This is Chapter 25 of the book titled The Destiny of Israel and the Twilight of Christianity: In Quest of the Meaning and Significance of the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures, by John Saggio.









(Romans, Chapters 9-16)


Table of Contents









(Romans, Chapters 9-16)


Having explained the truth of the Gospel concerning the counter-alteration and the fact that nothing can separate the faithful ones in Christ from the love of Yahweh, Paul, now, returns to the subject of his kinsmen according to the flesh and their elective advantages. He had introduced this subject in chapter 3, but had not developed it. Israel, as the elect nation of Yahweh, had become blind and calloused to the Gospel. In this condition, the elect nation had become an enemy of the Gospel, opposing its proclamation.

Has this nation, then, become separated from Yahweh and His promises given to her forefathers: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? Has Yahweh rejected His elect nation? How is the elect nation’s opposition to Jesus the Messiah to be explained? How are those Messianic Jews and Messianic Gentiles in Rome to account for this phenomenon?

Has Yahweh abandoned His holy, elect nation? Has this nation been separated from the love of Yahweh her Elohim? Has a multitude of Jews circumcised in heart to Moses and Yahweh’s Law been excluded from the blessing in Christ? Has Yahweh’s purpose for Israel been frustrated? Has Israel’s blindness and callousness cut her off from the love of Yahweh in Christ Jesus? Has Yahweh’s promise to Israel failed? Has the Gospel failed to reach the hearts and minds of those to whom it had been promised and sent? Paul answers, No! Chapters 9-11 of this letter explain the present blindness and callousness of Yahweh’s elect nation in relation to His purpose revealed and proclaimed in the Gospel of Christ.

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The Example of Saul of Tarsus, Romans 9:1-3

The problem of Israel’s unbelief seems to call in question the very reliability, the very faithfulness, of Yahweh. Paul begins his explanation of Yahweh’s national faithfulness by providing a contemporary example of Yahweh’s national mercy displayed in relation to a blind and calloused circumcised-in-heart Jew tenaciously opposed to the Gospel of Christ. He declares,

Truth am I speaking in the interest of Christ; I am not lying on my own behalf, my conscience testifying together with me in the interest of a spirit of holiness [elective separation in Christ to Yahweh by the spirit of the counter-alteration], that my sorrow is great and in my heart is uninterrupted pain. For I had begun praying-aloud-publicly on my own behalf to be accursed, I myself, from this messiah on behalf of my brethren, my kinsmen according to flesh . . . (Romans 9:1-3 my translation)

With this declaration, Paul alludes to his own call and salvation. He had been publicly committed to oppose the Gospel of Christ. He had publicly testified on behalf of himself and his people (his nation) that he was determined to be accursed from this false, blasphemous messiah in order to manifest his loyalty to The One, Living, Elohim of Israel. To announce oneself as publicly accursed from this counterfeit messiah was to announce oneself publicly as the obedient, loyal, faithful servant of Yahweh and His holy covenant.

Saul of Tarsus, like Phinehas of old who zealously acted on behalf of the holy covenant by executing the two who had blasphemed the covenant (Num. 25:1-13), in zealous defense of the holy nation, tenaciously had persecuted those Jews associating themselves with this blasphemous, counterfeit messiah, this pathetic, shameful, crucified, Jesus of Nazareth. This same circumcised-in-heart zealot blindly and ignorantly persecuting Yahweh’s Anointed Son/King had been shown Yahweh’s national mercy on the road to Damascus. There, Yahweh had revealed to this zealous persecutor the glorious, exalted Jesus of Nazareth. There, Yahweh mercifully opened his blind eyes and enlightened his ignorant mind, resulting in his humbly and graciously bowing the knee of his heart to Jesus the crucified, resurrected, and exalted Messiah of Yahweh.

Saul had mistakenly opposed Jesus the Messiah as a result of his ignorant mind and calloused heart. He had believed he had been acting on behalf of Yahweh his Elohim and his people Israel. But, in fact, Saul had been acting as an enemy. Yahweh, who reads the heart, as well as the deeds, had accounted this deceived circumcised-in-heart Israelite a faithful child of Abraham. In the appropriate time, Yahweh had opened his blind eyes and had melted his calloused heart to the truth of the Gospel, transforming him from persecutor to Apostle, from enemy to adult son. The elect enemy of the Gospel of Christ had become the saved servant of the Gospel of Christ. Paul now, since having been given the revelation of the secret of the Gospel, understands his salvation to be a pattern of the salvation (soon to come) of the rest of the Israel accounted by Yahweh as children of Abraham, “But therefore was I shown mercy, that in me, the foremost [sinner], Jesus Christ should be displaying all His patience, for a pattern of those who are about to be believing on Him for life eonian” (1 Tim. 1:16 CV). As Yahweh had shown mercy to Saul the blind and ignorant Israelite, so he would show that same mercy to the Israel still acting as enemy of the Gospel in her blindness and ignorance, though circumcised in heart. These Israelites Yahweh would account as faithful children of Abraham, reading their hearts and mercifully forgiving their deeds produced by a deceived mind and heart after the likeness of deceived Eve in Eden. Eve had been deceived into acting against her own welfare and the will of Yahweh. But her heart had not been in rebellion against Yahweh as Cain’s heart would become.

As Saul of Tarsus had publicly announced himself accursed from this false messiah, thus, perceiving himself publicly as the holy defender of Yahweh, His covenant, and His nation, so, also, many Israelites, like Saul of Tarsus, had continued to oppose the Gospel in blindness and ignorance. Yahweh, in His appropriate time, would also show them mercy, opening their blind eyes and melting their calloused hearts, resulting in their bowing the knee of their hearts to Jesus the Messiah. Yahweh had not rejected Israel. As He had saved Saul of Tarsus, He would soon also save the remaining members of the Israel of faithful Abraham. The hearts of these Israelites remained circumcised, though their deeds, opposed to the Gospel, made them, for the time being, enemies of the Gospel:

As regards, indeed, the Gospel, they [like Saul of Tarsus] are enemies in relation to you [the Messianic Gentiles]. But as regarding the election [like Saul of Tarsus], they are beloved in relation to the fathers [Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob]. (Romans 11:28 my translation)

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The Israel of Yahweh According to Yahweh’s Accounting,
Romans 9:4-8

Paul, affirming Israel’s election, now extends his catalogue of Israel’s elective advantages, or prerogatives, begun in chapter 3. To Israel belongs the adoption (the sonship, the placing as a son, the counter-alteration, the spirit of sonship Paul wrote about in chapters 5-8); the Shekinah glory having now been manifested in Christ Himself; the covenants (Abrahamic, Sinatic/Mosaic, Davidic, and New Davidic/Abrahamic); the legislation (administration of the Sinatic/Mosaic Law); the Divine Service (the Aaronic and the Levitical priesthoods); and the promises (the Abrahamic and prophetic promises of national salvation, blessing, and glory). Israel is also the national, elect seed of the fathers: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Finally, Israel is the elect, holy nation out of whom is the Christ, the Messiah, the Anointed Son/King of Yahweh, the Savior of Israel, the nations, and all Adamic humanity. Israel is Yahweh’s special people, Yahweh’s holy instrument with which He is to achieve His ultimate purpose for humanity. Thus, salvation is of the Jews (Davidic Israel), since Jesus the Messiah is the seed of David, the seed of Abraham, the seed of the Woman Eve. Jesus the Christ is the consummation of all the advantages (prerogatives) of Israel. He is “over all these things [advantages, prerogatives] Yahweh-blessed into the eons” (Rom. 9:5b my translation).

Though Israel as a nation (national, political, cultic Israel, Apostate Israel) has failed to receive her Yahweh-appointed-and-promised Messiah, the word of Yahweh concerning her elective, instrumental purpose had not failed to be fulfilled. How can Paul reach this conclusion? His answer is as follows:

For not all the ones out of Israel are being [accounted] Israelites. Neither because they are a seed of Abraham are they all children. But “in the sphere of the interest of Isaac shall your seed be called” [Gen. 21:12]. That is, the children of the flesh are not Yahweh’s children, but the children of the promise He is accounting for Himself as [Abraham’s] seed. (Romans 9:6b-8 my translation)

The biological seed of Abraham is not to be equated with Abraham’s seed of promise. The promised seed of Abraham is associated with the election of Isaac.

Ishmael, though Abraham’s biological seed, is excluded from the seed of promise. He is excluded on the basis of Yahweh’s election. He is not excluded on the basis of his faith or his works. He is not given the opportunity to belong to the seed of promise. Yahweh simply has not chosen him to participate in this elective calling.

Isaac is chosen by Yahweh to be the seed associated with Yahweh’s promises to Abraham. This is his by Yahweh’s election. However, being an elect seed, Isaac now is responsible to walk by faith. If Isaac fails to walk by faith in the likeness of Abraham’s faith, he will not be accounted by Yahweh as a member in the faithful seed of faithful Abraham.

Election is Yahweh’s choice. Election gives a person the possibility of becoming a member of the faithful seed of Abraham. Faith/faithfulness is the choice of the one elected by Yahweh to participate in the elect seed. Not all those participating in the elect seed are counted by Yahweh as faithful children of Abraham. Only those exhibiting the life characterized by faith/faithfulness are accounted by Yahweh as the promised seed of Abraham. Only these will be enjoyers of the Celestial Allotment promised to those faithful to the end.

The children of the flesh are Abraham’s biological seed, some of whom are elected by Yahweh to participate in the elect community. When Yahweh enters into the covenant of circumcision with Abraham, all the male elect children of the flesh are circumcised. This, then, becomes a requirement for all the elect male members of the elect community. However, enjoying such a membership by birth and circumcision does not guarantee one’s membership in the faithful seed of Abraham, the seed of promise, the seed accounted by Yahweh as the children of Abraham, the seed Yahweh accounts, on His own behalf, as His elect children, the seed promised the adoption of sonship.

The seed of promise is acknowledged, accounted, on the basis of that faith accounted by Yahweh for righteousness. The seal of the seed of promise is a life characterized by the faith/faithfulness of Abraham. Biological association with Abraham and ritual circumcision apart from faith/faithfulness makes one a child of the flesh rather than a child of promise.

The majority of Israelites in the course of Israel’s elect, covenantal history are children of the flesh. They are disobedient. They do not walk by faith. Thus, though participating in the elect nation, they do not participate in the promise. Though children of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob according to the flesh and according to election, they are not accounted as Yahweh’s children, as Abraham’s children of faith, children of the promise. The children of the flesh are disobedient. They do not become Yahweh’s instruments through which He achieves the salvation of Israel, the nations, and Adamic humanity. They are unfaithful.

However, their unfaithfulness does not nullify the faithfulness of Yahweh Who throughout Israel’s covenantal history has preserved the faithful seed of Abraham, using them as His instruments through whom He accomplishes His elective purposes. Thus, not all Israelites are Israelites. Not all Israelites are accounted by Yahweh as members of the Israel of Yahweh. Not all Israelites who are children of Abraham by birth and circumcision are children of Abraham by faith. The children of the flesh fail as children of Abraham and Yahweh (Rom. 9:6-8).

However, the children of the spirit, the children of faith, faithfully become Yahweh’s instruments of righteousness by which He achieves His faithfulness to His promises. Throughout Israel’s covenantal history there survived a faithful Israel of Yahweh. This Israel of Yahweh suffered at the hands of Yahweh’s enemies, those making up Apostate Israel. Yahweh, preserving this Israel, triumphs over His enemies within the apostate nation. The Abelites, though suffering at the malignant hands of the Cainites, conquer as the faithful children of Abraham obediently walking by faith, walking in the faithful footsteps of Abraham who had walked faithfully to the end of his life. These children of faith, like Isaac, are generated according to Yahweh’s sovereign election and preserved according to the operation of Yahweh’s spirit. Paul has already characterized these faithful children of Abraham as those circumcised in heart.

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The Relation of Promise to Election, Romans 9:9-24

Paul now proceeds to develop the relation of promise to election. The word of promise to Abraham is “At ‘this season’ I shall come ‘and there will be for Sarah a son’” (Rom. 9:9 CV). Paul is quoting from Genesis 18:14. Sarah, in her old age, is to give birth to a son in the course of the coming year. Thus, the promise to Abraham concerns a son. This son is to be Abraham’s heir, Abraham’s seed through whom the promises of Yahweh would be fulfilled. Abraham, already the elect of Yahweh, believes the word of Yahweh concerning the promised son. Thus, Abraham the elect is walking by faith. He had been promised a son through whom would come the promises made to his seed. Many years had elapsed. Sarah had passed the age of fertility. But Yahweh had preserved within Sarah a seed. This seed had been hindered from dropping down into the biological place of fertilization until the appropriate time chosen by Yahweh. Abraham’s faith in Yahweh’s word had been believed over the elapsing years.

Now, once again, Abraham would believe Yahweh’s word. In nine months, Sarah would bear a son. Isaac would be the Son of Promise, generated by Yahweh in Yahweh’s appointed time. Isaac would be a type of the future ultimate Son of Promise, THE SEED of Abraham through Whom all the promises made to Yahweh’s elect people would be fulfilled. Abraham the elect of Yahweh had demonstrated throughout the course of his life his faith/faithfulness, that faith which Yahweh had accounted for righteousness. Thus, Abraham the elect is also Abraham the faithful enjoyer of the promised Celestial Allotment (see Heb. 11:8‑19 CV, Greek text).

Election is Yahweh’s sovereign choice. But participation in the Celestial Allotment and the terrestrial allotment of the land of Canaan is based upon faith/faithfulness. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob had not enjoyed possession of the Promised Land. The terrestrial allotment belonged to their biological seed. It had never been promised to the forefathers themselves. The forefathers had been promised the Celestial Allotment associated with the coming of THE SEED of Promise, Jesus the Son of Abraham, the Son of David, the Son of Yahweh. The elect have no say in their election. Yahweh alone determines those who will participate in the election. However, the elect determine for themselves whether or not they will participate in the Celestial Allotment.

Ishmael had been excluded from the election. Isaac had been included. Ishmael had no opportunity to demonstrate the faith/faithfulness of the elect, since he had been excluded from the election. Isaac, on the other hand, had the possibility of demonstrating the faith/faithfulness of the election. Ishmael had not been excluded from the election either because of his mother Hagar or his own faith and deeds. This is demonstrated in the births of Esau and Jacob. Jacob and Esau had been born of the same mother, Rebecca, wife of Isaac. Nevertheless, Esau had been excluded from the election while still in the womb, while Jacob had been included in the election while still in the womb:

For not as yet being born, nor putting into practice anything good or worthless, in order that the purpose of Yahweh should be remaining according to election, not out of works but out of Him Who is calling, it was declared to her [Rebecca] that “The greater shall be slaving to the interest of the inferior.” According as it has been written, “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.” (Romans 9:11-13 my translation)

Yahweh, according to His sovereign election, had favored Jacob apart from his deeds or faith while not favoring Esau apart from his deeds or faith. Jacob had been chosen to participate in the election solely on the grounds of Yahweh’s choice. Esau had been excluded from participation in the election solely on the grounds of Yahweh’s choice. Therefore, Esau, like Ishmael, had no possibility of demonstrating the faith/faithfulness of the promise. Esau, like Ishmael, could neither be saved nor lost. In order to be saved or lost one must be a participant in the election associated with the call of Abraham and the promises made to him. Esau, like Ishmael, had not even been given the opportunity or option of having his faith accounted for righteousness. Thus, justification by faith in association with the promises made to Abraham was not a possibility or option for anyone outside the election.

Salvation within the framework of the election meant deliverance out of the present age and into the age to come, within which the saved would enter into the promised Celestial Allotment. Salvation within this framework meant deliverance out of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant and into the New Davidic/Abrahamic Covenant. This elective salvation did not in the least affect the ultimate destiny of the non-elect. The ultimate destiny of the non-elect did not necessitate participation in the election or justification by faith.

The ultimate destiny (immortal life in the image of Jesus Christ the Celestial Man) of humanity is associated with the gracious, merciful, compassionate, loving decision or verdict of Yahweh executed upon the first soulish man, Adam (the death and sin common to all soulish mankind), and that executed upon the last soulish man, Jesus the Anointed Son of Yahweh (the immortal life and righteousness common to all Celestial Mankind). Ishmael and Esau are not excluded from the salvation associated with Christ Jesus as the Second, Celestial Man, for this salvation is not based upon either works or faith, or both. This salvation is based upon the sovereign choice of Yahweh in association with the disobedience of the one man Adam and the obedience of the One Man Jesus Christ. Soulish man’s ultimate salvation from Death and Sin has already been decided by Yahweh in association with the obedient act of Jesus His Only-Begotten Son. Soulish/Mortal humanity (without exception) will be elevated to the status of Celestial/Immortal humanity (without exception). This is the argument of Romans 5:12 and 18.

What, then, is the validity of the charge that Yahweh is unjust? This charge is absurd! This charge itself is unjust, reflecting a misconception of Yahweh’s election. This charge reflects the accuser’s ignorance of the distinction between election and promise. Yahweh had declared to Moses, “I shall be merciful to whomever I may be merciful, and I shall be pitying whomever I may be pitying” (Rom. 9:15 CV). This statement is regarding election. In relation to election, Paul concludes,

Consequently, then, it is not of him who is willing, nor of him who is racing, but of Yahweh displaying mercy. (Romans 9:16 my translation)

Yahweh had extended mercy to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, the sons of Jacob, the nation Israel. He had withheld mercy from Ishmael, Esau, the sons of Esau, and the nations. In this, He is not unjust. For the mercy shown the elect is always on behalf of the ultimate welfare of the non-elect.

The scriptures, writes Paul, declare, concerning Pharaoh, “For this selfsame thing I outraged you, so that I should be displaying in the interest of you [in the interest of your hardness of heart] My power and so that My name should be thoroughly proclaimed throughout the entire land” (Rom. 9:17 my translation). Pharaoh first hardens his own heart in response to Yahweh’s command. This is his choice. This is his condition, his character. Yahweh could have shown him mercy. But Pharaoh is not among the elect. Yahweh elects to exclude Pharaoh from His mercy.

Instead, He takes Pharaoh’s already hardened heart, a heart glorying in his own false gods, and densifies his boastful glorying, causing Pharaoh to continue in his boastful glorying by blatantly defying Yahweh’s command. Yahweh, then, strengthens his dense heart of boastful glorying to make it steadfastly defy Him over an appropriately appointed period of time, during which Yahweh can display His power over nature and the gods of the Egyptians.

Pharaoh’s hardening of his own heart (his attitude of boastful glorying) is increased in magnitude by Yahweh, causing Pharaoh to become outraged. As a result of his outraged heart, he continues to defy Yahweh against all reason. He absurdly increases his boastful glorying as Yahweh continues to manifest His power throughout the land of Egypt, revealing the insufficiency of Egypt’s idolatrous false gods. Thus, His power is revealed to both the non-elect Egyptians and the elect sons of Jacob. The name of the One, True, Living Elohim is thereby thoroughly published throughout the entire territory of the Egyptian kingdom, causing these non-elect people to question the legitimacy of their gods.

The testimony of the elect sons of Jacob to the nations around them will soon become the testimony of the elect nation Israel. This will be to the ultimate welfare of these nations. Yahweh’s justice is upheld. He has not caused or predetermined Pharaoh’s hardness of heart. Pharaoh is responsible for his own boastful glorying due to his excessive confidence in the false gods of his people.

Yahweh enhances Pharaoh’s self-inflicted condition in order to achieve His elective purpose. Pharaoh’s ultimate destiny is not involved in Yahweh’s elective decision to harden, densify, his already hardened heart. Hence, Yahweh’s favor or disfavor is in relation to His elect purpose only. He does not predetermine the condition of human beings, other than decreeing the universal condition of The Law of Sin and Death and its counter-altering Law of the Spirit of Life. In this condition, Adamic humanity is likened to one lump of clay. But Yahweh’s mercy or His hardening pertains only to His elective purpose. He elects some on behalf of the welfare of the non-elect,

Consequently, then, to whom He will, He is merciful, but to whom He will, He is hardening. (Romans 9:18 CV)

But, continues Paul, some would still object, protesting,

Why, then, is He [Yahweh] still finding fault? For who has withstood His intention? (Romans 9:19 my translation)

This protest misses the point. Yahweh does not show favor or disfavor in relation to every individual. His favor results in His showing some people mercy in order to bless, show mercy to all in the long run. His hardening, also, is associated only with some in order to bless, show mercy, to all. In His elective endeavors, Yahweh is not unjust, since, first, He does not predestinate the character or condition of those He shows mercy or of those He hardens. Second, He is not unjust since His elective endeavors seek and achieve the welfare of both the elect and the non-elect in the long run.

However, more than this, Paul argues,

O Man! Indeed, then, to be sure, who are you, questioning the justness of [answering-against] the interest of Yahweh?! The thing molded will not protest to the molder, “Why did you make me thus?” Or, has not the Potter authority over the clay, out of the same kneading [Adamic humanity] to produce one vessel, indeed, into honor [honorable service], but another into dishonor [menial service]? But if Yahweh, willing to display His indignation on behalf of His own purposeful interest and to make known His Power, endured with much longsuffering [patience] those vessels worthy of indignation having been prepared for [given over to] wastefulness by Yahweh, it is even in order that He should be making known the richness [wealth] of His glory upon those vessels of mercy, which He prepared before [elected before] for glory, even us whom He called, not only out from among Jews, but also out from among nations. (Romans 9:20-24 my translation)

What audacity has the creature who complains to the Creator concerning his place in the created order. As the potter has authority over the kneading, or lump of clay, so Yahweh the Creator has authority over mankind. In this instance, the lump of clay is Adamic humanity. The whole lump (kneading) is contaminated by Death and Sin. Yahweh, having determined the character or condition of the whole lump, also has authority over the vessels He fashions from this lump.

The majority of His fashioned vessels have been fashioned for dishonorable/menial services. Out of this majority a great number has been consigned to wastefulness because of their unworthy conduct of life. These, Yahweh has given up to their disqualified minds, resulting in their descent into the ignorance and darkness of idolatry (like the nations). But even among this majority there are those vessels whom Yahweh has fashioned for honorable/exceptional (noble, dignified) services (Nebuchadnezzar, Cyrus, Alexander, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Julius Caesar, etc.). These are those who have thought and acted wisely even though having their place among the ignorant and worthless vessels who are not only worthy of destruction, but also deserving of the destruction to which Yahweh gives them over as a result of their own ignorance and foolishness.

Yahweh does not predetermine the thinking and acting of these vessels. They are free to think and act in accord with the knowledge available to them. Yahweh has not left them without His testimony. They have the capacity, the faculties, to encounter truth and act in accordance with this truth.

The nations as collective national bodies had abandoned truth for the lie, and Yahweh had given them up to their distorted minds and practices. In the process, He had patiently endured their ignorant and destructive ways, while simultaneously fashioning vessels of mercy, His vessels of election, fashioned for honorable service. However, even among these elect vessels, there were honorable vessels who fashioned themselves into vessels of dishonor, vessels of wastefulness.

Yahweh’s vessels of mercy had been shown favor in order to bless those vessels not shown favor. As Yahweh judges the vessels of dishonor, He also judges the vessels of honor, those elect vessels favored in order to achieve honorable/exceptional/noble service. Those vessels among the elect who fail to honorably respond to the mercy shown them will also be given up to wastefulness and destruction. There is no partiality with Yahweh.

This is precisely what happened to the elect Northern Kingdom of Israel given over to Assyrian captivity by Yahweh in 722 B.C. Her elect sister, the Southern Kingdom of Judah, was given up to Babylonian captivity by Yahweh in 586 B.C. Within these two elect nations had been vessels of honor. In spite of having to endure patiently the dishonor of their nation, those vessels of honor continued to serve Yahweh honorably in the midst of national humiliation. Daniel, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel are only three examples of these noble vessels enduring patiently the humiliation of their disobedient people while continuing to faithfully serve Yahweh in a noble and dignified manner.

The disobedient Southern Kingdom of Judah had been given over to its disqualified mind by Yahweh, but had continued as Yahweh’s elect nation. Within this elect, dishonored nation, however, were those vessels of honor whose faithfulness Yahweh accounted for righteousness. These are the vessels of mercy whom Yahweh preserves and blesses, even in the midst of a disobedient elect nation removed from her holy Land of Promise. The nation remains Yahweh’s elect people even in the humiliation of captivity, but only the faithful are accounted children of Abraham and heirs of the promise. The faithful children of Abraham within the elect, but disqualified, nation are characterized by a circumcised heart. Yahweh knows those who are His. Yahweh perceives and acknowledges those circumcised in heart, even those, though circumcised in heart, who may be opposing Him and His law in ignorance and unbelief (like Saul of Tarsus) caused by the deception of their false shepherds.

Even the elect Northern Kingdom of Israel, given up to Assyrian captivity by Yahweh, continued to contribute to Yahweh’s elective purpose. Though Yahweh had made her Lo-Ammi, not my people, and had not gone with her into captivity, nevertheless, these people (now non-elect), undergoing the indignation of Yahweh, brought the knowledge of the One, True, Living Elohim of Israel to those non-elect peoples among whom they had been scattered. This was to prepare a people among the nations for Yahweh’s name. The elect people among the exiled Northern Kingdom of Israel, the majority of whom had become dishonored, disqualified, unfaithful, nevertheless, along with those who had remained faithful, became a testimony to the nations concerning the One, True, Living Elohim of Israel. They had been scattered over time, throughout Asia minor (Turkey), Greece, and Italy.

Though these nations continued in their idolatry, they had become acquainted with Yahweh Elohim. Many among these idolatrous nations were being prepared for the future proclamation of the Gospel of Christ. In this manner, Yahweh’s judgment of His elect nation, His indignation, would glorify His name among the nations and set in motion events which would eventually culminate in the restoration, the reunification of the non-elect Northern Kingdom of Israel and the elect Southern Kingdom of Judah, thereby fulfilling the prophecy made by Ezekiel concerning the coming together of the stick of Ephraim and the stick of Judah (Ezk. 37:15-28).

Thus, Yahweh had patiently endured the disobedience of the nations, finally giving these vessels of dishonor up to their own disqualified mind, thereby allowing them to proceed into the darkness of ignorance, incurring their own wastefulness. In giving the nations up to their disqualified minds, Yahweh chose to elect a people of no consequence, upon whom He would bestow His mercy. At the calling of the children of the sons of Jacob, this people is characterized by Yahweh as a stiff-necked and rebellious people. Yahweh chooses to show this unworthy people His mercy in accord with the promises made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Deut. 9:5). But this people, as a collective body, does not deserve to be shown Yahweh’s mercy:

Know then that it is not because of your own righteousness that Yahweh your Elohim is giving to you this good land to tenant it, for you are a stiff-necked people. (Deuteronomy 9:6 CV)

Nevertheless, in spite of the fact that the vast majority of the first generation called out of Egypt are vessels of dishonor, Yahweh has shown this elect people, as a collective body, His mercy. The first elect generation called out of Egypt die in the wilderness because of their disobedience, their unfaithfulness. They are given over to Yahweh’s indignation. But Joshua and Caleb represent a faithful remnant of vessels of honor, vessels set apart for noble, dignified, exceptional service. These vessels of honor esteem Yahweh’s mercy, choosing to faithfully serve Him to the end of their lives. These are both elect and children of the Promise. The vessels of dishonor, though being elect, are not children of the Promise.

The indignation of Yahweh was also poured out upon the Southern Kingdom of Judah. Again, though the vast majority had become vessels of dishonor, shame, there remained in Judah a remnant of vessels of honor. These vessels had endured patiently the shameful dishonor of the nation, serving Yahweh faithfully as noble, dignified, exceptional vessels of honor, glorifying the name of the One, True, Living Elohim of Israel, even under the suffering conditions of exile. Both the vessels of dishonor/shame and the vessels of honor/nobility contribute to the achievement of Yahweh’s elective purpose.

At the arrival of John the Baptist and Jesus, the Southern Kingdom of Judah, representing elect Israel, though having returned to the holy Land of Promise, still remained a victim of exile. The nation had now become the slave of the Roman Empire. Though still Yahweh’s elect nation, the nation as a corporate body had remained a vessel of dishonor/shame. However, there did remain within the elect nation a faithful remnant whose hearts were circumcised.

Among this faithful remnant were the vessels of dishonorable or menial service and the vessels of honorable or noble service. The majority of this faithful remnant consisted of vessels of menial service. These menial vessels responded positively to the proclamation of John the Baptist and Jesus, though they remained misled by their false shepherds. They gladly heard the words of the Baptist and Jesus, though they often misunderstood the full intent of the message they heard. Nevertheless, these faithful menial vessels received John the Baptist and Jesus as prophets of Yahweh.

Less in number among this faithful remnant were the vessels of noble service, such as Simeon the prophet and Hannah the prophetess, an elderly widow serving daily in the sanctuary (Lk. 2:25-38); Zechariah, the priest, the father of John the Baptist, and Zechariah’s wife Elizabeth of the daughters of Aaron (Lk. 1:5-7); Nicodemus (Jn. 3:1); Gamaliel (Acts 5:34-39); and Saul of Tarsus. Some of these noble vessels were not ignorant and blind (such as Simeon and Hannah), but most were ignorant and blind (such as Nicodemus, Gamaliel, and Saul of Tarsus), having been deceived by the traditions and commandments of the relatively recent fathers.

Yahweh had patiently endured among the elect nation those vessels of dishonor/shame who had been spurning His mercy from the beginning of the Babylonian captivity to the arrival of John the Baptist and Jesus. He had now appointed these worthless, wasteful vessels a time of indignation. The Baptist came proclaiming an “impending indignation” (Lk. 3:7 CV). He had come proclaiming the season of Yahweh’s salvation of His elect nation. Yahweh would be separating the vessels of dishonor/shame from the vessels of honor/glory. The vessels of dishonor/shame would be given up to the Second Death (the termination of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant at the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple made with hands) in order that Yahweh should be making known the wealth of His glory upon the vessels of honor/glory (these vessels, the faithful sons of Abraham, would enter into the promised Celestial Allotment according to Yahweh’s own elective interest). The vessels of dishonor/shame (Apostate Israel), by their rebelliously stubborn refusal to repent at the calling of Yahweh proclaimed in the Gospel, made themselves deserving of Yahweh’s just indignation, while the vessels of honor/glory, by their faith/faithfulness obedience to the truth of the Gospel to the end of the covenantal civil war, secured their worthiness to enter into the promised Celestial Allotment procured for them by THE SEED of Abraham, Jesus the Messiah. This glorious allotment had been prepared before by Yahweh for the faithful seed of Abraham.

However, the secret of the Gospel of Christ had revealed that this wealth of glory coming upon the vessels of mercy would come upon not only those called out from among the Jews, but also upon those called out from among the nations. The faithful seed of Abraham from among the nations would become fellow-citizens of the New Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh. How and why was this coming about? These are the questions Paul is about to answer in the next section of this letter to the Messianic Jews and Gentiles in Rome.

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The Revelation of Promise to the Nations, Romans 9:25-33

The Elect Nations as Lo-Ammi, Romans 9:25-26

The elect vessels of mercy being called out by the proclamation of the Gospel of Christ consist not only of those called out from among the Jews, but also of those called out from among the nations. It is this “but also” (Rom. 9:24) that Paul explains first. That the nations would jointly share in the New Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh had been concealed in the Law and the Prophets. The how and why of this secret of the Gospel had been revealed to the Apostle Paul who then informed Peter, James, and John concerning this secret.

Paul confirms this secret by quoting from Hosea 1:10. Hosea had been a prophet sent to the Northern Kingdom of Israel. This kingdom was to be scattered among the nations due to her covenantal adultery. This nation representing the ten northern tribes of Israel had been given to Jeroboam by Yahweh. A covenant was made by Yahweh with Jeroboam (1 Kings 11:28-38). But Jeroboam had failed to keep that covenant (1 Kings 14:7-16). Unlike Yahweh’s covenant with David, the covenant made with Jeroboam would not extend mercy to his kingdom if he failed to honor it:

And it shall be, if thou wilt hearken unto all that I command thee, and wilt walk in my ways, and do that is right in my sight, . . . as David my servant did; that I will be with thee, and build thee a sure house, as I built for David, and will give Israel unto thee. (1 Kings 11:38 KJV)

David had received the sure mercies of Yahweh, for he was a man after Yahweh’s heart. Jeroboam, however, not being a man after Yahweh’s heart, had caused Israel to commit covenantal and cultic idolatry, forsaking Jerusalem and worship in the Temple. His house, his kingdom, would be forsaken by Yahweh (see 1 Kings 13:33-34; 14:15-16). It is this abandonment by Yahweh that Hosea prophecies.

The Northern Kingdom of Israel, which had been Yahweh’s people under David and at the time Jeroboam had been given rule over her, was pronounced through the mouth of Hosea Lo-Ammi, not My people, because of the sin of Jeroboam. When this kingdom was scattered among the nations by Assyrian conquest, Yahweh did not go with her into her exile. Yahweh forsook her as Jeroboam had forsaken Yahweh. Thus, the scattered sheep of the Northern Kingdom of Israel had become absorbed among the nations, becoming gentiles. But Hosea had also prophesied,

I shall be calling those who are not My people “My people,” And she who is not beloved “Beloved,” “And it shall be, in the place where it was declared to them, ‘Not My people are you,’” There “they shall be called ‘sons of the living God.’” (Romans 9:25-26 CV)

The commissioning of Paul as the Apostle to the nations was in fulfillment of this prophecy. Yahweh had begun to call the Lo-Ammi scattered sheep absorbed among the nations Ammi, once again, My people, when He had sent Peter to Cornelius and his household and when He had directed those scattered at the persecution associated with the assassination of Stephen to the Greeks in Antioch. Jesus had referred to this salvation to the gentiles when He said, “And other sheep have I which are not of this fold. Those also I must be leading, and they will be hearing My voice, and there will be one flock, one Shepherd” (Jn. 10:16 CV). Jesus here alludes to the prophecies of Ezekiel:

And I will set up one shepherd over them, and he shall feed them, even my servant David; he shall feed them, and he shall be their shepherd. (Ezekiel 34:23 KJV)

Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will take the stick of Joseph, which is in the hand of Ephraim, and the tribes of Israel his fellows, and will put them with him, even with the stick of Judah, and make them one stick, and they shall be one in mine hand. . . . And I will make them one nation in the land . . . and one king shall be king to them all: and they shall be no more two nations, neither shall they be divided into two kingdoms any more at all; . . . And David my servant shall be king over them; and they all shall have one shepherd: they shall also walk in my judgments, and observe my statutes, and do them. (Ezekiel 37:19, 22, 24 KJV)

He also alludes to the testimony of Zechariah:

And I will strengthen the house of Judah, and I will save the house of Joseph, and I will bring them again to place them; for I have mercy upon them: and they shall be as though I had not cast them off: for I am the Lord their God [Yahweh their Elohim], and will hear them. And they of Ephraim shall be like a mighty man, and their heart shall rejoice as through wine: yea, their children shall see it, and be glad; their heart shall rejoice in the Lord [Yahweh]. I will hiss [whistle] for them, and gather them; for I have redeemed them: and they shall increase as they have increased. And I will sow them among the people [peoples, ASV]; and they shall remember me in far countries; and they shall live with their children, and turn again. (Zechariah 10:6-9 KJV)

When Peter had been sent to Cornelius, he could not explain the spirit falling upon these uncircumcised gentiles. He had been completely surprised by this event, together with those Jewish Messianics with him. They had expected the gentiles to be blessed by restored Israel, but never did they contemplate the gentiles becoming joint-citizens with the New Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh.

It was Paul to whom Jesus would reveal the how and the why of the salvation of the gentiles. This how and why had been a secret concealed in the Hebrew Scriptures. It would be explained by the revelation of the Gospel of the Uncircumcision committed to Paul as Apostle to the nations. Those vessels being called out from among the nations and being shown mercy represented Lo-Ammi Ephraim, the Northern Kingdom of Israel absorbed among the nations as a result of the Assyrian exile, the stick of Ephraim now being joined to the stick of Judah (the Jews, representing the Southern Kingdom of Judah). In the hands of Yahweh and His Anointed Only-Begotten Son, Jesus the New Davidic Warrior-King, the two divided kingdoms were becoming one kingdom, one nation, one flock, one people, one Ecclesia consisting of the faithful sons of Abraham.

The whistle of Yahweh was now being heard by Yahweh’s lost sheep among the nations through the sounding forth of the Gospel of the Uncircumcision committed to the Apostle Paul. This once concealed, but now revealed Gospel was the Gospel to the Ephraimites, the Gospel to the house of Joseph. In Jesus the Messiah, Yahweh was now restoring the Davidic Kingdom by reuniting the divided kingdoms of Rehoboam and Jeroboam. The kingdom of Jeroboam had become Lo-Ammi. It was now becoming, once again, Ammi, the people of Yahweh, the people of Yahweh’s mercy.

These lost sheep were now being gathered and restored to the one, elect, covenantal flock of Israel. From the far countries of the nations, they were hearing and remembering the merciful and compassionate voice of the One, True, Living Elohim of their distant past. Though Yahweh had abandoned them to their disqualified mind, He had not forgotten them. As He had promised, He had sent THE TRUE SHEPHERD of His flock to gather them out of the wilderness of the nations and return them to the safety of His newly covenanted fold.

Why was Yahweh doing this? Because of His promise to David and Ephraim/Joseph. How was Yahweh keeping His promise? By declaring the nations covenantally clean and calling them back to Himself and His Elect Nation through the proclamation of the Gospel of the Uncircumcision. Those faithful Messianic Gentiles responding to the call of the Gospel were now being made joint-citizens, together with the faithful Messianic Jews, of the New Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh, the newly covenanted commonwealth of Israel. These Gentiles were being made Israelites, sons of Israel, sons of Abraham. They were not only being blessed through Israel, but with Israel. This had been concealed from Peter, the rest of the Apostles, James the brother of Jesus, and the Messianic Jews.

The revelation of this secret, argues Paul, also confirms the fact that Yahweh has been faithful to His word concerning His people. The promises to Israel are being fulfilled. Yahweh has not discarded His elect nation. The divided kingdom of David is presently being reunited, restored under the rule of the New Davidic Warrior-King. The lost sheep of the house of Joseph/Ephraim are presently being regathered one by one upon the shoulders of the Ideal Shepherd.

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The Elect Remnant of Israel, Romans 9:27-29

Paul now explains the meaning of “not only out of the Jews” (Rom. 9:24). Not all the Jews are being saved as vessels of mercy in accord with Yahweh’s previously designed purpose for His elect nation. Isaiah had previously made clear the fact that a faithful remnant had always been necessary in order to achieve the welfare of the nation as a whole.

The fact that the majority of Jews had remained opposed to the Gospel did not indicate that the nation had failed to experience her salvation. Though a great number of Jews be found disqualified as a result of their uncircumcised, rebellious, stiff-necked hearts, a significant number would be brought to salvation by the suffering on their behalf of the faithful remnant preserved by Yahweh through the terrible affliction and persecution of the time of Jacob’s trouble. The manifestation in glory of this faithful remnant would open the blind eyes and melt the calloused hearts of those circumcised-in-heart Jews deceived into believing the lie of the traditions and commandments of the pseudo, hireling shepherds, the sons of Cain parading as the sons of Abel.

Not all Israel is being accounted Israel. Not all Israelites are being accounted by Yahweh as faithful children of Abraham. Throughout Israel’s history, only a remnant has been accounted by Yahweh as Abraham’s faithful seed of promise. Yahweh’s accounting is just and concise:

For a conclusive and concise accounting will Yahweh be producing upon the earth [the inhabited household of Israel dwelling within the territories of the Roman Empire]. (Romans 9:28 my translation)

Concerning Israel (the Southern Kingdom of Judah, thus, the Jews), Isaiah had cried,

If the number of the sons of Israel should be as the sand of the sea, the subjected-remnant [whose circumcised hearts bow the knee to Yahweh] will be saved. (Romans 9:27 my translation)

Yahweh had in the past preserved the faithful seed of Abraham out from among the unfaithful majority. The faithful seed had always suffered at the hands of those whose hearts had been uncircumcised, at the hands of the sons of Cain who had always attempted to deceive the circumcised–in-heart among the nation. The faithful remnant had always patiently endured and stood firm against the apostates on behalf of the entire faithful seed of Abraham, especially those deceptively misled by the pseudo, hireling shepherds of Apostate, Cainite Israel. This elect remnant had always been Yahweh’s preservative within the corrupt, leavened lump of national Israel according to flesh:

Unless the Lord of Sabaoth [Hosts] conserved to us [the faithful vessels of mercy making up Yahweh’s Israel] a seed, as Sodom we would have become, and as Gomorrah we would have been likened. (Romans 9:29 my translation)

As the faithful remnant in the past had been used by Yahweh to conserve the authentic seed of Abraham (Yahweh’s Israel), so now, in the present of the proclamation of the Gospel, Yahweh is conserving authentic Israel by means of the faithful remnant, the spiritual-warriors conquering under the Commander-In-Chief, Jesus the Messiah, the New Davidic Warrior-King.

The majority of Jews would become like Sodom and Gomorrah. However, a vast multitude had already rallied to the side of the Messiah. Another significant multitude would soon be added. Though the faithful Jewish seed of Abraham would not equal the numerous majority of the unfaithful, this faithful seed would consist of a vast multitude. Adding to this faithful Jewish seed the faithful Gentile seed, one can correctly perceive that Yahweh and His Anointed Son/King are more than conquerors having liberated a significant number of men and women, rather than liberating only an insignificant minority of insignificant men and women as traditionally assumed by Christian scholarship. The proclamation of the Gospel is abundantly successful.

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The Righteousness of the Elect Nations and the Stumbling of the Elect Nation, Romans 9:30-33

Since national Israel had always been characterized as disobedient, stiff-necked, uncircumcised in heart, and thus Cainish, it should be no surprise that this apostate nation not only would stumble against the stone of stumbling (Jesus the Messiah), but also fall and be crushed by this stone of stumbling. The apostate nation of uncircumcised heart had clung to the righteousness of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant of law. This nation had put its trust in the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant of death, refusing to acknowledge that this covenant would of necessity terminate in the Second Death.

This covenant had pointed to the Messiah and His consecrated new covenant imparting immortal life. It had its place and had provided terrestrial covenantal life in its period of authorization by Yahweh. The righteousness of law (for Israel, the Sinatic/Mosaic Law) had been given to Israel for terrestrial life and blessing. But this righteousness and this covenant of law had been temporary. Apostate Israel, refusing to acknowledge the righteousness of Yahweh manifested in Jesus the Messiah and proclaimed in the Gospel of Yahweh/Christ, placed her confidence in the covenant of law designed specifically for her and given her at Sinai, therefore,

What, then, shall we be declaring? That nations, the ones not earnestly pursuing righteousness, attained [appropriated] righteousness, but a righteousness which is out of faith [the faithfulness of Christ]. But Israel, the one earnestly pursuing a law of righteousness, did not reach the goal of that law. Why? Because, their pursuit being not out of faith [the faithfulness of Jesus the Messiah], but out of works [the works of law], they stumbled against the stone of stumbling, according as it is written, “Behold! I place in Zion a stone of stumbling and a rock of scandal [disgracing one’s reputation], and the one believing upon Him in accord with His interest will not be shamed-through-disappointment [my contextual amplification of kataischuno].” (Romans 9:30-33 my translation)

The nations not earnestly pursuing righteousness represent those nations into which the Israelites of the Northern Kingdom of Israel had been absorbed. These Israelites had become Lo-Ammi, not My people, gentiles, having lost their covenantal identity. They became uncircumcised, no longer earnestly pursuing the righteousness of the Sinatic/Mosaic Law, though passing on the testimony concerning the One, True, Living Elohim to the nations within which they had been absorbed. Hence, many among these nations had been prepared by Yahweh for the proclamation of the Gospel of the Uncircumcision which He had determined before to send them.

These gentiles (including former Ephraimites) had not been dedicated to producing the works of the Law of Moses. They had not perceived the works of the law as the badge of their righteousness. Thus, the works of law had not hindered them from perceiving the truth of the Gospel when they had heard its proclamation. Consequently, they had attained, and continued to attain, the righteousness of Yahweh manifested in Jesus the Messiah through appropriating the Gospel by faith/faithfulness.

These gentiles (including former Ephraimites) had not been infected with the hubris (excessive, insolent arrogance) of the Jews, who, receiving the privileges and blessings of Yahweh, had arrogantly appropriated these advantages by excessive pride in producing the works of the law distinctly designed for them by Yahweh. These Jews, in their hubris, though earnestly pursuing the righteousness of the Sinatic/Mosaic Law, had not reached (arrived at) the goal of the righteousness of this law. They had failed to attain, appropriate, the righteousness of Yahweh, the goal of the righteousness of the Sinatic/Mosaic Law, manifested in Jesus the Messiah and revealed in the proclamation of the Gospel.

Why had they not reached this Yahweh-designed goal of the righteousness of the Sinatic/Mosaic Law? Because, in their hubristic pride, their earnest pursuit of the righteousness of the law was out of works of law. They chose to honor the letter of the law, but not the spirit of the law. They chose to trust in the righteousness of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant which was out of works of law rather than trust in the righteousness of Yahweh prophesied in the Law and the Prophets which was out of the faithfulness of Jesus the Messiah. Thus, they chose to love themselves and their personally achieved honor and glory rather than love Yahweh and His honor and glory: “How can you believe, getting [receiving] glory from one another, and are not seeking the glory which is from God [Yahweh] alone?” (Jn. 5:44 CV); “For they [apostate Jews] loved the glory of the men [pseudo, hireling shepherds] more than the glory of Yahweh” (Jn. 12:43 my translation).

Honoring only the letter of the law and loving the honor and glory coming from men more than the honor and glory coming from Yahweh, the Jews (the Southern Kingdom of Judah) stumbled against Yahweh’s stone of stumbling, Jesus the Messiah, the rock of scandal, an offense to the distinguished, arrogant reputations of the hubristic Jewish sons of Cain, giving and receiving their own fabricated honor and glories. These, rejecting the mercy of Yahweh offered in the Gospel, harden themselves, steadfastly opposing the Gospel to the end of the covenantal conflict in progress. These Jews not only stumble against Yahweh’s chosen stone of stumbling, but also fall and are crushed by this holy stone prophesied to be either Yahweh’s mercy or indignation.

However, not all Jews stumbling against this stone fall and are crushed. A significant, vast number of those whose hearts are circumcised, though at first stumbling, are caught and lifted up to stand on their feet by the mercy of Yahweh. Standing on their feet before this Holy Stone, having their blind eyes opened and their calloused, circumcised hearts melted, they humbly and jubilantly bow the knee of their heart to Yahweh’s Anointed Son/King. With much sincere gratitude, they receive the liberation of Jesus the Messiah, the New Davidic Warrior-King, entering into the ranks of the Holy Ecclesia, becoming citizens in the New Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh.

Having stumbled against Yahweh’s holy stone of stumbling, their opposition to the Gospel and Jesus the Messiah is crushed while their hearts are jubilantly exalted together with the exalted Stone of Yahweh’s honor and glory. In the process, Yahweh’s Holy Stone becomes Yahweh’s Holy Mountain, increasing in mass and magnitude with the significant addition of each holy stone contributing to the height, width, and depth of Yahweh’s Mountainous Temple not made with hands.

All those believing upon this Holy Stone and continuing in faith/faithfulness to the end of the covenantal conflict in progress would not be shamed-through-disappointment (Rom. 9:33, my contextual amplification of kataischuno), but glorified through exaltation to the Celestial Allotment of the seed of promise. Having rejected and being denied the honor and glory given by the men of Apostate Israel, they choose and receive the honor and glory coming from Yahweh. Shamed in the eyes of these shameful men, they are honored and glorified in the eyes of Yahweh and His Anointed Son/King.

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The Righteousness of Yahweh and the Righteousness of Law,
Romans 10:1-21

Christ as Consummation of Law for Righteousness

Recognizing these two types of Jews (uncircumcised in heart and circumcised in heart), Paul repeats his concern for all Israelites, his kinsmen according to the flesh. These fellow-Israelites are the delight of his heart. They are the elect, holy people of Yahweh’s elective purpose. Their elective privileges should have consummated in their salvation. But this had not yet occurred for national Israel. The nation politically and culticly has remained opposed to the very Gospel of their salvation.

Paul, nevertheless, continues to petition Yahweh on their behalf. He knows that not all Israelites are accounted Israelites by Yahweh. He knows the nation is divided. He knows the nation is involved in a civil war, the apostate, uncircumcised-in-heart, hubristically arrogant nation against the faithful, circumcised-in-heart, humbly contrite Born-From-Above nation. Many circumcised-in-heart Israelites, however, remain committed to the apostate nation due to their having been deceived into believing the lie of the traditions and commandments of their relatively recent forefathers taught to them presently by their pseudo, hireling shepherds.

All Israelites remaining within the jurisdictional influence of Apostate National Israel “have a zeal of Yahweh, but not according to valid acknowledgement” (Rom. 10:2 my translation). Even apostate, uncircumcised-in-heart Israelites have a zeal for Yahweh. But the zeal of all Israelites opposed to the Gospel is according to the traditions and commandments of the relatively recent forefathers. This zeal is not in accord with the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenantal Law as appropriately interpreted. It is not in accord with the letter of the law written on the heart.

Therefore, this zeal is misplaced. This zeal is not in accord with the valid acknowledgement required by the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant of law. This zeal has fallen short of the valid acknowledgement of the righteousness of Yahweh manifested to all Israel in the person of Jesus the Son of Yahweh, the Son of David, the Son/Seed of Abraham.

Apostate Israelites, as undeceived sons/children of Cain, blatantly oppose acknowledgement of Jesus the Messiah. They comprehendingly stand firmly steadfast against the honor and glory coming from Yahweh, preferring the honor and glory fabricated by arrogant Cainite men. They place their confidence in an objective letter of law manufactured by the figurative hands of their disqualified minds, hence, producing an abstract, sterile righteousness of law-as-objective-written-code manipulated by arrogantly proud men boasting in their own judicial creation, benefiting themselves at the expense of others.

Ignorant of Yahweh’s righteousness which provides a pardon of sins and a pardon “from all [things] from which you [Jews] could not be justified in the law of Moses” (Acts 13:38b-39a CV), these invalidly zealous Jews seek to establish their own righteousness as defined by the letter of their own Mosaic Law as elaborated upon by the traditions and commandments of their own pseudo, hireling shepherds, teachers, and rulers:

For being ignorant of Yahweh’s righteousness/justification and seeking to establish their own righteousness/justification, they were not brought into subjection [by the Gospel] to Yahweh’s righteousness/justification. For Christ is a consummation of law into [resulting in a superior] righteousness/justification to everyone who is believing [into Him]. (Romans 10:3-4 my translation and elaboration)

Being ignorant of the goal of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant of law (the superior righteousness of Yahweh which provides a far greater justification than any objective letter of law can provide), these invalidly zealous Jews trusted in their Sinatic/Mosaic Covenantal relationship to Yahweh rather than the necessary New Covenant relationship to Yahweh to which the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant of law gave testimony. The appropriate understanding of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant of law would have necessarily resulted in the appropriate valid acknowledgement of the ultimate, superior righteousness/justification of Yahweh manifested in the person of Jesus the Messiah and revealed in the proclamation of the Gospel first sent to Jews.

But the Jews as a corporate nation sought to establish what they mistakenly perceived to be Yahweh’s ultimate standard of righteousness, the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant as verified, validated, by the works of law required by this covenant, thereby avoiding being subjected by the Gospel to the superior righteousness of Yahweh. Having misappropriated the function of this gracious covenant given only to them, they had stumbled against Yahweh’s Holy Stone of Stumbling, the goal, the consummation, not only of Israel’s law, but also of all those systems of law associated with the nations. Thus, Paul writes, Christ is “a” consummation of “law” (Rom. 10:4, see my translation above) in general as a means of establishing one’s righteousness, one’s justification in relation to Yahweh and man.

Christ is not a consummation, an end, a telos of law, but a consummation, an end, a telos of the codified letter of law (the law codified within the framework of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant) as a means of establishing, attaining a valid righteousness in relation to Yahweh and man. Hence, Christ is a consummation of the codified letter of law as a means of attaining an inferior righteousness. This consummation of the codified letter of law results in the attainment of the ultimate, superior righteousness of Yahweh (into, eis, Rom. 10:4 Greek text, see my translation above) now given to all those believing into Christ. This New Covenant righteousness is a righteousness providing a justification of immortal life and, for those continuing faithfully to the end of the then present civil, covenantal conflict, entrance into the Celestial Allotment with its accompanying exaltation, the result of the honor and glory coming from Yahweh.

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The Righteousness of Law Contrasted
With The Righteousness of Faith, Romans 10:5-13

There had been a righteousness of the letter of the law for Israel. Moses had written of it:

You will observe My statutes and My judgments, for the man who does them will also live by them: I am Yahweh. (Leviticus 18:5 CV modified)

But this righteousness became effective only when the letter of the law became written on the heart:

See! I put before you today life and good, death and evil. In case you should hearken to the instructions [the letter of the law] of Yahweh your Elohim that I am enjoining on you today, to love Yahweh your Elohim, to walk in His ways and to observe His instructions, His statutes and His judgments, then you will live and multiply, and Yahweh your Elohim will bless you in the land where you are entering to tenant it. Yet should your heart turn around, and you are not hearkening, and you are induced to bow yourself down to other elohim and serve them, I tell you today that you shall perish, yea perish. You shall not prolong your days on the ground where you are crossing over the Jordan to enter to tenant it. . . . Life and death I have put before you, the blessing and the malediction. Now choose life that you may live, you and your seed, by loving Yahweh your Elohim, hearkening to His voice and clinging to Him (for that means life to you and prolonging of your days) so that you may dwell on the ground about which Yahweh had sworn to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob, to give to them. (Deuteronomy 30:15-20 CV)

The letter of the law became terrestrial life and blessing to this elect, covenanted nation when the nation and her citizens hearkened to Yahweh’s instructions from the heart. Obedience meant loving Yahweh their Elohim “with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your intensity. These words which I am instructing you today will come to be in your heart” (Deut. 6:5b-6 CV). The righteousness out of the letter of the law was accounted (by Yahweh) to the Israelite who wrote the letter of the law on his or her heart, thereby resurrecting the dead, objective letter to subjective life, resulting in objective deeds of love toward Yahweh and neighbor and consistent compliance to the required works of law:

Keep my commandments, and live; and my law as the apple of thine eye. Bind them upon thy fingers, write them upon the table of thine heart. (Proverbs 7:2-3 KJV)

Those Jews uncircumcised in heart wrote Yahweh’s Law on their fingers, but not on the table of their hearts. The letter of the law remained dead, being entombed in words buried in the intellect rather than being resurrected to life in words planted lovingly in the heart. Temporal, terrestrial life and good had been promised by Yahweh to a nation of citizens writing the letter of the law on their hearts, planting the word of Yahweh in the fertile soil of the heart where it would grow and become fruitful, producing a righteousness of mind and conduct to Yahweh’s honor and glory.

Thus, the righteousness out of the letter of law, in order to be produced in one’s life, required the faith after the likeness of Abraham. Faith places, plants, in the heart the dead letter of law entombed in dead words, bringing to life the letter of law through its resurrection out of its literary grave. The letter of the law apart from faith is dead. The inverse is just as true and vital, faith apart from the letter, the word of Yahweh, is dead in respect to producing the righteousness of Yahweh. The faith after the likeness of Abraham always produces righteous works, deeds, behavior, thinking.

The righteousness of the law constricted within the framework of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant requires works of law (ceremonies, rituals, holy days, festivals, animal and food sacrifices, libations). Faith under the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant complies with these requirements. The righteousness of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenantal Law requires both compliance with the works of law and obedience to Yahweh’s moral, social, and economic commandments and instructions:

For Moses writes of the righteousness which is out of law [Sinatic/Mosaic Covenantal Law], that the man who produces those things [both the commandments/instructions and the works] will be exercising for himself the functions producing the terrestrial covenantal life and blessings in the sphere of the interest of those things. (Romans 10:5 my translation)

Thus, as long as the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant remains the authorized covenant of Yahweh, the righteousness of this covenantal law requires compliance with the works of law. However, this covenant also requires the righteousness of faith, without which the righteousness out of works is not accounted by Yahweh as righteousness. For Moses himself writes of the righteousness of faith:

For this instruction that I am enjoining you today, it is neither too difficult for you, nor is it too far off. It is neither in the heavens for you to say: Who shall ascend to the heavens for us and take it for us and announce it to us that we may obey? Nor is it across the sea for you to say: Who shall cross across the sea for us and take it for us and announce it to us that we may obey it? For the word is exceedingly near to you, in your mouth and in your heart, to obey it. (Deuteronomy 30:11-14 CV)

The word of faith had come down from the heaven of Mount Sinai. It had come across the sea from a great distance. It had been announced, proclaimed, to Israel in their hearing. This word of faith had been made accessible to Israel. They had no need to go in search of it. Yahweh had brought it to them. Israel’s responsibility had been to believe this word of Yahweh as Abraham had believed the word of Yahweh announced to him. The word being near, Israel needed to confess it as true and receive it as acceptable with the mouth and, having written it on the heart, proceed to obey it.

Yahweh’s word had been brought to them; His word had been true; His word had been neither too difficult nor too far off. Therefore, His covenantal word could, and should, be believed by faith and could, and should, be obeyed in practice. Hence, Yahweh’s covenantal word was to be received by faith-accounted-for-righteousness and was to be obeyed from the heart in faithfulness of practice, which obedience to the covenant’s terms (commandments/instructions and works of law) produced the righteousness out of works of law.

With the establishment of the New Covenant of Yahweh, the old Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant was no longer authorized as a means of attaining covenantal life and blessings. The Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant, therefore, could no longer provide an elective relationship with Yahweh. The faithful seed of Abraham was now required to come out from under the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant and enter within the sphere of the New Covenant. Only within the New Covenant could the faithful seed of Abraham receive the promise of justification of immortal life, the promise of the then present eonian life (the counter-alteration), and the promise of the Celestial Allotment.

The old covenant had required works of law. The New Covenant did not require these works of law for the covenantal righteousness which it provided. Israel under the old covenant had been justified out of works, as well as out of faith in the covenantal word of Yahweh received at Sinai. Israel under the grace of the New Covenant was now being justified out of the faithfulness of Jesus the Messiah apart from works of law (see Gal. 2:15-16, my translation and Greek texts). Thus, the righteousness of the Gospel did not require works of law. However, it did allow and encourage the Jewish Messianics to practice the works of the law in their relationship with non-Messianic Jews committed to the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant (see 1 Cor. 10:31-33; 9:19-23).

Under the law of the old covenant, Israel had the status of child. Under the grace of the New Covenant, Israel had now attained the status of adult son. Old covenantal life had required faith and works of law (ceremonies, rituals, holy days, festivals, sacrifices, etc.); New Covenantal life now required faith in Christ and faith-obedience to the moral, social, and economic laws of Yahweh as interpreted and appropriated by the truth of the Gospel. Works of law, associated with childhood, were no longer required for covenantal righteousness in the adulthood of sonship.

In Christ, the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant of law had been terminated, consummated, as a means of attaining the righteousness of Yahweh. The Law of Yahweh no longer was restricted to the confines of the framework of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant. Thus, the crucifixion and death of Jesus the Messiah had not terminated, annulled, consummated the Law of Yahweh, rather His crucifixion and death had terminated, annulled, consummated the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant of codified law.

Yahweh’s Law as objectively codified within the framework of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant had been consummated. The only valid Law of Yahweh would be that written on the heart. The law written on the heart requires creative appropriation of the laws of Yahweh as fitting each unique situation, relationship, decision. In such appropriation of Yahweh’s Law, men would be acting in the Likeness and Image of Yahweh exemplified in the life of Jesus the Messiah.

Paul takes the words of Moses recorded in Deuteronomy 30:11-14 and adapts them to the present proclamation of the Gospel. As Yahweh had announced His word to Israel from Sinai, so now Yahweh had announced His word from Golgotha. As Yahweh had announced the Word of His Law at Sinai, so now Yahweh had announced the Word of His Gospel at Golgotha. As Yahweh had established a covenant with Israel at Sinai, so now He had established a new covenant with Israel. As Yahweh had brought down from heaven His covenantal word of life and blessings for Israel at the foot of Mount Sinai, so now Yahweh had brought down from heaven His new covenantal word of life and blessings for Israel at the foot of Golgotha. Yahweh’s promise of Christ’s imminent Parousia from heaven could and should be believed by all those in Christ,

But the righteousness out of faith [now being announced in the Gospel] says thus: “You should not be saying in your heart, ‘who will be ascending into heaven?’” (that is, to be leading Christ down [from heaven, referring to His imminent Parousia]). Or, “who will be descending into the abyss [submerged chaos]?” (that is, to be leading Christ up out from among dead ones [referring to the life and growth of the present members of His ecclesiastical spiritual body in the midst of the dead apostate Israelites]. (Romans 10:6-7 my translation)

As Israel had confessed at Sinai the covenantal word of the faithfulness of Yahweh as true and had received it as acceptable with the mouth and, having written it in the heart, had proceeded to obey it, so those in Christ, having received the righteousness out of the faithfulness of Christ, had by faith confessed with the mouth the word of faith written in their heart concerning the sure promise of Christ’s imminent Parousia and their then present participation in His death and resurrection life (the newness of the new covenantal life according to the vivification of the counter-alteration of the spirit of Yahweh/Christ). Thus, in Christ, they were to be living the faith-obedient life. They were to be accounting themselves dead to The Law of Sin and Death, dead to the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant and alive to Yahweh, alive to The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus, alive to the New Davidic/Abrahamic Covenant, under the grace of which they were to serve Christ in accord with the new terms of this new covenant. This meant sharing in the crucifixion sufferings of Christ by which the old Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant of minorhood enslavement was being put to death and superseded by the New Davidic/Abrahamic Covenant of adulthood (sonship) freedom.

While Christ was seated on His metaphorical/covenantal Davidic throne in heaven, His spiritual, ecclesiastical Body on earth had been baptized into His metaphorical/covenantal death and resurrected out from among the covenantally dead Apostate Israel consisting of all those Israelites covenantally dead under the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant. The Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant was now the graveyard of the Second Death. Israel was being called out from among the dead of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant into the life of the New Davidic/Abrahamic Covenant. This was being accomplished by the proclamation of the Gospel of Christ.

Like Israel of old, those in Christ did not need to send someone up to heaven to call Christ back. The testimony of the truth of the Gospel already had confirmed His soon return. This needed to be believed only by that faith characterized as righteousness, the faith after the likeness of Abraham’s faith accounted for righteousness. As Moses had brought Yahweh’s Covenantal Law down from heaven to the earth of Israel’s habitation, so also Jesus the Messiah had brought down from heaven to the earth of the New Born-From-Above Israel’s habitation (with the pouring out of His spirit) the Gospel of Christ which promised to the ones faithful to the end His imminent Parousia and their imminent entrance into the glory of the Celestial Allotment.

Faith accounted this Gospel as true, and faithfulness carried out the faith-obedience of the terms of the truth of the Gospel, the terms of the New Davidic/Abrahamic Covenant of Yahweh. Faith-obedience to this truth, this covenant, amounted to the conviction that Christ had been led up out from among the dead of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant and would soon return. The righteousness out of faith, thus, declares,

“Near you is the Message [of Christ], in your mouth and in your heart.” That is, the Message of the faith which we [the Apostles] are proclaiming. (Romans 10:8 my translation)

This message is the message of Christ contained within the truth of the Gospel. This message is for those already in Christ. This message concerns the imminent Parousia of Christ and the imminent glory to be received by the faithful seed of Abraham. It is a message encouraging faithfulness to the end of the present covenantal conflict, thus, encouraging faith-obedience. The terms of the New Covenant can, should, and would be fulfilled by those in Christ who walked in the newness of life of the counter-alteration, accounting by faith the truth of the Gospel, the contemporary word of Yahweh for the New Born-From-Above Israel:

Because, if you should be advocating [accounting true what Yahweh declares to be the truth of the Gospel] with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and should be believing in your heart that Yahweh roused Him out from among dead ones, you will be saved [at the imminent consummation of Christ’s Parousia]. For with the heart it [this message] is believed into righteousness [faith-obedience], but with the mouth it [this message] is advocated into salvation [at the consummation of the Parousia of Christ]. For the scripture is saying, “Everyone who is acting faithfully upon the interest of His lordship will not be declared shamed-through-disappointment [my contextual amplification of kataischuno].” (Romans 10:9-11 my translation)

Those in Christ advocating with the mouth the lordship (Jesus as the Commander-In-Chief of the New Israel of Yahweh) of Jesus and believing with the heart that Yahweh roused Him out from among those dead in the graveyard of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant are the very members of His spiritual, ecclesiastical Body (His Ecclesia) who, as a corporate national body, are roused together with Him out from among the dead ones in the graveyard of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant, the covenant figuratively associated with the Second Death, the covenantal death of Apostate Israel. Those faithful to the end of the covenantal conflict, those who conquer with Jesus the New Davidic Warrior-King, will not be declared shamed-through-disappointment because of their faith in the imminent consummation of Jesus the Messiah’s Parousia. For all these faithful ones will experience (as a result of their sharing in the sufferings of Christ to the end, the sufferings on behalf of the righteousness of the Gospel thus, bearing the then present shame associated with this Gospel) the honor and glory of the Celestial Allotment at the soon-to-come consummation of Christ’s Parousia. Their faith/faithfulness will have been vindicated.

The Second Death as the covenantal death of Apostate Israel is associated symbolically with the abyss, the submerged chaos of Romans 10:7 (my translation quoted above). Moses had not written concerning the submerged chaos. He wrote of crossing the sea. Paul adapts this reading to fit the current situation of the proclamation of the Gospel. The Greek word translated abyss, submerged chaos, or bottomless pit is abusson. When Jesus casts out the many demons within the man who calls himself Legion, He casts them into a herd of swine. This herd immediately stampedes over a precipice, falling into and drowning in a lake (Lk. 8:30-33). The demons had sought to escape the submerged chaos (Lk. 8:31 CV). But Jesus sends them hurtling into a lake. The submerged chaos, therefore, is associated with a lake.

The writings of the Greek Scriptures use this Greek word abusson metaphorically. Apart from Romans 10:7, the word is next used in Revelation 9:1:

And the fifth messenger trumpeted. And I perceived a star fallen out of the heaven [of the vision] into the earth [of the vision]. And to him was given the key of the well of the submerged chaos. (CV)

Out of this submerged chaos ascends smoke from a large furnace, darkening the sun and the air. This is metaphorical language depicting the spiritual state of Apostate Israel. Also ascending out of the well of this submerged chaos are demonic locusts having permission to torment the land of Israel for five months.

In verse 11 of Revelation 9, the writer indicates that these symbolic locusts have a king over them. This king is described as the messenger of the submerged chaos. His Hebrew name is Abaddon [destroyer], and in Greek he has the name Apollyon [the waster] (CV). The submerged chaos is, therefore, the metaphorical description, for the writers of the Greek Scriptures, of the corrupt condition of Apostate Israel. The wild beast and the false prophet (representing Jewish apostates) are cast alive into the Lake of Fire (Rev. 19:20 CV), which is then equated with the submerged chaos in Revelation 20:1-3, 9-10. In Revelation 20:14-15, the Lake of Fire is equated with the Second Death.

It is this metaphoric usage which Paul, in Romans 10:7, borrows for his own exegetical purpose. Hence, descending into the submerged chaos refers to descending into the graveyard of the Second Death, the covenantal death of Apostate Israel, the nation committed to the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant. Apostate Israel is located geographically in Palestine, within which is therefore the location of the submerged chaos which is centered in the heart of the land: Jerusalem and the Temple. The New Born-From-Above Israel, the Body of Christ, is roused and resurrected out from among the dead ones of Apostate Israel, which Israel is metaphorically described as the submerged chaos, appropriately characterizing her demonically corrupt covenantal condition as the enemy of Yahweh, Jesus the Messiah, the New Born-From-Above Israel, and the Gospel.

Hence, when Paul writes in Romans 10:7, “Who will be descending into the submerged chaosthat is, to be leading Christ up out from among dead ones” (CV), he is not referring back to the physical resurrection of Jesus. He is referring to the then present covenantal resurrection (due to the counter-alteration of the spirit) of the members of Jesus’ Ecclesiastical Body, The Christ (see 1 Cor. 12:12-13 Greek text) which would be completed at the consummation of the Parousia of Jesus. It is this resurrection the faithful Messianics must be believing through active and continuous faith-obedience to the end of the then present affliction on behalf of the righteousness of the Gospel.

Paul concludes this section of the tenth chapter by declaring,

For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek [circumcised and uncircumcised, Southern Kingdom of Judah and Northern Kingdom of Israel, Israel and the nations]. For the same Lord of all of them is rich into all of them who are calling upon Him on their own behalf. For everyone who perhaps might call upon the Lord’s name will be saved [out from among the dead ones of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant of death into the life of the New Covenant]. (Romans 10:12-13 my translation)

Here, Paul refers to the initial response to the proclamation, the evangelization, of the Gospel. The New Covenant of Jesus the Messiah makes no distinction between Jew and Greek, between circumcised and uncircumcised, between the Southern Kingdom of Judah and the Northern Kingdom of Israel, between Israel and the nations. Yahweh, through Jesus the Messiah as His Anointed Agent, is Lord of all those falling under any of these distinctions. As Lord of all, He is covenantally rich in blessing all those (of whatever past distinction) who invoke His name, that is, who are calling upon Him on their own behalf in response to the Gospel of Christ. Hence, all those hearing the Gospel and believing into Jesus the Messiah will be saved, delivered out from the graveyard of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant (Israel) or the graveyard of the non-elect status of the nations (gentiles) into the life of the New Davidic/Abrahamic Covenant with its hope, expectation, of the glory and honor of the Celestial Allotment promised to all who remain faithful to the end of the then current covenantal conflict.

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The Proclamation of the Present Gospel, Romans 10:14-21

Since Yahweh is Lord of all and is covenantally rich to all those calling upon His name on their own behalf, how then should all these call upon Him (as represented by His Anointed Agent, His Name being Jesus) Whom they did not believe? The nations had long ago turned away from Yahweh Elohim and had not even been looking for the Messiah (the Anointed One of Yahweh). Israel, looking for the Messiah but not recognizing Him, had crucified Him. How then should either the nations or Israel believe in Jesus the Messiah? How should all these believe in One Whom they have not heard? How should all these hear unless one is announcing, heralding, the identity of the Anointed Agent of Yahweh? How should there be heralders unless such heralders are commissioned by Yahweh? (Rom. 10:14-15a).

Paul answers these questions by an inspired adaptive citation of Isaiah 52:7a:

How beautifully-timed [literal, fruitfully timely, harvestingly timely] are the feet of those bringing a gospel of good things. (Romans 10:15b my translation)

Yahweh, through Jesus the Messiah, had commissioned Apostles to proclaim the Gospel of Christ. These Apostles have been faithful to their commission. The identity of Jesus as the Anointed One of Yahweh, as the promised Davidic Warrior-King, as the salvation of Yahweh for Israel and the nations, has been and continues to be, proclaimed throughout the land of Israel and the territories of the nations of the Roman Empire. This proclamation has been accompanied by signs and miracles, the work of the spirit of Yahweh and His Anointed Son/King. “But not all men [to whom this Gospel had been proclaimed] obeyed this Gospel” (Romans 10:16a my translation).

The proclamation of this Gospel had not intended that all those hearing it should believe it. Paul confirms this by continuing to cite from the ongoing text of Isaiah. Paul argues that Isaiah (52:8), the very prophet who had announced the commissioning of the Apostles, had proceeded to also declare, “Lord, who believed our tidings?” (Rom. 10:16b CV). Paul, therefore, confidently concludes,

Consequently, this faith [proclaimed by the commissioned Apostles of Jesus the Messiah] is out of tidings, yet these tidings are through a message concerning Christ [as having been roused out from among dead ones, resurrected, ascended to the throne of David, and gloriously exalted]. (Romans 16:17 my translation)

Israel, not recognizing her Messiah, had crucified Him. Yahweh had roused Him from the dead. The Apostles of Jesus had been commissioned and empowered to herald the Gospel of Christ through which the message concerning Jesus as roused out from among the dead, resurrected, ascended to the throne of David, and gloriously exalted by Yahweh had been first sent to Israel, Yahweh’s elect, holy, covenantal nation. Israel as a corporate nation had been forgiven her national sin of crucifying her promised Messiah.

The new tidings of the Gospel concerning the message of Jesus as the Messiah of Yahweh roused, resurrected, seated on the throne of David, and gloriously exalted had now been proclaimed to Israel, giving her a renewed opportunity to receive Him as her Messiah. But not all who had heard this message of covenantal salvation had believed the message. Not all who had heard this message had believed into Jesus as their roused, resurrected, and gloriously enthroned and exalted King. Although many had believed this message, the nation as a corporate body rebelliously rejected Christ’s merciful, loving, royal solicitation calling the nation to repent of her national sin and turn to Him, bowing the knee of their heart to Him in royal service.

Christ as both the Medium and the Message, as both Lord and Savior, as both King and Priest, had been rejected by Apostate Israel. This had been prophesied by Moses, as well as the prophets sent to Israel after Moses. The nation from its beginning had been characterized as Cainish. Not all Israel is Israel. Not all the circumcised children of Abraham under the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant are accounted by Yahweh as the faithful seed of Abraham.

The nations had been no better. Many had believed the message of the Gospel sent to them (the Gospel of the Uncircumcision, the message concerning Christ as the seed of uncircumcised Abram whose faith had been accounted for righteousness while yet being uncircumcised). The nations in the present and in the past had also been characterized as Cainish. Not all the uncircumcised are circumcised in heart. Not all the uncircumcised children of Abram are Abram’s children of faith.

In the past, the nations had heard the message of Yahweh and had dismissed it, exchanging it for the lie and being given over to a disqualified mind. In the past, Israel had heard the message of Yahweh declared to her in the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant of law and had dismissed it for the lie, she also being given over to a disqualified mind. Thus, in the past, the nations as national bodies had heard the message of Yahweh and had spurned it, and in the present time of the writing of Romans the nations have been hearing the message concerning Christ and have been, as national bodies, spurning it. Similarly, in the past, Israel, as a national body, had heard the message of Yahweh and had spurned it; and, in the present situation during which Paul writes, Israel has been hearing the message concerning Christ and has been, as a national body, spurning it.

This, Paul confirms by quoting Psalm 19:4, which passage refers to the testimony of Yahweh among the nations. The first section of this Psalm (vs. 1-6) refers to Yahweh’s testimony among the nations, whereas the second section (vs. 7-10) refers to Yahweh’s testimony to Israel. Paul quotes only from the first section concerning the nations, since his purpose is to establish, primarily, the hearing of Yahweh’s testimony in the past by the nations and their disobedience to this testimony. Adapting this passage to the present testimony of the message concerning Christ, he also uses it to establish the fact that the nations are presently hearing the testimony of Yahweh through His Anointed Agent, Jesus the Messiah. Though the nations as corporate national bodies are spurning this testimony, many individual, uncircumcised members of these nations are believing the present testimony of the Gospel.

By quoting this passage (Ps. 19:4), Paul also, by allusion, refers it to the past and present situation of Israel. Hence, he writes,

But I am asking, did they [Israel and the nations, see 10:12] not hear? Indeed, they did! “Into all the earth went out the melodious utterance of them [the heavens, the firmament, the testimony of the sun, the moon, the stars, the constellations as handed down by Adam through Noah], and into the uttermost parts of the household of humanity their messages.” (Romans 10:18 my translation)

The testimony of Yahweh deposited with Adam and the antediluvian fathers, ending with Noah, had been heard and spurned by the nations established after the flood. Following the dispersal of humanity after its attempt to construct the Tower of Babel, Yahweh had called Abram. The nations had departed from the testimony of Yahweh, Who had given them up to their disqualified minds. Nevertheless, the nations and Israel had had access to this testimony. The nations had no excuse. They had been given the testimony of Yahweh. The nation Israel had even less excuse. She had had both the antediluvian testimony of Yahweh and the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenantal testimony of Yahweh.

Paul now proceeds to confirm Israel’s special covenantal knowledge:

But I am asking, did Israel not know [that not all would obey the Gospel]? First, Moses is saying, “I will be provoking all of you [the Southern Kingdom of Judah] to jealousy upon the interest of those not a nation [the Lo-Ammi Northern Kingdom of Israel]; upon the interest of a nation unintelligent [no longer instructed by the writings of the Law and the Prophets] I will be angering all of you.” But Isaiah, being very bold, is saying [concerning the Lo-Ammi Northern Kingdom of Israel, the unintelligent nation, the uncircumcised faithful seed of Abraham], “I was unexpectantly-discovered by those not searching for Me; I disclosed Myself to those not inquiring-upon Me.” But toward Israel [the Southern Kingdom of Judah] He is saying, “The whole day I stretched out My hands toward a people unpersuadable and contradicting.” (Romans 10:19-21 my translation)

Moses had instructed Israel concerning the nation’s rebellious, stiff-necked, Cainish character. He had before informed them of their disobedience to the voice of Yahweh speaking in the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant of law and to that same voice speaking in a future Gospel. Moses had prophesied of the division of the nation into two kingdoms. He had prophesied how Yahweh, not showing mercy to the Northern Kingdom of Israel, would withdraw His presence from them among the nations. He would make them Lo-Ammi, not My people, gentiles. This, He would not do to the Southern Kingdom of Judah.

This Davidic Kingdom, having been exiled under the jurisdiction of the Babylonian Empire, would not be declared Lo-Ammi. In their captivity, Yahweh would continue to speak to them through His prophets. This kingdom would maintain its circumcision status. This kingdom represented all Israel, for many of the righteous Israelites dwelling in the Northern Kingdom of Israel associated with the covenant of Jeroboam had maintained their allegiance to Jerusalem and the Temple and, prior to the judgment of Yahweh against this corrupt kingdom, had left the Northern Kingdom of Jeroboam, immigrating to the Southern Kingdom of Judah associated with the Davidic Covenant (see 2 Chr. 11:13-17; 15:9). This Southern Kingdom of Judah would continue to be instructed by the holy writings. Yahweh would continue to show His mercy to this Southern Kingdom of Judah, even returning it to the Land of Promise.

Now, Paul declares, the Southern Kingdom of Judah has hardened her heart against the voice of Yahweh speaking in the proclamation of the Gospel of Christ. This Cainite, Apostate Israel has stumbled against Yahweh’s stone of stumbling. Yahweh has made that stubbornness, that hardness, steadfast, even for the many circumcised-in-heart Jews remaining identified with the Jewish national commonwealth clinging to the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant for covenantal life and blessings. It is on behalf of these circumcised-in-heart Jews that the faithful remnant in Christ share in the sufferings of Christ.

As a result of the hardening of Apostate Israel, Yahweh has now extended His mercy, once again, to the Northern Kingdom of Israel, now represented by those among the gentiles who had not been searching for Yahweh, nor had been inquiring after Him. Having now been sent and hearing the proclamation of the Gospel by Yahweh’s commissioned servants, and having obeyed it, these Gentiles have received enthusiastically its message concerning the significance of Christ’s death, resurrection, ascension to the throne of David, and glorious exaltation in relation to the salvation of the nations, the reunification of the Southern and Northern Kingdoms, and the blessing of Abraham’s uncircumcised seed.

Yahweh has temporarily hardened the already hardened hearts of the elect Israelites among the apostate nation, those whose circumcised hearts are hardened due to the deception of the traditions and commandments of the pseudo, hireling shepherd-fathers of the exile, in order to show His mercy to the once Lo-Ammi Northern Kingdom of Israel. The Southern Kingdom of Judah will remain unfavored until the complement of the Gentiles (a people for Yahweh’s name from among the nations) enters into the New Born-From-Above Israel (Rom. 11:25; Gen. 48:19). At that time, Yahweh would open the blind eyes and melt the hardened hearts of those circumcised-in-heart Jews opposing Christ and the Gospel, as Saul of Tarsus had opposed Christ and the Gospel. At that time, soon to come, all Yahweh’s Israel would be saved (Rom. 11:26). Yahweh would have, then, shown His mercy to all the faithful elect seed of Abraham.

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The Remnant According to the Election of Grace, Romans 11:1-36

The Present Elect Remnant and Non-Elect Calloused Nation, Romans 11:1-6

Because Apostate Israel has hardened her heart against Yahweh’s voice, Yahweh’s Messiah, Yahweh’s Gospel, and Yahweh’s New Covenant; has Yahweh cast away His people? This could be concluded on the basis of Paul’s last citation of Isaiah, “The whole day I spread out My hands to a stubborn and contradicting people!” (Rom. 10:21 CV, quoting Isa. 65:2). However, Paul firmly denies the possibility of this conclusion. Yahweh has not cast away His elect people.

Paul, himself, is proof of this. Here again, he alludes to his own salvation on the road to Damascus. He had hardened (in blindness and ignorance) his heart against Yahweh. He had opposed Yahweh’s Messiah, Gospel, New Covenant, and New Nation. But Yahweh, seeing into his heart, had accounted him a faithful, though blind and ignorant, child of Abraham. Accounting him part of Abraham’s faithful seed, Yahweh had shown him mercy, revealing to him His glorious Son, Jesus the Messiah. Yahweh, in His appointed time, had opened his blind eyes and melted his hardened heart.

Perceiving with his mind and acknowledging with his heart the love and mercy of Yahweh in the face of Jesus the Messiah, Saul of Tarsus had immediately bowed the knee of his heart to his Lord, his King, and His Savior. He had previously hardened his heart in his blindness and ignorance, and, for a short time, Yahweh had made that hardness steadfast. But Yahweh is faithful to His word, to His promises made to Abraham and his legitimate seed. In spite of the blind and ignorant opposition of Saul of Tarsus, a legitimate child of Abraham, a circumcised-in-heart Israelite, Yahweh had remembered him; Yahweh had recognized him; Yahweh had acknowledged him; Yahweh had preserved him; Yahweh had redeemed him from his enslaved state of deceptive service to the lie of Apostate Israel:

For I also am an Israelite, out of Abraham's seed, Benjamin's tribe. God [Yahweh] does not thrust away His people whom He foreknew. (Romans 11:1b-2a CV)

The people who Yahweh “foreknew” are those whose hearts are circumcised. He foreknew only those He accounts as faithful children of Abraham. Not all Abraham’s biological seed who are circumcised in flesh are Abraham’s legitimate seed of promise. Only those Israelites circumcised in flesh and heart are accounted Abraham’s legitimate seed of faith.

Paul confirms this foreknown elect seed of promise to whom Yahweh extends His grace and mercy by referring the Jewish and Gentile Messianic sons of Abraham at Rome to the experience of Elijah (1 Kings, chapters 18-19). This great prophet of Israel had challenged the apostate nation’s joint-worship of Baal and Yahweh. Elijah had defeated the prophets of Baal in sacrificial combat. The people, obeying his command, put the sacrificing prophets of Baal to death. Yet, in spite of this miraculous revelation of Yahweh’s presence and power over Baal and his prophets, the nation continued its adulterous worship of Baal. Having fled in despair to Mount Sinai, Elijah complains to Yahweh against Israel,

Lord, Your prophets they killed; Your altars they dug down, and I was left alone, and they are presently seeking my soul. (Romans 11:3 my translation)

Paul rhetorically reminds his audience of Yahweh’s reply to Elijah,

I left to my interest seven thousand men who bowed not a knee to the image of Baal. (Romans 11:4 my translation)

Yahweh had preserved, protected, to His own elective interest, a faithful remnant whom He foreknew. These faithful children of Abraham continued to testify to the apostate nation. This faithful remnant would rescue others from the deceptive covenantal adultery of the apostate nation. Their faithful testimony and endurance of persecution in the midst of Israel’s abominable behavior would deliver and preserve the faithful, elect seed of Abraham in spite of the failure of the Cainite nation. Yahweh had faithfully preserved, protected His people then; He had continued faithful to the people He foreknew, the people He had accounted the legitimate children of faithful Abraham. He was presently faithful to His people during the present civil conflict between Apostate Israel and the New Born-From-Above Israel.

Paul then, concludes,

Thus, then, also in the present season there has come to be a remnant according to an election of grace. (Romans 11:5 my translation)

Yahweh has continued to preserve to His elective interest (purpose) a faithful remnant in the midst of an unfaithful nation. He is presently calling out this legitimate seed of Abraham from the midst of Abraham’s illegitimate seed. These faithful sons of Abraham are suffering persecution for the sake of the righteousness of Yahweh, the righteousness of the Gospel, the righteousness of Yahweh’s Anointed Son/King. They endure this persecution on behalf of those legitimate children of Abraham still enslaved under the deceptive lie of the apostate, pseudo, hireling shepherd-fathers of Apostate Israel. These blind and ignorant circumcised-in-heart children of Abraham are in the same condition in which Saul of Tarsus had been. Saul’s salvation is the pattern of their imminent salvation (1 Tim. 1:12-16).

The current salvation of Yahweh’s elect, foreknown people is according to His grace, and, so, no longer out of works of law:

But if this [salvation] is to the interest of [Yahweh’s] grace, it is no longer out of works [works required by the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant of law], otherwise, this grace is no longer coming to be [in accord with Yahweh’s previously manifested] grace. (Romans 11:6a my translation)

The ancient remnant of election during the time of Elijah (the Northern Kingdom of Israel) had been cut off from the cultic worship associated with Jerusalem and the Temple. These faithful children of Abraham could no longer produce the works of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant of law. They had been reduced to worshiping Yahweh in faith apart from the works of law. Thus, as Habakkuk had proclaimed of a people no longer having access to a righteous cultic system of worship, “but the just shall live by his faith” (Hab. 2:4b KJV).

Yahweh’s gracious mercy had preserved His elect people on the basis of their faith apart from the works of law. This had been true of those in the Northern Kingdom of Israel, as well as those in the Southern Kingdom of Judah at the time during which the Temple cultic worship had become an abomination in the eyes of Yahweh. This justification by faith had been the same justification of Abraham by which Abraham’s faith had been accounted for righteousness.

This righteousness was not the righteousness of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant of law. It was the righteousness of faith which requires faith-obedience. The faithful in Israel during the days of Elijah had been justified on the basis of their faith. Though they could not produce the works of law, they could, like Abraham, produce the faithful works of faith-obedience. They could keep Yahweh’s moral commandments, faithfully testifying to Yahweh’s Lordship, refraining from observing the cultic works of Baal worship, and suffering the persecution on behalf of the righteousness of Yahweh.

In the then present proclamation of the Gospel, the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant no longer was authorized to provide covenantal life and blessings. It had been superseded by the New Davidic/Abrahamic Covenant. Therefore, the righteousness out of works of law was no longer valid. The only valid righteousness of Yahweh was that associated with the faithfulness of Jesus the Messiah and the New Covenant. This was the righteousness of faith/faithfulness, the righteousness of the faith of Abraham accounted for righteousness.

Though the works of the law could and should be observed, these works could no longer provide a righteousness of Yahweh, a righteous covenantal relationship to Yahweh. Covenantal righteous relationship with Yahweh was now provided by the New Covenant alone. The Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant had become the graveyard of the dead. The elect people of Yahweh were being called out from the grave of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant into the life of the New Covenant. Thus, the people Yahweh foreknew, the elect, legitimate children of Abraham, were being called out of the apostate nation, Apostate Israel, into the faithful, righteous nation, the New Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh:

What then? What Israel [masculine, the old national man given life and death at Sinai] is presently seeking for [the righteousness of Yahweh which is the goal of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant], this [righteousness of Yahweh manifested in the faithfulness of Jesus the Messiah] he [Apostate Israel] did not encounter, but the election [the Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh, the New National Man in Christ] encountered it. But the rest [uncircumcised-in-heart apostate Jews and the still blind and ignorant, deceived, circumcised-in-heart Jews] were calloused [hardened]. According as it is written, “Yahweh gave to their apostate concern a spirit of slumber [anesthetic numbness], eyes so as not to be seeing, and ears so as not to be hearing,” till this very day. (Romans 11:7-8 my translation)

Israel, the Old National Man given covenantal life at Sinai, the Cainite Israel condemned to covenantal death as a result of his worship of the Golden Calf, clinging to the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant for covenantal life and blessings failed to encounter the righteousness of Yahweh testified to by that very same covenant. The Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant of law pointed to and was leading this elect nation to Jesus the Messiah. However, since Apostate Israel placed his confidence in the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant itself, instead of the One to Whom it had been pointing and to Whom it had been leading him, this Cainite nation arrogantly murdered and rejected the Anointed Son/King of Yahweh as Cain had arrogantly rejected the word of Yahweh and murdered his brother Abel.

Having already hardened his own heart, Cainite Israel had his heart steadfastly hardened by Yahweh in order for Yahweh to bless the nations (representing Abraham’s faithful uncircumcised seed and the previously Lo-Ammi Northern Kingdom of Israel). But within the deceptive clutches of Apostate Israel were the remaining Israelites of Yahweh. These also had been hardened by Yahweh until their appointed time, like Saul of Tarsus, to have their eyes mercifully and graciously opened and their calloused hearts mercifully and graciously melted, not out of works of law, but out of the grace of Yahweh through the faith accounted as righteousness. But, as David had accurately prophesied, the Cainite, apostate nation of Israel would come under the indignation of Yahweh Who was presently, according to Paul, in the process of executing His covenantal sentence of national death pronounced at Mount Sinai upon this stiff-necked and disobedient nation (Rom. 11:9-10).

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The Non-Elect Calloused Nation: Tripping and Rising, Romans 11:11-15

Hence, although the Apostate, Cainite Israel had stumbled against Yahweh’s stone of stumbling and was in the process of falling down under the death-crushing blow of the stone-become-Rock/Mountain, the elect, faithful Israel within the apostate nation had only tripped over the stone of stumbling. In blindness and ignorance this faithful remnant had tripped. She had not tripped in blatant, arrogant rebellion. She had been deceived. Thus, she had temporarily tripped over the stone, but mercifully and graciously Yahweh would prevent her from falling and being covenantally crushed.

Instead, her tripping would imminently awaken her from her deceptive slumber, causing her to behold her Lord, her King, her Savior. Being blind and ignorant, she had tripped over the stone, graciously being awakened in time to regain her balance, her composure, rising to behold Yahweh her gracious and merciful Elohim and His Anointed Son/King. Like Saul of Tarsus on the road to Damascus, this faithful Israel would in one glorious moment bow the knee of her heart to Yahweh and His Davidic Warrior-King:

I am asking, then, did they [these blind and ignorant, circumcised in heart, deceived, faithful children of Abraham] stumble [trip] in order that they should fall? May it not be coming to that! But the purpose of their slip-aside [paraptomati = aside-slip, deviation, lapse] is the salvation purposed for the nations with a view to the provoking of them [the deceived, circumcised-in-heart Jews] to jealousy. (Romans 11:11 my translation)

Those Jews, like Saul of Tarsus, have been allowed to trip over the stone of stumbling for a short time in order for Yahweh to fulfill His purpose among the gentiles. The Israel of Yahweh within the apostate nation (the deceived, circumcised-in-heart Jews like the former Saul of Tarsus) is an elect instrument or vessel of menial, common, dishonorable use. She is used by Yahweh to stir up affliction by which Yahweh would prove, test, try the faithfulness of both the Messianic Jews and Messianic Gentiles. By judging the message of the Gospel as a scandal against the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant, the Jewish National Commonwealth (within which the deceived, blind, ignorant, circumcised-in-heart Israel operated) justified the verdict of the spirit of Yahweh:

To you first was it necessary that the word of God [Yahweh] be spoken. Yet, since, in fact, you are thrusting it away, and are judging yourselves not worthy of eonian life, lo! we are turning to the nations. For thus the Lord has directed us: I have appointed Thee [Christ and those Jews in His Ecclestiastical Body] for a light of the nations; . . . (Acts 13:46b-47a CV)

This verdict had been in accord with Yahweh’s purpose revealed in Isaiah. Yahweh had intended to use the blindness of Israel. This had not been a last minute decision. Yahweh had not been surprised by Israel’s thrusting away His word. The nation’s blatant, arrogant opposition to the Gospel had been prophesied from its historical beginning at Mount Sinai. The deceived blindness and ignorance of the Israel of Yahweh within the Israel of The Adversary had been part of Yahweh’s counsel. This Israel would be temporarily kept blind and ignorant as an elect vessel of dishonor. Having fulfilled her purpose, she would be delivered from the deception which had caused her blindness and ignorance. The Israel of The Adversary, characterized as Cainish, was not blind and ignorant. This Cainite Israel had not been deceived. This apostate nation, like Cain, opposed Yahweh in blatant, hubristic arrogance.

It is not the fall of this hubristic, arrogant, apostate Israel which is used to bring about the salvation of the nations. It is the slip-aside of the deceived, blind, and ignorant Israel of Yahweh operating within Apostate Israel, as Yahweh’s vessels of menial/dishonorable usage, which brings about the salvation of the nations. It is the work carried out by Jews like Saul of Tarsus which fulfills Yahweh’s intended purpose. Their blind and ignorant excessive zealousness for Yahweh compels them to persecute the faithful Messianic Jews, who are perceived as blasphemous brothers. Consequently, as a result of this persecution, these Messianic Jews become those vessels of honor used by Yahweh to proclaim the Gospel to the gentiles. The success of the work of these over-zealous blind and ignorant Jews, deceived seed of the Woman, results in their being provoked to jealousy by these same faithful Gentile Messianics. Such divinely provoked jealousy would contribute to their own salvation. These vessels of menial dishonor would not be given over to indignation, but mercifully transformed into vessels of honor by the grace of Yahweh’s elective purpose provided for all the faithful children of Abraham (Rom. 11:11).

The vessels of dishonor, having prepared themselves for the destructive indignation which Yahweh prepared before for those unfaithful, uncircumcised-in-heart elect Jews, are those Jews belonging to Apostate Israel and clinging desperately and tenaciously to the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant for covenantal life and promised blessings. These Jews, stumbling against the stone of stumbling, fall and are crushed to covenantal death (the Second Death) by the stone-become-Mountain Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh’s Anointed Son/King, the gloriously triumphant, conquering New Davidic Warrior-King.

Apostate Israel has been doomed to destruction from the beginning of his history. The deceived seed of the Woman among this doomed Israel has always been a victim of the apostate nation. The deceived seed of the Woman are innocent sheep victimized by pseudo, hireling shepherds. They unintentionally become vessels of dishonor. But their hearts belong to Yahweh. In the then present day of salvation, Paul argues,

But if their slip-aside [their unintentional deviation as vessels of dishonor] is the wealth of a world-order [the new Abrahamic world-order of the New Davidic/Abrahamic Covenant] and their deterioration [opposition to the Gospel, thrusting away of salvation, the dying of the Second Death, the lack of the counter-alteration] the wealth of nations, how much more the sum when these unintentional vessels of dishonor are added as a completion of the Israel of Yahweh?! (Romans 11:12 my translation)

The unintentional slip-aside of these deceived vessels of dishonor means the wealth of the new Abrahamic world-order of the New Davidic/Abrahamic Covenant, because salvation is extended to the gentiles (the previously Lo-Ammi Northern Kingdom of Israel). This is the world-order promised to Abraham. This is the world-order he looked for in faith:

For not through law [the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant] is the promise to Abraham, or to his Seed, for him to be enjoyer of the allotment of the [before promised but now present] world-order [established by Jesus the Messiah, Abraham’s promised Seed], . . . (Romans 4:13a CV modified)

The unintentional deviation of this deceived Israel had contributed to the crucifixion of Jesus the Messiah, resulting in the establishment of the new world-order of the New Covenant. Under the terms of the New Covenant, there is no distinction between Jew and Greek for salvation. The deterioration of this deceived national vessel of dishonor, consisting of each vessel’s rejection of the salvation accomplished and offered, each vessel’s opposition as enemies of the Gospel, each vessel’s harmful experience of the Second Death (the death of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant), and each vessel’s lack of the counter-alteration, results in the wealth of the nations. By thrusting away from themselves the present salvation of Yahweh being proclaimed in the Gospel, and by persecuting their innocent, faithful brother, Joseph (Christ and His faithful ones), these deceived vessels of dishonor contribute to Yahweh’s intention of sending this Gospel of salvation to the nations in order to call out from among the nations a people for His name, even as Joseph’s brothers had contributed to the purpose of Yahweh:

And saying to them is Joseph, “You must not fear, for under the purpose of Elohim am I. And all of you, you devised evil against me, yet Elohim devised it for me for good, that it should work out as at this day, to preserve alive many people.” (Genesis 50:19-20 CV modified)

If their deviation (unintentional slip-aside due to blindness and ignorance) is the wealth of a new world-order and their deterioration (their severance from the national elective tree of covenantal life) the wealth (the salvation on equal terms) of the nations (the authorization of the proclamation of the Gospel of the Uncircumcision), how much more will be the glory of Yahweh, His Anointed Son/King, and the Born-From-Above Israel when these deceived vessels, no longer being deceived, are added to the sum total of the New Glorified Israel of Yahweh?! Not all those vessels making up Apostate Israel will be added to the Ecclesia, the Body of Christ. Only those deceived vessels whose hearts are circumcised. Yahweh will show these vessels of dishonor His mercy and grace. He will, in His imminently coming appointed time, open their blind eyes and melt their hardened hearts. Yahweh does this because He looks not only at the outward appearance, but also at the heart. Yahweh is both faithful and just. His salvation is not out of works of law, but out of His grace which accounts faith for righteousness.

In explaining this truth of the Gospel, Paul has the Messianic Gentiles especially in mind:

But I am speaking to the interest of you the nations in as much as, indeed, then, I, Yes I, am an apostle of nations, my ministry I am glorying, if somehow I should be provoking to jealously those of my flesh, and should be saving some [those whose hearts are circumcised] out from among them. (Romans 11:13-14 my translation)

Some Messianic Gentiles were coming to the conclusion that Yahweh had abandoned His people, the Jews. Some had concluded that the Messianic Gentiles were in the process of replacing the Jews as the holy people of Yahweh. From their point of view, the Jews had forfeited their elective prerogatives because of their unbelief.

Paul, however, understands the opposite to be true. The Messianic Gentiles have their elective place in the Israel of Yahweh. If Yahweh had abandoned Jewish Israel, then these Messianic Gentiles themselves would have no access to the gracious mercy and compassion of Yahweh’s present salvation. These Messianic Gentiles need to be reminded that salvation is of the Jews, as Jesus made clear to the Samaritan woman (Jn. 4:22). Since Yahweh has not abandoned His holy people, the Jews, Paul continues to concern himself with their salvation. Though he is aware of the condition of Apostate Israel, he is also aware of those Jews within the apostate nation whose hearts are circumcised, though, through the deception of the Cainites, they continue to oppose the Gospel in blindness and ignorance.

Paul understands that his apostleship to the nations also involves the provoking of some of the Jews to jealousy, resulting in their turning back to the truth of Yahweh their Elohim. Through the seductive deception of The Adversary, they have been led astray from their covenantal Shepherd. They have become deaf to the voice of Yahweh the Shepherd of Israel. But the blessing of the Messianic Gentiles will provoke many of them to jealousy, realizing that the blessings which these Messianic Gentiles now have are rightfully theirs (the Jews) by covenantal promise. Some (whose hearts are circumcised), through this divinely inspired jealously, will break the deceptive spell of The Adversary which has anesthetized their minds and hearts to the truth of the Gospel. This is the will, the purpose, of Yahweh. This purpose will not fail to produce the intended outcome. To this outcome Paul is glorifying, magnifying his ministry to the nations.

Paul concludes this section of his argument as follows:

For if their [temporary] casting-away is a counter-alteration of a world-order [the counter-alteration of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant by the New Davidic/Abrahamic Covenant, see 2 Cor. 5:16-19], what is their [the circumcised-in-heart Israelites within Apostate Israel] taking-back, if not life out from among dead ones [the completion of salvation out from the death of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant into the life of the New Davidic/Abrahamic Covenant]. (Romans 11:15 my translation)

The temporary casting-away of blind and ignorant Israel brought about Yahweh’s prophetic counter-alteration of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant (a covenant terminating in death and excluding uncircumcised gentiles) by the New Davidic/Abrahamic Covenant (a covenant providing immortal life and including the uncircumcised gentiles). The world-order of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant has now given way to the New Davidic/Abrahamic Covenant world-order. The world-order of the old covenant has been liberatingly counter-altered. That world-order had been designed for the guidance of men still in historical childhood. The world-order of the New Covenant had been designed for men entering into historical adulthood and maturity, men entering into mature sonship alongside Yahweh.

This altering process had not yet reached its conclusion. The taking-back by Yahweh of blind and ignorant Israel (those Israelites circumcised in heart, yet remaining under the deception of the pseudo-shepherds) would bring this altering process to its completion, the consummation of the Resurrection-life of Jesus the Messiah for His Ecclesiastical Body, the New Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh. This amounted to the salvation of all Israel (Rom. 11:26), entrance of the sons of Yahweh into their promised Celestial Allotment as the covenantal, metaphorical complement of Jesus the Only-Begotten Son of Yahweh, the only legitimate Son of Adam, the Son of Abraham, the Son of David. All those in Christ would become One New Man, One New Humanity, thus, representing life out from among dead ones, living ones resurrected out from among the dead ones of the old, Adamic humanity, a kind of firstfruit guaranteeing the future harvest of all mankind to the state of full sonship of the New Humanity.

As blind and ignorant elective Israel as vessels of menial dishonor had cast away from themselves the truth of the Gospel, resulting in the counter-alteration of the Sinatic/Mosaic world-order, so their taking-back, as a result of their reception of the truth of the Gospel, would terminate their usefulness as vessels of menial dishonor. This would result in the completion, the consummation of the corporate Resurrection-life of the New Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh. Thus, the salvation of all Israel-as- accounted-by-Yahweh would become a reality.

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The Two Olive Trees, Romans 11:16-24

Paul continues his explanation of the role of blind and ignorant Israel, the deceived, elect Israel of Yahweh still remaining within Apostate Israel, by the use of his analogy of the two olive trees. He first writes,

But if the firstfruit of the dough is holy [sanctified, separated for Yahweh’s use], so also is the kneading [the whole lump of dough]. (Romans 11:16a my translation)

The dough represents elect Israel. If the firstfruit of the dough (the first loaf of bread made from the larger lump) is holy, separated for Yahweh’s use, then, the whole lump of dough is holy. Holy does not necessarily mean morally or ethically pure. All the vessels used in cultic service were holy, but some by their very usage become unclean, being used for menial or common purposes. Some even become contaminated by their usage. Those contaminated, though still holy, must be destroyed.

Israel as Yahweh’s elect nation is holy. However, Israel consists of vessels of honor, vessels of menial dishonor, and vessels of contaminated dishonor. The vessels of contaminated dishonor within the then present Apostate Israel consisted of all those Jews uncircumcised in heart. These holy vessels needed to be destroyed. The vessels of menial dishonor needed to be cleansed. The holy vessels of honor were pure, clean, and uncontaminated.

Those Jews hearing the Gospel and believing upon hearing are likened to holy vessels of honor. Those Jews blind and ignorant, though possessing circumcised hearts, rejecting the Gospel upon hearing its proclamation, are likened to holy vessels of menial dishonor needing cleansing. Those Jews uncircumcised in heart who blatantly and arrogantly oppose the Gospel as children or sons of Cain are holy vessels of contaminated dishonor.

Paul’s first analogy of the lump of dough refers to Israel as Yahweh’s holy, elect lump of dough. In the present proclamation of the Gospel, the Messianic Jews are Yahweh’s holy firstfruit loaf of bread. The remaining holy lump consists of Jews circumcised in heart and Jews uncircumcised in heart. The uncircumcised-in-heart portion of the holy lump, being contaminated, will be separated and destroyed. The circumcised-in-heart portion of the holy lump, though unclean, will be purified and made into a complementing loaf of bread. Together, these two loaves will make up the holy, purified, saved Israel of Yahweh. This is Paul’s implied message in his lump of holy dough analogy.

His second analogy, not merely implied, but fully developed, is that of the two trees. He begins his analogy with the essential holy tree:

And if the root of the tree is holy, so also are the branches. (Romans 11:16b my translation)

The tree represents holy, elect Israel as Yahweh’s holy, elect, covenantal nation. Israel has been separated from the nations and drawn close to Yahweh for worship and service. The root refers to Abraham to whom the promises had been made. To Abraham also had been given the covenant of circumcision.

Abraham’s elect, circumcised seed would be placed under the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant. Under this covenant, the elect, circumcised seed of Abraham brought down upon itself the indignation of Yahweh. The Northern Kingdom of Israel circumcised seed of Abraham had been judged Lo-Ammi and scattered among the nations by the Assyrian Empire. This circumcised seed of Abraham became uncircumcised among the nations. The Southern Kingdom of Judah circumcised seed of Abraham had been exiled by Yahweh under the Babylonian conquest.

Thus, the one holy tree had become divided into two separate trees. The first becoming unholy, uncircumcised; the second, though remaining holy (circumcised), becoming cut down to a withered and dry stump though covenantally remaining alive and bearing branches, few of which produced fruit. Jeremiah wrote of the judgment of this tree:

The Lord [Yahweh] called your name, “A green olive tree, beautiful in fruit and form”; . . . And the Lord of hosts, who planted you, has pronounced evil against you . . . (Jeremiah 11:16-17a NASB)

Isaiah also wrote of the judgment of Judah’s tree:


I asked, “How long, my Lord?” And He replied:

“Till towns lie waste without inhabitants

And houses without people,

And the ground lies waste and desolate—

For the Lord [Yahweh] will banish the population— And deserted sites are many

In the midst of the land.

“But while a tenth part yet remains in it, it shall repent. It shall be ravaged like a terebinth and the oak, of which stumps are left even when they are felled: its [Judah’s] stump shall be a holy seed.” (Isaiah 6:11-13 NJPST)


But there had remained hope for such a tree, as Job had testified,


For there is hope for a tree,

When it is cut down, that it will sprout again,

And its shoots will not fail.

Though its roots grow old in the ground,

And its stump dies in the dry soil,

At the scent of water it will flourish

And put forth sprigs like a plant. (Job 14:7-9 NASB)


This dried up, withered stump, its root now having scented the living water of the resurrected Jesus the Messiah, had begun to come alive. The water of life of the New Covenant had reinvigorated the stump and its branches. The covenantal tree of Israel as represented by the holy tree of the Southern Kingdom of Judah had now begun to flourish. Christ as the Seed of Abraham had become metaphorically both the water of life and the root of the reinvigorated covenantal tree of Israel. This new Israel of Yahweh had become Born-From-Above, resurrected to life in one day.

In the process of this reinvigoration, some of the branches had been broken off. These branches consisted of those withered and dried up and those already dead. Those withered and dried up are those characterized as circumcised in heart. Those already dead are those characterized as uncircumcised in heart. Paul explains,

But if some of the branches were broken out, but you [singular, a bough from the wild olive tree containing many branches], being a wild olive tree [the Messianic Gentiles representing the Northern Kingdom of Israel, the now uncircumcised, unholy, uncultivated tree of Joseph/Ephraim], were engrafted among them [the natural, holy, pure, honorable branches, the Messianic Jews], and became joint-partaker of the root [Jesus the Messiah as The Seed of Abraham] and the fatness [wealth, the counter-alteration] of the olive tree [the holy cultivated olive tree of the Southern Kingdom of Judah], be not boasting on behalf of yourself [singular] against the natural, holy branches [the Messianic Jews remaining in the tree and the non-messianic Jews broken off from the holy tree]. But if you [singular] are boasting on behalf of yourself against them, remember, you do not bear the root, but the root bears you. (Romans 11:17-18 my translation)

The dead branches, by their blatant, arrogant opposition to Jesus the Messiah and the Gospel, had cut themselves off from the reinvigorating sap of life. As dead branches removed from the tree, they are soon to be gathered for destruction. The withered and dried-up branches, also opposing Jesus the Messiah and the Gospel, have also cut themselves off from having access to the reinvigorating sap of the New Covenant life. However, unlike the dead branches which had blatantly opposed Jesus the Messiah and the Gospel as a result of their uncircumcised hearts, these withered and dried-up branches oppose the truth of the Gospel in the state of deception. Having circumcised hearts, Yahweh will show them mercy in His soon-to-come appointed time. Opening their blind eyes and melting their hardened hearts, turning back to Yahweh and His Anointed Son/King, these circumcised-in-heart branches will be grafted back into the tree.

The Messianic Gentiles, as a result of the removal of these Jewish antimessianic branches, had, as branches in a huge, main bough of a wild olive tree, been engrafted into the cultivated (holy) olive tree. This huge, main bough of a wild olive tree (representing the former Lo-Ammi Northern Kingdom of Israel), as a collective unit containing a number of branches, had been engrafted into the cultivated olive tree (representing the Southern Kingdom of Judah), thereby gaining access to the life-giving sap of the New Davidic/Abrahamic Covenant of Jesus the Messiah.

Paul warns these Messianic Gentile branches not to be boasting against the Jewish natural branches, either those remaining in the tree or those having been removed out of the tree. The Messianic Gentiles are not to conclude that they are replacing Israel as the holy, elect people of Yahweh. They are not to conclude that Yahweh has forsaken His people, transferring His favor, His merciful grace, to themselves as gentiles. These Messianic Gentiles are not to boast in themselves, as though they are superior to the Jews (both Messianic Jews and non-messianic Jews).

Yahweh has removed Jewish branches because of their unbelief. He has engrafted Gentile branches within a huge, main bough of a wild olive tree because of their belief in the truth of the Gospel. As long as these Gentile branches continue faithfully in the truth of the Gospel, they shall remain in the cultivated olive tree of the New Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh.

The huge, main bough from the wild olive tree will remain engrafted in the cultivated olive tree. This is the work of Yahweh. This huge main bough will continue to bear branches. As long as these branches continue faithful to the truth of the Gospel, they shall remain in the cultivated olive tree. However, if these branches turn away from the truth of the Gospel, if they, too, cut themselves off from the life-giving sap of the cultivated olive tree, they also will be removed from the tree. Faithfulness to the end of the present covenantal conflict is necessary if one is to remain in the cultivated olive tree, the New Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh.

Paul reminds the Messianic Gentiles at Rome that they do not bear the root (Jesus the Messiah of Israel), but the root (Jesus the Messiah, the Seed of Abraham) bears them. Apart from Jesus the Messiah there is only covenantal death. One must remain in Christ in order to partake of the life of the New Davidic/Abrahamic Covenant. Remaining in Christ means walking in the newness of the corporate resurrection-life of Jesus the Messiah, continually walking in the operating power of the counter-alteration, walking according to The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus.

Hence, the Messianic Gentiles had become joint-partakers of the root of the cultivated tree of the New Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh. They were no longer uncircumcised citizens of the non-elect, unfavored nations. They were now Israelites, “fellow-citizens of the saints” (Eph. 2:19 CV), the Saints being the Messianic Jews, the natural branches of the cultivated, holy, new covenantal tree of the New Israel of Yahweh, the newly reinvigorated tree of the Born-From-Above Israel.

The Northern Kingdom of Israel, once a cultivated olive tree, had become Lo-Ammi, a wild olive tree planted among the nations. The individual Israelite members of this Lo-Ammi kingdom had been scattered as a result of Yahweh’s indignation against the Northern Kingdom’s covenantal adultery, her malignant abominations. Becoming not My people, this tree formerly cultivated by Yahweh became wild as a result of no longer being cultivated by Yahweh. This national tree had lost its former identity as Yahweh’s cultivated tree, Yahweh’s people cultivated by His covenant, His statutes and judgments, His testimonies and instructions, cultivated by the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant of law. In cutting out a huge, main bough of this wild olive tree, a bough bearing numerous branches prepared before by Yahweh for the reception of the Gospel (for example, Cornelius and his household, the Greeks in Antioch, and the uncircumcised gentiles participating in the Jewish synagogues), Yahweh began fulfilling His promise to reunite the house of Joseph/Ephraim (the Northern Kingdom of Israel) with the house of David (the Southern Kingdom of Judah).

This huge, main bough taken out of the wild olive tree, through the evangelization of the Apostle commissioned to the nations (Paul), continued to bear many branches representing the uncircumcised believers among the gentiles. These peoples had been prepared before by Yahweh for the proclamation of the Gospel of the Uncircumcision, thereby fulfilling the promise Yahweh made to Abraham concerning the blessing of the nations through The Seed of Abraham. Although uncircumcised, these branches became authentic, legitimate branches in the newly reinvigorated tree of Israel, the tree drinking from the living water of the New Davidic/Abrahamic Covenant. As branches engrafted among the natural branches of this holy tree, there was no longer a distinction between Jew and Gentile, circumcised and uncircumcised, Southern Kingdom and Northern Kingdom. Yahweh was taking for Himself a people from among Apostate Israel and a people from among the idolatrous nations, making of the two one New Nation, one New National Man (the New Born-From-Above Israel), one New Humanity (the new, generating Husband and Wife, Jesus Christ the Second Man, the Celestial Man and His Body, His Complement, His Ecclesia).

Anticipating the objection of some of those among the Messianic Gentiles, Paul continues to warn the Gentile Messianics at Rome against a false and deadly misunderstanding of the present rejection by national Israel (the Jewish National Commonwealth represented by the Temple cult and the synagogues in the holy land and among the nations) of her Messiah and the Gospel of Yahweh her Elohim:

You will be declaring, then, “Broken out were branches [Jews] in order that I should be engrafted.” Beautifully put! Because of their unbelief they were broken out, yet you [Messianic Gentiles] stand [are engrafted and remain engrafted] on the basis of faith/faithfulness. Be not haughty [regarding yourself too highly], but be fearing to your own welfare. For if Yahweh spared not the natural branches [Jews], neither will He be sparing you [Gentile Messianics if you do not continue walking by faith/faithfulness]! Perceive, then, Yahweh’s kindness and severity! Indeed, upon those who fall [as a result of unbelief], severity [removal from the tree, the Born-From-Above Israel]. But upon you [Gentile Messianics], Yahweh’s kindness, if you should be persisting faithfully in the interest of His kindness. Otherwise, you also will be chopped out [hewn from the tree of the Born-From-Above Israel, removed from being in Christ]. But they [those Jews removed out of the tree due to unbelief] also, if they should not continue to persist in unbelief, will be engrafted. For Yahweh is able [and willing] to engraft them again. For if you [the Gentile Messianics as a collective whole] were chopped out [hewn out] of the naturally wild olive tree [the Lo-Ammi Northern Kingdom of Israel representing the naturally uncircumcised nations] and contrary to nature were engrafted into a cultivated olive tree [unnaturally circumcised Israel (circumcision is an unnatural procedure), the Southern Kingdom of Judah], how much more will these [circumcised-in-heart Jews] who are natural branches [of the cultivated olive tree] be engrafted into their own olive tree! (Romans 11:19-24 my translation)

Some Messianic Gentiles had reached the conclusion that the Jews were being rejected by Yahweh in order to transfer His favor from them to the Gentile Messianics. This haughty attitude, if not checked, would result in a covenantally destructive hubris (a pseudo arrogant pride) among the Gentile Messianics akin to that of the apostate uncircumcised-in-heart Jews who were personally committed unswervingly to the abominable opposition of Apostate Israel to the New Born-From-Above Israel. Believing the Jewish branches had been removed from the favor of Yahweh in order to favor themselves, these Gentile Messianics were boasting self-righteously against the humiliated Jews. They perceived themselves to be superior to, to be worthier than, the inferior, worthless Jews who had prided themselves as being above all other peoples.

Paul refutes such a fleshly, soilish attitude. He concedes that the breaking off of the Jewish branches has resulted in the engrafting of the Gentile branches. But he reminds the Messianic Gentiles at Rome that the Jewish branches broken off had been removed because of their unbelief, not because Yahweh transferred His favor to the gentiles. Yahweh had continued to favor Israel, as evidenced by the presence of the Messianic Jews. This very presence and the fact that the Messianic Gentiles had been engrafted into Israel’s historical tree among the remaining natural Jewish branches proved that Yahweh had not transferred His favor to the gentiles.

The Jews removed from Yahweh’s favor, from Yahweh’s people, from Yahweh’s new, reinvigorated Born-From-Above Israel, had been removed as a result of their rejection of Jesus as Messiah, their blatant disobedience to the voice of Yahweh speaking to them in the proclamation of the Gospel. The Gentile Messianics had been engrafted into the covenantal tree of the new Israel on the basis of their faith, their belief in the salvation proclaimed to them in the Gospel. They had been engrafted into this New Covenantal tree because they had responded to the Gospel with the same kind of faith as Abraham had demonstrated. Like Abraham, the faith of these Messianic Gentiles had been accounted by Yahweh for righteousness.

But the erroneous attitude of some of them threatened to return them to their own debilitating self-righteousness, thereby being cut off from the righteousness of Yahweh manifested in Jesus the Messiah and revealed in the truth of the Gospel. Turning from the righteousness of Yahweh to their own haughty self-righteousness would result in their removal from the new, national, cultivated olive tree of covenantal life. The continued favor and righteousness of Yahweh required a life of faith/faithfulness to Jesus the Messiah and the terms of the New Davidic/Abrahamic Covenant to the consummation of the imminent Parousia of Jesus the Anointed Davidic Warrior-King. Paul, therefore, admonishes the Gentile Messianics at Rome, on behalf of their own welfare, to fear Yahweh and remain faithful to their vow of faith to Jesus the Anointed Son/King of Yahweh, for it is written, “For the Lord [Yahweh] shall judge his people” (Deut. 32:36a KJV) and, as the writer of Hebrews would testify, “Fearful is it to be falling into the hands of the living God!” (Heb. 10:31 CV).

Continuing his argument, Paul deduces that if Yahweh judged the natural branches (Jews) disqualified from remaining in His favor because of their unfaithfulness, He will certainly judge the unnatural branches (Gentiles) disqualified from remaining in His favor if they also become unfaithful to the truth of the Gospel. As the unfaithful Jews had been cut off from the grace and salvation of the new, invigorated, Born-From-Above elect, holy Israel of Yahweh, so also would the unfaithful Gentile Messianics be cut off from the grace and salvation of the New Born-From-Above, elect, holy Israel of Yahweh.

The Messianic Gentiles had been shown Yahweh’s kindness, His mercy and compassion, by proclaiming to them the Gospel of the Uncircumcision and accounting their faith for righteousness. But to those unbelieving, unfaithful Jews who had stumbled against the stone of stumbling, He had shown His severity by disqualifying them as citizens of His Israel. His severe judgment against them cut them off from the living water invigorating His Israel. While the new nation (the cultivated olive tree) flourished as a result of the counter-altering spirit of life, the Jews clinging to the old Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant (the dead branches and the withered and dried branches of the old nation) had been severed from Yahweh’s Israel, becoming covenantally old and decrepit, on the verge of being gathered for covenantal burning (enduring the destruction of the Second Death, the termination of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant of death).

Yahweh’s kindness shown to the Messianic Gentiles would continue only if they continued faithfully in faith-obedience to the truth of the Gospel as Abraham had continued faithful to Yahweh’s word of promise to the end of his life. It was possible for them to apostatize. If becoming apostate, as the uncircumcised-in-heart Jews, they also would be hewn out of the cultivated olive tree (lose their citizenship in the New Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh). Having graciously been placed in Christ, they would spurnfully be expelled from the elect, holy Body of Christ, being placed among the dead natural branches (uncircumcised-in-heart Jews, Apostate Israel) as previously holy but now contaminated branches suitable only for the soon-to-come judgment of fire.

In order to finally discourage the self-righteous, arrogant, haughty attitude of some of the Gentile Messianics, Paul confirms the humbling fact that those Jews who have been cut off from the new Israel because of unbelief will be grafted into the new Israel if they should repent of their unbelief, turning back to Yahweh and His Anointed Son/King. Indeed, this would be the near-future experience of all the presently deceived circumcised-in-heart Jews, blindly and ignorantly opposing Jesus as Messiah and the truth of the Gospel as Saul of Tarsus himself had done. Yahweh has not forsaken His people. He is both able and willing to graft them back into their own cultivated olive tree (into their own reinvigorated, recovenanted, elect, holy nation). If Yahweh’s mercy had chopped a main bough containing many flourishing branches out of the olive tree wild as a result of the natural condition of uncircumcision, how much more would be His mercy to the natural branches which had been discarded, even as Ezekiel had testified,

But if the wicked will turn from all his sins that he hath committed, and keep all my statutes, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall surely live, he shall not die. All his transgressions that he hath committed, they shall not be mentioned unto him: in his righteousness that he hath done [his turning back to Yahweh and His righteousness] he shall live. Have I any pleasure at all that the wicked should die? saith the Lord GOD [Yahweh, Elohim]: and not that he should return from his ways, and live? . . . For I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth, . . . (Ezekiel 18:21-23, 32a KJV)

The Gentile Messianics, as a collective whole (the huge, main bough of flourishing uncircumcised branches representing the uncircumcised seed of Abraham), had been hewn out of the naturally uncircumcised wild olive tree (the uncircumcised, uncovenanted nations, including the absorbed Lo-Ammi Northern Kingdom of Israel) and, contrary to the nature of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant (requiring circumcision), had been grafted into the cultivated (covenanted) olive tree of Israel (Abraham’s circumcised seed). If Yahweh had gone to such an extreme for the unnatural branches, how much more extreme shall be His merciful effort on behalf of the natural branches (those who have been deceived by The Adversary and his ministers, those who are presently enemies yet remain elect for the sake of the forefathers [Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob], those who oppose the truth only because of their blindness and ignorance, those whose hearts are circumcised, hence, those who belong to Yahweh)! Many of the opposing natural branches would be grafted back into the new cultivated olive tree, the New Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh’s mercy, Yahweh’s righteousness, Yahweh’s love.

The Gentile Messianics at Rome have been alerted to Yahweh’s kindness and Yahweh’s severity. They stand by faith under the warmth of Yahweh’s kindness. Those Jews, who have stumbled against the stone of stumbling and currently are staggering in unbelief, stagger under Yahweh’s severity. Those who have stumbled as a result of their uncircumcised hearts have fallen and will not recover from this fall (thus, broken out of the cultivated olive tree). Those who have stumbled as a result of their ignorance and blindness, possessing circumcised hearts, will temporarily stagger but regain their balanced standing (thus, broken out but grafted back into their own cultivated olive tree). The Gentile Messianics falling into apostasy have only Yahweh’s severity left to them. Having been cut out of the cultivated olive tree after having been so graciously engrafted contrary to nature, contrary to the nature of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant requiring circumcision, they shall not be grafted back into the cultivated olive tree. Indeed, it is a fearful thing, having despised Yahweh’s kindness, to fall into the hands of the severity of Yahweh.

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The Secret Concerning All Israel, Romans 11:25-32

That all Israel would be saved is the very secret which Paul had been in the process of revealing in his letter. He did not want the brethren in Rome to be ignorant of this marvelous truth. He writes,

For I am not willing for you to be ignorant, brethren, of this very secret [which has been under discussion], in order that you should not be victimized by your own conceits, that a temporary, partial callousness to the concerned Israel [those Jews belonging to Yahweh on the basis of their circumcised hearts] has come, until such time as the complement of the nations should be entering. And thus all Israel [the Israel accounted by Yahweh as Israel] will be saved, according as it is written, “Arriving out of Zion will be the Rescuer. He will turn away ungodliness [the callousness causing rejection of Jesus as Messiah] from Jacob [calloused, circumcised-in-heart Jews]. And this is My covenant on their behalf, whenever I should be taking away their sins.” (Romans 11:25-27 my translation)

A temporary, partial callousness (hardening of heart), due to blindness and ignorance caused by the deception of the pseudo, hireling shepherd-fathers, has come upon the unbelieving but concerned (zealous) circumcised-in-heart Israel of Yahweh. These circumcised-in-heart, yet still unbelieving, Israelites are numbered by Yahweh among those He is accounting as authentic Israel (see Rom. 9:6-8).

Yahweh has elected to make steadfast their partial callousness to Jesus and the Gospel until the time arrives when the complement of the nations (the complete number of Messianic Gentiles) enters into the New Born-From-Above Israel. This refers to the completion of the evangelization among the nations by the Apostle Paul and others who have been authorized to proclaim the Gospel of the Uncircumcision. The phrase complement of the nations alludes to the literal Hebrew text of Genesis 48:19 where Ephraim in the future is to become the fullness of the nations. The New American Standard Bible translates this passage as follows:

When Joseph saw that his father [Jacob] laid his right hand on Ephraim’s head, it displeased him; . . . But his father . . . said, . . . “his [Ephraim’s] descendants shall become a multitude of nations.” (Genesis 48:17a, 19)

The Hebrew word translated multitude in this passage is translated in the Greek Septuagint by the word plathos, a form of the Greek word used by Paul, plaroma, meaning fullness or complement.

Ephraim represents the Northern Kingdom of Israel which had become Lo-Ammi, not My people. Thus, Ephraim, as the Northern Kingdom of Israel, becoming Lo-Ammi and absorbed among the nations, literally became a multitude of nations. Ephraim prophetically became the fullness or complement of the nations when responding to the call of Yahweh heard in the proclamation of the Gospel of the Uncircumcision sent to the nations under the administrative office of the Apostle Paul, commissioned by Yahweh.

When the Apostle Paul would have completed his administrative commission among the nations, the time would have arrived for Yahweh to open the eyes and melt the hardened hearts of those Israelites remaining in unbelief due to the deception of The Adversary. These are the Israelites, circumcised-in-heart Jews, accounted by Yahweh as the faithful seed of Abraham. They remain within Apostate Israel for a season predetermined by Yahweh according to His elective purpose by which He would fulfill His promise to reunite the Northern Kingdom of Israel with the Southern Kingdom of Judah, thereby restoring the unity of the Davidic Kingdom, building again the covenantal house of David through Jesus the promised Son of David, the gloriously exalted New Davidic Warrior-King. By calling a people out from among the nations, Yahweh had also fulfilled His promise to Abraham concerning the blessing of the nations through his Seed, Jesus the circumcised Messiah of the Israel of Yahweh. This New Born-From-Above Israel consisted of both Abraham’s faithful circumcised seed, as well as his faithful uncircumcised seed.

When the Gentile mission of the Apostle Paul had been completed, the Ecclesia of Jesus the Messiah would be manifested in glory, signaling the already approaching Parousia of Jesus the Davidic Warrior-King. As a result of this manifestation in glory, the blind eyes and hardened hearts of the circumcised-in-heart Jews remaining seductively enslaved to the lie of Apostate Israel will have been opened and melted, resulting in their repentant return to Yahweh and belief in Jesus the Messiah. These, then, will be added (the natural branches, persisting no longer in unbelief, grafted back into the cultivated olive tree) to the number of already faithful sons of Abraham (both circumcised and uncircumcised branches already in the cultivated olive tree). Being added to the Body of Christ, they enter the New Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh. Together, these two groups form the Israel of Yahweh accounted by Yahweh as the national faithful seed of Abraham. Thus, all Israel, the legitimate Israel accounted, acknowledged by Yahweh, will be saved (Rom. 9:26b).

In Romans 9:26-27, Paul cites Isaiah (59:20-21) to confirm the fact that this event had been prophesied, although concealed as to its secret, literal fulfillment. Isaiah had declared that the rescuer of Yahweh’s Israel would arrive out of Zion, that is, out of the new, holy, heavenly Jerusalem. Jesus the Messiah would depart out of the Celestial Realm where He had been seated upon the throne of David and enter into the terrestrial heaven of the new, heavenly Jerusalem, the Ecclesia His Bride. Coming out of this metaphorical, new covenantal Zion (the heavenly Jerusalem, the Ecclesia His Bride), He would turn away the ungodliness of Apostate Israel by means of wrathful judgment, the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple made with hands, terminating the eon of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant. Many apostate Jews would be killed. Many others would be once again scattered in exile among the nations.

Jesus the Messiah as Yahweh’s rescuer arriving out of Zion would also turn away the ungodliness of blind and ignorant Jacob stained and humiliated by the abominable, shameful opposition to Yahweh during the prophesied time of Jacob’s trouble. In this dishonorable opposition, they had ignorantly participated to their shame, although deceptively seduced, not realizing they had been opposing the truth of Yahweh. As Rescuer of this deceived seed of the Woman within Apostate Israel (circumcised-in-heart Jews having a zeal of Yahweh, but not in accord with the Gospel of Christ, see Rom. 10:2), Jesus the Messiah would simultaneously begin to execute judgment against Apostate Israel while initiating the salvation of His circumcised-in-heart people blindly and ignorantly serving The Adversary while duped into remaining committed to the shameful, abominable cause of Apostate Israel. In opening their blind eyes and melting their calloused, hardened hearts, they would be enabled to perceive and acknowledge their sins, their shame, repentantly returning to Yahweh and His Anointed Son/King under the merciful and compassionate kindness of Yahweh Who looks not only on the outward appearance, but also into the heart. Such repentance is worthy of the forgiveness of sins provided by the terms of the New Davidic/Abrahamic Covenant of Yahweh.

According to Paul, in relation to the present proclamation of the Gospel, these seduced, blind and ignorant, circumcised-in-heart Israelites, are to be considered enemies of the Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh (Rom. 11:28). But as far as the election is concerned, they are to be considered beloved in accord with the promises made to the fathers (Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob). These Jews, whose hearts are circumcised and whose eyes are blind and whose minds are ignorant, are, nevertheless, faithful children of Abraham presently deluded by the lie of the real enemy, the sons and children of Cain within the apostate nation, the Israel after the flesh, the Israel uncircumcised in heart. This nation opposes Yahweh and Jesus the Messiah both in outward appearance and in heart. To this apostate nation belongs the vengeance of Yahweh. He will judge it in righteousness. The very Law of Moses which it tenaciously clings to will judge it. For this apostate nation has not even heeded the testimony of Moses and the prophets.

But until Yahweh executes His judgment, all circumcised Jews were to be treated as beloved because of the fathers, because of their part in Yahweh’s election. For only Yahweh could distinguish between those circumcised in heart and those uncircumcised in heart. Therefore, though all were to be considered enemies in relation to the Gospel, all non-messianic Jews were to be loved on account of Yahweh’s election of Israel. For all still had the possibility of repentance.

The deceived seed of the Woman (dwelling among Apostate Israel’s seed of the Serpent), the seduced-into-blindness-and-ignorance, faithful, circumcised seed of Abraham, will be separated from the unfaithful circumcised seed of Abraham. The uncircumcised-in-heart Jews have prepared themselves for Yahweh’s righteous vengeance. They have disqualified themselves from the promises made to the elect seed of the fathers. Yahweh’s promises associated with election are unchangeable. He remains faithful to those He accounts as faithful ones among the elect:

For unchangeable-in-purpose are the grace-effects and the calling of Yahweh. For even as you [plural, Messianic Gentiles, especially as representing the Lo-Ammi Northern Kingdom of Israel] once were stubborn to the interest of Yahweh, but now were shown mercy as a result of their [Apostate Israel’s] stubbornness; thus, also these [the blind and ignorant Jews of the Southern Kingdom of Judah whose hearts are circumcised] now were stubborn [kept blind and ignorant, calloused, hardened] in order that, as a result of the mercy shown to you [by the authorization and proclamation of the Gospel of the Uncircumcision], they also should be shown mercy [by Yahweh’s opening of their blind eyes and melting of their hardened hearts]. For Yahweh jointly-enclosed [imprisoned, locked-up together, delivered up to disobedience] the all [Abraham’s elect seed of promise, the Northern Kingdom of Israel and the Southern Kingdom of Judah] into stubbornness, in order that He should show mercy to the all [Abraham’s faithful children as accounted by Yahweh]. (Romans 11:29-32 my translation)

The promises (grace-effects, gifts, including Israel’s prerogatives) and calling of Yahweh are unchangeable. They are sure. Yahweh is neither capricious (whimsically changing his mind) nor unjust. Those He calls are always His elect ones. His promises, however, to these elect ones call for faith/faithfulness, faith-obedience, a circumcised heart.

The elect seed had been placed under the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant. This elect seed had split itself into two kingdoms as a result of unfaithfulness to Yahweh’s Law. Both kingdoms, due to their continued disobedience to Yahweh’s covenantal law, had been delivered up to their disobedience. Both kingdoms, becoming impersuadable by Yahweh’s Law and by Yahweh’s commissioned prophets, had been imprisoned, locked-up together in their stubbornness.

The Northern Kingdom of Israel had been made Lo-Ammi and had not been shown mercy, becoming absorbed by the nations after being taken into captivity by the Assyrian Empire. The Southern Kingdom of Judah, also failing to remain faithful to Yahweh’s covenantal law, had been given up to the Babylonian Empire. But Yahweh had shown her mercy, going with her into her captivity and continuing to speak to her through His prophets. Yahweh had shown the Southern Kingdom mercy on behalf of His covenant made with faithful-in-heart David. He had not shown mercy to the Northern Kingdom because of His covenant made with unfaithful-in-heart Jeroboam.

With the proclamation of the Gospel of the Circumcision to the Jews, Yahweh had continued to show His mercy to the Southern Kingdom of Judah. Many had believed this Gospel. But the apostate Jewish nation as a corporate cultic body had blatantly and arrogantly opposed the mercy of Yahweh extended to it through the ministries of John the Baptist and Jesus, and through the ministry of the Apostles commissioned by Jesus the exalted Messiah. Many others among this apostate nation, though circumcised in heart, were blind to and ignorant of the truth of the Gospel. This faithful elect, circumcised-in-heart-and-body (seed of Abraham) had been denied Yahweh’s mercy. He had left them in this calloused condition for a season. He had made their blindness and ignorance steadfast until His appointed time of mercy.

As a result of His denying them mercy, their stubborn impersuadableness to the truth of the Gospel resulted in Yahweh, once again, extending His mercy to the Northern Kingdom of Israel representing the nations and Abraham’s uncircumcised faithful seed. This mercy had been represented by the Gospel of the Uncircumcision, the commissioning of the Apostle Paul as Yahweh’s official apostle to the nations, and, thus, the calling out from among the nations a people for His name in accord with His elective promise to Abraham that He would bless the nations through Abraham’s seed. Yahweh had now been calling out from among the nations the faithful uncircumcised seed of Abraham whom Yahweh had been preparing over many years for the time when He would show them His mercy in the proclamation of the Gospel sent specifically to them, the Gospel of the Uncircumcision, that Gospel sent by Yahweh among the nations to call to Himself the faithful, uncircumcised seed of Abraham.

This mercy now shown to them would shortly result in Yahweh’s mercy being shown to Abraham’s faithful circumcised-in-heart-and-body seed left blind and ignorant within the apostate Jewish Commonwealth of the unfaithful circumcised seed of Abraham. Thus, Yahweh had imprisoned, locked up, delivered into disobedience the entire elect seed of promise in order that He should show the entire elect seed of promise His ultimate mercy revealed in the Gospel of Christ, which consisted of the Gospel of the Circumcision and the Gospel of the Uncircumcision. In the end, the entire faithful elect seed of promise, the entire faithful elect seed of Abraham as accounted by Yahweh on the basis of faith accounted for righteousness, would enter into the promised Celestial Allotment of the all, the entire faithful elect seed of promise. Hence, according to Paul, all Israel would be saved. This secret was sure because all Israel consisted of only those accounted by Yahweh as Abraham’s faithful seed of promise on the basis of the faith accounted for righteousness.

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The Inscrutable Judgments and Untraceable Ways of Yahweh, Romans 11:33-36

Paul concludes this section of the letter with a paean to Yahweh his Elohim, Israel’s Elohim, and the One, True, Living Elohim of humanity (all Adamic men and women under the verdict of the death common to all of them and, now, since the obedience of Jesus the Messiah, the Second Adam [Man], under the verdict of the life [immortal] common to all of them):

O, Yahweh’s depth of wealth, both of wisdom and knowledge! How impenetrable-to-investigation [inscrutable] are His judgments, and untraceable His ways! (Romans 11:33 my translation)

The depth of Yahweh’s wealth consists of His wisdom and knowledge manifested in His Only-Begotten (Generated) Son, Jesus the Messiah, the only legitimate Son of Adam, the Son/Seed of the Woman, the Son/Seed of Abraham, the Son of David. This wisdom and knowledge manifested in Jesus became through His life, death, burial, resurrection, ascension, and exaltation poured out richly upon Israel, the nations, and all Adamic humanity.

The wealth of Yahweh prepared for the Man made in His Likeness and Image (and the habitation created for this Man) had been hidden in Jesus His Only-Begotten and Anointed Son and revealed in the Adamic world-order beginning with the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem. Before the creation of Adam and his planetary habitation, Yahweh had already conceived and purposed His hidden wisdom and knowledge through which His intended wealth for humanity would be provided. Before the creation of Adam, Yahweh had preconceived His ultimate Man, His Son, His Only-Generated Likeness and Image. Adam had been a first, inferior model. The template in Yahweh’s mind after which Adam had been modeled had been Jesus Who would be at His birth Yahweh’s Only-Generated Son, in Whom and through Whom Yahweh would manifest and pour out upon all Adamic humanity the wealth of His wisdom and knowledge which had been concealed from all celestial and terrestrial beings, having been hidden in the mind of Yahweh.

This wisdom and knowledge began to be revealed to both celestial and terrestrial beings in a babe born to a common Jewish couple whose covenantally royal lineage had been hidden from Israel’s historical awareness and preserved by Yahweh for centuries. It would continue to be revealed in the midst of Israel during the childhood and adolescence of Jesus. The official presentation to Israel of this hidden wisdom and knowledge came when Jesus presented himself to John the Baptist to be baptized on behalf of all covenantal righteousness. After His death and exaltation, this wisdom and knowledge of Yahweh had been revealed and proclaimed in the Gospel of Christ.

Yahweh’s judgments in association with this hidden wisdom and knowledge had been hidden in His revealed word spoken by His commissioned prophets. These judgments had been impenetrable to investigation until He had chosen to reveal them to His elect servants. His ways associated with this hidden wisdom and knowledge, though leaving visible tracks within the holy Hebrew Scriptures, disappeared into the hidden depths of the revealed word, becoming untraceable until the appointed time for their manifestation. According to Paul, that time had come. All those in Christ now had access

to all the riches of the assurance of understanding, unto a realization of the secret of the God and Father, of Christ, in Whom all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are concealed. (Colossians 2:2b-3 CV)

This had come about as a result of the proclamation of the Gospel:

to bring the evangel [Gospel] of the untraceable riches of Christ to the nations, and to enlighten all [in Christ] as to what is the administration of the secret, which has been concealed from the eons in God [Yahweh], . . . (Ephesians 3:8b-9a CV)

The depth of Yahweh’s wealth intended for all Adamic humanity had been explained by Paul in chapter 5, verses 12 and 18, of this letter to the Messianic Jews and Gentiles in Rome. The depth of Yahweh’s wealth intended for Israel and the nations had just been explained in chapters 9-11. The entire epistle is Paul’s exposition of the wealth of Yahweh’s riches poured out upon all those in Christ, all those being accounted by Yahweh as the faithful seed of Abraham, the elect seed of promise, the all, of the salvation proclaimed in the Gospel, the all of the Israel of Yahweh. All Israel the elect, faithful seed of Abraham from among the circumcised Jews and from among the uncircumcised nations will be saved. All the faithful elect seed of Abraham will enter into the glories associated with the promised Celestial Allotment. And although the rest of Adamic humanity is excluded from this Celestial Allotment and its glories, all Adamic humanity, without exception, will be given, on the basis of the new verdict of Yahweh associated with the obedient act of Jesus the Messiah (obedient into justification of life in contrast with the verdict of condemnation associated with the deviating act of Adam), immortal life. Soulish/terrestrial humanity (Adam) will be transformed into spiritual/celestial humanity (Christ). Such is the cause of Paul’s paean to Yahweh the Elohim of all humanity.

Neither celestial nor terrestrial beings knew the mind of the Lord of all creation until He chose to reveal it. To whom is Yahweh a debtor? Neither celestial nor terrestrial beings have made Yahweh a debtor by giving Him something for which He must pay as an obligation of debt. All creation is in debt to Yahweh, and Yahweh has not failed to graciously pour out His riches upon those unable to purchase such riches. Hence, no being has advised Yahweh concerning His purposes. What Yahweh has purposed, no being can question, advise, or negate:

Because out of Him and through Him and into Him are all these things [concerning mankind, Israel, the nations, and the elect, faithful seed of Abraham]. (Romans 11:36a my translation)

The purposes of Yahweh manifested in and poured out through Jesus the Messiah come from and through Yahweh alone and accomplish His predetermined will according to His predetermined interest. Although Yahweh uses agents, He alone is the source, the medium, and the goal of all that which is accomplished in and through Jesus His Only-Begotten, Anointed Son. The all these things of Romans 11:36 does not refer to the cosmos, but to those things related in the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures concerning Adamic humanity, the planetary habitation of Adam’s progeny, the nation Israel, the nations, and the promised, elect, faithful seed of Abraham.

Consequently, Paul, the Jewish Apostle commissioned to proclaim the Gospel first to the Jews and then also to the gentiles, perceiving the faithfulness of Yahweh and the triumphant success of the Gospel, concludes his paean with the following verbal crescendo:

To Him be the Glory associated with His achievement accomplished in and through Jesus the Messiah into the coming eons [ages]! (Romans 11:36b my translation)

The glory of Yahweh associated with His achievement accomplished in and through Jesus the Messiah, His Only-Begotten and Anointed Son will continue to affect the course, not only of the then present eon about to be consummated, but also the following eons still to come. The then present Mosaic Eon was shortly to come to its predetermined end. The coming eon soon to supersede it would be the beginning of a long line of eons in the continued progression and creative exploration of the New Jesuic Humanity headed by Jesus Christ, Yahweh’s perfected Celestial Man.

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The Eschatological Significance of Romans, Chapters 12-16

Eschatological Sacrifice: Present Your Bodies A Living, Holy Sacrifice, Romans 12:1-8

Paul now encouragingly exhorts the Messianic Jews and Gentiles at Rome to appropriate the truth of the Gospel in their concrete daily conduct. His exhortation begins with a call to eschatological sacrifice. The Parousia of Jesus the Messiah is near at hand. The time of Jacob’s trouble is not far off. The severe persecution and affliction prophesied by Jesus is shortly to begin. For those faithful to the consummation of this spiritual conflict, Satan, The Adversary, would be swiftly crushed beneath their feet (Rom. 16:20):

I am encouraging you, then, brethren, through the compassions of Yahweh, to present your bodies a living, holy sacrifice [consecrated, set apart for special use by Yahweh], well-pleasing [acceptable] to Yahweh, your logical priestly service [according to your participation as priests in Yahweh’s Kingdom of priests and to the sound mind of Christ which should now be your mind as renewed by His spirit]. And be not conforming yourselves to the interest of this eon [age], but be transforming yourselves through metamorphosis [the metamorphosis of the counter-alteration] according to the interest of the renewing of your mind [by the spirit in order to come into accord with the mind of Christ] for you to be proving-by-testing [in your daily conduct] what is the skillfully-good, even well-pleasing [acceptable] and maturing will of Yahweh. (Romans 12:1-2 my translation)

All those in Christ, as a result of the compassions of Yahweh, form a new spiritual priesthood. The Messianic Jews supersede the Aaronic Priesthood, while the Messianic Gentiles supersede the Levitical Priesthood. All in Christ are a new creation, a new priesthood after the order of Melchizedek. This new creation is a nation of priests. Each is to offer his body a living, holy sacrifice acceptable to Yahweh on the basis of the terms of the New Davidic/Abrahamic Covenant.

Under the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant each Israelite was to offer up to Yahweh an animal sacrifice. This sacrifice was to be slain and offered up through the mediation of the priests. In Christ, each one is put to death through Christ’s crucifixion and burial. Each also shares in His resurrection out from among the dead. Hence, each as roused and resurrected to new life is to present, offer, consecrate, his counter-altered living body to Yahweh as a living sacrifice, a new creation, a new priest serving Yahweh under the terms of the New Covenant.

Hence, in Christ, each one is a priest consecrating to Yahweh his roused and resurrected body. Each one is simultaneously the holy offerer, the priestly-mediator, and the sacrifice. This sacrifice is much more well-pleasing to Yahweh, since it is a living sacrifice, not a dead sacrifice. The New Covenant not only supersedes the old covenant, it is also far superior. It is a covenant of life, rather than a covenant of death. Its priests are consecrated with the blood of the living Christ, not the blood of dead animals. Thus, each one in Christ is to present his roused and resurrected living, counter-altered body to Yahweh as a living sacrifice fit to serve Yahweh in body and mind. Each is to serve Yahweh during the then present covenantal conflict in accord with his new logical priestly service based upon the terms of the New Covenant.

This service is logical, rational, because it is in accord with the sound mind of Christ Who had previously given His disciples a new commandment in order that they love one another. The new commandment which would result in their loving one another according to the terms of the New Covenant is the commandment to lay down one’s soulish life for one’s brethren (Jn. 15:12-13; Jn. 10:17-18). Here is the rational command which demands the presentation of one’s soulish body as a living, holy sacrifice. This is the mind of Christ which He obediently carried out in accord with Yahweh's commandment:

Let this thinking [mind] be in the sphere of your interest which also is in the interest of Christ Jesus . . . He humbled Himself having become obedient unto death, even the death of a cross. (Philippians 2:5, 8b my translation)

In Christ, he that saves his soul loses it. He that loses his soul by suffering on behalf of righteousness saves it (Matt. 16:24-25; Mk. 8:35). These sufferings are on behalf of the salvation of all Israel, the circumcised and uncircumcised faithful seed of Abraham, the seed of Yahweh’s election, the children Yahweh accounts as Abraham’s faithful seed of promise, the seed of Abraham making up the Israel of Yahweh, the New Born-From-Above Israel.

This mind of Christ should be the mind of the Messianic Jew and Messianic Gentile as renewed by the counter-altering spirit. The thinking of this mind refuses to conform to the interest of the then present eon, the Mosaic Eon, during which Israel has priority over the nations on the basis of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant. During this eon, Israel as a collective, corporate nation had failed to obey Yahweh’s covenant, and the nations had failed to repent of their disqualified minds. Conforming to the present Mosaic Eon meant conforming to the terms of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant rather than the terms of the New Covenant and conforming to the disqualified mind of the flesh appropriated by both Israel and the nations in spite of the light of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant. Thus, the interest (concern) of the Mosaic Eon had to do with the terms of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant which had been superseded by the terms of the New Davidic/Abrahamic Covenant.

The interest of the mind of Christ is in accord with the terms of the New Covenant. This mind refuses to conform itself to the soulish/soilish mind of the flesh under the deceptive seduction of The Law of Sin and Death. The mind of Christ is in the process of transforming the mind and body, through the counter-altering spiritual metamorphosis of the spirit of Yahweh/Christ, from the soulish/soilish life to the soulish/spiritual life of the renewed mind and counter-altered body of The Law of the Spirit of Life. This mind calls for the loving of one’s brethren and one’s neighbors. This means bearing their infirmities and enduring their persecutions due to either blatantly arrogant opposition or opposition due to blindness and ignorance.

Losing one’s soul means the loving acceptance of sensual suffering (suffering experienced through the five senses) on behalf of the welfare of one’s brethren and neighbors. It means loving one’s enemies during the eschatological civil war between Apostate Israel and the New Born-From-Above Israel, which would soon separate the children of Abel from the children of Cain, the children of Yahweh from the children of The Adversary, the children of Israel from the children of Jacob. All those in Christ are to be proving-by-testing in their thinking and behaving the skillfully good will of Yahweh associated with the terms of the New Covenant, the truth of the Gospel, which is now well-pleasing to Yahweh, expressing the acceptable thinking and behaving associated with the maturity of sonship.

The logical priestly service in Christ demonstrates the maturity of the new status of sonship now a reality in Christ and through His counter-altering, indwelling spirit. This counter-alteration is a metamorphosis taking place in the darkness of the death of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant wherein the Messianic Jews and Gentiles share in the death and sufferings of Jesus the Messiah while sharing simultaneously in His resurrection life, the counter-altered life imminently resulting in the final, completed resurrection, the metamorphosis out of the soulish/soilish cocoon of death into the spiritual/celestial allotment of Celestial Life. This logical priestly service is contributing to the salvation of all Israel.

Jesus the Messiah had demonstrated this logical priestly service of a living, holy sacrifice well-pleasing to Yahweh. He had demonstrated in His concrete daily life love for Yahweh and love for neighbor. He had demonstrated Yahweh’s compassion, mercy, and justice. He had kept the essence, the spirit of the letter of the law written on the heart. He had borne the hatred and animosity of His enemies in order to achieve their spiritual welfare. He had obeyed His Father and Elohim, Yahweh, on behalf of the salvation of all Israel and the salvation of all Adamic humanity. He had achieved both purposes in His life and His death.

As a rabbi of Israel, Jesus had administered righteously the mercy, compassion, and justice of Yahweh’s Law. He had appropriately rendered just judgment, applying the spirit of the letter of the law to the specific circumstances of each specific case brought before His authoritative judgment. His judgment sought both justice and mercy. Yahweh does not take pleasure in the death of the sinner. He seeks the sinner’s repentance in order to reinstate the sinner to his rightful covenantal status, thereby being restored to the enjoyment of covenantal blessings.

In the case of the woman caught in adultery, Jesus had taken into account the hypocritical sin of her accusers and the unrighteous social and religious circumstances which had driven this woman into sin. He neither condoned her sin nor the sin of her accusers. He had accurately diagnosed the sin of each participant in the judicial process, providing ample opportunity for each to repent and return to the righteousness of Yahweh’s Law. His judgment had been just and merciful. His judgment had sought the covenantal welfare of all the litigants involved in the lawsuit. He had concretely manifested Yahweh’s love for the sinner while operating within the righteous appropriation of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant. For this righteous judgment He would receive hatred and persecution from the ruling elite of Judaistic society and religion. In spite of this hatred and persecution, He continued to extend to those enemies His love and the love of His Father. He continued to seek their covenantal welfare, even unto the death of a cross. Vengeance belongs to Yahweh. Both John the Baptist and Jesus had warned the nation of the coming judgment. Both extended to the people ample opportunity to repent and return to the righteous ways of Yahweh contained in the Sinatic/Mosaic Law. The Apostles of Jesus continued to extend this compassionate mercy of Yahweh in their proclamation of the Gospel of Christ.

Paul is no exception, as clearly indicated in this letter to the Messianic brethren at Rome. They are encouraged to present their bodies a living, holy sacrifice for Yahweh’s use in His salvation of all Israel, even as Jesus their Lord had done during His terrestrial ministry. They are to be transformed through the metamorphosis of the counter-alteration and the renewal of their minds, being conformed, not to the Mosaic Eon and its ruling covenant, not to the mind of the flesh, but to the rule of the New Covenant, to the mind of Christ, the mind of the new creation in Christ, the renewed mind of the counter-altered soulish/spiritual man conforming himself to the death and resurrection of Jesus the Messiah (see Phil. 3:4‑12).

The mind of Christ is the mind of the national, corporate Body of Christ. Paul encourages all the Messianic brethren in Rome not to be thinking arrogantly, whereby some consider themselves superior to others. The Jewish Messianic is not to humiliate the Gentile Messianic. The Gentile Messianic is not to disrespect the authority and knowledge of the Jewish Messianic. The Jewish Messianic is not to despise the gentiles to whom the Gospel is being sent by the authority of Yahweh. The Gentile Messianic is not to despise those Jews unconvinced by the Gospel.

All the Messianic brethren are to consider all the unconvinced and opposing Jews as beloved brethren because of the fathers, because they remain dynamic participants in Yahweh’s covenantal election. Only Yahweh is able to read the heart. Only Yahweh is able to distinguish the faithful seed of Abraham from the unfaithful seed. Only Yahweh’s accounting of those fit to be incorporated into the New Born-From-Above Israel has any authority. Therefore, until Yahweh separates the false from the true seed of Abraham, all Jews would be considered beloved brethren (Rom. 11:28). As Jesus, in His love, had borne the hatred and persecution of many Jews who had opposed Him and His teaching, so also should all those in Him bear, in their love, those Jewish brethren who continue to remain unconvinced or opposed to Jesus the Messiah (see Rom. 12:21).

In the one covenantal/spiritual Body of Christ there are many members, each member having a distinct function. Though those distinctions vary, each member is a vital part of the one Body. Therefore, each member is to honor and seek the welfare of the Body as a whole. No member is to be despised, humiliated, ill-treated, or abused. Each is to be loved, appreciated, honored for his distinct function in contributing to the welfare of the Body as the corporate Israel of Yahweh. No individual member (or members) is to promote his own importance at the expense of others. No individual member is to arrogantly exalt himself over any other member, thus treating the other as socially inferior. This applies to any subgroup within the Body.

The Body of The Christ as the living, holy, elect nation of Yahweh must be unified. There must be harmony among all the members of the one Body. Any corrupting member or members would be removed from the Body by Yahweh, thereby becoming a contaminated member (vessel) necessitating his destruction, his expulsion from the one, holy Body. Paul refers to this One, Holy Body as “we, the many” (Rom. 12:5, literal Greek), alluding to chapter 5:15, “the many died,” “the many superabounded”; and to 5:19, “the many were constituted sinners,” “the many shall be constituted just” (CV). For Paul, the many always refers to the one, holy, elect community of Israel.

For any member to be scorned as a result of being perceived inferior in wealth and/or honor is to be conformed to the then present eon, the Mosaic Eon consisting of the Jewish Commonwealth riddled with social and religious stratification which has been scorning and excluding many members perceived as socially and religiously inferior on the basis of a distortion of the Sinatic/Mosaic Law, as well as the nations (the gentiles) operating in accord with a distorted system of honor and shame produced by a disqualified mind as perceived by Yahweh. Considering some gifts or ministries of the spirit as inferior or shameful in contrast to those perceived as superior or honorable is the product of the mind of the flesh. This mind despises and corrupts the One Holy Body of the Christ. Such service is contrary to the logical priestly service of the member who presents his body a living, holy sacrifice for Yahweh’s holy use in the salvation of all Israel (circumcised and uncircumcised). Service according to the mind of the flesh denies the death and resurrection of Christ. Authentic service conforms to the truth of the Gospel, the terms of the New Davidic/Abrahamic Covenant signaling the already then present power of the new eon soon to be arriving.

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Eschatological Love: Conquer Evil With Good, Romans 12:9-21

The mind of Christ is to concretely express the love of Christ. This love especially suits the eschatological character of the then present season during which the Mosaic Eon was approaching its consummation. The eschatological love characterizing all those in Christ requires the sacrificial offering up of one’s soul (the suffering of the five bodily senses borne on behalf of the righteousness of the Gospel). This love will demonstrate the constitutional terms of the Emancipation Proclamation of Jesus (see also Matthew, chapters 5-7). This emancipation proclamation has now become, for the Messianic brethren living in the eschatological days of the Mosaic Eon, the constitutional law of the New Davidic/Abrahamic Covenant of the New Davidic Kingdom. This is the Law of Yahweh now written on the heart of those in Christ by the spirit of Yahweh/Christ. According to Paul,

The love [characteristic of Christ and all those in Him] is without hypocrisy, abhorring the malignant, holding-fast [tenaciously cleaving to] the interest of the skillfully-good [constitutional laws of the New Covenant], the interest of tenderly-affectionate brotherly-embracing of one another, the interest of the honoring which takes the lead in rendering honor to one another, the interest of the diligence which is not lazy [slothful], activating the interest of the [counter-altering] spirit, slaving for the Lord, rejoicing in the [eschatological] expectation [the consummation of the Parousia of Jesus the Messiah], enduring the coming tribulation [affliction], persevering in prayer, distributing to the needs of the saints [Jewish Messianics, especially in Jerusalem and Judea], pursuing hospitality. (Romans 12:9-13 my translation)

This eschatological love rejoices confidently in the soon-to-come Parousia/Approach of Jesus the Messiah, the consummation of which results in the entrance into the promised Celestial Allotment. Having this sure expectation, this eschatological love gladly endures the affliction on behalf of the righteousness of the New Davidic Kingdom and the soon-to-come great tribulation resulting from the official outbreak of civil war (the official separation of the New Born-From-Above Israel from Apostate Israel) at the inauguration of the Jewish revolt against Rome. Thus, this eschatological love fulfills the Law and the Prophets by carrying out the constitutional law set forth in the Emancipation Proclamation of Jesus the Messiah made during His terrestrial ministry. This love written on the heart by the spirit of Yahweh fulfills the purpose of Yahweh recorded in Exodus 19:3-6.

This love manifested by the Messianic Jews and Messianic Gentiles is to bless those who persecute, rejoice with those rejoicing, lament with those lamenting. This love calls for being mutually disposed to one another. This love abhors arrogant superiority and intellectual snobbery. It emotes spiritual humility and meekness. It does not render evil for evil. It seeks peace with all men (Jew, Greek, Barbarian, wise, unwise). It does not seek to avenge itself. It leaves vengeance to Yahweh, the righteous and compassionate judge. It conquers evil with the skillfully good truths of the Gospel of Christ, the skillfully good constitutional principles of the New Davidic/Abrahamic Covenant of the New Restored Davidic Kingdom of Jesus the Anointed Davidic Warrior-King:

But “If your enemy should be hungering, give him the morsel; if he should be thirsting, give him to drink; for in doing this you will be heaping embers of fire on his head.” Be not conquered by [the present eschatological] evil; but conquer this evil with the good [of the Gospel]. (Romans 12:20-21 CV)

This exhortation implementing the Emancipation Proclamation of Jesus pertained primarily to those in Christ enduring the sufferings, afflictions, and persecutions of the eschatological consummation of the Mosaic Eon. The principles expounded in the Emancipation Proclamation of Jesus were not meant to be taken out of their eschatological context and appropriated as universal principles to be implemented in all historical periods and circumstances. The Emancipation Proclamation of Jesus obeyed by those in Him during the eschatological days of the Mosaic Eon was designed for the New Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh, a holy nation of priests, which nation did successfully implement the principles of the Emancipation Proclamation of Jesus. No other nation or people has been authorized by Yahweh to implement this constitutional system of law (see Matthew, chapters 5-7), though many of its principles can and should be appropriated by the peoples of the present nations of our contemporary world.

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Eschatological Subordination: Indignation and Conscience, Romans 13:1-10

As the Emancipation Proclamation of Jesus is designed for and applicable to the nation of Israel (the Jewish Commonwealth centered in Jerusalem and spread throughout the territories of the Roman Empire), so the Jewish and Gentile Messianics are to understand themselves as participants in the affairs of this nation. They are, therefore, to subordinate themselves to the Jewish authorities in the synagogues and those cultic authorities in Jerusalem. These authorities have their authorization from Yahweh Who has remained among them throughout the duration of their exile.

Synagogue worship and service had been developed as a result of the Babylonian exile. The Messianic Jews and Gentiles are to perceive themselves as righteous citizens of Israel: the holy, elect nation of Yahweh. They would continue to participate in the worship and service of the Jewish synagogues as faithful citizens of Israel as long as they were not expelled by the Jewish authorities. These Jewish authorities, even those not receiving the truth of the Gospel, are to be treated as beloved brethren for the sake of their election by Yahweh, “For irrevocable are the graces [gifts] and the [elective] calling of Yahweh” (Rom. 11:29 my translation). The non-messianic Jewish authorities are enemies in relation to the Gospel, yet “beloved because of the fathers [Abraham, Isaac, Jacob] (Rom. 11:28b CV).

These non-messianic Jews continue to have the opportunity to repent and believe the Gospel (thus, dynamic status rather than static). Only Yahweh knows the hearts of these Jews. It is still the day of salvation: “Lo! Now is a most acceptable era! Lo! Now is a day of salvation!” (2 Cor. 6:2b CV). The day of Yahweh had not yet arrived. The coming judgment, though imminent, had not yet been implemented. There is still time to repent. Therefore, these Jewish brethren, though unconvinced of the truth of the Gospel and, in the case of some, even zealously opposed to the Gospel (as Saul himself had been), are to be extended the love of Yahweh expressed by Jesus the Messiah for His people.

Many of these Jews are presently stumbling against the stone of stumbling, but not all will fall and be crushed under the weight of the destructive judgment of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant. Many would come to believe into Jesus as Yahweh’s Messiah, especially those most zealously opposed to the Gospel for the sake of the fathers. These, because of their circumcised hearts, persecute most ferociously that which they sincerely and unhypocritically (in their blindness and ignorance) perceive to be covenantal blasphemy against Yahweh and Israel. Yahweh would graciously open their blind eyes and enlighten their understanding in His appointed time, even as He had done to Saul of Tarsus.

Therefore, the Jewish Messianics are to be zealously obeying the Law of Moses as a testimony to their fellow-Jews and as a fulfillment of the Law and the Prophets. The Messianic Gentiles are to obey the Noahic commandments applicable to all gentiles dwelling within the nation of Israel, even as the Messianic community in Jerusalem, under the rule of James, had concluded, as recorded in Acts 15 (the apostolic decree). In Christ, these Messianic Gentiles are joint-citizens of the Saints (circumcised Jewish Messianics), but in the apostate Jewish Commonwealth, they are required to humble themselves and subordinate themselves to the Jewish authorities in the synagogues who may not as yet have recognized Jesus as Messiah. The Jewish cultic authorities are to be respected and honored as Yahweh’s appointed authorities responsible for the welfare of the people. The Messianic Jews and Gentiles are not to seek vengeance against those authorities who oppose Jesus and the Gospel. Vengeance belongs to Yahweh. He will avenge His dishonor in His own determined, imminent time.

In the meantime, the Messianics are to imitate the mind and behavior of Jesus, Paul, and David (when David refused to rise up against King Saul who lawlessly sought David’s life). Jesus had respected and honored the Jewish authorities as Yahweh’s anointed authorities, even while challenging their erroneous policies and false teachings, their own traditions and commandments which had negated the commandments of Yahweh. When the authorities seized Him, Jesus submitted Himself to their authority, leaving vengeance to Yahweh while manifesting the gracious mercy and compassion of Yahweh, even for Yahweh’s disobedient, authorized authorities.

Paul, appearing before the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem, defending his innocence, had declared, “Men! Brethren! I, in all good conscience, have used my [Jewish] citizenship for Yahweh until this day” (Acts 23:1b CV modified). Upon hearing these words, Ananias, the High Priest, orders his servant to slap the mouth of Paul. In response to this unlawful act, Paul replies prophetically, “Yahweh is about to beat you, whitewashed wall! And you are sitting to judge me according to the law, and illegally are you ordering me to be beaten!” (Acts 23:3 CV modified). Paul had spoken the truth. But he had not been aware that he had been speaking to the High Priest. Being informed, he immediately humbled himself, apologetically subordinating himself to the honor due Yahweh’s High Priest, “I was not aware, brethren, that he is chief priest. For it is written that, ‘of your people’s chief you shall not be declaring evil’” (Acts 23:5b CV). Paul maintains this principle during his defense before Felix: “In this, I am exerting myself also, to continually have a conscience which is no stumbling block toward Yahweh and the men of Israel” (Acts 24:16 CV modified).

Paul obeyed the Mosaic Law and rendered to the cultic and synagogue authorities of his nation the honor due them according to the Law of Moses. David, himself, having been anointed by Samuel as Yahweh’s Anointed One to whom Yahweh would give the kingdom, practiced this same principle. When fleeing from the unrighteous persecution of King Saul whom he had served and continued to serve according to the righteousness of the law, he had gained an advantage over Saul and could have slain him. However, David refuses to do so, declaring,

Yahweh forbid that I should do this thing unto my master, Yahweh’s anointed [Messiah], to stretch forth mine hand against him, seeing he is the anointed of Yahweh. (1 Samuel 24:6 KJV modified)

The Jewish and Gentile Messianics in Rome are to worship and serve Yahweh in the synagogues together with their fellow-Jews. They are to dwell together in peace with all Jews worshiping and serving Yahweh in the synagogues. They are to continue to do this until cast out of the synagogues by the synagogue authorities. If they behaved themselves righteously, these authorities were no threat to them.

The responsibility of these authorities is the covenantal welfare of the people of Yahweh. This meant securing the righteous implementation of the Law of Moses. When these authorities no longer implemented the righteousness of the law, forcing the righteous Messianics out from the midst of the synagogues, then, and only then, would these Messianics be free from their obligation to dwell within the Jewish Community, sharing with this community of Yahweh the truth of the Gospel. Thus, they all are obligated to love their Jewish non-messianic brethren in accord with the Law of Moses and to honor the synagogue authorities by righteous subordination to their Yahweh-authorized authority. If this results in persecution, affliction, humiliation, or ridicule, they are to suffer such unrighteous treatment for the sake of Jesus and the righteousness of His Kingdom, all the while seeking the spiritual welfare of all their Jewish beloved brethren.

The community, the nation, in the eyes of Yahweh, is one unified nation, in spite of the present division which would soon break out into blatant civil war. The civil war is not to be caused by the unrighteous thinking and behavior of the Messianic Jews and Gentiles. By remaining faithful to Jesus the Messiah and the truth of the Gospel, the unrighteous civil war would be the result of the stubbornness and disobedience of the Jewish Commonwealth when it would unrighteously expel from its midst Yahweh’s righteous people, Yahweh’s appointed watchmen on behalf of the people.

The New Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh would not return evil for evil, but would return the evil of Apostate Israel with the love and righteousness of Yahweh associated with Jesus the Messiah, the Gospel of Christ, and the New Davidic/Abrahamic Covenant. Failure to remain faithful to the truth of the Gospel concerning all Jews would hinder the ultimate restoration (salvation) of all Israel. The conscience of all Messianic Jews and Gentiles, in accord with the testimony of Ezekiel, must remain innocent of the blood of those Jews rejecting the Gospel of Christ, thus refusing to repent and turn back to Yahweh:

And the word of the Lord [Yahweh] came to me saying, “Son of man, speak to the sons of your people, and say to them, ‘If I bring a sword upon a land, and the people of the land take one man from among them and make him their watchman; and he sees the sword coming upon the land, and blows on the trumpet and warns the people, then he who hears the sound of the trumpet and does not take warning, and a sword comes and takes him away, his blood will be on his own head. . . . But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet, and the people are not warned, and a sword comes and takes a person from them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will require from the watchman’s hand.’” (Ezekiel 33:1-4, 6 NASB)

As Yahweh had appointed Ezekiel a watchman over His people, so had Yahweh in the then present eschatological days of the Mosaic Eon appointed Jesus and the Messianic Jews and Gentiles watchmen over His people the Jews, citizens of the Southern Kingdom of Judah. To this end, Paul writes,

To no one are you to owe anything, except to owe one another in the community of Israel [allos = another of the same kind] the love of Yahweh manifested in Christ. For he [Messianic Jew or Gentile] who is loving the non-messianic Jew [heteros = another of a different kind] has fulfilled the law of Yahweh. For the following examples of Yahweh’s commandments:

You shall not commit adultery,

You shall not murder,

You shall not steal,

You shall not testify falsely,

You shall not covet,

and if there is any other commandment in the Law and the Prophets, are all summed up in this:

You shall love your associate as yourself.

This love of Yahweh expressed in the life of Jesus is not working evil to your non-messianic and Messianic associate in Israel. Therefore, the fulfillment of the spirit of Yahweh’s Law is that love expressed in the life of Jesus the Messiah. (Romans 13:8-10 my amplified translation)

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Eschatological Arousal: The Night Progresses, The Day is Near, Romans 13:11-14

This righteous, eschatological thinking-behaving in relation to the Jews as Yahweh’s elect people is all the more important because the season of Yahweh’s indignation (His vengeance against those Jews determined to remain stubborn and disobedient because of their uncircumcised hearts) is very near. For those Jewish and Gentile Messianics at Rome who have been sleeping in relation to their covenantal obligations, it is high time that they rouse themselves out of their unbecoming and unacceptable stupor. The consummation of the salvation of those in Christ is nearer than when they had initially believed the Gospel (Rom. 13:11).

The dark night of the Mosaic Eon is progressing vigorously toward its predetermined consummation. The day of Yahweh’s vengeance against His enemies, the day of Yahweh’s indignation against Apostate Israel, is near. The day of salvation is swiftly drawing to a close. Apostate Israel’s time for repentance is running out. The Messianic Jews and the Messianic Gentiles in Rome who have been thinking and behaving in accord with the mind of the flesh of the soulish/soilish man “should be putting off the acts of darkness [of the Sinatic/Mosaic Covenant, of the Mosaic Eon, of the old, Adamic, soulish/soilish man of flesh under the enslaving seduction of The Law of Sin and Death], yet should be putting on the implements of the light [of the New Davidic/Abrahamic Covenant, of the impending eon, of the new counter-altered soulish/spiritual man of the spirit under the liberating empowerment of The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus] (Rom. 13:12b CV).

Those Messianic Jews and Gentiles in Rome walking according to the flesh to the detriment of themselves, their Messianic and non-messianic brethren, and to the New Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh are exhorted by Paul to put off Adam and put on Christ. Paul exhorts them to discontinue walking according to the flesh and return to walking according to the spirit. They are to turn from their divisive ways and return to the unifying way of Jesus the Messiah. They are to desist from offending and dishonoring the non-messianic Jews for whom Jesus the Messiah had died and to actively love and honor the non-messianic Jews by treating them as beloved for the sake of the elect fathers, the election of Israel. The divisive Messianic Jews are encouragingly warned to humbly manifest the love of Yahweh (revealed in Christ) toward both their Messianic Gentile brethren and their beloved non-messianic Jewish kinsmen. The divisive Messianic Gentiles are encouragingly warned to graciously manifest this same love toward both their Messianic Jewish brethren and their non-messianic Jewish national brethren.

Watchmen, wake up out of covenantal sleep! Sound the trumpet of warning (boldly sound forth the testimony of the truth of the Gospel)! The sword of Yahweh is fast approaching. Those Messianic watchmen neglecting their responsibility in Christ will be held accountable by Yahweh for the blood of those Jews slain by His sword of righteous vengeance. These negligent watchmen will also have their part in Yahweh’s righteous judgment against the stubborn and disobedient Jews. Forfeiting their salvation, expelled from the Body of Christ as contaminated and contaminating, they will have their part in the Lake of Fire, the judgment of the Second Death, the national death associated with the breaking of the Sinatic Covenant at Mount Sinai when Israel had molded and worshiped the golden calf. Paul’s warning is crucial to the covenantal welfare of these negligent Messianic watchmen, of the New Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh, and of the salvation of the yet stubborn and rebellious Jews.

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Eschatological Judgment: The Dias of Yahweh, Romans 14:1-23

In the minutia issues of faith-obedience to the New Covenant, such as dietary issues of religious purity or holy days, the Messianic Jews and Messianic Gentiles are not to be judging or scornfully rejecting one another. The Israel of Yahweh must be unified, mutually loving one another, and holy, thereby nationally glorifying Yahweh. The minor issues stemming from the freedom in Christ are to be a matter of conscience: “Let each one be fully assured in his own mind” (Rom. 14:5b CV); “Now everything which is not out of faith is sin” (Rom. 14:23b CV).

One should not practice what one’s conscience is not fully assured. To practice that which one’s conscience doubts as appropriate is sin, that is, is missing the mark of faith-obedience. In those non-essential matters, Yahweh alone is authorized to judge His servants. Each will be praised or corrected by Yahweh Himself. For all in Christ “shall be presented at the dais of Yahweh” (Rom. 14:10b CV modified) where each will have his service evaluated.

This judgment is not one of condemnation, but of reward for faithful service during the eschatological period of persecution and affliction suffered on behalf of the righteousness of the Kingdom. This judgment is only for those in Christ who have shared in His sufferings on behalf of the righteousness of Yahweh. The dais of Yahweh is equivalent to the Bema Seat of Christ (2 Cor. 5:10) Who, acting as Yahweh’s authorized, Anointed Agent, evaluates the service rendered by His servants during the eschatological conflict of Israel’s civil war (see 1 Cor. 3:1-23). Only those faithful to the consummation of the Parousia participate in this presentation before Jesus the Messiah.

Isaiah had prophesied of this honorable presentation of Yahweh’s triumphant, conquering, valiant spiritual-warriors before their victorious, exalted Lord and Davidic Warrior-King:

Living am I, Yahweh is saying, For to Me shall bow every knee [of My faithful warriors of valor], And every tongue [of these valiant warriors] shall be acclaiming [the glory of] Yahweh! (Romans 14:11 CV modified)

Paul, thus, warns the Messianics at Rome of the possibility of dishonorable discharge from spiritual military service in the present eschatological conflict. His warning concludes,

Consequently, then, we [Messianic Jews and Gentiles] are pursuing that which makes for peace and that which is for edification of one another. (Romans 14:19 CV)

Hence, no one in Christ, appropriating his legitimate freedom in relation to the minutia issues, should, by this freedom, be placing a stumbling block before a weaker brother, whose conscience might be offended by the appropriation of such freedom:

For if, because of food, your brother is sorrowing, you are no longer walking according to love. Do not, by your food [covenantal minutia], destroy that one for whose sake Christ died. Let not, then, your good [your freedom in Christ] be calumniated [spoken against], for the kingdom of God is not food and drink [covenantal minutiae], but righteousness and peace and joy in holy spirit. For he who in this is slaving for Christ, is well pleasing to Yahweh and attested by the [non-messianic Jewish] men. (Romans 14:15-18 CV modified)

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Eschatological Suffering: Christ the Servant of the Circumcision, Romans 15:1-13

As Jesus the Messiah had borne the reproaches of the disobedient Jewish authorities on their behalf, seeking their welfare, their edification, so as to be properly fitting into the New Israel of Yahweh, the Temple not made with hands, so also those in Christ at Rome are to bear the infirmities of the impotent non-messianic Jews. They are to suffer the reproaches of these Jews who have continued to be unconvinced by the truth of the Gospel. They endure such suffering on behalf of these elect beloved brethren, seeking their spiritual edification, engaging in the preparation which will build them up to receive the truth of the Gospel so as to become spiritual stones properly fitting into the New Temple presently being constructed.

As Jesus “has become the Servant of the Circumcision, for the sake of the truth of Yahweh, to confirm the patriarchal promises” (Rom. 15:8 CV modified) to Abraham’s circumcised seed, as well as to his uncircumcised seed, so also those in Him should be servants of the circumcision (the Jews), seeking to confirm the promises made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob by loving those beloved unconvinced, circumcised Jews. Those in Christ are to be dwelling together with them in peace within the framework of synagogue worship and service and to be compassionately testifying to the truth of Yahweh, announced in the Gospel, concerning the promised Celestial Allotment which is The Hope of Israel. The confirmation of this hope implied the salvation of the nations, the uncircumcised seed of Abraham.

Salvation is of the Jews. If the Jews have not been saved, neither have or can the gentiles be saved. If the circumcised seed of Abraham (the Jewish nation) has not been saved and given access to the counter-alteration (sharing in the likeness of Christ’s death and resurrection) and its accompanying Celestial Allotment (The Hope of Israel), then the uncircumcised seed of Abraham (the Gentile nations) cannot and had not been given access to these patriarchal promises.

Both the Messianic Jews and Messianic Gentiles must understand that the salvation of the Jews has been confirmed by the present salvation of the nations. This is now a present sign to the non-messianic Jews, those who continue to be unpersuaded by the truth of the Gospel. The prophets themselves had foretold that the nations would glorify Yahweh for His mercy to Israel, because that mercy to Israel meant mercy to the nations:

“Therefore I [the prophet David] shall be acclaiming Thee among the nations,” “And to Thy name shall I be playing music.” And again he [the prophet Moses] is saying, “Be merry, ye nations, with His people!” And again he [the prophet David] is saying, “Praise the Lord, all the nations,” And “let all the peoples laud Him.” And again Isaiah is saying, there will be “the root of Jesse, And He Who is rising to be Chief of the nations: On Him will the nations rely.” (Romans 15:9b-12 CV)

The Hope of Israel has now been confirmed by the salvation of the nations, by Yahweh’s calling out from among the nations an uncircumcised people for His name.

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Eschatological Priesthood: The Approach Present of the Nations, Romans 15:14-33

Consequently, Paul’s priestly service as “the minister of Christ Jesus for [into] the nations” (Rom. 15:16a CV) is vital to the salvation of all Israel. In his mission to the nations, Paul perceives himself as a New Covenant cultic priest offering up to Yahweh in the New Temple made without hands those Gentile Messianics representing the uncircumcised seed of Abraham being called out from among the nations by Yahweh’s evangelistic call. Paul has been commissioned by Jesus the Messiah (the Son of David and The Son of Yahweh Who has been exalted to the throne of David and Yahweh) to evangelize the nations, announcing to them the Gospel of the Uncircumcision, which Gospel is a confirmation of the promises of Yahweh made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. This Gospel confirms the very hope of Israel.

The salvation of these Gentiles referred to as “the approach present of the nations” (Rom. 15:16b CV) is in the process of becoming well received by Yahweh as these Messianic Gentiles conform their thought and behavior (a) to the truth of the Gospel, (b) to the truth of the Apostolic Decree concerning these Messianic Gentiles (now joint-citizens of the Saints, the New Born-From-Above Israel), and (c) to the righteousness of Yahweh demonstrating to the non-messianic Jews the faithfulness of Yahweh to both Israel and the nations. Such righteous thought and behavior would become a testimony to the circumcised-in-heart non-messianic Jews still unconvinced of the truth of the Gospel concerning Jesus as Messiah, still unconvinced of the present restoration of Israel and the imminent arrival of the consummation of the hope of Israel.

The faithfulness of these Messianic Gentiles is to be perceived by all in Christ as Yahweh’s gift directly associated with the suffering of the Messianic Jews on behalf of Israel and the nations. Perceiving this truth, the Messianic Gentiles are to understand their role in the salvation of those non-messianic, circumcised-in-heart Jews to be brought into the faith of the Israel of Yahweh. The salvation of these non-messianic, circumcised-in-heart Jews will be through their jealous, zealous desire to also participate in the salvation of Yahweh presently demonstrated in the lives of their fellow Messianic Jews, and, even more impressively, demonstrated in the lives of the Messianic Gentiles worshiping and serving Yahweh together with them (the non-messianic and Messianic Jews) in the synagogues, as well as worshiping and serving Yahweh separately in the Messianic fellowship meetings taking place in various households during the interval between the sabbaths. The faith-obedience of the Messianic Jews and Messianic Gentiles is testifying to the truth that Jesus is Israel’s Messiah and Savior, and that the righteous, Yahweh-fearing, Messianic Gentiles representing the faithful uncircumcised seed of Abraham from among the nations are presently sharing in the blessings of the congregation of Israel, the blessings of the New Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh prophesied by the prophets. The truth of the Gospel does not represent a break with Israel’s soteriological history, but is its fulfillment.

The Gentile Messianics are to subordinate themselves to the synagogue authorities and to the non-messianic Jews in accord with the righteousness of Yahweh associated with Jesus the Messiah, in accord with the truth of the Gospel, and in accord with the terms of the New Davidic/Abrahamic Covenant. This righteous, faith-obedience subordination is to be offered up to Yahweh for the benefit of those non-messianic Jews presently stumbling, but soon to regain their righteous standing before Yahweh and His Anointed Son/King as a result of the opening of their blind eyes and melting of their hardened hearts by the revelation of the glory of all those in Christ. Thus, the righteous thought and behavior of the Messianic Gentiles among the Jews, both within and outside their synagogues, are in the process of being well received by Yahweh as these Messianic Gentiles have been sanctified by the counter-altering holy spirit. Their faith-obedient thought and behavior among the Jews, as well as the collection gathered from among the Messianic Gentiles in Macedonia, Achaia, and Asia Minor, are soon to be well received by the Saints at Jerusalem and Judea and by the circumcised-in-heart non-messianic Jews.

However, both these righteous endeavors are soon to result in the outbreak of blatantly arrogant civil war, separating Apostate Israel from the New Born-From-Above Israel. The Jewish arrogant decision to revolt against Rome in the name of her God and religion, clearly revealing Apostate Israel’s national hubris, would officially divide the nation into two kingdoms, two nations, separating the synagogues from the house ecclesias (assemblies) of the Messianic Jews and Gentiles. The non-messianic uncircumcised-in-heart Jews would declare religious (holy) war against all Messianic Jews and Gentiles, expelling them from the synagogues. This act, and the accompanying revelation of the glory of the Messianics, would result in the opening of the blind eyes and melting of the hardened hearts of the remaining circumcised-in-heart Jews, now no longer remaining unconvinced concerning the truth of the Gospel. The abhorrent madness of the apostate nation, the Judaistic Commonwealth of Israel, will have also contributed to the clear identity of the faithful people of Yahweh.

Paul has completed his evangelization in the eastern territories of the empire: “so that, from Jerusalem and around unto Illyricum, I have completed the evangel of the Christ [the Messiah] (Rom. 15:19b CV). He seeks to proclaim the Gospel where it has not yet been announced. He has established assemblies in Galatia, Asia Minor, Macedonia, and Achaia. These Messianics are continuing to evangelize these territories, and, where possible, still attending the synagogues in these territories. Paul is now on his way to deliver the contribution of the Messianic Gentiles to the Saints in Jerusalem and Judea. For “. . . they [the Gentiles] are their [the Jews] debtors, for if the nations participate in their spiritual things, they ought to minister to them in fleshly things also” (Rom. 15:27b CV). Paul intends, having completed this priestly duty, to journey to Rome after which he plans to evangelize the western territories of the empire, the furthermost being Spain.

Whether Paul actually fulfilled this final evangelization is not recorded. If this western territory was included by Yahweh in the territories to be evangelized, Paul would certainly have fulfilled his apostolic obligation. The important point to remember is that the Gospel would be proclaimed in all the territories within the Roman Empire in which resided those chosen to hear it. This may or may not have included the territories west of Rome. In any case, the Gospel would be proclaimed in that generation to all elected by Yahweh to hear it. This was accomplished according to the word of Yahweh’s Son/King and His Apostles.

As it turned out, Paul did get to Rome, but not as he had thought or planned. The record of Acts informs the reader of Paul’s imprisonment and journey to Rome as a result of his appeal to Caesar. The record does not indicate a continuation of evangelization in the territories west of Rome. It seems reasonable to conclude that there was no need for any further evangelization. The work had been completed with Paul’s ministry in Rome.

While in Rome, the Jewish revolt against Rome and the Messianic ecclesias would have begun. The time of Jacob’s trouble would have been initiated. The Parousia/Approach of the New Davidic Warrior-King would have been commenced, during which the season of salvation would be passing and the season of the day of Yahweh would be rising with the dawn of the new day. The judgment of the old eon would take place. Apostate Israel, arrogantly refusing to repent in spite of Yahweh’s compassionate mercy, would be covenantally executed in accord with the sentence of death pronounced upon her at Sinai. The Israel of Yahweh, faithful to the end of the conflict, would enter into her Celestial Allotment.

Since all these events had been recorded elsewhere, there was no need for Luke to continue his historical account any further. The Gospel had been proclaimed to all those chosen to hear it. There was no need to write of the coming Parousia and Day of Yahweh, for this period had been thoroughly described symbolically and metaphorically in the Book of Revelation. After the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple in 70 A.D., all the inspired and commissioned writers had entered into their Celestial Allotment. Thus, no inspired writer would be left to describe the actual destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple. Indeed, no inspired writer needed to write of this historic occasion. It had been clearly prophesied and proclaimed before its actual occurrence. Those to whom it had been prophetically written had been faithful to the prophetic word of warning. These had no need for further accounts, since they had experienced the fulfillment and had entered into the Celestial Allotment of the conquering ones. Those left behind as a result of not being faithful to the end needed only to believe what had already been written and fulfilled.

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Eschatological Victory: The Elohim of Peace
Will Be Crushing Satan Under Your Feet Swiftly, Romans 16:1-27

Paul, understanding the eschatological season and the signs of the conclusion of the eon, assures the Messianic Jews and Gentiles at Rome that Yahweh, the Elohim of peace, will soon be “crushing Satan under your feet swiftly” (Rom. 16:20b CV). Satan, The Adversary ruling over Apostate Israel will soon be defeated, removed from his authority over an arrogantly disobedient Israel and from his authority over the arrogantly disobedient nations. The Seed of the Woman Eve (Jesus the Messiah) had received the wound of the seed of the Serpent (the Cainites), rising out from among the dead and crushing the head of the seed of the Serpent, as represented by Cainite Israel, in fulfillment of Genesis 3:15.

Satan would shortly be removed from his assigned position over humanity. He would be removed as Yahweh’s Prosecuting Attorney against mankind. There would no longer be a need for such a prosecuting attorney. Jesus the only legitimate Son of Adam, the Only-Generated Son of Yahweh would now become the sole Advocate of humanity. His advocacy would secure the future triumph of mankind in its quest to attain the maturity of Celestial Sonship.

Satan would shortly be crushed under the feet of the Ecclesia of Christ, the New Born-From-Above Israel of Yahweh, during the swift occurrence of the events making up the Parousia of Christ and the Day of Yahweh. Yahweh, the Elohim of the peace prophesied in the Law and the Prophets, was about to be vindicating the suffering of His faithful people. He would administer just judgment against Apostate Israel and lead His elect, holy, New Born-From-Above Nation into the peace of her promised Celestial Allotment. The hope of Israel was about to become a reality for the righteous people of Yahweh living and remaining faithful to Christ in that present eschatological generation:

Now To Him [Yahweh] Who is able to establish you in accord with My Gospel [the Gospel of the Uncircumcision confirming the salvation of Israel] and the proclamation of Christ Jesus in accord with a secret revelation having been hushed in eonian times, but now manifested, and, through prophetic scriptures [both Greek and Hebrew], according to the authoritative decree of the eonian Elohim [the Elohim Who creates and designs the eons], being made known into all the nations for faith-obedience—To the only and wise Elohim [Yahweh] through Christ Jesus be the glory into the eons of the eons. Amen! (Romans 16:25-27 my translation)