahweh and His Anointed One. They need to stand up, sharing in the likeness of the resurrection of Jesus the Messiah, and put on the spiritual armor of Jesus the New Davidic Warrior-King. In doing this, they will be appropriately clothed for spiritual battle enabling them to perform courageously as Jesus the Warrior-King’s mighty men of valor proclaiming and exemplifying the truth of the Gospel revealing the righteousness of Yahweh associated with Jesus the Messiah and His consecrated New Davidic Covenant, Kingdom, Nation, Ecclesia.

These saints must share in the sufferings of Christ, enduring the persecution and affliction on behalf of the righteousness of the New Davidic Kingdom. Only in this way can they presently participate in the reign of Jesus the Messiah. Only in this way can they be accounted Conquering Ones, loyally fighting side by side with their Lord and King. Only by becoming zealously engaged in the faithful works of the Gospel can they cover their nakedness with the gloriously White Robe of the faithful, loyal, courageous, valiant warrior-priest of Yahweh and His Anointed Son, Jesus, the Faithful and True King-Priest, the Amen! of Yahweh His Father, The Arche, the Chief, the Summit, the Ultimate, the Epitome, the Beginning of Yahweh’s creation, the One setting in motion the creative process intended to produce men like Himself who would respond to Yahweh with utter obedient faithfulness, becoming, together with Jesus the Messiah, Yahweh’s Amens!

Jesus rebukes these indifferent saints associated with the new name because He is fond of them. They bear His name and, thus, belong to Him. He exposes and disciplines those who are His servants. Thus, He commands them to “Be zealous, then, and repent!” (Rev. 3:19 CV). He graciously stands at the door of their tents, knocking. To those opening the door and standing in battle array, He would enter, restoring them to honorable military standing. Those failing to hear His voice and open to Him, He would spew out of His mouth.

However, like the Southern Kingdom of Judah, He would not abandon them. He would go with them in their exile from the New Heavenly Jerusalem. Though they would forfeit their part in the Celestial Allotment, He would endow them in the terrestrial realm with the authority to proclaim His name under the banner of a new religion, Christianity. This new religion would destroy the ancient world of the gods, confirming both the termination of the Times of the Gentiles and the inauguration of the Kingdom of God (Yahweh Elohim and His Anointed Son) Who would once again resume His universal and direct jurisdiction over all nations. No longer would Israel or any other nation possess an exclusive covenantal relationship to Yahweh. All nations would directly be under the jurisdiction of Yahweh’s throne located in the Celestial Realm, jointly occupied by Jesus the Messiah and His Ecclesia.

Thus, Christianity should have proclaimed the all-inclusive Kingdom of God. It should have proclaimed the accomplished salvation of all humanity, designating all human beings as members of this New Universal Kingdom of God, the New Jesuic Humanity headed up by Jesus Christ, the Second Adam, the Spiritual Man now controlling, guiding, directing, and achieving the divine destiny predetermined for mankind by Yahweh Elohim, mankind’s Creator and Benefactor. But this would not and could not occur because Christianity’s understanding of the secret of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God would become distorted and, thereby, lost due to the imperfect understanding of those believers who had failed to remain faithful to the end. These lukewarm and ignorant Jewish believers, exceedingly outnumbered by the lukewarm Gentile believers failing to remain faithful to the end, together with these lukewarm Gentile believers would remain to form the nucleus of the new religion, Christianity.

Christianity would proclaim the One Living God (Elohim) and His Only-Begotten Son to the nations, to the entire Hellenistic world-order, during the last three decades of the first century a.d. and through the remaining centuries of the Roman Empire. However, Christianity would proclaim the necessity of believing upon Jesus as the Savior, the Only-Begotten Son of God, in order to be saved from the judgment of eternal hell-fire. It thereby would reinstitute a new, but pseudo covenantal religion consisting of insiders and outsiders. It would exclude all those not knowing of Jesus and all those who, having heard the new asymmetrically misconstrued gospel of Christ, reject Jesus as their Savior.

The circumcised and uncircumcised unfaithful followers of Jesus the Messiah, whom Jesus spewed out of His mouth, would be electively set aside by Yahweh to spread the accomplishment of Jesus the Son of God throughout the new world-order of Jesuic humanity, the New Heavens and Earth. The Celestial Realm (represented by Jesus the Messiah and His Ecclesia) would rule over the terrestrial realm (represented by the new Christian religion and the remainder of humanity). These spewed-out disciples would be jolted out of their complacency and indifference as a result of the persecution and affliction sent upon them by Yahweh after the Parousia of Jesus the Messiah had been completed and the Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh had entered her Celestial Allotment. These spewed-out ones would be given over to much persecution in consequence of their unfaithful indifference and complacency resulting in their failure to participate in the Royal Warfare of Yahweh and His Anointed Warrior-King against Apostate Israel and on behalf of the liberation of the people of Yahweh.

Though they would fail Yahweh and Jesus, Yahweh and Jesus would not abandon them. They would lose their part in the Celestial Allotment, but they would be assigned an elective role in the terrestrial realm on behalf of Yahweh and Jesus Christ. This role would continue to identify them with Jesus Christ, but not in association with His Ecclesia (His Church), which would be dwelling and serving in the Celestial Realm.

Their identity with Jesus Christ would be the inferior, temporal, and relative identity of a new religion. When this new religion will have fulfilled its purpose, it, along with all other surviving religions, would be terminatingly transcended. Mankind will have finally come of age, reaching his predetermined mature state of being.

This final letter to the assemblies belonging to Jesus also concludes with a guarantee of promise to the conquering one:

The one who is conquering, to him will I be granting to be seated with Me on [literally, in the sphere of the interest of] My throne as I, also, conquer, and am seated with My Father on [in the sphere of the interest of] His throne. (Revelation 3:21 CV)

Again, the conquering one, as long as he continues to faithfully conquer in the name of Jesus, is to be presently reigning together with Jesus in His New Davidic Kingdom. As Jesus’ Davidic Reign necessitates the conquering of His enemies in spiritual warfare, so also His faithful royal-warriors necessarily must follow Him into spiritual battle, continually engaging and conquering the enemies of their Lord and Warrior-King while simultaneously enduring the hardships and wounds of battle. As Jesus reigns in the interest of His Father’s throne, so also His loyal royal-warriors, the conquering ones, reign together with Him in the interest of His Davidic throne.

Consequently, to those hearing and obeying “what the spirit [of Yahweh and Jesus, the spirit poured out initially at Pentecost] is [presently] saying to the ecclesias” (Rev. 3:22 CV), Jesus gives assurance that they are to continue to be presently reigning jointly with Him. In association with this reigning, Jesus has also guaranteed the following advantages to all the ones conquering together with Him (see list on the next page).

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The Vision of an Opened Door in Heaven, Revelation Chapters 4-5

Having completed his vision concerning the seven assemblies, John is carried back, in vision, to the coronation of Jesus as Davidic Warrior-King. The vision of chapters 4-5 does not follow chronologically the vision of chapters 1-3. The letters written to the seven symbolic assemblies located in symbolic Asia chronologically cover the years 30-70 a.d.

The vision of chapters 4-5 only literarily follows consecutively the previous vision of chapters 1-3. John writes, “After these things I perceived” (4:1 CV). “After these things” refers to the vision of chapters 1-3. He is now instructed, “Come up here! and I will be showing you what must be occurring after these things” (4:1b CV). John is to be shown that which he is to write down next, not what happens next. The chronology of the events being revealed is not under consideration. What is emphasized is the order in which John is being shown these visions, “what must be occurring” in the vision about to be given him, which vision literarily follows consecutively the previous vision which has been referred to as “after these things.”

In the next vision of chapters 4 and 5, John perceives an opened door in the heaven of his vision. This heaven is symbolic. It symbolically refers to the heaven belonging to the terrestrial realm. This heaven is located above the earth. It is a metaphoric heaven figuratively designating Yahweh’s rule over Israel and through Israel over all the nations assigned to the administrations of each of the Sons of El commissioned to direct the affairs of each of these nations.

The opened door symbolically invites John into the theatre of the vision he is about to be permitted to perceive. This opened door does not lead either into heaven or into the celestial realm. John, in spirit, is going to be snatched up to the metaphoric heaven above the metaphoric earth upon which he presently stands. There, he will enter through the opened door leading into this theatre in which he will be permitted to perceive his next vision.

The voice of invitation heard by John is described as the sounding of a trumpet. The trumpet is associated with a call to arms, a call of alarm. Jesus the Messiah is about to ascend the throne of David as the New Davidic Warrior-King executing the judgment of Yahweh against Apostate Israel in the cause of liberation, the deliverance and the arming of the people of Yahweh for spiritual warfare against His enemies.

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The Throne, Revelation 4:2-11

In spirit, John finds himself in this visionary heaven. Entering through the opened door, he perceives a throne. Upon this throne sits Yahweh. This is the throne of Yahweh as King in Yeshurun (Deut. 33:5 CV), King over His covenanted nation Israel.

In the days of Samuel, Israel had rejected Yahweh as her King, demanding a king after the likeness of the nations. Giving the nation her desire, Yahweh raises Saul to sit on His throne. The failure of Saul to reign over the nation as Yahweh’s faithful regent and Saul’s failure to secure the covenantal welfare of the nation confirms the nation’s error and foolishness in demanding a king after the likeness of the nations.

In response to Saul’s failure, Yahweh raises up David to sit with Him in the interest of His throne. Thus, the throne of David essentially represents the throne of Yahweh as King in Yeshurun. David conquers the enemies in the land in the name of Yahweh Who declares David a man after His own heart.




Promises to the Conquering Ones in the Ecclesias










Eating of the Tree of Life (drawing spiritual life from the Word of the New Davidic Covenant)





The crown of life (sharing in the resurrection life of Christ, thus, walking in newness of covenantal life)




Protection from the harm of the Second Death (deliverance from the covenantal destruction of Apostate Israel clinging to the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant)




The hidden manna (spiritual nourishment provided by the teaching, the instruction, the stipulations of the Law of Christ)




The New Name (identification with Jesus the Messiah and the New Jerusalem, His Ecclesia)




Shepherding the nations (teaching, guiding, instructing, disciplining the uncircumcised faithful ones)




The Morning Star (the glorious light of the Gospel of Christ)




Clothed in white garments (the righteous robe of the faithful warrior-priest reigning with Christ)




Name not erased from the Scroll of Life (one’s continued righteous standing as an honorable warrior)




Their advocation by Jesus before the Father (Honorable acknowledgment before Yahweh)




A Pillar in the New Temple (a manifester of the Shekinah Glory of Yahweh, upholders of the worship and service in spirit and truth, responsible bearers of the edification of the Ecclesia)




Seated with Jesus on His throne (reigning and conquering together with Jesus in the warfare against Apostate Israel)



Note. All these advantages are experienced by all the saints who qualify as conquering ones during the New Davidic Kingdom invasion from 30-70 a.d.


David conquers Jerusalem, making this city the capital of his kingdom. The Ark of the Covenant is then retrieved and brought to Jerusalem where it would be placed in the holy of holies within the Temple to be constructed by David’s son Solomon. In preparation for the future construction of this Temple in which Yahweh’s Shekinah glory would dwell, David organizes twenty-four priestly courses (orders) to offer worship and praise to Yahweh in the future Temple service. Thus, David’s throne is associated with the city of Jerusalem, the Temple, and the twenty-four courses of priests offering worship and praise to Yahweh in the Temple. Yahweh also makes a covenant with David, guaranteeing him a son to sit on his throne.

Therefore, the throne of Yahweh, perceived by John in its metaphorical/covenantal exalted location in Israel’s heavenly rule over the nations, represents the throne of David reserved for his future glorious Son. Around the throne is an emerald rainbow. The rainbow alludes to Yahweh’s covenant made with Noah and humanity after the flood. It is an emerald rainbow because it represents Yahweh’s life-enhancing care for the nations of the earth as the One True Living Elohim.

Surrounding this throne of Yahweh are twenty-four thrones upon which are seated twenty-four elders. These twenty-four elders represent the remnant of faithful Israel worshiping and praising Yahweh in association with Jerusalem and the Temple during the generations preceding the present evil generation of John’s day. They are clothed in white garments, symbolizing their righteousness. On their heads are crowns of gold, indicating their faithful reigning with Yahweh under the Mosaic Covenant.

This remnant represents Yahweh’s faithful nation of priests sharing in His sufferings at the hands of Cainite Israel. They had suffered faithfully to the end, making them conquerors under the persecution and affliction endured in the spiritual battle with Apostate Israel. Thus, they represent a kingdom of priests faithful to Yahweh’s rule in Yeshurun before and after the rejection of Yahweh in exchange for the reign of Saul, a king after the likeness of the nations.

Issuing out of this throne of Yahweh are “lightnings and voices and thunders” (Rev. 4:5a CV). A storm of judgment is brewing. Yahweh is about to pour out His final indignation upon Apostate Israel. His patience, longsuffering, and compassion are reaching their consummation. His enemies will receive just retribution for their refusal to repent of their evil deeds. His faithful servants, after sharing in the sufferings of Jesus the Messiah, will enter into their promised Celestial Allotment. The Day of Yahweh has arrived, the day of His ultimate visitation of His people, Israel.

Seven torches of fire are burning before the throne of Yahweh. They are said to be the seven spirits of Yahweh, symbolically referring to the complete, the perfect, operation of the spirit of Yahweh in relation to the terrestrial realm of the heaven and the earth of the vision. Before the throne is a “glassy sea, like crystal” (Rev. 4:6), corresponding to the brazen sea of Solomon’s Temple (1 Kings 7:23, corresponding to the laver of water in the Tabernacle). The priests serving in Solomon’s Temple cleansed themselves with the water in the brazen sea prior to entering the Temple.

The twenty-four elders, before being seated on the twenty-four thrones surrounding Yahweh’s Davidic throne, had to cleanse themselves for the priestly service by enduring figuratively the refining process in the manufacture of clear glass, represented here by the glassy sea alluding to the persecution and affliction through which they themselves had been refined in order to be qualified to approach Yahweh’s throne and occupy the twenty-four thrones of honorable service. The refining process for manufacturing clear, crystal-like glass represents the refining process of persecution and affliction purifying Yahweh’s faithful saints, holy ones, the faithful remnant under the Mosaic Covenant.

Stationed at the circumference of Yahweh’s circular throne platform are four animals full of eyes and each possessing six wings. These animals represent the all-seeing eyes of Yahweh King over Yeshurun and the nations. Nothing escapes the eyes of Yahweh. He perceives all that takes place in the figurative heaven of Israel’s covenantal dwelling and the figurative earth upon which the nations dwell. Yahweh, the Majestic and Mighty King over the terrestrial habitation of Israel and the nations, is in complete command over the activity of all these kingdoms. He perceives their overt and covert machinations. He sovereignly intervenes at His own discretion, drawing near to these kingdoms of mortals with the power and swiftness of the twenty-four wings of the animals stationed at the four corners of His throne platform.

The first animal is said to be like a lion. Yahweh, like a lion, dominates the affairs of mortals by His mighty strength and terrifying roar (His sovereign authority) with which He confronts these mortals when they become arrogant and overconfident in themselves. Yahweh is not to be trifled with. He is to be feared and reverenced.

The second animal is said to be like a calf. The calf has been described as the benevolent offspring of the strong ox. Yahweh, like the gentle calf, addresses with much kindness, mercy, and compassion the mortals governing in Israel and the mortals governing in the nations. This benevolent aspect of Yahweh the Majestic and Mighty King seeks to call mortal men to conform to His truth which is designed for their welfare. The calf-like character of Yahweh, however, has its limits. When those limits have been reached, when His patience and longsuffering allowing mortals much free reign to roam, have run their course, He turns to them a face after the likeness of a human.

The third animal is said to possess a face like a human. Thus, Yahweh will extend to mortal men a final chance to repent and conform themselves to His truth. He will engage them face to face, as exemplified when He spoke to Moses “face to face” (Ex. 33:11); when He spoke to Israel “face to face” (Deut. 5:1-4); and when He spoke to Israel, the nations, all humanity face to face in the face-to-face revelation of Himself in the face of His Only-Begotten Son, Jesus the Messiah the Anointed “King of kings and Lord of lords” (Rev. 19:16). When, however, Yahweh’s longsuffering is extended no longer, He hides His human-like face (Isa. 64:7). He then turns to mortal men His face after the likeness of an eagle.

The fourth animal is said to be like an eagle. The eagle is a mighty bird of prey. He dwells in the highest cliffs of the mountains. He soars to great heights in the heaven, but just as magnificent is his swift descent of attack. Yahweh, like the eagle, will swiftly and fiercely descend upon His enemies.

Such is the symbolic message of the four animals stationed at the four corners of Yahweh’s throne platform. Judgment is shortly to proceed from the Davidic throne of Yahweh against Apostate Israel and those nations committing covenantal prostitution with her. The finality of this judgment will occur swiftly (Rev. 1:1; 3:11; 22:6, 20). The fact that each animal has six wings also indicates judgment. Seven, the number of completeness, minus one, equals six, the number of incompleteness, the number of falling short of the goal. Apostate Israel has consistently fallen short of the goal of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant.

The fact that the number of animals is four (4, the number representing creation) indicates that the coming judgment proceeding from the Davidic throne is against Yahweh’s creation at Sinai. The number 4 is, in this instance, the combination of 3 and 1. Three is the number denoting Divine perfection. Divine perfection (3) plus one (1) equals Yahweh’s creative work. In the present case, the work referred to is Yahweh’s creation at Sinai, the nation Israel as a national man under the Sinatic Covenant.

These four symbolic animals (lit., living ones) continually testify to Yahweh’s holiness in relation to Israel:

Holy! holy! holy! Yahweh Elohim the Almighty One, the One Who was and the One Who is and the One Who is coming! (Revelation 4:8 my translation)

Yahweh has divinely set Himself apart as the Elohim of Israel. As such, Israel has been set apart from the nations as Yahweh’s special nation. Yahweh is “the Almighty One,” conquering on behalf of His people Israel. He was King in Yeshurun, but was rejected in Shiloh by His people. He is still King in Yeshurun in association with His faithful regent-king, David. He is the One Who is coming shortly to reign in association with The Son of David, the One Who had been faithful unto death, the death of a cross, crucifixion death.

These four symbolic living ones (animals) represent the Word of Yahweh, reflecting His character, His glory, and His purpose in relation to mankind, Israel, and the nations. The coming Son of David is to overshadow the testimony of these living ones, for He is the Word made flesh. He unfolds completely Yahweh’s character, glory, and purpose. He is to reign on David’s throne, conquering on behalf of the Israel of Yahweh and returning the Davidic regency to the One True Living King in Yeshurun, Yahweh Elohim of Israel, the Almighty One!

Whenever these living ones offer glory, honor, and thanks to Yahweh sitting on His Throne, the One Who is living for the eons of the eons, the twenty-four elders (representing the faithful remnant of Israel under the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant) bow down before Yahweh casting their golden crowns before His throne, thus acknowledging their dependence and loyalty in humble adoration. The living ones continually give praise to Yahweh in honor of His attributes. However, a special demonstration offering glory, honor, and thanks causes a special outburst of adoration to Yahweh.

In the present scene of John’s vision, such a magnificent outburst takes place resulting in the twenty-four elders magnifying the honor shown to Yahweh by bowing before His throne and adoringly casting their golden crowns of faithfulness at His feet. This awesome outburst is due to the worthiness of Yahweh in His recent reception of glory, honor, and power resulting from the obedience of The Son of David, the Only-Begotten Son of Yahweh Himself. This Son has manifested Yahweh’s glory, honor, and power by accomplishing the redemption of Yahweh’s creation at Mount Sinai,

Worthy are You, our Lord and Elohim, to receive the glory and the honor and the power [associated with the world-order created at Sinai] because You created all these things [of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant, the Law and the Prophets, the nation Israel as a light to the nations, the kingdom in Yeshurun] and because of Your will they existed, and were created [anew]. (Revelation 4:11 my translation)

Yahweh is presently being gloriously honored for the work of His Son in redeeming, creating anew, His nation which was created as a national man at Sinai. He is, thus, glorified as the Living True Elohim Who had created the all and had redeemed the all. The word panta (all) is preceded by the definite article the, indicating a specific all, not a general or universal all. In addition, the word panta is plural.

The text, thus, refers to all the things pertaining to the creation of Israel at Sinai. These things existed due to the will of Yahweh. He determined to separate Himself to Israel. He determined to separate Israel from the nations. He determined to generate Israel out of the womb of Egypt. He determined to breathe into the nation’s nostrils the breath of life, the Ten Words administering covenantal life to this national man created out of the figurative soil of Egypt. He determined to give this nation His statutes and judgments. He determined Himself King of Yeshurun. He determined to raise up David as His regent-king. He determined to establish a covenant with David and David’s future Son. He determined that David’s future Son would die on behalf of His holy nation.

All these things He created by the power, the authority, of His will. And His will had prevailed. His Will had been implemented and would continue to be implemented.

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The Lion/Lamb, Revelation 5:1-14

The three-dimensional hologramic images projected into the space of the heaven of this vision continue. Yahweh has been praised, honored, and glorified as a result of the redemptive work of His Son, the Son of David. His Son has been faithful unto death. He has been resurrected out from among the dead and has ascended into the Celestial Realm to be seated in the sphere of the interest of His Father’s Throne.

John is about to perceive a visionary enactment of the inauguration of Jesus as Davidic Warrior-King. Christ’s ascension into the Celestial Realm had been literal. His inauguration perceived in the following vision is figurative. It takes place in the metaphoric heaven of the terrestrial realm where the throne of David dwells authoritatively. Jesus the Messiah has conquered death and now ascends the throne of David to conquer as the New Davidic Warrior-King reigning as Yahweh’s Regent-King over the New Israel of Yahweh about to be Born-From-Above. The throne of David also endows Him with authority over the nations.

Thus, all that occurs in the heaven of this vision is associated with the terrestrial realm, the heaven and earth inhabited by mankind. The heaven and the earth of all the visions contained in the Book of Revelation are, therefore, metaphorically concerned with real events occurring on the earth: the land of Palestine and the remaining territories of the Roman Empire (the whole inhabited household of Israel). The heaven of these visions is in every case not literal but figurative.

The heaven of these visions always refers to the covenantal superiority of Israel over the covenantally inferior nations located metaphorically on the earth. Thus, all events occurring in the heaven of these visions actually take place on the earth, though metaphorically described as taking place in the heaven. The heaven of these visions is a figurative means of depicting the intervening hand of Yahweh and His Anointed Warrior-King operating behind the scenes of events taking place in the affairs of Israel and the nations on the earth. The heaven also refers to the spiritual/covenantal position and activity of the Israel of Yahweh in contrast to Apostate Israel.

In the present vision of the throne in heaven, John perceives a scroll in the right hand of Yahweh Who is sitting on the throne. The scroll is written upon both front and back. It is sealed with seven seals. Thus, this scroll contains the final events whereby the Law and the Prophets will be brought to their fulfillment. These events are hidden from mankind. The seven seals indicate complete security of the secrets contained in the scroll. The information contained within the scroll will significantly enlighten the slaves of Jesus the Messiah to the meaning of those passages in the Hebrew Scriptures pointing to the events resulting in the end of the age. This information will also illuminate the understanding of the then present saints assigned the task of writing the Greek Scriptures which will form the crowning chapters of The Book of Yahweh’s revelation to His saints, His Holy Ones.

For these events to take place, someone must have the authority to break the seals and execute the plan of Yahweh contained within this scroll. John, then, hears a strong messenger herald with a loud voice,

Who is worthy to open the scroll, and to loose its seals? (Revelation 5:2 CV)

John, then, observes,

And no one in heaven [the present saints, Israel], nor yet on earth [the present uncircumcised faithful ones], nor yet underneath the earth [Apostate Israel metaphorically imprisoned in the submerged chaos], was able to open the scroll, neither to look at it. (Revelation 5:3 CV)

The scroll, being written by Yahweh Himself and containing His Wisdom, is holy, set apart, excluded from even being looked upon by any man. Yet the scroll contains information necessary to the destiny of Israel and the nations. Unless someone worthy is found among men to break the seals and execute the will of Yahweh, the fulfillment of the Law and the Prophets cannot be accomplished.

Consequently, John weeps tears of disappointment over the fact that no man is to be found worthy to open the scroll, let alone look upon it. But John weeps prematurely. What he is not aware of in this heavenly scene, the elders are aware of: the presence of “The Lion out of the tribe of Judah” (5:5 CV), the One Who has conquered death, the One Who has already ascended the throne of David. Thus, this vision takes John back in time to the ascension of Jesus to the throne of David. It takes John back before the Festival of Pentecost of Acts, chapter 2.

John is now comforted by one of the elders (representing the faithful remnant of ancient Israel):

Do not lament! Lo! He conquers! The Lion out of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, is to open the scroll and to loose its seven seals! (Revelation 5:5b CV)

Jesus the Messiah is the conquering One. He has conquered Sin and Death. As the Lion of the tribe of Judah (Gen. 49:8-10), He is about to mount His white stallion and go forth as the conquering Davidic Warrior-King leading His soon-to-be equipped royal-warriors into battle against the enemy of Yahweh, Apostate Israel (Rev. 19:11-18).

Ceasing to weep, John’s eyes follow to the throne of Yahweh the directing finger of the comforting elder. Standing in the center of the throne at the right hand of Yahweh, John perceives a Lamb as though slain. The Lamb’s seven horns represent His full and complete authority to rule as King and conquer as the Lion out of the tribe of Judah. His seven eyes are said to be the seven spirits of Yahweh (Rev. 5:6) which represent the complete operative energy of Yahweh’s spirit. The Lamb Who has taken away the sin of Israel (Isa. 53; Jn. 1:29) is now the Lion out of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, inaugurated as Yahweh’s Regent-King. Authorized by Yahweh to occupy the throne of David, He now begins His reign over the Kingdom of Israel in accordance with the eonian Davidic Covenant as consecrated by the blood of the Lamb. His first regal act is the pouring out of the spirit at Pentecost.

Like David, the Lion out of the Tribe of Judah begins His reign by ruling over the house of Judah (2 Sam. 2:4) alone. In the present situation this is represented by Jesus’ rule over the circumcised Jews in the land of promise (the Southern Kingdom of Judah). After seven years reigning over Judah, David had been anointed king over all Israel (the southern tribes and the northern tribes, 2 Sam. 5:1-5). Thus, he had first reigned 7 years over Judah, followed by 33 more years over all Israel. So also, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, Jesus the Messiah, after reigning seven years (approximately 30-36 a.d.) over Judah (the circumcised Jews in the land of Palestine), extends His rule over all Israel (37-70 a.d.) when the spirit opens the door of His Kingdom to the uncircumcised gentiles (representing the northern tribes of Ephraim/Israel). Thus, the divided house of Israel is united under the Davidic King chosen by Yahweh, and the fallen tabernacle (the house of David as divided into the Southern Kingdom of Judah and the Northern Kingdom of Israel after the death of Solomon) is rebuilt, reunited in fulfillment of prophecy (Amos 9:9-15).

Taking the scroll out of the right hand of Yahweh, the Lamb now possesses the course of action determined by Yahweh. Receiving His orders from His Elohim and Father, His Commander-In-Chief, the Lamb prepares Himself for battle as the Lion out of the tribe of Judah. Having taken the scroll of battle commission and strategy, the four Living Ones (reflecting the character and Word of Yahweh) and the twenty-four elders (representing the faithful remnant of ancient Israel) fall in worshipful adoration before the Lamb.

The four Living Ones now praise and honor the Lamb with the same attributes addressed to Yahweh. The Lamb reflects the characteristics and the WORD of Yahweh His Father. His will has always been to do the will of His Father (Jn. 4:34; 8:29). He has been revealed as the Word become flesh (Jn. 1:14).

The twenty-four elders, each possessing a lyre and golden bowls, humbly bow in honor of the Lamb Who, in accord with the word of Yahweh, having taken upon Himself the iniquities of His people, had delivered His people from their sins. Their worshipful praise and honor also foreshadows His coming triumph as the Lion out of the tribe of Judah, the Conquering One Who defeats the enemy of Yahweh and leads Yahweh’s people into their Celestial Allotment. For the twenty-four elders are aware of that which had been written (in the Hebrew Scriptures) concerning His Warrior-Kingship.

The identity of these twenty-four elders as representatives of the faithful remnant of ancient Israel is confirmed by the fact that they are described as playing harps. The twenty-four courses of priests assigned by David to offer worship and praise in the Solomonic Temple had offered thanks and praise to Yahweh accompanied by harps (1 Chr. 25:3). These twenty-four elders are also described as carrying “golden bowls brimming with incenses” (Rev. 5:8b CV). One of the functions of Israel’s priests was to offer incense in the Temple to Yahweh.

The incense offered to Yahweh in the metaphorical Temple of the present vision is said to represent “the prayers of the saints” (Rev. 5:8c CV). The saints referred to in this passage are the faithful remnant of ancient Israel who in death await the final victory of the Lion, which is their promised expectation of resurrection. Their prayers are brought before Yahweh as a reminder of His promise to defeat His enemies and reward His saints, His Holy Ones in Israel, both past, present, and future. All of this, of course, is figurative, not literal. It does, however, point to a spiritual/covenantal reality representing the hope of faithful Israel.

These twenty-four elders begin singing a new song in contrast to the old song sung by Israel after being redeemed out of Egyptian bondage by the blood of the Passover lamb and saved from the army of Pharaoh by the parting of the sea (Exodus, chapter 15). This new song is sung by the twenty-four elders (representing the faithful remnant of saints in ancient Israel who gloried in the redemption and exodus under Moses) on behalf of the present faithful saints in Israel about to experience this new redemption and exodus under Jesus the Messiah, the Lamb of Yahweh and the Lion out of the tribe of Judah. Though they sing this new song on behalf of those disciples faithfully following and serving Jesus the Messiah in the present era of John’s writing, the twenty-four elders themselves shall enter into the same Celestial Allotment entered by those redeemed by the blood of the Lamb.

Thus, the twenty-four elders sing also on their own behalf, since the completion of the present redemption and exodus issues in their own reward in the Celestial Allotment about to be entered by the redeemed of the Lamb. The blood of Jesus the Lamb of Yahweh, though not shed on behalf of the ancient faithful remnant under the Mosaic Covenant, does justify Yahweh’s passing over the sins committed under the Mosaic Covenant on the basis of the Passover lamb and the various animal sacrifices (Rom. 3:24-25). The blood of Jesus the Lamb is necessary to the fulfilling of the Law and the Prophets. Without His shed blood the hope of the faithful remnant under the Mosaic Covenant would go unfulfilled. It is the shed blood of Jesus the Lamb which opens entrance into the Celestial Allotment.

Therefore, the twenty-four elders sing the following new song:

Worthy are You to be taking the scroll and to open its seals, because You were slain and made a purchase, to the interest of Yahweh, with Your blood, out of every tribe and language and people and nation, and made them to the interest of our Elohim a kingdom and a priesthood, and they shall be reigning upon the earth. (Revelation 5:9-10 my translation)

The Lamb of Yahweh is declared to be the only one worthy to take the scroll in the right hand of Yahweh and break open its seals. He alone is worthy because, in obedience to the command of His Father, He had been slain on a cross, and His blood became His asset by which He made a purchase to His Father’s interest. That purchase had been the New Israel of Yahweh, the Ecclesia (Assembly of called-out ones) of Jesus the Messiah. This New Born-From-Above Nation consisted of people called out of every tribe (the twelve tribes of Israel, see Rev. 7:4-8), every language, every culture, and every nation dwelling within the territories of the Roman Empire.

This New Israel of Yahweh included the circumcised and the uncircumcised. The circumcised consisted of those Jews dwelling in the Holy Land and in the Diaspora, representing the Southern Kingdom of Judah. The uncircumcised consisted of Gentiles dwelling in the Holy Land and throughout the territories of the Roman Empire, representing the Northern Kingdom of Israel which had become Lo-Ammi, not My people, but would, in Christ, once again become Ammi, My people, thus reuniting the previously divided Davidic Kingdom (Judah and Israel). Therefore, Jesus the beloved and obedient Lamb of Yahweh purchased for His Elohim and Father the nation and kingdom belonging covenantally to Yahweh the Elohim of Israel. This Kingdom and national priesthood would fulfill the Law and the Prophets and conquer Yahweh’s enemy: the Cainite Apostate Israel.

This New Nation purchased in accord with the predetermined purpose of Yahweh Elohim is made, appointed, authorized, commissioned to function as a kingdom, a nation of priests to worship and serve Yahweh’s prophetic Will in the course of sharing in the reign of Jesus the Lion out of the tribe of Judah. Sharing in this reign meant participating in the proclamation of the Gospel of Christ, obeying The Law of Jesus Christ (thus fulfilling the Law of Moses: love Yahweh your Elohim with all your heart, soul, and mind and your neighbor as yourself), and enduring the sufferings of Jesus the Messiah (the persecution and affliction endured for the righteousness of the Gospel, the righteousness of the New Kingdom, the New Nation).

This purchased nation would reign covenantally over all the territories of the Roman Empire through her individual royal priests dwelling throughout the territories of the Roman Empire and through those commissioned Apostles and evangelists traversing all these territories proclaiming and teaching the Gospel of Jesus the Messiah. Its central headquarters would be located in Jerusalem, the heart of the Holy Land of Promise. In reality, this reign had already begun with the pouring out of the spirit by Jesus the Lion of the tribe of Judah during the Festival of Pentecost recorded in Acts, chapter 2. John’s vision in spirit has taken him back chronologically to the time of the coronation of the Worthy Lamb Who is then revealed and commissioned as Yahweh’s conquering Lion-King.

The new song having been completed, John perceives and hears the voice of the celestial inhabitants proclaiming in unison their confirmation of the Worthiness of the Lamb Having Been Slain to receive power, riches, wisdom, strength, honor, glory and blessing (Rev. 5:12). These inhabitants of the Celestial Realm realize that the Lamb worthy of receiving these seven attributes, representing His Royal Character and Divine Lineage, is about to act as the Lion out of the tribe of Judah. He is to act in accord with these attributes of perfection and on behalf of the Will of Yahweh His Elohim and Father.

This adoration addressed to the Lamb/Lion by the celestial inhabitants is now followed in response by an additional declaration of praise to both Yahweh and His Beloved Son, the Lion/Lamb. This additional response of praise is proleptically assigned to every creation metaphorically dwelling in the heaven (the faithful circumcised community), metaphorically dwelling on the earth (the faithful uncircumcised community), metaphorically dwelling underneath the earth (Apostate Israel imprisoned in the submerged chaos, the land of Palestine), and metaphorically dwelling upon the sea (the nations of the Roman Empire).

All the ones belonging to these four human groups proleptically are heard reverentially proclaiming,

To Him Who is sitting on the throne and to the Lamb be the praise and the honor and the glory and the might, into the eons of the eons! (Revelation 5:13 my translation)

This reverential proclamation of praise to Yahweh and Jesus the Lamb/Lion by all human beings dwelling within the territories of the Roman Empire at the time of this writing implies the universal salvation (a justification of life after the death common to all humanity) of all members of the human race, including those belonging to Apostate Israel about to be judged covenantally in the metaphoric Lake of Fire, the Second Death. This is the significance of this reverential praise enduring throughout “the eons of the eons.” Yahweh and His Beloved Son accomplish Their blessing on behalf of every human being. This blessed (honorable) state will endure throughout all future eons, thus, the use of the phrase “eons of the eons.”

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The Seven Seals and the Seven Trumpets, Revelation Chapters 6-11

As the seals on the scroll are broken, the content written on the scroll is visually projected into the heaven of John’s visionary experience. Hologramic images come forth depicting in symbols the general outline of the course of events orchestrated by Yahweh for the purpose of judging His servants: the unfaithful and the faithful. These events have been orchestrated to fulfill the Law and the Prophets. These events are to justify the Word and the Work of Yahweh in relation to Israel and the nations. Yahweh’s faithfulness is to be revealed in these events describing His final visitation to the people of His covenant, the nation Israel.

The events symbolically revealed begin in 30 a.d. with the pouring out of the spirit upon the disciples of Jesus the Messiah and end with the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple in 70 a.d. These events begin with the marching forth of the Lion out of the tribe of Judah, the One Conquering in the name of and on behalf of Yahweh. This Conquering One, Jesus the New Davidic Warrior-King, goes forth leading His royal-warriors into battle against Apostate Israel. In this Conquering One is to be perceived the final visitation of Yahweh to His holy nation Israel.

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The First Seal, Revelation 6:1-2

When the Lamb breaks the first seal, a thunderous voice speaks, signifying the ominous import of coming judgment. The thunderous voice announces the coming storm of Yahweh’s judgmental presence. The voice of one of the Living beings (animals, creations) thunderously commands “Come!” (6:1b CV).

Consequently, out of the scroll comes an image of a galloping white horse. Upon this horse sits a rider possessing a bow and wearing a crown. Here is depicted hologrammatically the Lion of the tribe of Judah coming forth from the presence of Yahweh as the Conquering One authorized by Yahweh to conquer the enemies of Yahweh and the enemies of His Born-From-Above Holy Nation, the New Israel of Yahweh. He conquers the enemies while liberating the faithful servants of Yahweh.

Here is the same imagery described in more detail in the vision of chapter 19:11-18. The emphasis in the present vision, however, is on the conquering of His enemies with the bow. Thus, the vision portrays the general purpose, the overall purpose, of Jesus the conquering Lion of the tribe of Judah. The vision of chapter 19 is much more specific, detailing the actual warfare and the army commanded by Jesus the Davidic Warrior-King.

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The Second Seal, Revelation 6:3-4

At the breaking of the second seal, the voice of a second Living being commands “Come!” (Rev. 6:3). Out from the scroll comes another galloping horse. This horse is “fiery-red” (6:4 CV). Its rider wields “a huge sword” (6:4 CV). This horse and rider symbolically represent slaughter, plunder, and pillage. This rider is authorized to take peace from the land of Palestine. Thus, this horse and rider symbolize civil war and lawless slaughter in the land of the Jews, Palestine, which actually began prior to the war with Rome.

Revolt had already permeated the air of Palestine. Sides were being drawn. Josephus writes that a company of deceivers and robbers joined forces attempting to persuade the Jews to revolt and assert their liberty. These lawless brigands inflicted death on those who refused to join their cause against Rome. These rebels also plundered the houses of the wealthy aristocrats, slew the defenseless, and set villages on fire until all Judea became filled with the effects of this madness (Josephus 75-80 a.d./1957, WARS OF THE JEWS, BOOK II, chapter XIII, para. 6).

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The Third Seal, Revelation 6:5-6

Breaking the third seal, a black horse races out of the scroll into the spacious heaven of John’s vision. Upon this black horse sits a rider holding in his hand a pair of balances. This horse and rider represent the famine and scarcity brought upon Apostate Israel in the land as she opposes the Israel of Yahweh and Rome, both prior to and during the revolt against Rome in the cause of the liberty she perceives due her as the covenantal people of Yahweh. This famine and scarcity would reach its peak during the siege of Jerusalem by the Roman army.

The scarcity authorized here is against Yahweh’s enemies: the uncircumcised-in-heart Jews committed to the Mosaic Covenant as distorted and misrepresented by the traditions and commandments of their relatively recent fathers and pseudo-shepherds. These Jews, citizens of Apostate Israel, blaspheme Yahweh by opposing Yahweh’s Anointed One, Yahweh’s Gospel, Yahweh’s newly Born-From-Above Nation. They stubbornly refuse to repent, serving the god of their own choosing and making (The Adversary, Satan).

This black horse and rider are ordered not to be injuring or harming the oil and the wine (Rev. 6:6). The oil symbolically represents the circumcised faithful disciples of Jesus the Messiah. The wine represents the uncircumcised faithful disciples of Jesus the Messiah. Famine and scarcity would ravage the wicked servants of the contaminated covenant of Moses, but such famine and scarcity coming from Yahweh would not be allowed to touch the righteous members of the Ecclesia of Jesus the Messiah, the Israel of Yahweh, who faithfully wage spiritual warfare against the apostate kingdom of Cainite Israel. The faithful warrior-priests in Judea and throughout the holy land would have their needs met by the faithful Jewish saints and faithful Gentile warriors dwelling outside the boundaries of Palestine, as the Psalmist had sung,

Do not grow hot because of evildoers; Do not be jealous over those doing iniquity. For like grass, they shall quickly be snipped off, And like green verdure, they shall decay. Trust in Yahweh, and do good; Tabernacle in the land, and graze in faithfulness. . . . So He will make your righteousness shine forth like the light, . . . I was a youth, and now I am old; Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken Or his seed seeking bread. (Psalms 37:1-3, 6a, 25 CV modified)

In the day of Yahweh’s calamitous visit to His people dwelling under the banner of His covenant, the righteous would not be forsaken. In Yahweh’s authorized famine and scarcity against the unrighteous, the righteous would not suffer from lack of bread. This is confirmed by the record of the Book of Acts:

Agabus [a prophet] . . . signifies through the spirit, the great famine which is about to be on the whole inhabited earth [the whole inhabited household of Israel in the land], which occurred under Claudius. Now according as any of the disciples [in Antioch of Syria] thrived, each of them designate something to send to the brethren dwelling in Judea, for dispensing; . . . (Acts 11:28-29 CV)

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The Fourth Seal, Revelation 6:7-8

The fourth seal being broken, a pale or greenish horse bolts forth from the scroll, racing furiously across the heaven of the vision. Upon this horse is mounted Death. Hades, on foot, follows in the dust of death’s greenish horse. This greenish, pale horse resembles the ashen hue of a corpse.

The death here administered is the result of open warfare against Rome. Death is followed by Hades, the abode of the dead body. This ashen-green horse directed by death is given jurisdiction over one fourth (a portion) of the holy land within which to kill with the sword in direct battle, to kill with the famine which results in the wake of a military campaign, to kill with disease and pestilence caused by military slaughter, and to kill by “the wild beasts of the earth [land] (Rev. 6:8b CV) which represent the lawless brigands of Judea, Samaria, Galilee, Decapolis, Perea, and Idumea, waging a war of independence against Roman rule. These lawless brigands of revolutionaries station themselves in the northern territory of the holy land in order to engage the Roman army entering the land from the north.

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The Fifth Seal, Revelation 6:9-11

When the fifth seal is broken, John perceives a vision of an altar underneath which are the souls of those having been slain on behalf of the word of Yahweh, the Gospel of the Christ, to which they had faithfully given testimony. These slain ones are not slain by the enemy. They are persecuted and afflicted by the enemy, and some are actually killed. But these souls have been slain because of the word of Yahweh. They share in Christ’s death, resurrection, and suffering because of their faith in the Gospel and their faithful service to Yahweh and Jesus their Lord and King. They rinse or wash their robes, whitening them in the blood of the Lamb (Rev. 7:14). They are not literally dead. They are living sacrifices (Rom. 12:1-2).

The word soul (psuchos) refers to the five senses of the physical body (sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste). These souls are those who have destroyed their souls on Christ’s account in order to gain their souls:

If anyone is wanting to come after Me, let him renounce himself and pick up his cross and follow Me. For whosoever may be wanting to save his soul shall be destroying it. Yet whoever should be destroying his soul on My account shall be finding it. . . . For the Son of Man is about to be coming in the glory of His Father, with His messengers, and then He will be paying each in accord with his practice. (Matthew 16:24-25, 27 CV)

These are the ones who, dedicating themselves to Jesus the Messiah by taking up their cross and bearing it, discipline the senses of their bodies, consecrating these bodily senses to the cause of the Gospel, the righteousness of the Kingdom. Thus, in losing their souls, they gain their souls for service to Yahweh and Jesus their Lord and King. These are those who obey the words of Jesus their Teacher and Lord:

A disciple is not above his teacher, neither a slave above his lord. . . . And what you are hearing in the ear, herald on the housetops. And do not fear those who are killing the body, yet are not able to kill the soul. Yet be fearing Him [Yahweh and His Anointed King], rather, Who is able to destroy the soul as well as the body in Gehenna. (Matthew 10:24, 27b-28 CV)

These disciple-warriors faithfully proclaim the Gospel, fearing not the apostate enemy who is able to kill the body but cannot destroy the soul. The destruction of the soul is not physical. It is spiritual/covenantal and has to do with one’s covenantal relationship to Yahweh. The loss of one’s soul, the destruction of one’s soul, is in the hand of Yahweh.

The destruction of the soul is spiritual, covenantal. It is being cut off from the covenantal people of Yahweh. It is losing one’s right to the Celestial Allotment. It is being harmed of the Second Death. It is being cast into the Lake of Fire, symbolized by Gehenna, the garbage dump outside the walls of Jerusalem. The killing of the soul in Gehenna is the result of disobeying the covenantal voice of Yahweh speaking to Israel in the Gospel of Jesus the Messiah.

These disciples, these souls underneath the altar in John’s vision cry in a loud voice to Yahweh, asking for the avenging of their blood (Rev. 6:10). In requesting that their own blood be avenged, they seek the avenging of the blood of Jesus the Messiah in which they are continually rinsing their righteous robes.

Apart from the blood of Jesus, their souls are contaminated, excluding them from the worship and service of Yahweh and Jesus. Apart from this blood, they remain under the curse of the Mosaic Law and their souls are lost. Only by means of this blood are they delivered from the curse and death of the Mosaic Law and Covenant. Only by means of this blood can they regain their souls, wash their robes white in the blood of the Lamb, qualifying them as righteous in the eyes of Yahweh and, thus, fittingly equipped with the righteous armor of the faithful royal-warrior under the command of the New Davidic Warrior-King.

Having been slain because of their faith in the Word of Yahweh, they have been given the white robe of covenantal righteousness identifying them with the blood of the Lamb. These covenantally living warriors are to patiently await the completion of their number, continuing to patiently and longsufferingly engage in the holy warfare to which they have been called. Their number would be completed by those Jews yet to hear and respond in faith to the Gospel (their fellow slaves) and those circumcised-in-heart Jews remaining callous to the Gospel (like Saul of Tarsus) until the Parousia/Approach of Jesus the Messiah, at which time His glory would be revealed in His faithful disciple-warriors, melting the callousness of these Jews (brethren) to the Gospel.

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The Sixth Seal, Revelation 6:12-17

When the Lamb breaks the sixth seal, the heaven of the vision is shaken by a great cataclysm causing the sun to become black, the full moon to become as blood, and the stars to fall upon the land below. This is the metaphoric language of the prophets depicting the final destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple representing the apostate nation Israel: her political and priestly rulers, her spiritual shepherds, and her stubbornly stiff-necked sheep. Zephaniah, describing a day of Yahweh’s wrath, writes,

A day of trouble and distress, A day of destruction and desolation, A day of darkness and gloom, A day of clouds and thick darkness, A day of trumpet and battle cry, . . . And I will bring distress on men, So that they will walk like the blind, Because they have sinned against the Lord [Yahweh]; And their blood will be poured out like dust, And their flesh like dung. (Zephaniah 1:15-17 NASB)

Describing the wrath of Yahweh against Babylon, Isaiah writes,

Behold, the day of the Lord [Yahweh] is coming, Cruel, with fury and burning anger, To make the land a desolation; And He will exterminate its sinners from it. For the stars of heaven and their constellations Will not flash forth their light; The sun will be dark when it rises, And the moon will not shed its light. (Isaiah 13:9-10 NASB)

Neither Zephaniah nor Isaiah described Yahweh’s judgment literally. They wrote metaphorically, making use of poetical and symbolic imagery. Such, also, is the language of the Book of Revelation. The sun becoming black, the moon becoming as blood, and the stars falling to the land below describe metaphorically the overthrow of national Israel, the destruction of her religious system, the removal from power and authority of her political and priestly rulers, the scattering of her people among the nations, the termination of her covenantal relationship to Yahweh. The vision of the sixth seal takes the reader to the end of the Mosaic Eon, the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple in 70 a.d. The breaking of the seventh seal takes the reader back to the opening of the Jewish revolt against Rome, which officially began in 66 a.d. with the eruption of hostilities brought on by a dispute between the rulers of a synagogue in Caesarea and Florus, a Roman procurator.

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The Sealing of the 144,000, Revelation 7:1-8

Before the breaking of the seventh seal, John is given two further visions. The first of these two visions concerns the sealing of the faithful slaves of Yahweh. John perceives four messengers standing at the four corners (the four points of the compass) of the land of Israel. They are holding the four winds of judgment about to blow through the holy land. These four winds are another analogy referring to the four horses and riders revealed at the breaking of the first four seals of chapter 6.

Thus, this present vision takes the reader back to the day of Pentecost and the pouring out of the spirit upon the disciples of Jesus, the slaves of Yahweh. This is the day the Lion out of the tribe of Judah goes forth as the Conquering One leading His warrior-priests into spiritual battle against Apostate Israel. These four messengers await the command from Yahweh to rush torrentially through the holy land devastating the land (Apostate Israel), the Sea (the Dead Sea, out of which come the prostitute, the wild beast, and the false prophet) and the trees (the apostate people).

However, John perceives another messenger ascending from the east. He has the seal of the Living Elohim, Yahweh. He orders the four messengers (the rider on the white horse, the rider on the fiery-red horse, the rider on the black horse, and the rider on the ash-green horse) not to be injuring the land, the sea and the trees “until we should be sealing the slaves of our God [Elohim] on their foreheads” (Rev. 7:3 CV). This seal is to identify the slaves, the warrior-priests, of Yahweh and His Anointed Warrior-King, Jesus The Son of David. Paul refers to this seal as “Yahweh acknowledges those who are His” (2 Tim. 2:19 my translation). This seal protects the royal-warriors from the harm about to be inflicted on Apostate Israel by the messengers holding back the four winds from racing devastatingly throughout the holy land.

The seal is placed on the forehead, indicating faithfulness of mind, commitment of the will to worship and serve only Yahweh and His Anointed Only-Begotten Son, Jesus the Messiah, the New Davidic Warrior-King. John hears the number of those sealed, “a hundred forty-four thousand” (Rev. 7:4a CV). This number is the product of twelve squared times a thousand (122 times 1000). It symbolically represents the complete number of those proleptically belonging to the Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh, those citizens of the New Jerusalem remaining faithful to the end, those royal-warriors reigning and conquering with Jesus the Conquering King throughout all the persecution and affliction of holy warfare. Each and every one of these faithful slaves is sealed with the spirit of Yahweh and His Christ: “you are sealed with the holy spirit of promise” (Eph. 1:13b CV).

Twelve thousand are sealed out of each of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel (Rev. 7:4-8). This number also is symbolic, indicating that those sealed are associated with the twelve tribes of Israel. This implies the reuniting of the Southern Kingdom of Judah with the Northern Kingdom of Israel which represents the inclusion of the gentiles (Lo-Ammi, not My people) identified with the Northern Kingdom of Israel, the uncultivated olive tree of Romans 11:24.

The Kingdom of Judah is reunited with the Kingdom of Ephraim, not only fulfilling Ezekiel’s prophecy concerning the two sticks (Ezk. 37:15-19), but also the prophecy of Jacob in his elective blessing over Joseph’s second-born, Ephraim:

However, his [Manasseh’s] younger brother shall be greater than he. And his seed [Ephraim’s] shall become a complement of the nations. (Genesis 48:19b my translation)

Paul alludes to this prophetic blessing of Jacob when writing concerning the time when the remaining circumcised-in-heart Jews would have their callousness toward Jesus the Messiah and His Gospel removed, “that callousness, in part, on Israel [those Jews being accounted by Yahweh as the spiritual seed of Abraham, see Rom. 9:6-8] has come, until the complement of the nations may be entering. And thus all Israel [the Israel of Yahweh, the Born-From-Above Israel] shall be saved, . . .” (Rom. 11:25b-26a CV my emphasis). The Northern Kingdom of Israel, represented by the tribe of Ephraim, having become Lo-Ammi, not My people, and, thus, gentiles, becomes the complement of the nations needed to complete the Israel of Yahweh, needed to fulfill the prophecy of Ezekiel and the prophecy of Jacob. When the Gospel is sent to the gentiles (the nations), it is sent to the scattered Israelites of the Northern Kingdom of Israel who had been absorbed among the nations. These are the uncircumcised sheep of Ephraim scattered among the nations as a result of the Assyrian conquest of the Northern Kingdom.

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The Vast Throng No Man Could Number, Revelation 7:9-17

The vision concerning the sealing of the 144,000 being concluded, another vision begins. John perceives a vast throng which no man can number. In the previous vision, John only hears the number of those being sealed. He is not given a vision of those being sealed, only an oral report.

In the present vision, John actually perceives a vast multitude of people that he cannot number during the course of the vision. The vast throng consists of individuals “out of every nation and all tribes and peoples and languages” (Rev. 7:9b my translation). Thus, John perceives both circumcised Jews and uncircumcised Gentiles. He perceives now that which he had only heard in the previous vision. He had heard symbolic numbers. He now perceives living people.

These people stand before the throne of Yahweh and before the Lamb. They are clothed in white robes and are praising Yahweh and Jesus the Lamb. John is told by one of the elders,

These are those coming out of the great affliction. And they rinse their robes, and they whiten them in the blood of the Lambkin. Therefore they are before the throne of God [Yahweh] and are offering divine service to Him day and night in His temple. And He Who is sitting on the throne will be tabernacling over them. They shall not be hungering longer, nor yet shall they be thirsting any longer; no, neither should the sun be falling on them, nor any heat, seeing that the throne-centered Lambkin shall be shepherding them, and shall be guiding them to living springs of water, and every tear shall God [Yahweh] be brushing away from their eyes. (Revelation 7:14b-17 CV)

The sealed 144,000 and this vast multitude of people that John cannot number are one and the same group. The seal symbolically represents them as belonging to Yahweh and the Lamb, protecting them from Yahweh’s judgments against the apostate ones bearing the mark of the wild beast. The people making up the vast number stand before Yahweh, Who is sitting on His throne, and before the Lamb standing at His right hand. They are proleptically identified as those coming out of the great affliction, which refers to the eschatologically significant affliction associated with the persecution and affliction on behalf of the righteousness of the New Davidic Kingdom, the righteousness of the Gospel of Jesus the Messiah.

Coming through the great affliction amounts to sharing in the sufferings of Jesus the Messiah to the end of the Mosaic Eon near at hand. These righteous warriors of the Lion out of the tribe of Judah rinse their robes in the blood of the Lamb, thereby maintaining their whiteness, their purity, their covenantal righteousness in the ongoing holy warfare against Apostate Israel. Thus, this rinsing is not future, but present. It is a continuous process manifesting one’s faithfulness, one’s loyal service in holy war, “day and night in His Temple.”

This is the Temple not made with hands, the Ecclesia of Jesus the Messiah, the Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh, the New Jerusalem Above. Within the sphere of this New Jerusalem descending out of the heaven (Rev. 21:2) to replace the old Jerusalem of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant, Yahweh would be tabernacling over and with this new nation and kingdom (see 21:3). This New Jerusalem metaphorically descends out of the heaven of John’s vision (21:2) and metaphorically remains in this heaven having covenantal jurisdiction over Apostate Israel and the nations within the territories of the Roman Empire. Yahweh tabernacles over and with His people for the duration of the eschatological holy war.

During this time (30-70 a.d.), Yahweh satisfies their spiritual hunger and thirst for righteousness (see Matt. 5:6). The scorching sun of the curse of the law and the terminating death of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant (the Second Death) do not affect them as a result of the protective shield of the New Davidic Covenant. They are no longer shepherded and guided by Moses. They are now shepherded and guided by the Lamb Who leads them daily to living springs of water, the spiritual water of the word of the Gospel, the word of the New Davidic Covenant.

Following faithfully the Lion of the tribe of Judah as the Conquering One, Yahweh brushes away all tears from their eyes; for they, together with Jesus the Davidic Warrior-King, reign and conquer, their joy and triumphant victory leaving no cause for tears. Their tears being brushed away, the eyes of their understanding perceive clearly the way of Yahweh and His Anointed King. Even their persecution and affliction on behalf of righteousness are now cause for rejoicing, as shown by the Sanhedrin

calling the apostles to them, and lashing them, they charge them not to be speaking in the name of Jesus, and release them. They, indeed, then, went from the face of the Sanhedrin, rejoicing that they were deemed worthy to be dishonored [to suffer shame] for the sake of the Name. (Acts 5:40-41 CV)

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The Seventh Seal and the Seven Trumpets, Revelation Chapters 8-11

As the Lamb breaks the seventh seal, an awesome hush occurs in the heaven of John’s vision. This period of solemn silence endures for half an hour, which number symbolically represents a significant pause. This awesome pause reflects the solemness of the visions of the seven trumpets about to reveal in greater detail the judgmental events occurring during the Jewish revolt against Rome beginning in 66 a.d. The revelation provided by the seven trumpets is an expansion on the effects of the six seals, overlapping and progressing beyond the information provided by the breaking of the six seals.

Prior to the blast of the seventh trumpet, which would announce the final triumphant victory of Yahweh and His Anointed Son/King over Apostate Israel, John is commanded to take a tiny opened scroll in the hand of a messenger and eat it. Upon eating the scroll, John discovers its sweetness while in his mouth, but its bitterness when reaching his stomach. He is then told he must prophesy again, that is, after the writing down in a book the visions given him, he would continue to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus the Messiah. This proclaiming would be sweet to his taste because of the mercy, compassion, and longsuffering of Yahweh and the assurance of the triumph of the Ecclesia, the Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh, the New Davidic Kingdom. But it would also be bitter when digested because of the pronouncements requiring the great suffering of persecution and affliction which the faithful servants of Yahweh would yet have to bear and the awful devastations coming upon his apostate people and nation as a result of eschatological judgment.

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The Two Witnesses, Revelation 11:1-14

Having eaten the tiny opened scroll containing the devastating judgment of Yahweh against Apostate Israel and the great persecution and affliction yet to be endured by the Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh (the Ecclesia of Jesus the Messiah, the warrior-priests of the Lion out of the tribe of Judah), John immediately is given “a reed like a rod” (Rev. 11:1) with which he is to measure the Temple of Yahweh, the altar, and those worshiping in the Temple. This Temple symbolically represents the Israel of Yahweh, the people of the Lamb, the saints, the royal-warriors sharing in the altar sufferings of Jesus the Lamb.

The altar (of Jesus’ sufferings) refers to the cross upon which he had been crucified. His royal-warriors, metaphorically having been crucified with Christ (Gal. 2:20), share in His crucifixion sufferings at the hands of the apostate Jews whose hatred of Jesus the Messiah, the Gospel, and the Truth compels them to instigate the wrath of the uncircumcised and lawless gentiles against these Messianics perceived by Apostate Israel as blasphemous heretics.

John is commanded to wake up out of the stupor brought on by the bitterness of the pronouncements contained in the digested tiny scroll and “measure the temple of God [Yahweh] and the altar and those worshiping in it” (Rev. 11:1 CV). The reed like a rod by which he is to perform the measuring represents, figuratively, the Word of Yahweh, the Law and the Prophets and the Gospel of Jesus the Messiah. The court of the gentiles outside the Temple is not measured. Apostate Israel is now metaphorically relegated to this court. The Jerusalem below and the literal Temple within this abhorrent contaminated city will be “given to the nations [of the land of Palestine in unholy alliance with Apostate Israel against Rome], and the holy city will they be treading forty-two months” (11:2b CV).

That which is measured by John identifies the possession of Yahweh, the Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh. Apostate Israel, once holy unto Yahweh, has contaminated her holiness as a result of her covenantal prostitution with the unholy nations. This contaminated holy nation must therefore be destroyed. Thus, Jerusalem the prostitute will be given over to the nations of the land to be abused abominably by her unlawful lovers for a period of forty-two months. This number is symbolic. It is equivalent to one half of seven years. Forty-two months equals three and a half years, thus, one half of a period of seven years. Seven is the number of spiritual completion. Thus, forty-two months indicates how far short of success Apostate Israel’s rebellion against Yahweh (represented by her opposition to the Gospel and by her revolt against Rome) would fall.

This prophecy does not attribute the treading of Jerusalem to Rome and her army. The nations which perform the treading of Jerusalem for forty-two months are the nations in the land of Palestine which join Apostate Israel in her revolt against Rome. This mixed multitude of pseudo soldiers and armies consisting of robbers, thieves, brigands, and religious zealots and idealists incorporated both Jews and gentiles dwelling in the land. These armies, being driven back by the Roman army, eventually converged on Jerusalem in order to make a last-stand effort within the walls of Jerusalem. The unholy city, as a result, became inhabited by an unholy trio: the Zealots led by Eleazar, the Galileans led by John of Gischala, and the Idumeans led by Simon. The abominations committed by these three groups are recorded by Josephus (75-80 a.d./1957).

In association with the treading down of Jerusalem by the nations of the land, John is informed by his Commander-In-Chief, Jesus the Davidic Warrior-King, that He would be endowing His two witnesses to be prophesying 1,260 days. They would be clothed in sackcloth, the garb of the prophets sent to Israel announcing terrible calamities as a result of the nation’s refusal to repent of her sins.

Under the Mosaic Law, to put a man to death two witnesses were necessary. Yahweh assigns two witnesses to testify against Apostate Israel. Their testimony will warrant the death of this unholy nation. These two witnesses will prophesy judgment through the proclamation of the Gospel. All Israel would be offered salvation through repentance or be left desolate to endure the abhorrent calamities of their evil way.

The two witnesses represent the Ecclesia of Jesus the Messiah, the saints of the Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh, the Apostles and Prophets of the Lion of Judah. These two witnesses stand for Peter and Paul, who each represent an olive tree. Peter, the Apostle to the circumcision, represents the cultivated olive tree of Judah (the root out of Jesse, Isa. 11:10; the righteous branch out of David, Jer. 23:5). Paul, the Apostle to the uncircumcision, represents the uncultivated (thus, wild) olive tree of Ephraim. Together, these Apostles represent the Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh. In the proclamation of the Gospel is heard the testimony of the Law and the Prophets and the testimony of John the Baptist and Jesus. Apostate Israel has no excuse, no defense, for her guiltiness, thereby justifying and requiring the death penalty.

These two olive trees are two lampstands which stand before the Lord of the earth (Rev. 11.4). As lampstands, they manifest the light of the spirit of Yahweh and His Anointed Son/King in their proclamation of the Gospel. Incorporated within the Gospel is the prophetic word of salvation and condemnation. This prophetic word is likened to fire issuing forth from their mouth. Both speak the same prophetic word; therefore, they have only one mouth. The arguments put forth by their enemies to refute the prophetic word of these two witnesses are devoured by the fire of the witnesses’ words alluding to the following passage: “And they [the enemies of Stephen] were not strong enough to withstand the wisdom and the spirit with which he [Stephen] spoke.” (Acts 6:10 CV).

These two witnesses prophesy for a period of 1,260 days, during which time their testimony cannot be refuted and cannot be hindered. This number (1,260) is, again, figurative. It corresponds to the forty-two months of the treading down of Jerusalem by the apostate nation and her allies. It, also, reduces down to one half of the number seven (7 years consisting of 2,520 days), indicating the opposition’s failure to succeed in overcoming the testimony of these two witnesses. Many in Israel repent and receive the salvation offered. Those who do not repent are covenantally put to death (Rev. 11:5).

Like Elijah and Moses, these two witnesses have authority and power over their enemies in Apostate Israel. The word of their testimony/prophecy can neither be refuted nor hindered from achieving success:

These have authority to lock heaven, that there may be no shower of rain for the days of their prophecy [the opposing word and teaching of the enemies produce no life-giving rain for the fields figuratively representing Yahweh’s people]. And they have authority over the waters to be turning them into blood [the spiritual teaching and rule of their enemies are made bitter and unattractive in contrast to the teaching and rule of the witnesses], and to smite the land with every calamity, as often as they will [the testimony of the two witnesses warrant Yahweh’s judgmental calamities upon the holy land]. (Revelation 11:6 CV)

These two witnesses are identified with the successful appeal of Moses and Elijah on behalf of the people of Yahweh and on behalf of the proper worship of Yahweh. Yahweh’s vengeance on behalf of His saints takes place even as He seeks to bring the sheep of Israel to repentance unto salvation. Thus, the number 1,260 is associated with success in contrast with the number 42.

When the testimony of the two witnesses is completed, the wild beast ascending out of the submerged chaos (Apostate Israel as energized and inspired by The Adversary, Satan) engages them in battle, conquering them (by the instigation, lies, false accusations, and covetousness of apostate Jews) and killing them (persecuting and afflicting them to the maximum by turning the lawless nations of the Roman Empire against them). This conquering and killing refers to the time apostate Jewry separated herself from (in her eyes) the blasphemous Messianic cult in her synagogues and her cultic worship in the Temple. Denying these Messianics a legitimate place within Judaism, the Roman Empire is instigated and encouraged by apostate Jewry to deny these Messianic Jews the privileges extended to the Judaistic Jews and, finally, to severely persecute these heretical Messianics under the accusations of Nero beginning in 64 a.d.

Figuratively, the dead bodies of the two witnesses will be left in the square (the center) of the great city, the Jerusalem below, the prostitute city riding the wild beast, the apostate nation. This city had become, spiritually/covenantally, identified with the corruption of Sodom and the stubbornness of Egypt, exemplified by her crucifixion of Jesus the Anointed Son, King, Prophet, Priest of Yahweh (Rev. 11:8) and her persecution of His people. Upon this city would come “all the just blood shed on the earth, from the blood of just Abel until the blood of Zechariah” (Matt. 23:35 CV).

Those members of the nations having participated in the persecution and affliction of these two witnesses will be, figuratively, observing their corpses (the termination/completion of the proclamation of the Gospel to the nations) for a period of three and one half days. Combined with the 1,260 days (three-and-one-half years) of their prophetic ministry, this period of three-and-one-half days equals seven, the number of successful completion.

Figuratively, these peoples, tribes, and languages refuse to allow the corpses to be entombed. Thus, they deny the Ecclesia of Jesus the Messiah any legal or social standing. These Messianics, followers of a crucified Anointed One, are perceived and treated as haters of humanity. Those adversaries of the two witnesses dwelling on the earth, that is, in the land of Israel (Palestine), thus representing apostate Jews, rejoice over the fate of these fellow Jews perceived as blasphemous heretics. These two witnesses had “tormented” apostate Jews by proclaiming a new covenant, thereby nullifying the old Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant. These witnesses had proclaimed as Messiah a man crucified at the instigation of the apostate nation, a man claimed to have been resurrected from among the dead, the very man of whom Apostate Israel had declared, “His blood be on us and on our children!” (Matt. 27:25 CV). If the testimony of these two witnesses is true, these Jews are guilty, not only of the blood of an innocent Jew, but the blood of the very Son of Yahweh, His Anointed Davidic King.

After three-and-one-half days, Yahweh’s spirit of life enters their corpses, and they ascend into heaven, signifying their complete triumphant victory. They have completed successfully their course, their mission. Figuratively, they ascend into heaven, signifying the reality of the Ecclesia’s literal entrance into her Celestial Allotment (see 1 Thess. 4:13-18; 1 Cor. 15:51-52). Their enemies behold them ascending, but only figuratively. Enduring the abhorrent abominations taking place in the literal Jerusalem below, their enemies (apostate Jews) experience the truth of the proclamation of the Gospel. The complete destruction of the city approaches. As a result of the present great depravity (an earthquake, tenth of the city falling, 7,000 men killed), those remaining alive within the prison walls of Jerusalem indirectly “give glory to the God of heaven” (11:13b CV) as a result of their horrifying experience of the atrocities committed by the lawless sons and children of Cain. Thereupon, the seventh trumpet sounds, announcing the arrival of the third and final woe upon Jerusalem, the Temple, and the apostate nation. However, before the last seven messengers pour out their vials, consummating the fury of Yahweh upon Apostate Israel, John, in vision, is taken back to the beginning of the civil war between the two nations and kingdoms.

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The Eschatological Civil War, Revelation, Chapters 12-14

As stated earlier, the Woman clothed with the sun, the moon underneath her feet, and a crown of twelve stars on her head symbolically represents Sinatic Israel before her worship of the golden calf. Here is a picture of the covenantal wife of Yahweh. Historically, this woman represents the faithful remnant of Yahweh’s people, the seed of the Woman crowned at Sinai as the covenantal Queen of Heaven. This national woman, like Eve, has been deceived by the false teachings of pseudo-shepherds inspired by The Adversary, Satan. She is, thus, blind though in her heart loyal to Yahweh. Therefore, she represents the circumcised-in-heart nation of Israel sitting in darkness in need of salvation.

In her innocent blindness, immersed in the darkness of deception, this Woman (Sinatic Israel, the deceived seed of the Woman Eve) sits in the travail of birth. A great fiery-red dragon awaits the birth of her child. This Dragon seeks to destroy this child. This dragon represents Apostate Israel as inspired by The Adversary, whom she worships. She is, thus, the seed of Cain, the seed of the Serpent. The Woman, Yahweh’s Israel, Yahweh’s loyal-though-deceived wife, gives birth to a male child. This male child represents simultaneously Jesus and His Ecclesia, the New Born-From-Above Israel who, being snatched away to the throne of Yahweh in the metaphorical heaven of the vision, replaces blind and deceived Israel as the light of the world-order of Yahweh’s covenant, in this case, the New Davidic Covenant. This male child is the New Spiritual Israel of Yahweh. This new nation now occupies the royal covenantal throne once occupied by the blind and deceived nation. It is this new nation which will declare war against Apostate Israel.

The loyal Israel of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant flies into the wilderness, deposed from her heavenly position. Her covenantal responsibilities withdrawn, she is protected by Yahweh in the wilderness of Apostate Israel. She remains blind and deceived until the complement of the nations comes in. Being blind and deceived, she is an enemy of the Gospel. But being elect, she is beloved because of the fathers (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, see Rom. 11:28). Saul/Paul is a type of this elect, beloved people of Yahweh.

This elect, beloved people is protected for a period of 1,260 days, a period of three and one half years associated with the two witnesses, with the Ecclesia of Jesus the Messiah, and with the successful completion of the number seven. This people is, thus, contrasted with Apostate Israel and is associated with the salvation represented by the male-child snatched away to the throne of Yahweh. The mother shall be redeemed, delivered, saved, rescued from enslavement within Apostate Israel. Her blindness and callousness to the Gospel will be healed. Her eyes will be opened and her calloused heart will be melted. All Israel will, thus, be saved.

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The Battle in This Heaven: Michael and the Dragon, Revelation 12:7-17

At the ascension of the Ecclesia to the throne of Yahweh in the heaven of this vision, a battle occurs. With the dethronement of Sinatic Israel, Apostate Israel no longer can occupy a covenantal place in the metaphorical heaven of the vision. This is the significance of the four stars cast down to the metaphoric earth (the land of Israel) by the Dragon’s tail. These stars are taken from the Woman’s crown and represent Apostate Israel under the inspiration of The Adversary, Satan. Territorially, the four stars represent the original territory allotments of Judah, Simon, Dan, and Benjamin, now occupied by Apostate Israel as the Southern Kingdom of Judah.

The Woman being removed from her position in the heaven causes the Dragon to lose his authority in the heaven of the New Davidic Covenant. The battle that then occurs is between Jesus the New Davidic Warrior-King (together with His Ecclesia) and The Adversary (together with his apostate Jewish servants represented by the Jewish Sanhedrin). Michael figuratively represents Jesus the Davidic Warrior-King going forth to conquer as the Lion out of the tribe of Judah. The battle begins with the pouring out of the spirit upon the servants of Jesus the Messiah, empowering and authorizing them to manifest the light of the Gospel from their covenantal position in the heaven. With this empowerment and authorization, the Dragon, The Adversary, is removed from his covenantal position in the heaven associated with the old Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant which has been superseded by the New Davidic Covenant. Thus, The Adversary is relegated, demoted, to operate his authority in the land of Israel (the submerged chaos) now covenantally relegated, demoted, to the metaphoric/covenantal earth of the nations.

With the preaching of the Gospel at Pentecost, Jesus and His Ecclesia, the Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh, covenantally replace The Adversary and Apostate Israel in the metaphorical/covenantal heaven of the Kingdom of Israel. The great Dragon (the ancient serpent, The Adversary, Satan who had been, and continued to be at that time, given authority to deceive the whole inhabited household of Israel scattered among the nations and in the land of Palestine) is now cast into the land, that is, no longer wields covenantal authority in the new heaven and earth of the New Davidic Covenant, the New Davidic Kingdom. He and his messengers now operate in Palestine and the territories of the Roman Empire without a covenantal relationship to Yahweh.

Apostate Israel is given up completely to the destructive inspiration of The Adversary who is now assigned the role of preparing Apostate Israel for the judgment of Yahweh’s wrath. Apostate Israel is given up to a disapproved mind to think and act in a state of covenantal madness, leading her to her own abominable destruction. This is the meaning of the loud voice in the heaven of this vision declaring,

Just now came the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of His Christ, for the accuser [the Dragon representing Apostate Israel] of our brethren [the Woman and her children] was cast out, who was accusing them before our God day and night. And they conquer him through the blood of the Lambkin, and through the word of their testimony, and they love not their soul, until death. (Revelation 12:10-11 CV)

With the preaching of the Gospel at Pentecost, the elect children of the Woman who had been in bondage to the deceptive teaching of Apostate Israel begin to be liberated from the kingdom of darkness, entering into the Kingdom of Light. The voice in the heaven continues:

Therefore, make merry, ye heavens, and those tabernacling in them! Woe to the land and the sea, for the Adversary descended to you having great fury, being aware that brief is the season that he has. (Revelation 12:12 CV)

Those commanded to “make merry” are not celestial beings dwelling literally in the heavens, but those children of Abraham scattered under the metaphorical heavens of the nations who will be responding in faith to the Gospel. These will be “tabernacling,” dwelling, in the sphere of the interest of the figurative heavens of the covenantal life issuing forth from the New Davidic Covenant consecrated by the blood of the Lamb.

But woe to the land and the sea! The land figuratively refers to apostate Jews. The sea (the Dead Sea) figuratively refers to the wild beast which shall be figuratively ascending out of this polluted sea. This wild beast symbolically represents the newly ascending Apostate Israel as possessed by the demonic inspiration of The Adversary. This demonic possession will turn Apostate Israel into a mad, wild beast determined to destroy the people of the New Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh identified with the blood of the Lamb, the blood of the blasphemer Jesus, whom Apostate Israel had delivered up to the nations for crucifixion death.

Woe to apostate Jewry who have been given up to the madness of their rebellious and stiff-necked way. As they have chosen to distort Yahweh’s Word, Yahweh has chosen to deliver them up to the distorted image of their idolatrous worship and service, the idol image of The Adversary whose rule will drive them into madness. This idolatrous elohim, having been cast out of the covenantal heaven of his previous authority, descends into the figurative darkness of the Dead Sea transforming it into the submerged chaos (the abyss, the bottomless pit) within which is located the figurative Lake of Fire, symbolically referring to the Second Death—the death of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant.

Woe to apostate Jewry, for

the Adversary descended to you having great fury, being aware that brief is the season that he has. (Revelation 12:12b CV)

This brief season began in 30 a.d. and would end in 70 a.d. During this period, he is authorized by Yahweh to inflict covenantal madness upon Apostate Israel, transforming her into a wild, ferocious, monstrous beast:

Yahweh shall smite you with madness, with blindness and with derangement of heart; . . . (Deuteronomy 28:28 CV)

The Dragon (The Adversary, Satan), now cast into the earth (being stripped of covenantal authority in the heaven) persecutes, antagonizes, the Woman (the national mother of Jesus and His Ecclesia) into opposing Jesus the Messiah, His Ecclesia, and His Gospel. This antagonizing persecution hardens her heart against the truth. In spite of this antagonizing persecution, Yahweh protects the Woman from being swallowed up into the submerged chaos and the Lake of Fire of the apostate nation, which nation is now covenantally prowling about seeking to devour members of the Ecclesia in the madness of the serpent’s poisonous bite.

The Woman is given the wings of a large eagle (figuratively representing the love of the Word of Yahweh in the heart) with which she flies into her designated place of protection in the wilderness of Apostate Israel. There she is nourished (by her love of the Law and the Prophets) for “a season, and seasons, and half a season” (Rev. 12:14b CV). This is figuratively equated with the 1,260 days of the two witnesses and the “appointed time, two appointed times and half an appointed time” of Daniel 12:7 (CV) associated with “the end of the marvels of which you [the prophetic messenger] speak, and this cleansing” (Dan. 12:6b CV). The Woman’s cleansing will come during the last years of the Mosaic Eon. Thus, her figurative period of protection in the covenantal wilderness of Apostate Israel (the wilderness of the nullified Mosaic Covenant) is associated with the number seven, the completion of prophetic time during which the deceived Israel of Yahweh will be saved, will be cleansed, healed of her blindness and calloused heart resulting from the deceptive antagonism of The Adversary, Satan, carried out by Apostate Israel. The Woman is, therefore, protected from the face, the poisonous bite, of the serpent.

The Dragon (The Adversary, Satan), now symbolized by the serpent, casts the water of the distorted word of Moses against the Woman, seeking to swallow her up in the river of Apostate Israel’s hatred of Yahweh and His Anointed Son/King. However, the earth (figuratively representing Apostate Israel) helps the Woman by swallowing the water of the rushing river. Thus, Apostate Israel absorbs, swallows, the river of rebellious hatred against Yahweh and His Word accurately understood. This corrupt and contaminated nation, like a dry, droughted land, soaks up the bitter water of the contaminated traditions and commandments of the recent pseudo-fathers, the flood of false teaching covering the land as a result of the fury of the Dragon, The Adversary, Satan.

The Dragon, unable to inject the Woman with his poisonous venom of hatred against the truth of Yahweh contained in the Law and the Prophets, turns his fury toward her children, those faithful servants of Yahweh testifying to the Gospel of Jesus the Messiah. The civil war begun at Pentecost by the offensive attack of the warrior-priests of Jesus the New Davidic Warrior-King now is to unleash the first major counterattack by the deranged apostate nation. This attack had already taken place historically (before the writing of the Book of Revelation). It began with the assassination of Stephen and continued under the instigation of Saul the zealous Pharisee with the authorization of the Sanhedrin.

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The Wild Beast Out of the Sea, Revelation 13:1-9

John now perceives the Dragon standing on the sand of the Dead Sea. Being angry with the Woman and seeking to do battle with the rest of her seed (the Ecclesia, the Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh), the Dragon, injecting Apostate Israel with the poison of his venom as the ancient Serpent, transforms this nation into a wild, ferocious, rabid, mad beast of prey. Figuratively, this wild beast is called forth from the Dead Sea, indicating its polluted character.

This wild beast pollutes the land with its venomous hatred of the truth of the Gospel, turning the land of Israel figuratively into a foul pit, abyss, furnace of abominable darkness, and abhorrent heat. This is symbolic imagery referring to the covenantal corruption, contamination, and rebellious hatred of Apostate Israel toward Yahweh and His Anointed Son/King. The condition has already been described as “the submerged chaos” (Rev. 11:7) within which is “the Lake of Fire” (Rev. 19:20), the condition of the sickness unto death, the Second Death, the covenantal death of Apostate Israel under the broken and corrupted Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant.

The Dragon (Satan) imbues this wild beast (Apostate Israel) with pseudo covenantal power to enforce a pseudo Mosaic gospel throughout the land of Israel and throughout the Jewish synagogues among the territories of the Roman Empire. This wild beast is also given a throne and great authority. This throne is located in Jerusalem (Rev. 2:13; 11:8) and represents the center, the headquarters, of the Kingdom of Apostate Israel opposing the Kingdom of the Israel of Yahweh. The authority given this wild beast is the spiritual authority to convincingly motivate and equip the loyal sons and children of Cain, while deceiving and enslaving the blind and calloused circumcised-in-heart children of the Woman deceived into opposing the Gospel and the Ecclesia of Jesus the Messiah (Rev. 13:2b).

John, then, perceives one of the seven heads of the beast “as if it had been slain to death” (Rev. 13:3 CV). This is the same language used of the Lamb standing “as though slain” (5:6 CV). Thus, we have here a counterfeit messiah, a pseudo-king over Apostate Israel, a king who is slain (assassinated) and replaced later by another more lawless pseudo messiah/king.

This, figuratively, points to the leader of the ultra-extremist Sicari, Menahem, who, in the summer of 66 a.d., becoming the leader of the revolution, as a symbolic act went into the Temple to pray having attired himself in royal robes after the High Priest, Ananias, had been murdered by the revolutionaries. At that time, civil war had broken out in Jerusalem. The leaders of Jerusalem and the high priests, in an attempt to quell the activity of the revolutionaries, had called in an army provided by the Roman Procurator (Florus) and King Agrippa.

Having defeated this army and the moderate Jews concentrated in the upper city, the revolutionaries set fire to the house of Hananiah the High Priest, the palaces of Agrippa and Bernice, and the public archives containing the records of money-lenders (thus preventing the recovery of debts). The Sicari then murdered Ananias, the High Priest. Menahem, shortly after presenting himself as Messiah-King, was assassinated by the people who were following the leadership of Eleazar the son of Simon (Josephus 75-80 a.d./1957, WARS OF THE JEWS, BOOK II, chapter XVII).

This death blow to one of the heads of the wild beast is shortly cured or healed by the ascendancy of John of Gischala to messiah/king-like power and authority in Jerusalem during the year 67 a.d. With his entrance into Jerusalem, the whole land of Israel (all apostate Jews committed to the Mosaic Law as distorted and misconstrued by the priests and many Pharisees) worships the wild beast, declaring,

“Who is like the wild beast?” and “Who is able to battle with it?” (Revelation 13:4b CV)

What nation, what kingdom is superior to Israel?! What nation, what kingdom, what people, what empire is able to battle against the sacred nation of Yahweh?! These apostate Jews are convinced that Yahweh their Elohim will deliver them from the mighty power of the Roman Empire, even as He had delivered Israel out of Egyptian bondage and had delivered Jerusalem under King Hezekiah from the powerful Assyrian army. In fact, however, rejecting the voice of Yahweh speaking through the Gospel, they worship and serve The Adversary, Satan, the Dragon giving Apostate Israel, the wild beast, its pseudo spiritual power and authority (see Rev. 13:4a; Jn. 8:39-47).

The wild beast, inspired by The Adversary, Satan, is “given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies” (13:5a CV). These great things which are blasphemies against Yahweh and His covenant consist of the doctrines of demons opposing the doctrines of the spirit. The doctrines of demons are those teachings which call all Israel to a life and death commitment to Moses. These teachings consist of the traditions and commandments of the sons of Cain who had distorted and contaminated the instruction of the Law of Moses.

These Cainite teachings exalt Moses, his law, and the Sinatic Covenant, clinging to the misconceived confidence in the elective advantages of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant for covenantal life and the restoration of the Kingdom of David. In clinging to Moses and David, the apostate Jews oppose, reject, and hate Yahweh’s chosen prophet greater than Moses, Yahweh’s elective greater son of David, Jesus the Messiah, the Anointed Son/King of Yahweh Himself. In clinging to Moses rather than Jesus the Messiah, these apostate Jews cling to death, both physical and covenantal. In clinging to David rather than David’s greater Son, they worship and serve The Adversary, their spiritual father, rather than worship and serve the One Living Elohim, Yahweh, the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David, and Jesus the Nazarene. In clinging to the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant, they cut themselves off from the Life and Allotment of the New Davidic Covenant.

This wild beast (Apostate Israel) is given authority to carry out its blasphemous, abominable will for a symbolic period of forty-two months, indicating its coming far short of its intended goal. The wild beast is permitted to temporarily conquer the saints, but it will unsuccessfully execute the battle to the end. It will proclaim a pseudo-gospel amounting to blasphemy against Yahweh. The wild beast’s gospel of Moses, with its false confidence in the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant and its distorted application of Yahweh’s statutes and judgments, defiles the apostate nation while blasphemously opposing doctrinally and persecuting socially, economically, politically, religiously, and physically the Ecclesia of Jesus the Messiah, the Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh. Apostate Israel, thus, blasphemes the name of Yahweh, His Tabernacle (the Ecclesia, the Temple not made with hands, the New Jerusalem), and those figuratively, metaphorically, covenantally, tabernacling in heaven (the saints, the disciples of Jesus the Messiah, His royal-warriors).

Apostate Israel (the wild beast), according to John’s perception, was given authority by The Adversary (the Dragon) “over every tribe and people and language and nation” (Rev. 13:7b). The use of the past tense (was), at this point, indicates that this authority was given the wild beast (Apostate Israel) in 64 a.d. at which time the Dragon was released from the submerged chaos. The Adversary, at that time, was no longer limited to the land of Israel. He had accomplished his task. Apostate Israel had become covenantally insane. Hence, The Adversary was free once again to deceive the nations. The figurative thousand-years binding had come to an end. The Dragon was now loosed for a short time.

The Dragon, then, gives Apostate Israel the authority to stir up the tribes, the peoples, the languages, and the nations of the Roman Empire against the Messianic heretics, those Jews and Gentiles proclaiming Jesus the crucified Nazarene as the Messiah prophesied in the Law and the Prophets. These Messianics claim that this Jesus Who had been crucified by the Romans has been resurrected from among the dead. Apostate Israel accuses these followers of Jesus as being traitors of Caesar. The Messianic Jews and Gentiles worship and serve only one King, the man Jesus whom these Messianics (according to the apostate Jews) falsely claim had been raised from the dead.

Thus, the wild beast temporarily conquers the Ecclesia of Jesus the Messiah. The Ecclesia is persecuted and afflicted throughout the Roman Empire as an unsanctioned religion. It is no longer accounted as a sect or cult within Judaism. The Neronian persecutions begin. The Messianics seem doomed from the perspective of the Judaism of Apostate Israel. This is the great affliction the ecclesias would have to endure. The testimony of the prophecy of the Book of Revelation is to warn and encourage the saints to be faithful to the end, even when having to endure the great affliction which must occur before they are glorified.

Consequently, all those apostate Jews dwelling in the land of Israel, those whose names are not written “in the scroll of life of the Lambkin slain from the disruption [casting down, establishment, creation] of the [a] world [the order or system established at Sinai] (13:8b CV), will be worshiping the wild beast because of its apparent success against its (apostate Israel’s) enemies (the Ecclesia of Jesus the Messiah and Rome as enslaving ruler over the elect, sacred Sinatic/Mosaic nation of Israel covenantally bound and protected by Yahweh its Elohim). The readers of the Book of Revelation are then exhorted,

If anyone has an ear, let him hear. If anyone is for captivity, into captivity he is going. If anyone will be killing with the sword, he must with the sword be killed. Here is the endurance and [the] faith [fullness] of the saints. (Revelation 13:9-10 CV)

This exhortation is directed primarily to the saints (the circumcised faithful ones). They are to take heed to the prophecy of this book. He who is committed to captivity (clinging to the old, decrepit, Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant) is himself doomed to the captivity of the Second Death.

Those turning from Jesus the Messiah back to Moses are to be taken captive, enslaved to the old guardian (the Mosaic Law), which guardian had been appointed to lead out of bondage into the freedom of the New Davidic Covenant (The Law of the Christ). Thus, if anyone would be killing with the sword (the gospel of Moses), with the sword (the Gospel of Jesus the Messiah) he would be killed (spiritually, covenantally slain). The faithfulness of the saints necessitates enduring the persecution and affliction coming upon those proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus the Messiah. One must proclaim the truth of the Gospel and obey its teaching faithfully to the end. There can be no turning back, for turning back to Moses is spiritual/covenantal death. Turning back to the Guardian is to refuse to go on to Sonship. It is to stubbornly remain in covenantal childhood, which would end in covenantal death, in a cutting off from the people of Yahweh, a participation in the Second Death, the death of Apostate Israel, the termination of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant. In this truth, in this reality, is manifested the endurance and faithfulness of the saints.

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The Wild Beast Out of the Land, Revelation 13:11-18

As the vision continues, John perceives another wild beast ascending out of the land of Israel (Palestine/Judea). This Beast “had two horns like a lambkin’s, and it spoke as a dragon” (Rev. 13:11b CV). This wild beast is the false prophet of Revelation 19:20. This wild beast is a counterfeit christ. It appears to be a horned lamb, a powerful messiah, but in reality is an antichrist.

This wild beast represents the apostate (antichrist) priests and religious leaders of Apostate Israel. They proclaim the gospel of Moses. This gospel is inspired, energized, by the Dragon, The Adversary, Satan. These apostate priests and religious teachers exercise “all the authority of the first wild beast in its sight” (13:12 CV). They symbolically perform the role of prophet to the wild beast, national Apostate Israel. Their authority is based upon the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant and its distorted, misconstrued understanding of the Law of Moses.

These apostate priests and religious leaders proclaim a commitment to Israel’s right to liberation from bondage to the uncircumcised nations that are devoid of a covenantal relationship with Yahweh. These apostate Jews blow the trumpet of rebellion in the name of Yahweh, believing that their covenantal relationship with Yahweh guarantees His intervention on their behalf. As a result, this wild beast tyrannically forces the Jews of the land of Israel (the earth and those dwelling in it, Rev. 13:12b) to worship the first wild beast (national Apostate Israel) whose death blow (the assassination of the weak and unacceptable messiah/king, Menahem, who attempted to take control of the revolution against Rome) was cured by the strengthening of the revolting coalition. This apostate coalition was also strengthened by its appointment of generals to direct the war effort against Rome and by the ascendancy to lawless power of John of Gischala, leader of the zealots who would later claim for himself the authority of a messiah-king appointed by Yahweh to deliver the people of Yahweh out from under the yoke of uncircumcised Rome. When, later, Titus entreated the Jews in Jerusalem to surrender, John of Gischala arrogantly boasted that Jerusalem was the city of Yahweh and the Jews were His people. Thus, he did not fear the might of the Romans, for Yahweh would defend His people and His city (Josephus 75-80 a.d./1957, WARS OF THE JEWS, BOOK VI, chapter II, para. 1).

This prophetic wild beast performs great signs. Like Elijah in ancient times, this national prophet causes fire to descend from heaven into the earth (the land of Israel). This is the figurative fire of false teaching (the gospel of Moses) and the figurative fire of verbal and physical persecution against the Jesus Messianics. After all, the apostate priests, scribes, and Pharisees sit in the seat of Moses (Matt. 23:1-5), in all appearance, Yahweh’s ministers by divine appointment.

Judaism is, thus, given the appearance of the true faith of the Law of Moses. The Jesus sect within Judaism is repudiated as blasphemous. The official stature of these pseudo-shepherds is a potent force expelling these Jesus Messianics from the legitimate ranks of Judaism in the eyes of national Apostate Israel.

The text records that this national prophet performs his great signs “in the sight of the men” (13:13b CV). The definite article the is used before the noun men, indicating a specific group of men, Jews. Thus, this wild beast directs its activities at Jews, not all men. It deceives “those dwelling on the earth [land of Israel]” (13:14a CV), the Jews dwelling in the land of Palestine.

More specifically, it deceives those Jews in the land who represent the blind and ignorant Woman who had given birth to the Jesus Messianics (the Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh). This wild beast convinces and wins the affection of the children of Cain, but can only deceive temporarily the children of the Woman, who like Eve, are not in rebellion against Yahweh, but are only temporarily deceived into understanding and acting against the truth of Yahweh.

This second wild beast is appointed to perform its signs in the sight of the first wild beast. The national false prophet serves the interest of the national Apostate Israel whose interest is rebellion against Rome in the name of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant, in the name of faithfulness to Yahweh, Israel’s Elohim. It demands that all Jews “make an image to the wild beast which has the blow of the sword and lives” (Rev. 13:14b CV).

This alludes to a counterfeit death and resurrection which cannot compare substantially with the death and resurrection of Jesus. The death of Menahem, an inferior pretender to Davidic kingship, gives rise to a stronger, more vibrant, more substantial pretender to Davidic kingship committed to the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant. The image of the wild beast (Apostate Israel) figuratively refers to Moses whose distorted and misplaced exaltation becomes the banner beneath which the apostate nation goes to holy war against unholy Rome. The symbolic image of Moses is set against the symbolic image of Jesus. The image of Moses (to the apostates) represents legitimate Judaism/Israel as contrasted with the image of Jesus, which to Apostate Israel represents illegitimate Judaism/Israel.

This wild beast ascending out of the land is given authority to energize, revitalize, the figurative image of Moses (the gospel of Moses). Commitment to Moses, the Sinatic Covenant, and the holy history and destiny of Israel is revived. Patriotic fervor sweeps across the land, pressuring all Jews to loyally join the holy cause of the holy nation. All are to worship the image, become faithfully involved in keeping the Mosaic Law, trusting Yahweh their Elohim to exalt them once again over their enemies.

Israel is on the rise. Her prophetic leaders have been raised up by Yahweh to restore her to her glorious exaltation over the nations. Those Jews who refuse to faithfully submit to Moses and the holy call to covenantal battle are to be exposed as apostates, treated as traitors, and even persecuted when jeopardizing the course of the nation.

The faithful one is to be distinguished from the unfaithful one by a figurative emblem or mark placed on either his right hand or forehead. This figurative mark or emblem represents the gospel of Moses to which the faithful one is committed to the death. Thus, Apostate Israel receives a counterfeit mark or emblem distinguishing her from the Ecclesia, the Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh, which Ecclesia bears the “seal of the living God” (Rev. 7:2 CV). Those without the mark or “emblem of the wild beast, or its name, or the number of its name” (13:17b CV) will not be able “to buy or sell” (13:17a CV). Those unfaithful Jews refusing to join the holy cause of the holy nation will be ostracized, and, thus, excluded, covenantally exiled religiously, socially, economically, and politically.

This vision of the wild beast ascending from the land also concludes with an exhortation addressed to the saints:

Here is wisdom. Let him who has a mind calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is the number of mankind, and its number is six hundred sixty-six. (Revelation 13:18 CV)

Wisdom is to be found through a qualified mind. The qualified mind of the saints is exemplified by the mind or disposition of Jesus the Messiah:

For let this disposition [mind] be in you, which is in Christ Jesus also, Who . . . humbles Himself, becoming obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. (Philippians 2:5-8 CV)

This qualified mind of the saints is to calculate the significance of the number of the wild beast. Its number is the number associated with the failure and rebellion of mankind, 666. Three sixes indicate the ultimate coming short by Apostate Israel of the divine goal of Yahweh. Six hundred sixty-six is the symbolic number representing the ultimate failure of apostate rebellion against the revealed will of Yahweh.

In this particular case, it refers to the antichrist rebellion of Apostate Israel. The saints are to recognize those Jews falsely claiming to be Yahweh’s people and falsely claiming to be proclaiming Yahweh’s word. These Jews represent the synagogue of Satan and are doomed to the judgment of the Lake of Fire, the Second Death. The saints are to resist these Jews and their perjurous claim to represent the true worship and service of Yahweh. The saints are to endure the persecution of these spurious Jews even unto death. They are to separate themselves from this contaminated and defiled apostate nation, refusing to serve under the image, the banner of Moses and the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant.

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The Lamb Standing on Mount Zion, Revelation 14:1-20

The wild beast visions having now been completed, John is given a vision of the Lamb standing on Mount Zion together with His 144,000 faithful followers. On their foreheads is written the name of the Lamb and the name of the Lamb’s Father. Here is pictured the Ecclesia, the Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh. These faithful ones are singing the new song of the New Davidic Covenant.

These are the ones bought from among the men, from among the men of Israel, those associated with the Southern Kingdom of Judah (the circumcised Jews) and those associated with the Northern Kingdom of Israel (the uncircumcised gentiles). They consist of the pure in heart, the righteous faithfully enduring the persecution on account of the Gospel of Christ:

These are they who were not polluted with women, for they are celibates. (Revelation 14:4a CV)

They faithfully follow the Lamb (Jesus the Messiah) wherever He should be going.

Thus, they faithfully obey the voice of their Lord, worshiping and serving Yahweh in accord with The Law of Christ, the requirements of the New Davidic Covenant. In their mouth is no falsehood, for they confess Jesus the Messiah with their mouth and obey His Gospel from the heart. They are flawless because they continually wash their robes in the blood of the Lamb; they act faithfully in all they do and say. Thus, they remain celibate (like the ancient patriarch Joseph in the household of Potiphar) rejecting the enticement of Apostate Israel (the Great Whore, Babylon the Great) to commit covenantal prostitution. They conquer together with Jesus their Davidic Warrior-King.

As John beholds the Lamb and His 144,000 servant-soldiers, he perceives a messenger flying in mid-heaven. This messenger announces the judgment of Babylon the great” (Rev. 14:6-8), the Jerusalem below, the earthly Jerusalem, which “has made all nations drink of the wine of the fury of her prostitution!” (14:8 CV). Through the distorted traditions and commandments of the priests, scribes, and Pharisees, the nations had been deprived of the light which Israel should have been manifesting over them. Thus, the nations had to drink the intoxicating wine of Israel’s cultic, religious, and political prostitution of her holy covenantal responsibilities. The nations in the land of Palestine, drinking the intoxicating wine of Apostate Israel’s madness (her insane delusion of her covenantal destiny based upon her distorted traditions and commandments, her distortion of the Mosaic Covenant) join Apostate Israel in her deranged rebellion against Rome.

Jerusalem and her children, those Jews receiving the emblem or mark of the wild beast (Apostate Israel here represented by the sacred city Jerusalem) and, thus, worshiping Apostate Israel and her image (the pseudo-gospel of Moses), would be enduring the wrath of Yahweh, represented figuratively by the Lake of Fire (the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple) and the Second Death (the Sinatic/Mosaic covenantal death of Apostate Israel). The figurative fumes of their figurative torment would ascend figuratively “for the eons of the eons” (Rev. 14:11 CV). In psychic time, the universal significance of this judgment would be remembered by humanity, for significant historical events remain indestructible facts in the psychic experience of time recorded in the collective memory of humanity. Those specific apostate Jews undergoing the literal actuality of this judgment in Jerusalem (66-70 a.d.) would have no rest during the course of this period of judgment. Chaos would prevail. Lawlessness would run rampant, allowing no time of reprieve, no relief from abhorrent and abominable behavior.

Having this prophetic knowledge, the saints are to faithfully endure the persecution and affliction on behalf of the righteousness of the Gospel and the Kingdom (Rev. 14:12b). Those saints (the dead in Christ, those dead to their offences and sins, Eph. 2:1) who are dying (sharing in the sufferings of Jesus the Messiah) in the interest of their Lord during this excruciating period are accounted blessed, honored, for they shall all be justly requited, “they will be resting from their toil [their sufferings], for their acts [their deeds, their faithful service] are following with them” (Rev. 14:13b CV). There is an appointed time for suffering and an appointed time for rejoicing. The appointed time for joyful celebration of triumphant victory and just reward is imminent for the conquering saints following Jesus (the Lamb, the Lion out of the tribe of Judah, the Conquering Son of David, the New Davidic Warrior-King), those “who are keeping the precepts of God [Yahweh] and the faith of Jesus” (Rev. 14:12b CV).

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Babylon the Great, Revelation, Chapter 17

In the 15th chapter of Revelation, John perceives another sign in the heaven of his vision. Seven messengers having the last seven calamities stand ready to pour out their vials, consummating the fury of Yahweh against Jerusalem, the Temple made with hands, and the apostate nation of Israel according to flesh. When the seventh messenger pours out his vial (Rev. 16:17-21), a great earthquake occurs. Such an earthquake had not occurred since the men of Israel had come to be in the Land of Promise. Figuratively, this earthquake refers to the significance of the final judgment coming upon Jerusalem, the Temple, and the apostate people of Yahweh. This judgment would terminate the Mosaic Eon and the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant. The Law and the Prophets will then have come to a complete fulfillment.

The great city (Jerusalem) comes to be divided into three parts, figuratively referring to the three revolutionary groups occupying the city during the Jewish revolt against Rome. As the Roman army advances from the north, the cities of the nations dwelling in the land of Palestine succumb to the Roman invasion. The retreating rebel armies and brigands flee into Jerusalem, the last bastion of the revolt. Within these walls, they make their final stand, confident that their Elohim would miraculously deliver them from the uncircumcised Roman dogs.

This abominable, abhorrent, defiled city is symbolically called Babylon the great” (Rev. 16:19 CV). It is “brought to remembrance in the sight of God [Yahweh], to give her the cup of the wine of the fury of His indignation” (16:19b CV). Its covenantal, social, political, economical, and religious institutions are destroyed by Yahweh:

And every island fled, and the mountains were not found. And hail, large as a talent weight, is descending out of the heaven on the men [of Apostate Israel]. (Revelation 16:20-21a)

By their continual, stubborn resistance, these men, apostate Jews, are said to “blaspheme God [Yahweh] (16:21b CV), refusing to recognize and acknowledge this great calamity as Yahweh’s judgment upon their reckless and arrogant disobedience. Rejecting repentance, all hope of salvation is gone. They are abandoned to the promised curse.

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The Woman Sitting on a Scarlet Wild Beast, Revelation 17:1-6

Having poured out their vials, one of the seven messengers speaks to John saying,

I shall be showing you the sentence of the great prostitute . . . (Revelation 17:1b CV)

John is taken in spirit into a wilderness where he perceives the great prostitute sitting on many waters. This prostitute represents apostate Jerusalem. This holy city of David and Yahweh had throughout her history unfaithfully affiliated herself with the nations and people around her. She had come to place her confidence in her alliances with foreign kings and peoples, rather than in Yahweh her covenantal King. In her covenantal prostitution, she sought to become like the nations around her:

O Jerusalem, wash your heart from wickedness, that you may be saved. How long shall your evil thoughts lodge within you? For a voice declares from Dan and proclaims evil from Mount Ephraim. Warn the nations that he is coming; announce to Jerusalem, “Besiegers come from a distant land; they shout against the cities of Judah. . . . Your ways and your doings have brought this upon you. This is your doom, and it is bitter; it has reached your heart.” . . . And you, O desolate one, what do you mean that you dress in scarlet, that you deck yourself with ornaments of gold, that you enlarge your eyes with paint? In vain you beautify yourself. Your lovers despise you; they seek your life. (Jeremiah 4:14-16, 18, 30 RSV)

Thus, Apostate Jerusalem sits on many waters, figuratively referring to her political and economical sources of revenue and support coming from her covenantally illicit relations with foreign kings and peoples. In the present situation of John’s vision, Jerusalem is depicted in her dependence on various affiliations associated with Roman tributaries and the numerous devout Jews dwelling among “every nation under heaven” (Acts 2:5). Apostate Jerusalem is the capital of Judaism. Jews throughout the territories of the Roman Empire travel to Jerusalem to worship Yahweh at the Temple. These same Jews contribute much wealth to the Temple in Jerusalem. Therefore, Jerusalem is depicted as sitting upon many peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues (see also Acts 2:5-11).

As a result of her covenantal prostitution with foreign kings and peoples, the people of Israel “are made drunk with the wine of her prostitution” (Rev. 17:2b CV). They become contaminated, corrupted, defiled. The apostate traditions and commandments of the priests and teachers cause the people to become blind to and ignorant of the word of Yahweh. They forget the sound of Yahweh’s voice.

The ministry of John the Baptist had brought back to Israel’s memory the voice of her Elohim, her King, her Creator, and her Savior. But Apostate Jerusalem refused to recognize and acknowledge this voice of Yahweh calling Israel to repentance. Instead, Apostate Jerusalem crucified the very Son of Yahweh, attempting to silence the voice of Yahweh, the One Living Elohim of Israel. Thus, upon Apostate Jerusalem would come “all the just blood shed on the earth, from the blood of just Abel until the blood of Zechariah, . . .” (Matt. 23:35 CV).

Jerusalem had been brought covenantally and culticly close to Yahweh. She had been given glorious advantages, but had abused them. She would be held more accountable than the great city of Babylon,

Jerusalem! Jerusalem! who art killing the prophets and pelting with stones those who have been dispatched to her! How many times do I want to assemble your children . . . and you will not! Lo! left is your house to you desolate. (Matthew 23:37-38 CV)

This same Jerusalem had been continually accused of gross abominations (see Jer. 2:7; 44:1-10; Ezk. 22:1‑14; Mal. 2:11). The prostitutions and abominations of no other city can be compared to those of Jerusalem, since only Jerusalem had been covenantally married to Yahweh. Great advantage means great responsibility and great accountability.

The Woman whom John perceives is located in a wilderness. Symbolically, this is the wilderness of Israel’s abominable history of disobedience and rebellion, alluding to the 40-year wandering in the wilderness of the first stiff-necked and rebellious generation doomed to die in this wilderness, thus, forfeiting entrance into the Promised Land. John perceives this Woman (Apostate Jerusalem) sitting on a scarlet wild beast. This wild beast is branded with numerous names of blasphemy. It possesses seven heads and ten horns.

This scarlet wild beast is none other than Apostate Israel. The royal/priestly city, Jerusalem the prostitute, reigns over the royal/priestly nation Israel the apostate. Together, they dishonor and shame Yahweh the One Living Elohim, failing to manifest His glory to either the people or the nations.

The nation’s history of abominations against Yahweh and His covenant is symbolically depicted in the numerous names of blasphemy branded upon the hide of the scarlet wild beast. Its seven heads symbolically represent the fullness, the completion, of its apostate antagonism to the rule, the kingship, of Yahweh in Yeshurun. In this wild beast the reader perceives the last and final rebellion of the last and final evil generation of Apostate Israel.

Its ten horns represent its ultimate and most powerful opposition to Yahweh’s claim to kingship over Israel. For these ten horns represent the powerful rejection and crucifixion of the very Son of Yahweh and the greatest persecution and affliction ever mounted against the righteous remnant of the Israel of Yahweh. In these ten horns (kings of the land), the reader perceives The Adversary’s ultimate answer to Yahweh’s ten plagues against Egypt. As powerful as this force is against the Ecclesia of Yahweh and His Anointed One, it fails to achieve its goal.

John perceives the Woman (Apostate Jerusalem) sitting on the scarlet wild beast (Apostate Israel) clothed (royally arrayed) in purple and scarlet and bedecked with adornments of gold, precious jewels, and pearls which originally represented her royal/priestly anointed function under the covenant made with David. However, with the passing of Solomon, this royal/priestly role had progressively become defiled and contaminated, resulting in her becoming a prostitute. Thus, her royal robe and priestly adornments had been exchanged for the gaudy, ostentatious, seductive garment and adornments of the brash, haughty, shallow, vulgar, shameless prostitute.

This Woman was holding in her hand a golden cup “brimming with abominations and the uncleannesses of her prostitution” (Rev. 17:4b my translation). Jerusalem had prostituted her holy calling. She had polluted the Law of Moses with her foreign interpretations and adaptations. She had polluted the Temple with commercial enterprises. She had polluted the priesthood by her compromising affiliation with the kings of the land (the ten horns) and Roman procurators. She had polluted the land and the people with her political and economical policies of expedient concession at the expense of covenantal faithfulness. Finally, she had polluted the land, the people, and the Temple with the crucifixion death of Jesus the Messiah (Yahweh’s Anointed Servant, Prophet, Priest, and King) and the rejection of and opposition to the Gospel of Jesus the Christ and the people of Yahweh.

Her abominations amounted to a history of shame and dishonor. She had failed to glorify her Elohim and had failed to enlighten the nations. Instead, she had become an adulteress in relation to Yahweh and a seductive prostitute in relation to the people of Israel and the nations, intoxicating both groups with her apostate political intrigues and religious eccentricities and teachings.

On this Woman’s forehead was written a name (Rev. 17:5):



Babylon the Great

the mother of the prostitutes

and the abominations

of the earth.


The prostitution of exalted Jerusalem is to be understood as the epitome of all prostitutions of cities which operate in the darkness of rebellion against Yahweh. This is the secret of the Woman, Jerusalem. Though she had been blessed with advantages denied to great cities of the nations such as Babylon, Nineveh, Athens, and Rome, she had failed miserably, demonstrating and exemplifying the character of spiritual prostitution producing destructive abominations against the welfare of human society.

Jerusalem had a harlot’s forehead (Jer. 3:3). She refused to be ashamed. She gloried in her shame and abominations. Hidden behind her honorable covenantal name, Jerusalem (city of peace), is her dishonorable name, Babylon, associated with her shameful covenantal prostitution, her irreverent behavior, and her demonical teaching. Jerusalem had corrupted her divinely given ways more than the cities of the less endowed nations had corrupted their ways (see Ezekiel, chapter 16).

On her priestly forehead had been written “Holy unto Yahweh” (Ex. 39:30 EB). In her prostitution, she had substituted unholy unto Yahweh, becoming figuratively associated with the corrupt ways of Babylon. In John’s day, Jerusalem is the high priestess of the synagogue of Satan, bearing upon her forehead the mark of the wild beast, a secret mark recently revealed by the Gospel of Jesus the Messiah: “Babylon the Great the mother of the prostitutes and the abominations of the earth.”

Here is the wisdom of the saints. They are not to be deceived by this adulterous Woman, this prostitute by night disguised by day as Yahweh’s holy priestess. The secret is no longer hid from the eyes of the Ecclesia of Yahweh and Jesus the Messiah. This Woman, this prostitute, this high priestess of the synagogue of Satan, this contemporary Jezebel, is perceived by John to be “drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the witnesses of Jesus” (Rev. 17:6a CV). The Jerusalem below, led by the high priest and assisted by the apostate scribes, Sadducees, and Pharisees, is the enemy of the saints, enemy of the Ecclesia of Jesus the Christ. Outwardly, she claims to represent and serve Yahweh, but inwardly, secretly, she represents and serves The Adversary. Upon her shall soon come all the righteous blood shed on the earth. Jerusalem, satiated with the innocent blood of the righteous, is walking about in a drunken stupor. In a fit of covenantal madness, she commits herself to a course of certain self-destruction. Those Jews who foolishly and insanely join her in this madness will drunkenly fall into the abyss (the submerged chaos) of the figurative Lake of Fire, the Second Death, the termination of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant and the Mosaic Eon.

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The Secret of the Woman and the Wild Beast, Revelation 17:7-18

Having perceived this abominable Woman, John is utterly astonished. He is aghast at her arrogant shamelessness and degrading defilement. Beholding his horror, the messenger reveals to him the secret of the Woman and the wild beast which is bearing her. John is told,

The wild beast which you perceived was, and is not, and is about to be ascending out of the submerged chaos [abyss], and to be going away into destruction. (Revelation 17:8a CV)

This wild beast represents Apostate Israel. It represents the defiled and contaminated Kingdom of Judah raised nationally from the dead in 64 a.d. This Cainish, wild beast began to roam the earth, after having ascended out of the Egyptian abyss in which it had been imprisoned. It received its kingdom at Sinai and reigned from Sinai to the Babylonian captivity, opposing Yahweh and His rule throughout the Mosaic Eon.

Imprisoned in Babylon it had lost the power and authority of its kingdom. Thus, at the writing of the Book of Revelation, it “is not” (Rev. 17:8 CV, see quotation above). The wild beast remains hidden behind the outwardly tamed national beast of burden. Its secret, vicious, wild identity is about to be unveiled. Presently, it remains without power and authority, being subjugated under the rule of foreign kingdoms.

However, John is told this Cainish, wild beast of a kingdom is about to be ascending out of its imprisonment in the submerged chaos during Roman rule. Thus, it was in the past, is not in the present, but would soon be nationally resurrected and return in great insane anger seeking vengeance against its past and present captors.

Those Jews dwelling in the land of Israel and throughout the territories of the Roman Empire, whose names are not written in the Lamb’s scroll of life, will marvel and stand in awe at the reemergence to power and authority of this ancient wild beast. These lawless ones will rally around the ascendancy to spiritual warfare of this avenging, Cainish, wild beast. The resurrection of this apostate Davidic kingdom will inspire the national loyalty of many patriotic Jews who have been patiently awaiting the restoration of the kingdom to Israel.

The messenger informs John that the seven heads of the wild beast represent seven kings. Five of those kings have fallen. They have already appeared, four belonging to the ancient past. These four kings represent the last kings of the Southern Kingdom of Judah (the wild beast of the past). These kings had been apostate, defiling the people and the land with their rebellious policies and disregard for Yahweh’s Law. The last four apostate kings of Judah were Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin, and Zedekiah. The Southern Kingdom of Judah came to an end with the Babylonian captivity.

After the return from Babylonian captivity, this kingdom was represented by Herod the great under the rule and authority of Rome. It was this Herod who rebuilt the Jerusalem Temple. The next king to reign under foreign authorization during this veiled period of is not is Herod Agrippa I (41-44 a.d.) who was about to reign with Roman authorization shortly after the writing of the Book of Revelation. Both Herods reigned during the subjugation of the conquered Kingdom of Judah to foreign powers.

The messenger then reveals,

Five fall, one is, the other came not as yet; and whenever he may be coming, he must remain briefly. And the wild beast which was, and is not, it also is the eighth, and is from among the seven, and is going away into destruction. (Revelation 17:10-11 CV)

The five kings having already ruled are Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin, Zedekiah, and Herod the great. Herod Agrippa I, the sixth king, is already on the scene and about to be authorized by Rome to rule over Judea.

The seventh king has not yet arrived. He would not be appointed or authorized by Rome. He would represent the reemergence of the kingdom of Judah as independent from any foreign power. He would come to power during the revolt of the Jews against Roman rule. The nation of Israel would assert her independence and engage in a holy war to regain her dominance over the kingdoms of the nations. She would attempt this madly insane venture as a result of her own spiritually/covenantally drunken condition as inspired by The Adversary, Satan, whom this people (this apostate nation) worships and serves.

This seventh apostate (and counterfeit) king, Menahem, would set himself up as a king in the Temple in 66 a.d. as the Jewish revolt against Rome retreated behind the walls of Jerusalem to await the intervention of their Elohim against the Roman forces. He remained king for a very brief time (see 17:10b CV), being executed by the forces of Eleazar within the city of Jerusalem. He had been considered unworthy of such a royal position by Eleazar and the priestly families of Israel.

The eighth apostate king (see 17:11 CV, see section titled “The Wild Beast Out of the Sea, Revelation 13:1-9”) being the second and final counterfeit king over Apostate Israel, comes to power in 70 a.d. He is John of Gischala, a tremendously lawless man who pollutes exceedingly the city, the people, and the Temple. He, together with the apostate nation, is destroyed by the Roman army in the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple in 70 a.d.

The ten horns on the wild beast are ten kings (counterfeit self-appointed leaders, generals) who are of the same opinion of John of Gischala, self-appointed king over the wild beast, Apostate Israel. These minor kings (rulers, generals) seek the independence of Palestine (Judea, Galilee, Syria) from all foreign rule. Consequently, they commit their power and resources to John of Gischala in his holy war against Roman rule. They rise to power one hour with the wild beast. This one hour symbolically refers to the years of the Jewish revolt against Rome (66-70 a.d.). Their war for independence and restoration of the kingdom of Judah causes them to oppose Jesus the New Davidic Warrior-King and His Kingdom which claims to be the only true and authentic restoration of the kingdom promised to David.

These ten kings, together with John of Gischala king over the wild beast (Apostate Israel), though claiming to represent the best interest of Israel, in actuality hate the prostitute. Their lawless attempt to restore the kingdom to Israel results in the abominable desolation of the city, the Temple, and the apostate people, even before the arrival of the Roman army and its ultimate destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple. It is the mad, insane wild beast of Apostate Israel which fulfills the messenger’s prophecy:

And the ten horns which you perceived, and the wild beast, these will be hating the prostitute, and they will be making her desolate and naked, and they will be eating her flesh, and they will be burning her up with fire, . . . (Revelation 17:16 CV)

The rebellious and lawless armies within the walls of Jerusalem wreak havoc in the city, committing great abominations as a result of their abhorrent activities. The Jews within the city of Jerusalem are the first to initiate the fire which was to set the Temple ablaze and enflame the entire city. Yahweh had given up this apostate people to their disapproved, craved, mad mind,

for God [Yahweh] imparts to their hearts to form His opinion [judgment], and to form one opinion [revolt against Rome in the name of the holy covenanted nation], and to give their kingdom to the wild beast, until the words of God [Yahweh] shall be accomplished. (Revelation 17:17 CV)

Babylon the Great is fallen! Jerusalem and Apostate Israel are finally recompensed justly for the shedding of all the righteous blood from Abel to Zechariah. The saints have prevailed! Having conquered together with Jesus their Savior, their Lord, and their King, they follow Him into their Celestial Allotment as the smoke of Jerusalem’s destruction ascends “for the eons of the eons” (19:3b CV). The eschatological significance of the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple (the termination of the Mosaic Eon and the Sinatic Covenant) will be remembered and appreciated throughout the coming ages of the continued historical development of Jesuic humanity. The fulfillment of the Law and the Prophets signified the coming of a new age. Humanity would now be under the headship of Jesus Christ.

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The New Heaven and New Earth, Revelation 21:1-8

In vision, John is now taken back chronologically to the beginning, or initiation of the rule of Jesus the Messiah on the throne of David. Having received the full revelation of visions assuring the saints of the final outcome of the spiritual warfare, John is given a final perception of the coming of the new heaven and the new earth initiated at the Pentecost of Acts, chapter 2, with the pouring out of the spirit of Yahweh. Thus, chapters 21 and 22 of Revelation correspond to Revelation chapters 1-3. The vision of Jesus the Messiah in the midst of the seven assemblies (ecclesias) and the letters written to these same assemblies provide a symbolic picture of the active role of the Ecclesia of Jesus the Messiah, the New Jerusalem, the Bride of the Lamb, as she shares in the sufferings of the Christ (see Phil. 3:10). Her active participation in the spiritual warfare of the New Davidic Kingdom prepares her for her coming wedding to Jesus Christ the Lion/Lamb.

In chapter 21, John perceives “a new heaven and a new earth” (v. 1a CV). This new heaven consists of the enthronement of Jesus and His Ecclesia in the metaphorical heaven of the New Davidic Covenant. The new earth perceived is the metaphorical location of Apostate Israel and the nations placed under the authority of Jesus the Messiah (the New Davidic Warrior-King) and His Ecclesia. This new heaven and new earth represent the final spiritual/covenantal warfare between the Israel of Yahweh (the Saints) and the Israel of The Adversary (the apostates), the Israel of the spirit and the Israel of the flesh.

The former heaven and the former earth of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant have passed away (Rev. 21:1b CV), superseded by the New Davidic Covenant. The kingdom of the flesh, the kingdom of the sons of Cain, the unfaithful Saulite kingdom, has been superseded by the kingdom of the spirit, the kingdom of the sons of Abel, the faithful Davidic Kingdom. The Gospel of Jesus the Messiah, the Gospel of the Kingdom of Yahweh, is being proclaimed throughout the inhabited household of Israel, throughout the territories of the Roman Empire. Thus, “the sea is no more” (Rev. 21:1c CV),

They will not hurt or destroy in all My holy mountain [the New Jerusalem], For the earth [the entire inhabited household of Israel, the entire territories of the Roman Empire] will be full of the knowledge of the Lord [the Gospel of Jesus the Messiah, the Gospel of the Kingdom of Yahweh] As the waters [of the Gospel] cover the sea. (Isaiah 11:9 NASB)

Having been given a vision of this new heaven and new earth within which there is no longer a sea (no longer a distinction between Jew and Gentile in the proclamation of the Gospel), John perceives within this vision “the holy city, new Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God” (Rev. 21:2a CV). This new Jerusalem figuratively represents the Ecclesia of Jesus the Messiah, the New Davidic Kingdom, the New Davidic Covenant, the Israel of Yahweh. She is seen descending out of the metaphoric heaven. This refers to the pouring out of the spirit of Yahweh at Pentecost. This “holy city, new Jerusalem” is “from God [Yahweh] (v. 2b CV). She is made ready, by the pouring out of the spirit of Yahweh, to prepare herself spotless by rinsing, washing, her robe clean in the blood of the Lamb, her soon-to-be husband.

This refers to the Ecclesia’s sharing in, participating in, the sufferings of Jesus the Messiah, the sufferings on behalf of the righteousness of the New Davidic Kingdom, the persecutions and afflictions endured on behalf of the Gospel of Jesus the Messiah. Faithfully enduring the persecutions and afflictions of spiritual warfare while faithfully testifying to the Gospel of Jesus the Messiah to the end of the age, she shall become “a bride adorned for her husband” (Rev. 21:2c CV). John perceives the Ecclesia, the New Jerusalem, the Bride, proleptically in her final glorious adornment as the faithful bride of the Lamb. Thus, the Bride consists of the conquering ones of Revelation, chapters 2 and 3.

Beholding the Bride in all her glory (the pure, white robe of the New Davidic Covenant), John hears a loud voice coming out of the throne within the new, holy city Jerusalem. The voice of Yahweh indwelling this holy city (see Rom. 8:11c, “through His [Yahweh’s] Spirit which indwells [enoikountos, instead of oikei, dwell] in the sphere of all of you [plural, the Body, the Bride, the New Jerusalem],” my translation) declares,

Lo! the tabernacle of God [Yahweh] is with the men, and He will be tabernacling with them, and they will be His peoples, and God [Yahweh] Himself will be with them. (Revelation 21:3 CV modified)

Yahweh is not tabernacling with humanity (all men). He is tabernacling, indwelling, actively dwelling within the holy city, new Jerusalem, the Ecclesia of Jesus the Messiah, the Israel of Yahweh, the Bride of the Lamb, soon to become in the conjugation of marriage, the Body, the Complement, the Wife of Jesus the Messiah (the Second Man, the Head of the New Jesuic Humanity). This is the reason the Greek text uses the definite article before the plural noun “men.” The gnomic future (“He will be tabernacling with them,” “they will be His peoples”) indicates the present reality as long as the condition of faithfulness (purity, covenantal righteousness) is met.

During this present time of spiritual/covenantal warfare, Yahweh “will be brushing away every tear from their eyes” (Rev. 21:4a CV). The period of exile is over for the faithful saints of Yahweh’s Israel. The psalmist had written of those Israelites carried away into Babylonian captivity,

By the streams of Babylon, There we sat down and lamented, While we remembered Zion. (Psalms 137:1 CV)

Those lamentations, those solemn tears had now begun to be wiped away from the eyes of Yahweh’s faithful people.            

The new Zion, the holy city of Jerusalem descending from heaven from Yahweh had arrived. The hope of Israel (Jesus the Messiah) had been roused and resurrected and had ascended into the Celestial Realm to sit upon the throne of His father David. A new exodus had begun. A new, spiritual Zion had begun to be constructed by Yahweh and His Anointed Son/King. A new spiritual Temple not built with hands was under construction. The hope of Israel (covenantal arousal and resurrection) had already begun to be experienced, and the long-awaited ascension into the promised Celestial Allotment was imminent.

As a result of the new life of the New Davidic Covenant, the word of Isaiah was presently being fulfilled:

I will also rejoice in Jerusalem, and be glad in My people; And there will no longer be heard in her The voice of weeping and the sound of crying. (Isaiah 65:19 NASB)

Thus, the figurative tears of the exile, the figurative tears of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant, were presently being wiped from the eyes of the faithful saints, citizens of the holy city, new Jerusalem, those together (circumcised and uncircumcised) forming the Bride/Wife of the Lamb. This was to be the character of the New Jerusalem prophesied by Isaiah:

And on this mountain [New Jerusalem] He will swallow up the covering [the veil of blindness] which is over all peoples [the circumcised faithful ones and the uncircumcised faithful ones], Even the veil which is stretched over all nations [including Israel]. He will swallow up death [covenantal death] for all time [permanently], And the Lord God [Yahweh] will wipe tears away from all faces [of the faithful ones], And He will remove the reproach of His people [the Ecclesia Israel] from all the earth; For the Lord [Yahweh] has spoken. And it will be said in that day, “Behold, this is our God [Elohim] for whom we have waited that He might save us. This is the Lord [Yahweh] for whom we have waited; Let us rejoice and be glad in His salvation.” (Isaiah 25:7-9 NASB)

Jesus the Messiah is the salvation of Israel. Prior to His death, resurrection, and ascension, He had declared to His disciples,

You then, also, now, indeed, will be having sorrow, yet I shall be seeing you again, and your heart shall be rejoicing, and your joy no one is taking away from you. (John 16:22 CV)

This is the joy that comes from salvation, from imminent expectation of ascension into the promised Celestial Allotment (see 1 Thess. 4:13-18). The figurative tears are brushed away for those who faithfully trust in Jesus the Messiah and His Gospel, for such trust results in the confidence of triumphant expectation, the sure expectation of Christ’s Parousia. Faith in the resurrection, ascension, and enthronement of Jesus the Messiah results in the wiping away of every tear from the eyes perceiving the spiritual reality of the Gospel of Jesus the Messiah, the spiritual reality of the New Davidic Kingdom and Covenant.

The loud voice of Yahweh continues,

And death will be no more, nor mourning, nor clamor, nor misery; they will be no more, for the former things passed away. (Revelation 21:4b CV)

This is figurative language. Physical death is not removed, for many saints are to suffer death for their testimony, even as Stephen had already endured. It is covenantal death which is removed, nullified, abolished. The faithful saints possessing the life of the New Covenant cannot be harmed of the Second Death associated with the curse of the law, the verdict of Yahweh regarding the death, the termination, of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant. The conquering one is protected from the figurative fiery flames of the Lake of Fire, the Submerged Chaos, the Abyss, characteristic of Apostate Israel, the wild beast ascending out of the sea (the figurative Dead Sea, see Rev. 13:1-9).

The former things (of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant), since the enthronement of Jesus the Messiah on the seat of David His father and the pouring out of the spirit, have passed away. The old covenant (the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant, world-order, heavens and earth) had been superseded by the New Covenant (the New Davidic Covenant, world-order, heaven and earth). Before Jesus’ death, resurrection, and ascension, Jesus had been known according to flesh (the Mosaic Covenant). After Jesus’ death, resurrection, and ascension, He had to be known according to spirit (the New Davidic Covenant). Therefore, Paul would later write,

So that we, from now on, are acquainted with no one according to flesh. Yet even if we have known Christ according to flesh, nevertheless now we know Him so no longer. So that, if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: the primitive things [of the old covenant] passed by. Lo! there have come new things [of the new covenant]. (2 Corinthians 5:16-17 CV modified)

Thus, the death, mourning, clamor, and misery associated with the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant are abolished, done away with, for all the faithful saints associated with the New Davidic Covenant.

Yahweh, sitting on the throne in the midst of the heavenly Jerusalem, then boldly announces,

Lo! New am I making all [plural]! . . . Write, for these sayings are faithful and true. (Revelation 21:5 CV)

Yahweh is in the process of making all things associated with the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant new through the implementation of all things associated with the New Davidic Covenant. All the sayings of John’s prophetic book about to be written and made known to the saints, the faithful slaves of Jesus the Messiah, are faithful and true. These sayings and the accompanying visions are to be an encouragement to endure to the end the persecutions and afflictions on behalf of the New Davidic Kingdom of righteousness. Yahweh then says to John,

I have become the Alpha and the Omega, the Origin and the Consummation. To him who is thirsting I shall be giving of the spring of the water of life gratuitously. He who is conquering shall be enjoying this [plural] allotment [the allotment of all the things associated with the New Davidic Covenant], and I shall be a God [Elohim] to him and he shall be a son to Me. (Revelation 21:6-7 CV)

With the triumphant victory of Jesus the Messiah as the Son of David, the Son of Abraham, the Son of Adam, the Son of Yahweh, Yahweh has become the beginning (Alpha) and the telos (Omega) of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant and the Originator and the Consummator of the Law and the Prophets. The visions and sayings of the Book of Revelation unveil the imminent events which will bring to a successful consummation both the Mosaic Eon and the Adamic Eon.

During the eschatological final years of the Adamic/Mosaic Eons, those faithful slaves (of Yahweh and His Anointed Son/King Jesus) who continually thirst for righteousness will be given continual access to “the spring of the water of life,” that figurative water of life flowing abundantly from the recently opened figurative spring of the New Davidic Covenant located in the midst of the new, holy, heavenly city of Jerusalem (see Rev. 22:1, “a river of water of life . . . issuing out of the throne of God [Yahweh] and the Lambkin”). This spiritual water had already been given to the saints. They are to continue drinking from this spring to the end of the Mosaic Eon. Thus, their continual thirst for the righteousness of the New Davidic Kingdom will continually be satisfied (see Matt. 5:6).

The conquering one (described in chapters 2-3) shall, during the eschatological final years of the Mosaic Eon, be continually enjoying the allotment of all the new things associated with the New Davidic Covenant. These new things consist of the following: a new Israelite Ecclesia (the Israel of Yahweh, Gal. 6:16); a new covenantal man (Eph. 2:15); a new life (Rom. 6:3-4); a new Jerusalem (Rev. 21:2); a new name (Rev. 22:4; 3:12); a new song (Rev. 5:9); a new Celestial Allotment (Heb. 11:9-16). All these new things belonged to the saints and the faithful Ephraimites (Gentiles) of that final Mosaic generation. These new things do not belong to any of the generations that followed this last Mosaic generation that entered into its promised Celestial Allotment in 70 a.d.

In accord with the prophetic word of Zechariah (8:8), Yahweh declares He is now the Elohim of these conquering ones, who, as a result of their faithful conquering, are now acknowledged by Yahweh as His sons. Under the Mosaic Covenant, the faithful ones were acknowledged as children (minors). They were under guardians and administrators until the establishment of the New Davidic Covenant. With the pouring out of the spirit, Yahweh’s Law became written on the fleshy tablets of the heart. Minorhood had come to an end. Sonship had begun. The conquering faithful ones were no longer under an escort. They were no longer under law, rather, as full-grown sons, they stood alongside their Father (Yahweh) and alongside His law, keeping His law as an adult son reflecting from within the character of the Father apart from the guidance and discipline of guardians and administrators (see Gal. 4:1-7). Paul alludes to the reality of this declaration of Yahweh in his second letter to the Corinthians where he combines Zechariah 8:8 with passages from 2 Samuel and Isaiah:

For you [plural, all of you] are the temple of the living God, according as God [Yahweh] said, that I will be making My home and will be walking in them, and I will be their God [Elohim], and they shall be My people. Wherefore, Come out of their midst and be severed, the Lord is saying. And touch not the unclean, and I will admit you, and I will be a Father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to Me, says the Lord Almighty. (2 Corinthians 6:16b-18 CV)

In contrast with the conquering ones, Yahweh now describes the apostate Israelites and their end (Rev. 21:8). These apostate ones consist, first of all, of those who fearfully shrink from choosing either Yahweh or The Adversary. They fear becoming involved in the covenantal conflict demanding a decision for or against Jesus the Anointed One of Yahweh. These apostate ones also consist of those described as unbelievers, unfaithful, those who, like Cain, prefer their own wisdom rather than the wisdom of Yahweh. They oppose what they consider the unjust way of Yahweh, preferring their own understanding of the just way.

The abominable apostates commit what the Law of Yahweh describes as abominable, abhorrent acts in the name and cause of Yahweh, believing that the cause justifies the means. Those accused of being murderers are those Israelites according to the flesh who justify the killing of the prophets and the faithful remnant of saints throughout the Mosaic Eon in order to maintain national survival and security. The paramours are those apostate Israelites who participate in covenantal prostitution with the wild beast, Apostate Israel. They cling to the Mosaic Covenant for life and blessing. They worship Yahweh under the banner of their own distorted image of Moses, rather than worshiping and serving Yahweh under the Anointed Kingship of Jesus the Messiah and His New Davidic Covenant. Then there are the enchanters, those Jews who mix the Mosaic Law with sorcery and idolatrous activities, shaming the very honor and glory of Yahweh Who prohibited such practices associated with the decadent ways of the nations.

Finally, Yahweh concludes His catalogue of apostate ones with those described as false ones, pseudo-shepherds deceiving the sheep on behalf of their own welfare and honor, wolves disguised as sheep, hirelings claiming to be Yahweh’s appointed shepherds. All these apostate ones have their part in the figurative Lake of Fire, the Second Death, the termination of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant. They no longer possess a covenantal relationship with Yahweh. Consequently, they forfeit their part in the promised Celestial Allotment of the faithful children of Abraham.

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The Bride, the Wife of the Lamb, Revelation 21:9-27

The covenantal destinies of the faithful ones and the apostate ones having now been clearly assured, one of the messengers associated with the vials “brimming with the last seven calamities” (Rev. 21:9 CV) speaks to John,

Hither! I shall be showing you the bride, the wife of the Lambkin. (Revelation 21:9b CV)

John is then carried away in spirit to a huge and high mountain from which he beholds “the holy city, Jerusalem, as it is descending out of [the] heaven [of this vision] from God [Yahweh](21:10b CV). This new heavenly Jerusalem, the Jerusalem above, figuratively representing the Bride of the Lamb, is reflecting the glory of Yahweh as figuratively represented by its “luminosity . . . like a stone most precious” (v. 11 CV); its huge and high walls, each stretching out in all four directions approximately 1,400 miles (thus, symbolically filling the whole world-order of the Roman Empire and alluding to the kingdom of the stone severed from a mountain range by the hand of Yahweh, described by Daniel as “the stone that collides with the image [of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream] becomes a vast mountain range, and fills all the earth [land],” Daniel 2:35b CV); its twelve gates inscribed with the names of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel; its twelve foundations supporting the walls, each foundation inscribed with a name of one of the twelve Apostles of the Lamb.

This holy city is not built by the hands of men, but by Yahweh Himself. It is the city of Abraham’s expectation, “the city having foundations [of the promises], whose Artificer and Architect is God [Yahweh] (Heb. 11:10 CV). It is the city described in Ezekiel, chapters 40-44. This heavenly city, this Kingdom, this Bride, when prepared completely by the worship and service of the conquering ones and given in marriage to the Lamb, would ascend into her Celestial Allotment putting on over her the heavenly glorious white robe of the glory of her righteousness, her Celestial Glorious/Queenly Attire of the Celestial Wife of the Celestial Lamb/Lion.

Thus, this kingdom of Jesus the Son of David (the heavenly Jerusalem) is exalted through this metaphorical marriage to the status of Kingdom of God (the Celestial Jerusalem), restoring the nations and humanity to the direct rule of Yahweh Elohim. However, Yahweh’s rule would no longer be in association with the dominion of Adam, but in association with the dominion of Christ, no longer in association with the procreation of Adam and Eve, but in association with the spiritual procreation of Christ and His Ecclesia, His Celestial Complement, His Celestial City of Living Stones, the Holy City, Celestial Jerusalem. The new heaven and new earth of Revelation 21:1 now becomes the New Heavens and the New Earth of the Celestial Kingdom of God (Yahweh Elohim), the New Heavens and the New Earth Peter wrote about in his second letter (2 Pe. 3:10-13), the New Heavens and New Earth which had not yet become a reality at the time of Peter’s writing of this letter.

Beholding this vision of the holy city, Jerusalem, John notices the absence of a temple. Unlike the Jerusalem below (Apostate Jerusalem), the heavenly Jerusalem (the Jerusalem above) has no temple made with hands,

for the Lord God [Yahweh Elohim] Almighty is its temple, and the Lambkin. And the city has no need of the sun nor of the moon, that they should be appearing in it, for the glory of God illuminates it, and its lamp is the Lambkin. (Revelation 21:22-23 CV)

The Jews, having treated the Temple made with hands as an idol, had contaminated this holy Temple, necessitating a far superior Temple not made with hands. Jesus Himself is this New Temple: “And the Word became flesh and tabernacles among us” (Jn. 1:14 CV); “Destroy this temple [Jesus’ body], and in three days I will raise it up” (Jn. 2:19 NASB); “according as You [Yahweh] commissioned Me into the world-order [of Moses], I also commissioned them [Jesus’ disciples] into the world-order [of Moses]. . . . in order that they [the faithful ones] may all be one, according as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You, in order that they also may be in Us; . . .” (Jn. 17:18, 21 my translation). The spirit of Yahweh and Jesus the Messiah dwelling within the Ecclesia of Jesus the Messiah makes this Ecclesia a living Temple of Yahweh and His Anointed Son. This living Temple began to be constructed on the day of Pentecost following the crucifixion death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus the Messiah.

Figuratively, this new, holy city, Jerusalem, has no need of the light of the sun or moon, since it is bathed in the covenantal light of the word of Yahweh reflected in Jesus the Messiah. The Jerusalem above is not illuminated by the light of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant. It is illuminated by the glory of Yahweh manifested in the New Davidic Covenant consecrated by the blood of the Passover Lamb, Jesus the Messiah, the Only-Begotten legitimate Son of Yahweh. Jesus the Christ, the Lamb of Yahweh, is the lamp of the city, through Whom Yahweh is illuminating the city with His glory:

Whenever I may be in the world-order [of Moses], I am the Light of this world-order. (John 9:5 my translation)

The spirit of Jesus the Messiah dwells within His Ecclesia, and His Ecclesia is covenantally in Jesus the Messiah. Therefore, the light of the New Davidic Covenant illuminates the Ecclesia, which in turn illuminates the whole inhabited household of Israel dwelling within the territories of the Roman Empire. This is the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy:

Arise, shine; for your light has come, And the glory of the Lord [Yahweh] has risen upon you. For behold, darkness will cover the earth, And deep darkness the peoples; But the Lord [Yahweh] will rise upon you, And His glory will appear upon you. And nations will come to your light, . . . No longer will you have the sun for light by day, Nor for brightness will the moon give you light; But you will have the Lord for an everlasting [eonian] light, And your God [Elohim] for your glory. . . . For you will have the Lord for an everlasting [eonian] light, And the days of your mourning will be finished. Then all your people will be righteous. They will possess [rule] the land forever [during the eschatological final days of the Mosaic Eon], the branch of My planting, The work of My hands, That I may be glorified. (Isaiah 60:1-3a, 19-21 NASB)

This holy city, heavenly Jerusalem, descended into the metaphorical heaven of Israel's New Davidic Covenant and Kingdom in 30 a.d. At this time, it/she is given authority and power to possess, rule, reign over, the land of Palestine, becoming a blessing to the nations located within the territories of the Roman Empire. This possession, this reign, was not political and economic; it was spiritual and covenantal. This new, heavenly Jerusalem would reign together with Jesus the Messiah for the remaining years of the Mosaic Eon (30-70 a.d.), during which time it/she would illuminate the inhabited household of Israel and the nations (the Mosaic world-order) with the light of the Gospel of Jesus the Messiah:

And the nations shall be walking by means of its light, and the kings of the earth are carrying their glory into it. (Revelation 21:24 CV)

The gates of this city would not be locked (see Isa. 60:11), since there would be no night, only day. During the eschatological years of the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus the Messiah, the light of the Gospel would continually illuminate the darkness of Apostate Israel and the nations. The city would not know (figuratively) the setting of the sun of the Gospel. There would be no intervening night obstructing the illuminating light of the Gospel of covenantal salvation and blessing. Many circumcised Jews and uncircumcised gentiles would be drawn to the light, entering the city through faith-obedience to the Gospel of Jesus the Messiah, thus becoming citizens of the new commonwealth of the Israel of Yahweh (see Eph. 2:19-22). Only those having their names written in the Lamb’s scroll of life would be given entrance into this holy city. No contaminated person producing covenantal abominations and acting deceptively would be allowed entrance into this holy city, heavenly Jerusalem (see Rev. 21:27).

In this figurative city is “a river of water of life” (Rev. 22:1a CV). This river of invigorating spiritual water is “issuing out of the throne of God and the Lambkin” (22:1b CV). This invigorating spiritual water figuratively represents the new Davidic covenantal life flowing from the proclamation of the Gospel. The ones faithfully responding to the Gospel of Jesus the Messiah, thus, symbolically drinking of this life-giving water, enter into the salvation of this holy city, continually having access to this invigorating water of covenantal life. In addition, these faithful ones entering the central square of the city have access to the twelve fruits of the tree of covenantal life. Thus, their spiritual thirst and hunger are satisfied from the spiritually nutritious reception of the spirit of Yahweh and the spiritually nutritious instruction of The Law of Christ (see Jn. 7:37-39; Rom. 8:1-14; Gal. 6:2).

In this holy city, the heavenly Jerusalem (the Ecclesia of Jesus the Messiah symbolically represented as the seven assemblies [ecclesias] of Revelation, chapters 2-3), is the throne of Yahweh and the throne of Jesus the Lamb/Lion of Yahweh. Yahweh and His Anointed Son plan, direct, and control the activity taking place within this city. They reign over and with their faithful slaves:

And His slaves [faithful warrior-priests] shall be offering divine service to Him. And they shall be seeing His face, and His name shall be on their foreheads. And night shall be no more, and they have no need of lamplight and sunlight, for the Lord God [Yahweh Elohim] shall be illuminating them. And they shall be reigning for the eons of the eons. (Revelation 22:3b-5 CV)

The faithful slaves of Jesus the Messiah offer divine service by their proclamation of the Gospel and their sharing in the sufferings of Jesus the Messiah, enduring the persecutions and afflictions inflicted during the spiritual warfare against Apostate Israel. Under the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant, the face of Yahweh’s gracious presence had been hidden behind the veil marking the holy of holies off limits to all Israelites. Under the New Davidic Covenant, the face of Yahweh’s gracious presence is no longer hidden behind a veil. The holy of holies is no longer off limits to Yahweh’s faithful slaves. Jesus the Messiah, the Son of Abraham, the Son of David, the Son of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant, has delivered His circumcised brethren from the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant and the curse of the law (Gal. 3:13). Jesus the Messiah, the Son of Adam, the Son of Yahweh, has delivered all men from the verdict of death pronounced against Adam and passed on to his progeny (see Rom. 5:18).

Being redeemed from the curse of the law, the saints now had direct access to the face of Yahweh’s gracious presence. But, having been purchased by Jesus the Messiah, and, thus, ransomed by Yahweh, the faithful ones associated with the New Davidic Covenant now belong to Yahweh, having His name on their foreheads. As such, they are the elect seed of Abraham manifesting Yahweh’s glory and soon to be reigning in His Kingdom for the eons of the eons as the Celestial Jerusalem enjoying her Celestial Allotment and Queenly Throne as the Wife, the Complement, the Ecclesia of Jesus the Messiah, the Second Man, the Head of the New Jesuic Humanity, which humanity is presently in the process of being spiritually generated through His metaphorical conjugal relationship with His covenantal Wife. Such has been the role and function of the Ecclesia in the Celestial Realm from 70 a.d. to the present time. The terrestrial realm (the present literal heavens and earth) has for the past 2,000 and some years been under the jurisdiction and cultivation of the holy city, Celestial Jerusalem. The Kingdom of God is presently continuing the process of filling the earth (see Dan. 2:31-35, 40-45).

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The Last Word: I Am Coming Swiftly, Seal Not the Prophecy of This Scroll

The faithful slaves of Jesus the Messiah (the New Heavenly Jerusalem, the Bride of the Lamb, the Ecclesia of Jesus the Messiah) have now been informed of events soon to come. They have been encouraged to remain faithful to the end, knowing the triumphant consummation of the proclamation of the Gospel. The conquering ones are to faithfully follow the orders of their Commander-In-Chief, Jesus the Messiah, the New Davidic Warrior-King. At the consummation of His Approach/Arrival Parousia, each conquering one would enter, together with Jesus the Messiah, the promised Celestial Allotment. At that time, the Bride (the Heavenly Jerusalem), having been given in covenantal marriage to the Lamb (Jesus the Messiah), is adorned with the royal, queenly robe of the Wife of the Warrior-King (Jesus the Messiah). As Wife (the Celestial Jerusalem), she is escorted into the Celestial Realm where she is exalted to the throne of her Lord and King, her Husband, Jesus the Messiah, the Son of Yahweh. All this, of course, is a metaphorical depiction of a spiritual reality literally existing and operating in the Celestial Realm.

John is then, once again, informed that the events revealed in the visions shown him “must occur swiftly” (22:6b CV). Jesus the Messiah then declares that He is coming swiftly (22:7a CV). Those faithful slaves, the conquering ones, obeying the exhortations and warnings contained in the seven-sealed prophetic scroll opened by the Lamb would be blessed. The events depicted in this prophecy are, thus, imminent. This is confirmed by the messenger who solemnly commands,

You should not be sealing the sayings of the prophecy of this scroll, for the era is near. (Revelation 22:10 CV)

This corresponds with the opening testimony of the prophecy revealed to John:

Happy [Blessed, Honorable] is he who is reading and those who are hearing [obeying, heeding] the word of the prophecy [revealed in this book], and who are keeping [obeying] that which is written in it, for the era is near. (Revelation 1:3)

Daniel had been commanded to seal up his visions, for the time of their fulfillment remained distant (Dan. 12:4, 9). The visions of the prophecy of the Book of Revelation were written for the saints of the first century. The prophecy revealed pertained to the events occurring between the years 30 and 70 a.d.

These events were near, imminent, for those reading and hearing the word of John’s prophecy. The entire prophecy revealed in this book was fulfilled in the very same generation of those to whom the book was addressed:

The Unveiling of Jesus Christ, which God [Yahweh] gives to Him [Jesus the Messiah], to show to His [Jesus’] slaves what must occur swiftly . . . (Revelation 1:1a)

John received this revelation shortly after Cornelius and his household and the Greeks in Antioch of Syria entered into the Israel of Yahweh, the New Davidic Kingdom based upon the New Davidic Covenant superseding the old Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant. Yahweh’s call to Ephraim had just begun. The revelation of the Gospel of the Uncircumcision had just recently been deposited with Saul/Paul, commissioned by Jesus the Messiah as Apostle to the uncircumcised nations. The persecution initiated by King Herod Agrippa I, grandson of Herod the Great, was on the horizon.

John’s Book of Revelation, therefore, was written and dispersed among the saints approximately about the year 39 a.d. Herod the Great was the fifth head of the wild beast of Revelation 17:9-11. His grandson, King Herod Agrippa I, from 41-44 a.d. ruled over the reassembled kingdom of his grandfather. He was to become the sixth head of the wild beast of Revelation 17:9-11. The Jewish establishment, which hated but courted the favor of Herod the Great, loved his grandson, King Herod Agrippa I. Herod Agrippa I was to reward such love.

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The Persecution Initiated by King Herod Agrippa I
and the Significance of His Death
, Acts 12:1-24

In 37 a.d. Caligula bestowed the title “king” upon Herod Agrippa I. In 41 a.d. Claudius added Judea and Samaria to the territories under his jurisdiction, thus restoring the old boundaries of the kingdom of Herod the Great. The wild beast of Apostate Israel began to reawaken from its recent slumber.

Herod the Great had attempted to murder the Messianic child, Jesus, murdering many infant sons of Israel in the process. He had failed. Herod Agrippa I, who determined to revive the political, economic, and religious fortunes of his people, lived piously, gaining the respect of the Pharisees and religious aristocracy. Seeking to please these apostate Jews who had been from the beginning suspicious of the new Messianic sect within Judaism, he initiated a policy of repression against this new Jewish cult. His first act against these Messianic Jews (who had been claiming that the recently crucified Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah promised in the Law and the Prophets), was to put to death the Apostle James, the brother of John.

Perceiving that this pleased the ruling Jewish aristocracy, Herod the king arrested the Apostle Peter, “intending after the Passover to lead him up to the people [those Jews sympathetic to the religious view of the Jewish aristocracy] (Acts 12:4b CV). Thus, the wild beast, still chained and imprisoned in the metaphorical submerged chaos of the apostate nation and land, is being prepared for its wicked, wild, abominable release. King Herod Agrippa I, therefore, is the sixth head of the wild beast, “Five fall, one is” (Rev. 17:10a CV). However, he is tame compared to the two kings (heads) still to come, when the wild beast is unleashed to devour the apostate nation and land.

Herod’s intention is frustrated when Peter is delivered from his imprisonment by a celestial messenger sent under the command of Jesus the Davidic Warrior-King, the Commander-In-Chief of the warrior-priests of the Israel of Yahweh. This spiritually accomplished release is symbolically significant as it is contrasted with the imminent spiritual release of the wild beast. The power and authority of Apostate Israel against the Ecclesia of Jesus the Messiah are temporary and superficial. The Apostate Wild Beast, energized by The Adversary, is itself under the authority and power of Yahweh and the Lion out of the tribe of Judah.

The opposition of the Wild Beast against the Israel of Yahweh, the Ecclesia, after its release, will be frustrated, failing to destroy the Ecclesia while effecting the abominable contamination and destruction of the apostate nation and land. Apostate Israel would soon be injected with the madness of the Wild Beast ascending out of the submerged chaos, resulting in the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple, the captivity and exile of the apostate people, and the termination of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant, bringing to an end the Mosaic Eon.

Peter, bewildered during the escape, realizing he is beyond the reach of the soldiers guarding him, declares,

Now I truly am aware that the Lord delegates His messenger, and extricates me out of the hand of Herod and all the hope of the Jewish people [the Jewish religious aristocracy and those Jews sympathetic to their opposition to the Messianics]. (Acts 12:11b CV)

Yahweh and His Anointed Son/King rule in the kingdom of mortals (see Dan. 5:20-21 CV). Neither King Herod Agrippa I (representing the kings of the Wild Beast ascending out of the Dead Sea) nor the religious aristocracy of the apostate Jewish people (representing the pseudo-prophets of the Wild Beast ascending from the land) can conquer the Israel of Yahweh, the Ecclesia of Jesus the Messiah, the Born-From-Above Israel. The significance of this rescue from the hand of Yahweh’s enemies is captured in the instruction of Peter to those saints gathered in the house of Mary, the mother of John who is called Mark:

Report these things to James and the brethren. (Acts 12:17b CV)

In spite of the increasing antagonism of the Jewish religious aristocracy (and their sympathizers) toward the Messianic saints, Jesus the New Davidic Warrior-King is triumphantly conquering in the name of His Elohim and Father, Yahweh Elohim of Israel. As Peter had been extricated out of the hand of Herod and the apostate Jews, so the Ecclesia would be extricated out of the hand of The Adversary and his abhorrent, pseudo-kings about to be unleashed upon Apostate Israel with the release of the Wild Beast from the prison of the submerged chaos. This Wild Beast when released would furiously infect the apostate goats of Israel with its madness, leading them into the insane revolt against Rome. In spite of the murder of the Apostle James and in spite of the coming onslaught of great persecution and affliction, the Ecclesia cannot be defeated. Its successful spiritual military campaign against the apostate Cainite nation and kingdom is already secured in the mighty, supreme authority of Yahweh and His Anointed Son/King, Jesus the Messiah.

The defeat of the Wild Beast and its abominable kings is symbolically depicted in the death of King Herod Agrippa I. Herod, dressed in royal attire, had addressed a disgruntled crowd of Tyrians and Sidonians. His elegant speech caused the crowd to retort, “A god’s voice, and not a man’s!” (Acts 12:22 CV). Assuming himself to be Yahweh’s king, since he ruled over the Jews, but arrogantly accepting this divine honor for himself, he is immediately smitten by a celestial messenger of Yahweh with a flesh eating disease causing his death. As representing Yahweh the Elohim of Israel, Herod had taken for himself the honor which belongs to Yahweh only. He should have given the glory to his Elohim, properly directing these gentiles (Tyrians and Sidonians) from their superstitious beliefs to the One Living Elohim of Israel. Thus, Apostate Israel, assuming it worshiped and served Yahweh Elohim alone, would be struck down by Yahweh for dishonoring and shaming Yahweh, taking for itself that which belongs to Yahweh alone. Thus, as Herod Agrippa I had struck down the Apostle James, so Yahweh had struck down Herod Agrippa I, who had been assuming himself to be Yahweh’s anointed king (in defiance of the authorized Anointed King, Jesus the Messiah), even as Apostate Israel assumed itself to be Yahweh’s holy, elect, anointed nation. With the death of Herod Agrippa I, an epoch is ended. The Herodian line of rule in Judea had now been consummated, being replaced by a series of inefficient procurators whose decisions contributed to the rise of the Wild Beast and the revolt against Rome.

The text of Acts, chapter 12, then records, “Yet the word of Yahweh grew and was multiplied” (12:24 my translation). The written Greek Scriptures which increased in size as inspired holy writings, such as the Book of Revelation, were added to the Hebrew Scriptures, even as testified in the record of Acts 6:7. The word not only increased in size, but multiplied in effectiveness. The Israel of Yahweh continued to conquer and liberate.

Chapter 12 of Acts ends with an account of the return of Barnabas and Saul to Antioch after delivering the collection of supplies to the saints dwelling in Judea. These supplies were to meet their needs during the famine prophesied by Agabus, which occurred approximately around 46-47 a.d. Barnabas and Saul returned from Jerusalem accompanied by John/Mark whose mother’s house had been one of the meeting places of the saints during the murder of the Apostle James and the arrest of Peter. It is this group of saints, engaged in prayer on behalf of Peter, which is slow to believe the report of Peter’s divinely accomplished release. Among these saints there may have been those who were suspicious of the correctness of the entrance of the gentiles into the new community of Messianics. This suspicion may have later caused John/Mark to depart from the first missionary journey of Barnabas and Saul. His departure would result in a dispute between Barnabas and Saul.